Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #11

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How do you prove that you are home alone asleep? Really if that is the case there is nothing that he can do to prove that. The only way is for the police to find evidence that he wasn't at home asleep because he was seen in a car somewhere by someone. If they can't find evidence that he wasn't at home then they have to believe that he was at home alone.

GBC and his lawyer may have decided that in this instance it is impossible to have evidence that you are home alone asleep and the simplest thing that you to do is to let the police sort it out. If you are a prime suspect they will not necessarily believe what you say anyway.

Oh yes just like in the Max Sica case...he was "at home & asleep"...funny that.
Just catching sorry this is from quite a few pages back. But I had to say, Being Christian, does not necessarily mean you are 'without sin', I do know of 'good church going Christians' who have had affairs and not been morally as might be thought. (I am not saying this to knock any religion, just IMO it doesn't necessarily mean you are a perfect person without 'sins' or morally above others, and are also vunerable to many of the same issues and corruptions as anyother human being) Just MOO to get back to catching up.. its a real b**ger when theres heaps of posts to catch up on!

haha yes i know, I have only read about half the posts tonight Im back and forth and all over the show.....time to get some sleep I think
Local gossip: lately the children spent Thursday night at a sleepover as its the night that gbc and abc would go to marriage coucilling together.

Interesting. The local gossip I'd heard is that Thursday night was the night he and his lady friend would rendezvous.
Interesting. The local gossip I'd heard is that Thursday night was the night he and his lady friend would rendezvous.

oooh thats interesting too...If THIS is the case, then damn I still have goosebumps
Im not as convinced on this. I think the fact that the police have interviewed her so many times and for such long periods at times, is telling. If she was assisting police with her enquiries would she hire a lawyer? is this normal behaviour for someone not a suspect who is being very helpful and informative? Would the police allow her to be named and shamed in the media if she was working with them? (that is providing the police can actually stop the media on what is released and I thought they could?) to me it looks like the QPS are not assisting HER in any way in appreciation for help cooperation and help. its seems like to me that they don't think to much of her either IMO

Agreed minni that may very well be the case, I just think if I was in her position and found myself caught up in the middle of a murder investigation then I would be **** scared and getting myself legal advice too.

Maybe I'm just a softie, but I really hope for her sake the only thing she is guilty of is having an affair and she isn't involved in anything more sinister.
In that case, if it was me, I'd be getting my lawyer in the media and to state my case. Lawyers are good at that. If my lawyer wouldn't, then I would do it myself. Saying I was home alone can't get me into any trouble if I was really home alone. If it was true, and the lawyer started having things to say, then some people may have changed their opinion. It's just odd that it's all so very....quiet. IMO

One of the issues is (from people in the know) that apparently the kids were at home with him when the police arrived, and he said the kids were there all night, but one of the girls said "no, we were not". But, this is just local gossip. Also, it is said that there was a lawyer with him when the police arrived.
If they can prove he was out and about, or that he was not sleeping but texting, calling, googling madly for most of the night, then he is lying to them!

As I've just mentioned the Max Sica case...he tried to wipe out his hard drive the night the murders took place. Perhaps GBC was also attempting this.

I think police will bust his "home & asleep" alibi...20 detectives on the case :)
Interesting. The local gossip I'd heard is that Thursday night was the night he and his lady friend would rendezvous.

This would then tie in with what she reportedly said to her hairdresser: that she had the night off (no kids, and now maybe no husband??).
If the police have a "suspect" why are they asking for more info from the public, I think they're stumped.... GBC has a short uncomplicated story that he has given the police and he's sticking to it ......and they can't crack it.
Do you think that gbc's silence / lack of searching or apparent public concern may have been because he knew that if all this stuff about the affairs came out, he would just look like a total hypocrite?

I do think it could come into some of the way he has reacted or not reacted as it may be. He has probably been packing it that the story was going to come out and just what that was going to look like to have that out there. But who knows whats been going though his head. It depends on if he is guilty or not , lol.
It will be very interesting if and when we finally get the facts on this case, to go back over all this. I think for each step of the way we have covered about 5 or 6 possibilities, kids were home, kids weren't, kids were home for half the night, kids were there in the morning, kids weren't there in the morning, OW was there, lawyer was there, NBC was there, GBC was vaccuuming car, and so on and so on. It will almost be a relief because all the 'whodunnit' suspense leaves me entertaining each one of these scenarios, heading off down that road on a tangent, then realising some of it doesnt quite feel right. AND THEN IM BACK TO SQUARE ONE!!
It is pitch black and quiet. No dogs barking. Possums serene. This is as close as it gets and my sea grey car looks blue in headlights. Just had a look.

IMO similar to nbcs grey car looking blue on Thursday night.
I do think it could come into some of the way he has reacted or not reacted as it may be. He has probably been packing it that the story was going to come out and just what that was going to look like to have that out there. But who knows whats been going though his head. It depends on if he is guilty or not , lol.

I'll bet whomever was involved in ABC's death that night didn't expect the level of public interest and chatter that it has.

I'd say too the attention in hearing about it has led to more people coming forward with information.
I just think that if he was innocent, there is so much more he could have done. He knows there is alot of speculation, and alot of focus on himself and his family. Why wouldn't he just give a statement {approved by his lawyer} stating what his version is? One reason could be that he doesn't want to commit to any one version... so he change it later if he needs to?

He could have even given a statement saying that he won't be giving a statement. {Sounds weird, but I know what I mean. haha}
If he is innocent, what harm can he possibly do by going on TV and saying "Please do all you can to help find the person who did this? I'll even offer a reward if anyone saw me.. cough cough, um, I didn't mean to say that , sorry...."
Its just getting messy now, little info and those in the know
even having different versions. Makes it hard to work out whats what IMO
Yes, yes, yes. I too was wondering about this ;):woohoo:

Ok now we need to do some digging around and to find more dirt on the other possible mistresses. If anyone knows anything or has read anything then are we allowed to "speculate" on it by posting initials???? I can't sleep over all this..... o-O
It will be very interesting if and when we finally get the facts on this case, to go back over all this. I think for each step of the way we have covered about 5 or 6 possibilities, kids were home, kids weren't, kids were home for half the night, kids were there in the morning, kids weren't there in the morning, OW was there, lawyer was there, NBC was there, GBC was vaccuuming car, and so on and so on. It will almost be a relief because all the 'whodunnit' suspense leaves me entertaining each one of these scenarios, heading off down that road on a tangent, then realising some of it doesnt quite feel right. AND THEN IM BACK TO SQUARE ONE!!

And this is just the debate on who was at the house that morning!!! the mind is boggled
How do you prove that you are home alone asleep? Really if that is the case there is nothing that he can do to prove that. The only way is for the police to find evidence that he wasn't at home asleep because he was seen in a car somewhere by someone. If they can't find evidence that he wasn't at home then they have to believe that he was at home alone.

GBC and his lawyer may have decided that in this instance it is impossible to have evidence that you are home alone asleep and the simplest thing that you to do is to let the police sort it out. If you are a prime suspect they will not necessarily believe what you say anyway.

If he can show no cellphone activity, no "warm car" the next morning, it might help, but I think that he might have called his "possum" and he would have called his dad for help. That activity will show on his phone or on his dad's phone. Just a thought....
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