Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #11

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Love your posts Mountainhigh, however, the Telegraph story says that the police have been back to interview TMc and in para 5 indicates that "the affair has been a focus of investigations". Do you think this is newspaper gossip, or might there be something in the fact that the police have interviewed her on three occasions??

Hi Detect, I know of 2 other people who have been interviewed twice and I understand his 'business dealings' have also been a focus of investigations.
I have no doubt that the fact that we was having an affair sent alarm bells ringing (well we know it did), but I think a lot of people in this forum simply are not aware that it is the Police's job to interview a number of people on a number of occasions. Things will come to light as a result of something someone said so they need to whip back POI #4 in to verify it or rule it out. This isn't CSI, one hour episodes (sorry i am not being rude).

on another matter, rumour not fact of course has just landed in my lap.

1. It involves drugging of ABC by you know who. (so perhaps the chemist is going to play a part again)

2. The Big Kohuna is implicated after the fact.
Does anybody else find it a bit strange, if reports are correct, that close family members have all been out and about at the Brookfield Show? GBC and his parents and ABC's parents as well. Personally, I'd be retreating into a sorrowful shell if this happened.

Maybe in the interest of the kids, possibly? But if the report, which was posted in this forum, is true that they were all seen in the bar together, it does suggest that that ABC's mum and dad don't suspect GBC. I just can't understand why they would even want to be in the vicinity of the person who killed their daughter.

Even if it was for the kids' sake, it would be nearly impossible to hold up the appearance of normal activities, going to the show and knowing your daughter's murderer was there.

No theory on this, but just more odd behaviour IMO in what I find a very odd and complex case.

If this was the case - then their behaviour is odd to many - but not to all. They are all Christians - Christian people behave different from those around them - although it is highly questionable how Christian GBC is if all this stuff about 'affairs' is correct. The reason why you see the Dickies as being 'different' is simply because of their Christian beliefs... this is what strengthens them. I don't know anything about GBC parents as they have hardly been in the news at all.... but the Dickies come across with great love and compassion.
Pretty clever Perp. Kills ABC for whatever reason (seems she was a nice lady - hard to believe she had enemies), then somehow gets the car keys, drives around with ABC in the car, dumps her body, replaces the car, puts the keys back where he/she got them from, then proceeds to set up GBC. IMO that's a long stretch.

Problem is that there doesn't seem at this stage to be a lot of evidence, that we know of, pointing directly to GBC. Statistically obvious? Yes. Some odd behavior in the face of the media? Yes. An arrogant womaniser? Yes.

But what else has been actually verified in terms of GBC being the killer? I agree he is he prime suspect, but from what we really know, the evidence is slim.
Yay.....I thought that very early on. This guy is a sociopath. No guilt???

PS I think I may be in love with you xx
No!!! It's my job to fall for all of the intelligent beings on here so that I can ask them to marry me. Don't you know the rules? I'm sure it's in the TOS
Bags of shredded paper were confiscated from his parents house (and possibly the office too).

Yes there was a news report of detectives seizing bags of sredded documents/papers from the C21 office. (I am not sure on the shredded paper from the parents house, but GBC laptop computer was taken from there)
Agree, perhaps he would have been better off speaking publicly.......but also perhaps he wasn't in a state to. The other side to it is to look at all of the people who proclaim the innocence very publicly and often emotionally and then later get found guilty. I am sure that his lawyer would have strongly discouraged his public speaking too.

I just can't understand the benefit to him of not confessing if he is guilty. He must have realized ages ago if he is guilty that he will get caught with all of the focus on why net get over it and confess if he is guilty.To me not confessing if he is guilty has only made whatever punishment that he will get be greater because of all of the effort that has gone into the case in so many ways. The only benefit to not confessing would be to give him that little bit of extra time with his daughters.

We will all have to wait and see. Maybe it will all turn out differently to what all of us expect. I hope so for the girls sake.

I agree, I think it would make it even worse in the end if he is found guilty.{The fact that he is not telling what happened} Surely it would be of some benefit to come clean. Especially if was accidental, the best thing he could have done in that case would to be to call 000. Another reason some people do not freely admit it is because they hope that they will get away with it... that perhaps there won't be enough evidence in the end.

I agree that it would be terrific for their daughter's sake if he really didn't have anything to do with it.. but IMO I'm thinking the other way. JMO. I hope I'm wrong. :)
If this was the case - then their behaviour is odd to many - but not to all. They are all Christians - Christian people behave different from those around them - although it is highly questionable how Christian GBC is if all this stuff about 'affairs' is correct. The reason why you see the Dickies as being 'different' is simply because of their Christian beliefs... this is what strengthens them. I don't know anything about GBC parents as they have hardly been in the news at all.... but the Dickies come across with great love and compassion.

That's very interesting from my POV. So ABC's family was devoted to the Christian faith as opposed just to being your average Christian like I am e.g. don't go to church but think JC was a cool dude. Given that there is a pastor on the other side of the family I wonder if they have a connection in this area?
Problem is that there doesn't seem at this stage to be a lot of evidence, that we know of, pointing directly to GBC. Statistically obvious? Yes. Some odd behavior in the face of the media? Yes. An arrogant womaniser? Yes.

But what else has been actually verified in terms of GBC being the killer? I agree he is he prime suspect, but from what we really know, the evidence is slim.

Except that we don't know yet what the police discovered in the vehicles, on the computers or the phones, or what the witnesses told them about the vehicles they saw. I'm hopeful that the police do have what it takes to make an arrest soon.
FYI I've had an affair with a married man. I will not go in to details except to say that when it started I was lead to believe one thing, and later found out that wasn't correct. Things got really confusing and heartbreaking, but nobody wound up dead. Everyone here should probably hop down off their high horses for a moment and realise that we all make mistakes, make bad choices, or go against our better judgement.
Firstly I agree completely with this post Willough...but was wondering is her husband definitely a pastor?? Perhaps am not allowed to ask this as they are not POI's...

Yes he is . We dont know that they do support GBC having affairs. I imgaine they might like most people woudl not think it a fair thing to do . But we dont now that
Sorry....I was a bit below the belt.

As I said earlier, his is foremost....But you seem to dissolve her responsibility all together....You do realize when he bent to kiss her......she said yes....and that was wrong too...........Both equally to me.

Sorry, when did he bend to kiss her? Do you have link for that?
I have had dealings with a few people convicted of homicide offences. The ones who were fairly typical people who killed due to extraordinary circumstances or intolerable stresses were all charged relatively quickly. Those who were convicted on circumstantial evidence were all sociopaths and took a long time to catch and charge. They never admitted anything, even the smallest detail, and never felt any internal pressure to provide details to family members, even anonymously after release from prison decades later. It strikes me that this may well have been a killing which involved sociopathic personalities. It has some of the hall marks.

There have been a few posts mentioning narcissists and I was curious are they considered to be the same as sociopaths? Would think possibly not...

I recently read a *non-fiction* book called Dangerous Liasons ...It was about the mask behind sociopathic personalities...Chilling because it is almost impossible to pick them as they wear a mask that fools the majority of people...
That's very interesting from my POV. So ABC's family was devoted to the Christian faith as opposed just to being your average Christian like I am e.g. don't go to church but think JC was a cool dude. Given that there is a pastor on the other side of the family I wonder if they have a connection in this area?

haha thats what I say!!!! I got no problem with JC
She doesn't *have* to. It just seems logical to me that anyone who was wrongly connected to a murder would want to clear their name ASAP.

All she has to do is write a simple statement and release it to the media. Another poster(sorry I forget your name, sounds like Osaka) has already done this for her if she has a sudden case fo writer's block.

Most everyone has at one time or another been accused of doing or being involved in something that they are innocent of, and know full well the feeling of outrage that comes along with that.

How many people would sit back and not speak out and defend themselves when wrongly implicated in something as serious as murder?

What person would think not to defend themselves? Hell, even guilty people proclaim their innocence right up to the electric chair.

Then why are you commentating on it? By your own logic, unless you have been implicated in a murder, you are in no place to defend TM.

Who is "we". I don't take this statement for granted.

I don't accept random google searches as an authority on what is or is not common in our society. perhaps you could find some references to studies in peer reviewed journals that support your statement.

'Stoning' IS illegal, morally wrong and certainly not rife in Australian society. I absolutely have a low opinion of anyone who would subject another individual to such a torturous death in low opinion.

According to the story TM has freely admitted to the affair. I'm not sure how that undermines her right to privacy.

Sensationalism is the currency of the mass media, but the facts reported that she had an affair with GBC and was extensively interviewed by the police are true.

I’m not sure what you mean here or how it is relevant to the case.

Agree, but I doubt the majority of the other people were having an affair with GBC.

I'm not sure what this means. Are you talking about social status? How is this relevant?
Are you talking about murder specifically when you say "the husband is always right at the very top of the food chain in cases like this"?

I don't know. You accused me of being naive about the mass media in a previous post so I'm not sure why you're asking me this.

If you don’t know if she is involved then why are you defending her?

How can I know "100% for sure that QPS wouldn't be telling them."?

Who is "them"? Do you mean the media?

If we knew about it then the media knew about it. If the public did not know about it then surely this justifies the media in running a story about it.

Kidding themselves about what?

No, because the media are not psychics and don’t know what the police haven't told them about.

Really? You think the affair is a bigger 'story' than who killed Allison?

BEST.REPLY.EVER. Awesome job!
Yes, I fully agree. I believe that the article did state that TM had confessed to the police about the affair and..... (obviously other stuff!).

IMO this was a message to GBC...."Watch out, TM has squeeled and we know it all, so you better confess."

Yes great comment maverick.......remember everyone, the Sunday Mail Affair article says this evidence was confirmed by police and CENTRAL to investigations.......

So I think her "shock, horror, I am distraught" statement through her Mother are a bit phoney toooooooooo........KWIM wink wink nudge nudge IMO.

She is in dib dib dobbing first haha to save her face.....looks like a daffy duck too btw lol
"Perhaps that explains why you are so defensive of TM because you do not like confrontation and therefore you understand why she would seek to hide despite your belief that she is innocent"

hey by the way paradox11!

we are all persumed innocent!
its not my belief, its our system,even he is at the moment...

Presumed innocent doesn't = innocent.

Someone who knows they are innocent will logically act in one manner, while someone who knows they are guilty will act in another.

Not 100% predictable, but we have to question people's actions to get to the truth.
Sorry....I was a bit below the belt.

As I said earlier, his is foremost....But you seem to dissolve her responsibility all together....You do realize when he bent to kiss her......she said yes....and that was wrong too...........Both equally to me.

Ha its ok :)
I don't wanna fall out with you, you seem like a sweet person. there are a few red necks floating about here that i would dismiss pretty quickly though.

yes i understand and agree. lets agree to disagree just a bit. I am big on making your own bed and having to lie in it and blame nobody but yourself kind of thing....
she stuffed up. BIG time!..she was recently separated, probably very insecure. I asked one of her friends recently "why him"? eyebrows raised. apart from the fact he was married I asked anyway...
The response: "a charmer I guess" VOMIT VOMIT

one mistake has now cost her her reputation and her family a lot of embarresment and unnecessary grief.
and before anyone jumps in and says 'oh yea what about ABC, look whats its cost her"
give me some credit. i understand full well why we are all here.
i think if you were to ask ABC's parents do they blame TM for her death, the answer would be NO!. "we blame the killer for our daughters death"

so maybe that s something to think about....
not sure if we are supposed to get personal willough! are you offering?? these are MO only.
Hey, "how about this rat made her life very hard first and foremost"....
and how about when someone can definitively show me that this affair was the sole reason this lovely lady is no longer breathing then I will jump on the hate band wagon that you are all on......


I am not on a hate bandwagon. I am keeping an open mind.
A woman is dead and her children are without their Mother.
I agree with the poster who spoke about Allison laying cold in a dirty creek
for 10/11 days - I can't comprehend how anyone could do that and it gives me the creeps. I would like to see justice done.

What stands out to me like a beacon is the sense of grace portrayed by the Dickies. Their loss is immeasurable and yet they appear steadfast in their love for each other and their daughter. It was heartbreaking watching them on television and difficult to comprehend their feelings of sorrow when they found out their daughter had been found.
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