Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #11

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I have posted quotes from it from the Queensland Times above if you look.

Thanks lil love......That is great.

This info we are talking about is different though. He went on his (I think his) facebook page and spat venom at the media....He criticised the media and those not allowing their privacy....He made it seem like they were the victims...and used a couple of religious comments to add force to his comments. He said people would get their own back....and referred to points in the bible (Mark) if I recall rightly. (and we were mortified that he would refer to the bible in any manner regarding her disappearance/murder).

Thanks for finding that info though, that was helpful too :) Huggles
For anyone that's interested i was just talking to my friend and he has sent through the information of what he sent to crimestoppers

On the morning of the 20th my friend and i were driving through the roundabout going up to Brookfield road. On the side of the bridge where Allison was found we noticed a white van driving slowly over the bridge. When it got to the other side we noticed that it came to a complete stop, A guy with blonde hair, about 5'11", clean shaven with a noticable tattoo got out of this van and was looking very strange. It was like he was watching out to make sure noone was in the area.

Hair colour Blonde
Height 5'11"
hair length Medium
build Average
complexion Fair
clothes Blue Jeans, white shirt and gloves ( which looked like gardening gloves)

Description of van (which he told me)

White in colour, Damaged left hand side headlight and number plate started with RA but he didn't have a pen to write it down.

He told me that the guy looked very strange and wondered what he was doing in that particular area. He has reported it to crimestoppers twice now so hopefully they will look into it this time
Some women will put up with a cheating partner and focus on the kids awaiting they day when they think they will get out .. like 'when all kids are in secondary school' or 'when the youngest turns 10' for instance. Still how excruciatingly painful for her to have to live with this kind of ongoing humiliation. GBC obviously depersonalised Allison long before he [presumably] murdered her.

A very sad final few years she must have led. So sad. So pointless.

Not to jump in here, but in the case going on now with Jane Bashara, I believe that her husband, who is not yet an official that his wife knew about his extramarital affair and was, more or less, fine with it. Easy to say, now that she cannot dispute him. JMO
"Mr Baden-Clay claimed he said a brief goodbye to his 43-year-old wife as she left their rural Brookfield home, in Brisbane's west, to go for a walk about 10pm on Thursday, April 19" BBM

Read more:

I have never read this report...I don't know How I missed this one as I think I have read everything 3 times over if not more......?

So from the above statement in the media it does suggest that he seen her leave because it says that he said a brief goodbye??

Soooooo? after her not arriving home after at least an hour or 2, why has it taken him so long to call Police??

I think that if his cars were spotted between 11 and 4 that his excuse will be that he was out searching for her??

Conveinent Alibi Really?
I agree.....I also feel it is a good idea. I feel also that GBC probably would never have requested it be set up....and it was important for the girls, for it to be done strike while the iron is hot (and this story is in the hearts and minds of Aussies). GBC and Co come across as a proud bunch that would never ask the public for money..................and someone had to instigate this.

I am pleased something was set up. It gives those the opportunity who feel they want to help, to give and those who dont, need not duck into their pockets.....All is fine, people have choices. :)

It may have been set up by extended family of friends, as a donation in lieu of flowers. Sometimes the funeral director asks those questions when enquiries are made.
I know I may get slammed for this comment....because Olivia and hubby arent POIs....But to have known about this relationship......and for him to be a pastor.....makes a mockery of him....His wife had pictures of people participting in an adulterous affair.

Then he had the gall to make his statement on that page.....About their privacy and about how people were gonna get it.....BAHHHHHHH (waves hand "talk to the hand Baybee)). Am sick of these sort of people pretending they are righteous, when the reality is.....they harbour actions that religion consider immoral.....and they stand in the front of a church and preach......WTF?

I don't see how this would make a mockery of him or what he believes. We are all accountable for our own sins and mistakes. for all we know he may have spoken to GBC about it - but he cannot force the man to change simply because it goes against his beliefs. I am sure we all have family members whom we would like to change but just have to accept them as they are.
For anyone that's interested i was just talking to my friend and he has sent through the information of what he sent to crimestoppers

On the morning of the 20th my friend and i were driving through the roundabout going up to Brookfield road. On the side of the bridge where Allison was found we noticed a white van driving slowly over the bridge. When it got to the other side we noticed that it came to a complete stop, A guy with blonde hair, about 5'11", clean shaven with a noticable tattoo got out of this van and was looking very strange. It was like he was watching out to make sure noone was in the area.

Hair colour Blonde
Height 5'11"
hair length Medium
build Average
complexion Fair
clothes Blue Jeans, white shirt and gloves ( which looked like gardening gloves)

Description of van (which he told me)

White in colour, Damaged left hand side headlight and number plate started with RA but he didn't have a pen to write it down.

He told me that the guy looked very strange and wondered what he was doing in that particular area. He has reported it to crimestoppers twice now so hopefully they will look into it this time

Maybe Hitman??

That would be right...Too Wimpy to do there own dirty work...Cowards!
I am based in Shanghai and have been following this discussion for about a week since an Australian friend mentioned this at dinner about two weeks ago. She said that she was working in an office that provides "paperwork" for mainland Chinese businesses to enable migration to Australia. Apparently one way is to invest in companies that own real estate and that Brisbane had become popular since the floods with the lowest prices against the higher Australian dollar. She mentioned that some of the "investors" in China were in fact triads with very strong connections to white collar bikies in Australia. Apparently they (the Chinese) have loads of money and want to secure Australian citizenship for their children (only one child per family in China) and are doing all they can to give them a brighter future. Anyway, my friend mentioned that the triads and bikies targeted some of the businesses that had been distressed by the floods. Many had welcomed the business but some had refused and that they would "set an example" to make others cooperate. I do not know how much truth is in this, but I had heard that immigration to Australia from East Asia using this method was very common.
Since investigations have only revealed a well-known affair, which are very common anyway, and there have been no arrest it would seem the investigation is beyond that of a typical suburban household.

Thank you Tanatamount, I find this very interesting. If this were the case, wouldn't it be a dreadfully inappropriate for the police to be discussing an extramarital affair with the media if they were looking at a much much bigger picture?
I don't see how this would make a mockery of him or what he believes. We are all accountable for our own sins and mistakes. for all we know he may have spoken to GBC about it - but he cannot force the man to change simply because it goes against his beliefs. I am sure we all have family members whom we would like to change but just have to accept them as they are.

Coffee chick, have you seen the sermon he wrote about Allison's disappearance?
Is there *still* the possiblilty that Allison did in fact go walking at 10pm in a very distressed state. GBC could have arranged to have the children minded with his parents as he intended to tell her he was moving in with his mistress eg. Possibility as he obviously wasn't keeping his affair a secret in any way.

I have always felt the screams could have been of significance. A previous poster mentioned she could have been stalked if she did indeed go walking at this late hour. Possibly by someone who knew her apart from GBC who saw her walking alone at such a late hour and knowing of the husbands infidelity and family situation or could have been complete stranger/s driving around at that time of night. She would have been so tragically vulnerable.

I also wondered why Commissioner Atkinson mentioned only the murders of Anita Cobby, Sian Kingi and Daniel Morecombe in the CM. I know it has been said it was because these 3 murders touched the hearts of us all, but could he perhaps have been indicating a similar scenerio as there have been so many other murders in Australia in that time. He was in fact the head of investigation in the murder of Sian Kingi. Each were alone when they were forced/enticed into a car and in the case of Anita Cobby in a built up area where people actually heard her screams and saw her being dragged into the car.

There was mention of the phone and signals being triangulated, if ABC was abducted her phone could have fallen out in the car and the perpatrators became aware of it only when it was announced there were signals coming from these areas. Hence being able to destroy it completely ?

I also feel the Kholo Creek area where she was found was too obvious considering the BC's being so involved in scouting and everyone in the area would be aware of this.

All this of course is completely my opinion but I was wondering does anyone else think this could be possible as well??

Absolutely not IMO. But not just in my opinion, the police have already stated they believe the killer was known to Allison, someone close to home, and that there is no danger to citizens from a random attacker. They have stated this on a number of occasions, including recently. The police don't do that unless they are very sure. It's their responsiblity to warn people about safety issues even if there is a possibility of it being a random attacker.

So unless you believe the police are wrong, and being irresopnsible in their duty, your theory is just not going to be correct. (although not impossible, I suppose the police could be totally wrong and then there will be a big scandal that they misinformed the public, got the facts of the case totally wrong, and didnt exercise due care in warning the public.)

IMO, while we are still in a phase of speculating about how things happened and the details of the case, I think we are way past the stage of any likelihood of it not being one of the key players in this tragic story. Not that you can't or shouldn't do that, but simply based on what police have so confidently said it is pretty clear to me. And the police have been very careful about what they do release, which I take to mean that the information which is released is very solid.

Regarding the screams, to me there are a few explanations for them - 1. they were coming from the party and were kids mucking around, 2. They were the screams of Allison because she did take off after an argument and was followed by one of the key players, possibly GBC or another (so I guess you could still call that an abduction?) or 3. the screams were faked by her killers trying to shore up their story that she went for a walk and somehow came to grief. I personally am leaning to either 1 or 3, but that's just my opinion.
Someone posted a few threads back they they had been involved in a possible murder investigation. Although completely innocent they, as a housemate of the victim, had been interviewed for 7 hours.

I was wondering (a bit like how long is a piece of string) how long police interviews normally last?

I was certain the TM and GBC were involved but that keeps on playing on my mind....

Could she have been interviewed so many times and for so long (without a lawyer) because she was giving background information? They needed her back to clarify issues?

If police ask them to provide a statement it can take ages (some police still two finger type) but interview (is recorded) for over four hours without a break is unlawful. Providing a statement is being treated as a witness.
Thank you Tanatamount, I find this very interesting. If this were the case, wouldn't it be a dreadfully inappropriate for the police to be discussing an extramarital affair with the media if they were looking at a much much bigger picture?

I found it really interesting too.....Seemed very outlandish....But, outlandish things do happen.....QPS would have so much work on their hands if such scenes were being played out in their state.....Lots of work to do.
Yes and thanks to all of the locals who have provided us with many insights on this know what they say.......where there is smoke there is fire
Agreed Mani "Where there is smoke, there is fire!"
Im sorry Blossom......But I sure know what you mean. I feel as though there are many facades to this scenario and the people surrounding it. Dont get me wrong...It's not Ian Walton's fault......But, as someone said, at least the parents had the good sense to "HUSH"....To have written such comments (even on their own facebook page) to put on an act so to downright wrong :(

I wish we could find them.....It was like a sermon.

Hi Willough, Thread 1, page 45, post #1117. Cheers
If police ask them to provide a statement it can take ages (some police still two finger type) but interview (is recorded) for over four hours without a break is unlawful. Providing a statement is being treated as a witness.

also as a suspect before interview begins Police must read them their rights (like on TV only we don't call it miranda rights)so they know they can contact a lawyer remain silent etc, this is always recorded because if not given any info is not admissable in court.
If police ask them to provide a statement it can take ages (some police still two finger type) but interview (is recorded) for over four hours without a break is unlawful. Providing a statement is being treated as a witness.

Last time I gave a statement I had to help the Constable with his computer AND his spelling.
Was speaking to a Brookfield Fair goer last night (yes I was there but didn't see him :( ) who was at the fair on Saturday evening and was told that the whole family were sitting at the bar. GBC, his parents, children and Allison's parents.


Even "IF" he didn't kill her, he made her life humiliating over the past year at least.....The Dickies must be very strong people, if infact they were all sitting down together socially....I would have his head for breakfast if he had made my Daughters last years miserable. IMO.....Maybe they are baiting him??
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