Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #11

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No, AussieCrims.

You can link to Aussie Crimes. But the guessing games need to stop.

ONLY discuss what is reported on the Aussie Crimes site and use initials here ONLY. Do not post where this person works, who her parents are, etc. JUST what might pertain to this case.

Totally agree - there was something wrong in the marriage, GBC was cheating (that is wrong) we don't know what his relationship is with Toni McHugh, perhaps they are genuinely in love with each other. Perhaps he needed a shoulder to cry on, perhaps she did.

The one eyed attitude on this forum is becoming over the top. As I said earlier today, neither of them were saints, nor were they complete degenerates, they were normal people, such like all of us. There world has changed in an instant probably. Can't we at least have some understanding for there fraility.

The kissing should never have been shot, should never have been shown and should never had happened, but it really is so trivial. We have given it so much "life in this thread" way, way beyond what it was entitled to, we have feed it and given Elaine Baden Clay every ounce of attention that she wanted from it.

whatever else has happened in this marriage, Allison and Gerard loved each other once, that can't help to come back to you even if you have got to the stage of murdering your spouse.

As for going to the Brookfield show, he has three young children who would have had an expectation of going, my 5 year old nephew is so excited about his school fete in a fortnight. These events are big things in the lives of young children, and I guarantee there isn't a parent on this site who hasn't attend event because there children wanted to go.

As I said earlier I am not a GBC supporter, but I don't think we do ourselves justice by picking on his every known action.

An earlier poster mentioned that ABC and GBC were meeting at the school each Wednesday regarding the home situation and the children - to me that is worth exploring - what was happening at home, on a regular basis, that needed weekly attention by the school?

Gerard Baden-Clay has had multiple affairs. There is no suggestion or report of Allison having affairs. Shoulder to cry on? Why does that require compassion and understanding? He was married, TN knew he was married. It's not OK - simple as that. It involves lying and cheating and betraying your partner. If you need a shoulder to cry on, see a priest, a counsellor, or your best friend, or better still improve your relationship with your wife or partner! If things are difficult, deal with it - life isnt about always having all your needs met at the expense of others. If you can't do that then leave the marriage and then find a new partner. Perhaps, god forbid, you might even have to be alone for a while rather than ensure you have a constant supply of at least one woman. But hey, it's a bit hard just being with yourself, considering yourself is not a very nice person! If you believe cheating is OK, then go and live in a swinging relationship with a partner who is OK with cheating, not hurt by it.

As for the statement about them not being complete degenerates, and being normal people like all of us, you don't know that. If GBC murdered Allison and TM helped him dispose of the body, or even if she had no involvement but just knew what happened, maybe they are not like all of us and I find it an insult to be compared to them, and yes if they are involved they are degenerates. (I accept that GBC is not yet named as a suspect and we dont know if he is the perp, but there are few other options if you take into account the police statements about it being someone close to home)

I draw your attention to Hawkins post as quoted below:

Quote by Hawkins
I have had dealings with a few people convicted of homicide offences. The ones who were fairly typical people who killed due to extraordinary circumstances or intolerable stresses were all charged relatively quickly. Those who were convicted on circumstantial evidence were all sociopaths and took a long time to catch and charge. They never admitted anything, even the smallest detail, and never felt any internal pressure to provide details to family members, even anonymously after release from prison decades later. It strikes me that this may well have been a killing which involved sociopathic personalities. It has some of the hall marks.

IMO Hawkins is right on the money, I have thought this all along. Sociopaths have many traits of narcissim and borderline personality disorder, and this fits in with many of the behaviours of GBC. The coldness is a big sign. Social acceptability and outward signs of normality mean nothing - sociopaths are everywhere in the guise of normal people, but they are in actual fact very dangerous.

I feel that attempts to try to be reasonable on here and supposedly look at both sides are the things that have actually gone too far. Perhaps some compassion and understanding could be in order for those on here who are critical of the people they believe are either the murderers or accessories, and who have joked about the 'granny pash' and other things. Maybe its a way of letting off steam to deal with the pain of knowing that someone like Allison has been brutally murdered and coldly disposed of like rubbish, and to deal with the fact that we are restricted in certain ways in the way that we can and can't speak about the possible perpetrators.
FYI I've had an affair with a married man. I will not go in to details except to say that when it started I was lead to believe one thing, and later found out that wasn't correct. Things got really confusing and heartbreaking, but nobody wound up dead. Everyone here should probably hop down off their high horses for a moment and realise that we all make mistakes, make bad choices, or go against our better judgement.

There are certainly situations like that, but it might be different if you were deceived as well, basically you are betrayed as well. An affair for a couple of years where you actually worked in the same workplace as the wife is a lot more brazen I think, especially also if the couple are having some sort of counselling. It just also worries me that there might have been some knowledge of the murder by the mistress. I just can't see how the murderer can be anyone else but someone from that family or the mistress, and I can't see how there could be anyone in that group who didnt know anything about it. IMO
Is anyone like me and wondering what those 3 innocent young girls are asking/wondering, they are young but they are not little babies and toddlers so they would be asking questions of their father or their grandparents whoever is taking care of them at the moment.

My heart breaks thinking about what must be going on in their minds and the questions they must be asking.

Daddy why did mummy die?

Daddy who killed mummy?

Just so awful for us as adults to try and comprehend what happened to Allison. Those poor girls......
This has been discounted by media reports and covered extensively in prior threads.

Fact: The children were at a sleepover at the senior BC's that Thursday evening.

Fact: The sister of GBC flew down to Brisbane later on the Friday and was not in town on the Thursday evening/Friday morning.

At the conclusion of thread 9 there is an extensive fact sheet link (prepared by another poster - thank you) that details all known facts in the murder of Allison to date. I hope that it clears up some grey areas for you both. :fence:

Hi Maevelorg, are we sure it's FACT that the sleepover was at senior BC's. Wasn't there mention that they were sleeping at a friend of Allison's??

I feel this is kind of important. If Allison had arranged a sleepover I believe that this could point to Allison wanting to have a talk with G.

If the girls were at senior's well that is convenient for the BC's as the kids were not witness to anything.
It is my experience that in the case of a crime of passion (an act that is unplanned) there is an arrest quite quickly. People who act in the moment are not very careful or planned. They leave spaces that cannot be filled... They panic and become stressed. They forget things.

Inanna, one of the best posts I have read. Thank you for that insight.
"maybe a litle bit of a warning to GBC like confess now buddy or we will publicly air ALL your dirty laundry!"

This was my first thought. Another thought was that it would make her so mad she may tell more of what she hasn't. MOO
The bridesmaid may have just been tired.....I can remember tired shots at my wedding.....

or bored???? No one has focused on this but I always found it puzzling that they had a dry wedding. They were earning good money. They were/had worked for flight centre,I have worked in travel and it's quite well know that F/C's like to party and drink. I had friends get married around this time and weddings were big and special.
Why would they have a "dry" wedding???
or bored???? No one has focused on this but I always found it puzzling that they had a dry wedding. They were earning good money. They were/had worked for flight centre,I have worked in travel and it's quite well know that F/C's like to party and drink. I had friends get married around this time and weddings were big and special.
Why would they have a "dry" wedding???

That is rather strange especially since we Aussies are fond of a drink. The only reason I could think of would be for religious reasons. I imagine that even if some close family member had a serious drinking problem surely the person could have been monitored it wouldn't have meant that they would have a totally dry wedding.

Who said they had a dry wedding?
I just heard that the word on the street so to speak is that....... The police have never been allowed to talk to the children.

IMO/MOO etc.
I just read on another site that the word on the street so to speak is that....... The police have never been allowed to talk to the children.

IMO/MOO etc.

If you mention other sites, you need to link. There are some that aren't allowed here. If it goes *************, then it isn't allowed.

That is rather strange especially since we Aussies are fond of a drink. The only reason I could think of would be for religious reasons. I imagine that even if some close family member had a serious drinking problem surely the person could have been monitored it wouldn't have meant that they would have a totally dry wedding.

Who said they had a dry wedding?

I know I'm meant to link but it's taking me all day practically to catch up : (
It was def a media link, prob from CM. I'll search once I have caught up.
My exact thoughts. Religious or alcoholic reasons??
This could take on a whole new spin/speculation on things sorry.
It just still strikes me as odd and the report clearly stated it.
I know I'm meant to link but it's taking me all day practically to catch up : (
It was def a media link, prob from CM. I'll search once I have caught up.
My exact thoughts. Religious or alcoholic reasons??
This could take on a whole new spin/speculation on things sorry.
It just still strikes me as odd and the report clearly stated it.

It was dry wedding...One of the Flight Centre girls stated it in paper.
Oh its probably just goss he heard....cos he also txt about the hand and the weights....doubt there is any truth in it...think he had been working around sunnybank yesterday....and I doubt that any of them out there wld know anything

Your friend seems to repeat a lot of baseless gossip. It's making me skip your posts entirely after this. My friend told me yesterday it was you who made up the hand rumour, so right away I've thought "oh so that's crap then"
There are a lot of floral tributes on the Kholo Creek Bridge! a lot! Its beautiful ! I hope there is an arrest today
Gerard Baden-Clay has had multiple affairs. There is no suggestion or report of Allison having affairs. Shoulder to cry on? Why does that require compassion and understanding? He was married, TN knew he was married. It's not OK - simple as that. It involves lying and cheating and betraying your partner. If you need a shoulder to cry on, see a priest, a counsellor, or your best friend, or better still improve your relationship with your wife or partner! If things are difficult, deal with it - life isnt about always having all your needs met at the expense of others. If you can't do that then leave the marriage and then find a new partner. Perhaps, god forbid, you might even have to be alone for a while rather than ensure you have a constant supply of at least one woman. But hey, it's a bit hard just being with yourself, considering yourself is not a very nice person! If you believe cheating is OK, then go and live in a swinging relationship with a partner who is OK with cheating, not hurt by it.

As for the statement about them not being complete degenerates, and being normal people like all of us, you don't know that. If GBC murdered Allison and TM helped him dispose of the body, or even if she had no involvement but just knew what happened, maybe they are not like all of us and I find it an insult to be compared to them, and yes if they are involved they are degenerates. (I accept that GBC is not yet named as a suspect and we dont know if he is the perp, but there are few other options if you take into account the police statements about it being someone close to home)

I draw your attention to Hawkins post as quoted below:

IMO Hawkins is right on the money, I have thought this all along. Sociopaths have many traits of narcissim and borderline personality disorder, and this fits in with many of the behaviours of GBC. The coldness is a big sign. Social acceptability and outward signs of normality mean nothing - sociopaths are everywhere in the guise of normal people, but they are in actual fact very dangerous.

I feel that attempts to try to be reasonable on here and supposedly look at both sides are the things that have actually gone too far. Perhaps some compassion and understanding could be in order for those on here who are critical of the people they believe are either the murderers or accessories, and who have joked about the 'granny pash' and other things. Maybe its a way of letting off steam to deal with the pain of knowing that someone like Allison has been brutally murdered and coldly disposed of like rubbish, and to deal with the fact that we are restricted in certain ways in the way that we can and can't speak about the possible perprimmings etrators.

No one deserves to be murdered - I don't think that Allison is any different from you or I being killed and then disposed of in that manner.

Yes her husband had multiply affairs, and Allison stuck around. She married him in the first place, and I am sure was happy to go along with the trimmings of wealth and the false lifestyle they were living.

We should as human beings have some compassion for others, I believe that the Baden Clays, were just ordinary people, none of us are perfect.

The kiss by the parents, shouldn't have happened, shouldn't have been filmed and certainly shouldn't have been shown, but we have been reminded numerous about the rules of this forum and I don't believe it has anything to do with this case - it is irrelevant to the murder. Perhaps they too were just letting off steam.

If we don't know Allison, then the only information we have is from the media and few posters on here. She seems to have been a good mother - so though are thousands of women that I know. She seems to have had a very blessed and indulged early life - she is very lucky that she had those opportunities. Yes, life doesn't seem to have been easy in last few years - but there are many, many families who fall into that category. In Brisbane alone, we have had hundreds of people displaced by the flood and then a economic crisis and mismanagement that has eroded a life style and made times difficult. Life is not all roses, Allison didn't want anyone to know about her unravelling life, and that includes her parents, I doubt very much she would have enjoyed her life being dissected and laid bare by perfect strangers!
Yes, I don't want to be compared to a murderer either. That post was ridiculous. God knows I've felt like strangling a few people. It's okay to think about it, but once you do it, you cross the line and you're a different breed.

I have no compassion for this monsters "frailty". I always try and empathize with people, but the only thing I see here is a womanizing, violent, liar who snuffed out the life of the beautiful mother of his own 3 girls.

I think if this happened to one of my daughters, maybe 20 years down the track I may be able to forgive, but this doesn't mean for one minute what he did was in any way justifiable. The forgiveness would be for my own benefit so I can heal and move on. More of a release of anger.
It is pitch black and quiet. No dogs barking. Possums serene. This is as close as it gets and my sea grey car looks blue in headlights. Just had a look.

That is what I was thinking.
Assuming the "white 4wd" was the prado is probably wrong. The car has obvious identifying marks (big sticker on the back) and wouldn't have as much evidence, whereas the captiva would have hair and skin all through it.
Your friend seems to repeat a lot of baseless gossip. It's making me skip your posts entirely after this. My friend told me yesterday it was you who made up the hand rumour, so right away I've thought "oh so that's crap then"

Actually, I support brizzychick, I too have heard a strong rumor about a missing hand and the body being weighted down with chains.
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