Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #12

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Yeah but the slagging has been towards the BC family not Allison's. Can you edit your post or repost as to which sister in law you are referring to as I have taken it as Allison's sister.

Have you read further? I did say later that I don't beleive it would have been her.
How would your hubby's react if you had no money, his card declined for GROCERIES and he came back to see that you'd just spent heaps of cash at the hairdresser? Would it start a heated discussion or not?

I have thought that very early on Schmickthespy. The course Allison was attending the next day no doubt cost money, if she was getting her hair done for the day, no doubt there had also been a new dress/shoes/etc.

Conversation goes something like this:

GBC: How did you pay for that?

ABC: I put it on the credit card.

GBC: so that was why I couldn't pay for the groceries - this damn thing has cost a small fortune, it had better be worth it.

Allison walks away and whtever happened after that
Tooo much lllloveliness??...I'd say because she was.

Have you read all the tributes & the reports about her younger years...all the people who've spoken out about her. Even her boss from Flight Centre spoke so highly of her....what did he have to say about GBC who worked at the same place?? & nothing.

The BC"s...GBC???...what have we heard of that family??...related to a scout ...woopty doo...where's any reports about what a lllloveelyy guy he was ??

All we are hearing is that he sounds like a bigmouth cheat & a liar who had multiple affairs with god only knows who...while he was married.

I dont like the Baden Clay's.....But, I am allowed to feel something is fake on Allison's side, if I want....and I do feel there is some fakeness there. IMO
ABC does look to have put on some weight in the C21 dinner photos. I can understand, as I cycle up to the point my clothes are tight, then down again. Perhaps there was some stress eating involved, what with GBC had been putting her through.
I wonder, has anyone explored the scenario that on perhaps that awful night, ABC told him she was leaving him and taking the kids.. and that the fight couldve erupted over that.. Failing business, financial problems, failing affair (or affair he gave up for her) on top of losing his wife & children.. GBC becomes desperate (thinking if I can stop her from leaving then I can justify to myself Im not a total loser) but goes too far??? I dunno.. clutching at straws..

You could very well be on the money here, this sort of thing happens a lot but usually ends in murder/suicide.
I dont like the Baden Clay's.....But, I am allowed to feel something is fake on Allison's side, if I want....and I do feel there is some fakeness there. IMO

that is exactly how I feel Willough, congratulations on being strong enough to say it. The way people have said on this forum about not feeling right when Allison;s best friend spoke, is how I feel about the Dickies, life has been too good to be true in my opinion, and I am still very uneasy about them asking for money for the girls - I think that is wrong and playing with public sympathy and good will
Perhaps because NBC thinks he is very clever, and also thinks his son isn't so clever?

I was thinking this myself, that perhaps NBC is "KING CRAP" in the BC family and has some sort of weird hold over GBC??
You could very well be on the money here, this sort of thing happens a lot but usually ends in murder/suicide.

But if hes not strong enough for the suicide.. rings up and blubbers to daddy about what he has just done.. daddy then, unemotional and calculating, comes in takes control and concocts/ coordinates the disposal plan???
Just a theory??
You can still be lovely and spend beyond your means and have a bit of a drinking or gambling prob. None of us know what she was like to live with, but no doubt she was loved by many people. People need to stop referring to her wedding photo as this is not who she is, but who she once was. I agree with the person who said they had trouble picking her in the C21 photos. She was a 43 year old mother with all the daily grinds, probably financial troubles and most certainly marital troubles. Doesn't make her a bad person. A person living in a bad marriage, or situation they don't want to be in can change though, and become bitter.

No doubt she loved her girls and in my opinion the person who vowed to grow old with her made a mockery of a marriage she probably treasured so much. Could she become a nagging moody housewife? I have no doubt. Add to that if she were pre-menopause?
(I speak from experience).

Did she deserved to be thrown over a bridge? NO she didn't.

Also, I did some thinking today and I was trying to think what the likelihood of her being washed downstream in that period of time, in the water, that far would do to a body. I doubt the body would have been intact. Yet as a crime fan I thought about the amount of murderers who dispose of bodies off bridges. Arthur Shawcross, Wayne Williams, Rifkin, the guy who killed the Phillips girl in Brisbane (took her under an overpass) The list goes on. IMO She got thrown off that bridge. I know a lot of you don't agree, but I thought id put it out there as I could research many circumstances of bridges and if I kept researching, I'm sure I'd find a lot more. Some put victims in water to wash DNA and fibre, but I don't think he would have been concerned about DNA and fibre seeing she was sharing a house with him and they were married.

Just thinkin!
that is exactly how I feel Willough, congratulations on being strong enough to say it. The way people have said on this forum about not feeling right when Allison;s best friend spoke, is how I feel about the Dickies, life has been too good to be true in my opinion, and I am still very uneasy about them asking for money for the girls - I think that is wrong and playing with public sympathy and good will

Do we know who asked for the trust fund?
I think that it's possible that NBC was the perp and GBC helped clean up the mess. There may be a very tangled web with the whole Baden-Clay family that Allison threatened to expose. Abuse or assault? Or possibly something more? I don't know.
that is exactly how I feel Willough, congratulations on being strong enough to say it. The way people have said on this forum about not feeling right when Allison;s best friend spoke, is how I feel about the Dickies, life has been too good to be true in my opinion, and I am still very uneasy about them asking for money for the girls - I think that is wrong and playing with public sympathy and good will

Thanks and good for you too sprats....Too much perfection......and sadly, life isnt all that perfect. I view it like this. There is good and bad in everything and everyone. Although I do not like the BCs and feel their behaviours arent right. I am open minded enough to see, there is more to this than JUST the Baden Clay's.

The last I recall, we joined a sleuthing site, which surely must be open to all opinions and all spectrums....We should all have a right to our view.
that is exactly how I feel Willough, congratulations on being strong enough to say it. The way people have said on this forum about not feeling right when Allison;s best friend spoke, is how I feel about the Dickies, life has been too good to be true in my opinion, and I am still very uneasy about them asking for money for the girls - I think that is wrong and playing with public sympathy and good will

I think the Dickies are just a nice normal family. It may not have been their idea to ask for the money for the girls. When a male family member of mine committed suicide his wife said she did not want people to donate money. Their friends convinced her to accept it "for the kids future". She still feels uncomfortable about it.
To change the subject, I wonder if the senior BC might take the fall for junior.
I have listened to her best friend and her sister talking about Allison, they both have a genuine love for Allison that is very clear in their voices and in the way they speak about her.
I very much doubt either of them would be having any kind of affair with GBC.

Abso;utely. Well said.
Someone came in the other night who seemed in the know (dont think it was Hawkins, but who knows). Where they mentioned that the person who is involved as a major player is someone, that we have not touched on.

Someone else metioned (a few people) that GBC was having an affair with a blonde)

The police have indicated on a few occasions with comments about the "Killer being someone Allison knew" "The killer being closer to home".

The last person to see Allison visually was supposedly, GBC.....The last person to hear from Allison otherwise, was Kerry Anne Walker. Did she hand these messages to police, or were these messages deleted.

There was talk in the media, that the "murderer was at the funeral".

At the beginning of the investigation, the media said that a close "family" friend was being extensively interviewed by police. I do not under any circumstance feel they would call "Toni McHugh" a close "family" friend (not to Allison).

Do you see where I am heading, without naming her?

This person really, in inadvertant tone, may also have been hinting at suicide....but not in the obvious way, we thought as much with the "depression" comments from Olivia.

A person indicated, along the lines of "I knew, there was something wrong, I should have done more" (which was open to interpretation - could mean DV or could mean Allison was depressed and could harm herself (NOWAY)). A person (same) made it seem items were being bought to her home after Allison's conference (possibly childrens items for a sleepover - cant find link though). Which could indicate, Alison was leaving children at her home, so she could finish herself off. Something I do not buy into.

This lady close to the Dickie's perhaps, could persuade the Dickie's quietly that things were going on, thus the Dickie's comment "She was too proud to come to us, we didnt know".

Allison's phone was key.......................and the police cant find it. They need the phone :(.

Who do men often have affairs with other than work colleagues?...Just a different theory..

yeah i see where your going, just from personal observation at the funeral Kerry-Anne's demeanor was bordering on what appeared to me to be furious anger that someone had stolen her best friend from her, I wasn't far from the Detectives out front after the service and Det Ainsworth appeared to have a lot of time for her, I expect she is integral in providing assistance to police.
I would be grumpy too if I was a bridesmaid at a dry wedding

Well can I say that MY wedding was an absolute blast and I still copped a sullen jealous biatch of a bridesmaid who never deserved that title in the first place!
I think it was in extremely poor taste to ask for money from the public for the girls right from the beginning! That did not wash with me at all!! There are far needier people. So strange.

My thought when I heard the request was that they know there will be no dad around to fund the girls schooling and as they dont trust the BC's and are retired with no form of income they asked for donations..
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