Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #11

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If the police have a "suspect" why are they asking for more info from the public, I think they're stumped.... GBC has a short uncomplicated story that he has given the police and he's sticking to it ......and they can't crack it.

Hi Lady C, maybe because "more" info is always better? I'd think it's better to have 10 witnesses to an event than 1 or 2. Wouldn't 10 witnesses do a better job than 2 witnesses of removing any juror's "reasonable doubt"???

If the reports in the media are to be believed then IMO GBC's story is vague and contradictory. Went for a walk at 10pm, was watching The Footy Show at 10pm or went for an early morning walk....which is it??

Not to mention he hasn't actually made a formal statement to police yet.

We don't actually know how much info QPS have and they are not revealing anything.

I also think that if QPS think he is the perp then they would want to do alot more than crack his alibi. They would want to prove he did it, how he did it and why he did....again, beyond a reasonable doubt.
it seemed purely speculation too, just the fact that she worked there was young and pretty seemed about all anyone had to say, IMO she was not connected by anything other than where she worked

And that is the danger if people start just randomly digging peoples names out of the hat who may in some way be associated.
I think it was in thread 1 or 2, a post was made that said something good would come of this terrible crime against Allison, but it has disappeared. A legacy
that would live on in her name:banghead:. Some of you here who were on this site at the beginning may remember.

Yes I said that.
It was part of information I submitted to the Command Post when Allison was still a missing person. Unfortunately I wasn't aware of the rules on this forum and it was deleted.
Would you go for a walk or turn in?
I'd take a walk at night if it was a warmish night but only to take the dog for a walk coz no way would I take a walk just for the sake of going for a walk. I hate going for walks in the street just for the sake of a walk. But the dog's too old and lazy now and that suits me fine.

I feel safe enough here, doesn't spook me out and half the time I never lock the house up when going to the shops.

Not sure how 'safe' the area is where Allison lived nor if it's common for people to be walking out at the hour of the night dog or no dog in tow.
Hi Lady C, maybe because "more" info is always better? I'd think it's better to have 10 witnesses to an event than 1 or 2. Wouldn't 10 witnesses do a better job than 2 witnesses of removing any juror's "reasonable doubt"???

We don't actually know how much info QPS have and they are not revealing anything.

I also think that if QPS think he is the perp then they would want to do alot more than crack his alibi. They would want to prove he did it, how he did it and why he did....again, beyond a reasonable doubt.

Totally. Regardless of who the police think or know did it. They need every speck of evidence and witnesses etc. To put together a very tight case, there is no point going in there with a half baked theory and circumstancial evidence, or a couple of witness stories who the defence may shoot holes through. They need to have everything they can to make a case stick and a conviction. If they don't then a perp may well walk, then its all lost.
Yes very true. It is and has been a high profile case. Though I can not possibly fathom how the mind would work of someone who would do such a thing. I really can't. Are they so devious to think they would get away with it, or did they just not think that far ahead? I don't know.

Are they so devious ?? ...yes...prisons are full of them.
Yes I said that.
It was part of information I submitted to the Command Post when Allison was still a missing person. Unfortunately I wasn't aware of the rules on this forum and it was deleted.

I guess depending on the outcome of her death, and whether it was perpetuated against her because of her husbands infidelities and domestic violence, then I believe she is already leaving her legacy for women who have been in her situation before. Through her death she has united a lot of people on this site, and many more who don't watch or participate in this thread. I believe some good has to come out of her and her families loss. I have faith that it will, in big ways too
I go for walks at night late, but that's in the city, fringe of CBD, and with my dog. It's an extremely well lit area.

But I've been to Bellbowrie (not Brookfield I know) at a friend's place at night and the streets seem pitch black. The only place you could possibly walk at that time would be on the main road, but wearing grey and black you'd be mad to walk wearing that.
IMO I think the children were at home Thursday night and GBC's sister took them to school Friday morning.

I am still catching up, so not sure if its been said. But It has been reported in media and from people on this forum who had local knowledge, that the kids were at a sleepover with the grandparents on the Thurs night Allison dissapeared, not at home.
I wouldn't be walking anywhere - especially with work/ conference tomorrow! I would be tucked up in bed.

I don't know how long she would walk for but I walk for around an hour. So an hours walk then shower get ready for bed it would be closer to midnight before she could get to sleep.

With a early start the next day and a conference that you want to be alert for you would think she would have gone to bed a little earlier than usual.
I think that we (as in society) have a big role to play too in educating boys/men etc

Women are just as capable of DV as men, speaking from experience. I came from a home where my mother was assaulted I ended up with a gf who used to get into rages about things as trivial as a WAITER looking at me, let's not get into generalisations and stick to the topic. Not everyone is cut from the same cloth.
Well, another rumour I recall hearing/reading about early on in the investigation is that GBC was not actually the person who called the police that morning. Instead, one of the neighbours did - telling them about the “loud shouting/fighting” they heard from the residence the night before, and that it might be worth checking in to see if everything is okay. Consequently, when the police did arrive that morning, GBC and NBC were caught completely off-guard. When asked if everything is okay, NBC only THEN reports to the police that his wife has been “missing” for several hours.

WOW! KG1. I only attend this thread intermittently. Obviously I have missed the rumours about GBC and NGC being at the house at 7.30am and NBC vacuuming ABC's car when the Police arrived. It is interesting that a neighbour phoned the Police and asked them to check on the welfare of those next door following loud, disturbing screeming/arguments the night before.

It was for that reason that we needed clarification on whether the two people seen in ABC's driveway loading up the Prado that evering were male/female? or male/male etc. Going by this, allegedly it could have been GBC and NBC.

Fuskier, none of the above is my quote. I live in another State and I think you have picked up the wrong poster, or there are gremlins in the system.
At this hour on the night it was pretty much the same conditions (established) and it was low tide I think. I am thinking would you now go in the car and shine lights over the water and get disillusioned because of the tide? Call in help?
Just catching sorry this is from quite a few pages back. But I had to say, Being Christian, does not necessarily mean you are 'without sin', I do know of 'good church going Christians' who have had affairs and not been morally as might be thought. (I am not saying this to knock any religion, just IMO it doesn't necessarily mean you are a perfect person without 'sins' or morally above others, and are also vunerable to many of the same issues and corruptions as anyother human being) Just MOO to get back to catching up.. its a real b**ger when theres heaps of posts to catch up on!

Christians aren't perfect...they are just forgiven if they repent. Christians know that they will not live the perfect life according to how God wants us to live as outlined in the bible. They will seek to live how God wants with the help of His Holy Spirit. As humans they will struggle and make mistakes, but their struggle and desire is to live in a way the brings God glory and honour. Someone who was truly a Christian would know that affairs and domestic violence is wrong and not how God wants us to live. They may as humble humans fall into these ungodly ways of living, but if they are truly a Christian they will repent and seek with God's help to get out of ungodly habits in living. As humble humans..this may be a struggle too.
Are they so devious ?? ...yes...prisons are full of them.

thanks Marlywings, I was just thinking outloud and responding to the post about how a perp probably did not expect the attention the case was getting. And as I said my mind just can't go there to imagine doing something like that and being so arrogant and evil and to think somehow you could do that and get away with it. Quite obviously the prisons are full of them, but my thinking really was, do they think they can get away with it or are they just not thinking. I guess that could come down to heat of the moment or premeditation.
Another former employee?

It's one level of terribleness to have an affair. It's a whole other level of it to have it with someone from your office where your wife is also listed as an employee. How could you do that to your wife? How could you expect your employees to respect you and keep your secret? An arrogance? Imagine the awful embarrassment to Allison finding out that he was having an affair with a staff member and the others in the office knew. Like the joke's on you. Photos of them on the sisters Facebook apparently too as if no attempt to hide it. Such slaps in the face and to the ego. I imagine she would have been so hurt and angry.

I don't think she is a former employee, but she is in real estate (or was in real estate at some point).
After much speculating here for a while, it was reported in the media that the kids were at a sleepover on Thursday evening. The article must be in the Timeline Thread if anybody wants to check. Sorry, don't recall the date.

Someone local and "in the know" said Olivia flew down on Saturday morning.

And has she left yet ? Anyone know ?
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