Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #12

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I'm in two minds over the trust fund that has been set up. I heard earlier on this site that the children may be entitled to State/Government money as their Mother was murdered and I think the amounts being mentioned would cover the costs of any educational costs with some left. I'm sure that many parents would love to have a Trust Fund they could access to send their children to a private school. It would be sad for the children to have to relocate to a different school and psychologically IMO it would be best to keep them where they are as they have gone through enough and possibly will have to go through more. However I don't see why the school cannot offer free schooling for a year or so till things settle and more permanent arrangements are made. Might be time for the school to step up to the plate.

what do you mean?? the children go to a state school...
Ultimately this forum is about websleuthing but I do think some of it is tasteless. We do have the option of not reading it, not commenting, not coming here, though.
what do you mean?? the children go to a state school...

I may be wrong...But I think she may be talking about the scholarships we were talking about the other night (for children of parents who are murdered)....Not for state school, those were for private schools.
Who cares?? A lot of people would like to send their kids to expensive private schools who can't afford it so why should the public help fund their snobbishness if that's truly is what the money is for?

oh not this argument again...TRUE help me out... :)
get off the trust fund issue, this is not a witch hunt..
who cares..nobody is asking you to contribute!
Im sure you don't agree with the war in afganastan either, but you're paying for it..And you don't have a choice about it either.
you have a choice here. DON'T CONTRIBUTE.
move on
The money raised is also to be used for the children's ongoing welfare including current counselling. But again, don't contribute.
Ok maybe we can all agree to not "assume" anything regarding Allison or anyone related to her as I agree it may be seen as very poor taste even if whatever was said was not meant to be taken badly. I think we can all put this aside and agree that she is indeed an innocent person who is not here to speak up for herself. Now we can just go forth and stop the back and forth bickering.
Thank you Cccclllaareb. Very well said and I totally agree.

Nobody is this scenario can put a foot right can they. The BCs have been so heavily criticized, everything they do gets ripped to shreds. So now they're the 'bad guys'. I don't even know the people, so feel hopelessly unqualified to judge them. All we get are little snippets from the media- totally biased of course, and so..... They're 'bad'. No good.*

Then there the Dickies... I don't know them either, so I'm not judgemental about them either. Apparently they're *too lovely now- so that means they might be fake? Geez you're a tough crowd.*

No matter what anybody related to this situation does it gets pulled apart (by a bunch of strangers who don't even know them, but seem to think they do) and put online where anybody can read it. Can you imagine how damaging and hurtful that might be?!*

Now the trust fund has come up for debate again- apparently because it's in poor taste. Is it not poor taste to discuss other peoples private business? If you don't like the trust find then just *don't donate. Why is there a need to criticize people for a really personal choice? If they DIDNT create a trust fund.... Someone would be up in arms about that too I bet. Have you stopped to think it isn't about the money? It's about being positive, doing something proactive when you might otherwise feel hopeless. I suspect those who have followed in their parents footsteps with regards to school would see this differently- its nothing to do with money, snobbery, an image- its about tradition, from my experience and in my opinion.

If you think it's unfair that the children get a trust fund when other children who's parents die don't have one.... Do you also stop to think its unfair that you are focussing so much on Allison when theres plenty of other people who are missing or murdered?*

Things are not black and white. People are not simple, theyre not goodies and baddies. It's madness to sit around tearing people to shreds over EVERYTHING! Ive even seen people criticise people over their looks, hardly relevant. It's so harsh!

It's one thing to sit around speculating about things stemming from facts, it's another to sit around just knocking everybody and being judgemental. Has everybody here never put a foot wrong? Is it so hard to respect people may do things differently? So much " if I was them I'd do this, I would never do that, that's wrong, that's bad!". Until you have been in certain situations and walked in someone else's shoes well you just don't know.*

I know it's frustrating when no new facts come out for a few days, but maybe that's a good opportunity to step away, take a good hard look at yourself, spend some time attending to the things you have been letting slide and get some perspective!*

I bet plenty of you have partners who would appreciate if you would step awaaayyyy from the screen, pay them some attention. Give someone a cuddle! Surely that is more productive than dissecting strangers, with other strangers.

Yikes! Big rant! Just popped my head in to see what was new and everything just seemed kinda *****y and bullying :-(*
Ultimately this forum is about websleuthing but I do think some of it is tasteless. We do have the option of not reading it, not commenting, not coming here, though.

You're quite right karo. I will just stop reading.

It's good when it's about sleuthing as that is the purpose, it's no good when it just becomes web-biatching.

I'll come back when there are some new facts.

I think we're all just a bit frustrated... and when someone brings up a new theory that others don't want to even begin to imagine, it's jumped all over.
As has been said, we're all allowed to have our opinions or theories. Remember, we could ALL be wrong.

The newer theories may seem a bit out there, but most are still possible. IMPOSSIBLE would be a theory that an alien came down and took her. Then we could jump over it, yes. lol

But as long as someone's theory is at the least bit possible, then you never know, it just could be right.

I have my theory that GBC did it, and had help from someone in his family... BUT I know I could be wrong. Infact, and I hate to say this, but I am very rarely right when i have a theory. {sad but true}

All I'm saying is, we seem like a nice lot of people here, let's all take a step back and give eachother a big hug!! xoxo
Nobody is this scenario can put a foot right can they. The BCs have been so heavily criticized, everything they do gets ripped to shreds. So now they're the 'bad guys'. I don't even know the people, so feel hopelessly unqualified to judge them. All we get are little snippets from the media- totally biased of course, and so..... They're 'bad'. No good.*

Then there the Dickies... I don't know them either, so I'm not judgemental about them either. Apparently they're *too lovely now- so that means they might be fake? Geez you're a tough crowd.*

No matter what anybody related to this situation does it gets pulled apart (by a bunch of strangers who don't even know them, but seem to think they do) and put online where anybody can read it. Can you imagine how damaging and hurtful that might be?!*

Now the trust fund has come up for debate again- apparently because it's in poor taste. Is it not poor taste to discuss other peoples private business? If you don't like the trust find then just *don't donate. Why is there a need to criticize people for a really personal choice? If they DIDNT create a trust fund.... Someone would be up in arms about that too I bet. Have you stopped to think it isn't about the money? It's about being positive, doing something proactive when you might otherwise feel hopeless. I suspect those who have followed in their parents footsteps with regards to school would see this differently- its nothing to do with money, snobbery, an image- its about tradition, from my experience and in my opinion.

If you think it's unfair that the children get a trust fund when other children who's parents die don't have one.... Do you also stop to think its unfair that you are focussing so much on Allison when theres plenty of other people who are missing or murdered?*

Things are not black and white. People are not simple, theyre not goodies and baddies. It's madness to sit around tearing people to shreds over EVERYTHING! Ive even seen people criticise people over their looks, hardly relevant. It's so harsh!

It's one thing to sit around speculating about things stemming from facts, it's another to sit around just knocking everybody and being judgemental. Has everybody here never put a foot wrong? Is it so hard to respect people may do things differently? So much " if I was them I'd do this, I would never do that, that's wrong, that's bad!". Until you have been in certain situations and walked in someone else's shoes well you just don't know.*

I know it's frustrating when no new facts come out for a few days, but maybe that's a good opportunity to step away, take a good hard look at yourself, spend some time attending to the things you have been letting slide and get some perspective!*

I bet plenty of you have partners who would appreciate if you would step awaaayyyy from the screen, pay them some attention. Give someone a cuddle! Surely that is more productive than dissecting strangers, with other strangers.

Yikes! Big rant! Just popped my head in to see what was new and everything just seemed kinda *****y and bullying :-(*

Thanks for that post. I agree with much of it. As for the trust fund. I don't see that it is relevant to discussions here. Just MOO. I have not battereed an eyelid about a trust fund being set up. If people want to donate to it they can, if not don't. Simple as that. I have heard people sending stuff to the Dickies for the girls. So perhaps its a way for people to chanel their giving. BUt again its choice, Nobodys making anyone donate. I've also seen plenty of other trust funds or victim funds set up at different times for people. Why is this different? Perhaps it was suggested to the family to do, because people had been approaching wanting to help. Who knows.
Who cares?? A lot of people would like to send their kids to expensive private schools who can't afford it so why should the public help fund their snobbishness if that's truly is what the money is for?
Clearly education is important to the Dickies and that is their choice. It is not snobbery to elect to send your children to a private school. Really harsh.
I think some of these rumours are just big red herrings ... they are only rumours. Even when you hear them from a professional, family member etc they are still someone letting off steam somewhere along the chain.
(note to self: don't mention the chain)
Everyone is entitled to their opinion just as you have now very vocally expressed yours that a few people also may not agree with.

I wish everyone would stop attacking people here. This forum is here for everyone to express opinions.

I wasn't attacking anybody.

Yes everybody is entitled to an opinion, unfortunately the opinions are no longer related to Allison's murder so the purpose of the forum has been lost.
oh not this argument again...TRUE help me out... :)
get off the trust fund issue, this is not a witch hunt..
who cares..nobody is asking you to contribute!
Im sure you don't agree with the war in afganastan either, but you're paying for it..And you don't have a choice about it either.
you have a choice here. DON'T CONTRIBUTE.
move on
The money raised is also to be used for the children's ongoing welfare including current counselling. But again, don't contribute.

I think I worded this the wrong way. I in no way meant to imply that the Dickies are snobs but merely pointing out that someone suggested that it was for private schooling then I do not agree that the money would be best spent that way. Can you please stop the attacking? We are here for a common reason!!
I think we're all just a bit frustrated... and when someone brings up a new theory that others don't want to even begin to imagine, it's jumped all over.
As has been said, we're all allowed to have our opinions or theories. Remember, we could ALL be wrong.

The newer theories may seem a bit out there, but most are still possible. IMPOSSIBLE would be a theory that an alien came down and took her. Then we could jump over it, yes. lol

But as long as someone's theory is at the least bit possible, then you never know, it just could be right.

I have my theory that GBC did it, and had help from someone in his family... BUT I know I could be wrong. Infact, and I hate to say this, but I am very rarely right when i have a theory. {sad but true}

All I'm saying is, we seem like a nice lot of people here, let's all take a step back and give eachother a big hug!! xoxo

Agreed, sometimes it feels like enter a suggestion or thought different to the majority and watch out.
I wasn't attacking anybody.

Yes everybody is entitled to an opinion, unfortunately the opinions are no longer related to Allison's murder so the purpose of the forum has been lost.

I agree people seem a little frustrated by lack of news. Do we all need a breather?? :fence:
After reading some of the comment made recently about Allison and her parents, sister, friend, etc., I went back to The Rules to check was is allowed or not and I am now posting a segment of The Rules:


Victim Friendly

Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior,good or bad is fine, but do so in a civl and constructive way and ONLY IF IT IS RELEVANT TO THE CASE. Additionally,sleuthing family members that are not suspected of being involved in the crime or disappearance is not allowed. Don't make random accusations or post personal information (even if it is public) like parking tickets, address, or first and last names of all their relatives and their neighbors. Also, never "bash" or attack them, or accuse them of involvement. However that does not mean that family members cannot come into discussion as the facts and issues of the case are discussed.

I think we're all just a bit frustrated... and when someone brings up a new theory that others don't want to even begin to imagine, it's jumped all over.
As has been said, we're all allowed to have our opinions or theories. Remember, we could ALL be wrong.

The newer theories may seem a bit out there, but most are still possible. IMPOSSIBLE would be a theory that an alien came down and took her. Then we could jump over it, yes. lol

But as long as someone's theory is at the least bit possible, then you never know, it just could be right.

I have my theory that GBC did it, and had help from someone in his family... BUT I know I could be wrong. Infact, and I hate to say this, but I am very rarely right when i have a theory. {sad but true}

All I'm saying is, we seem like a nice lot of people here, let's all take a step back and give eachother a big hug!! xoxo
I think I worded this the wrong way. I in no way meant to imply that the Dickies are snobs but merely pointing out that someone suggested that it was for private schooling then I do not agree that the money would be best spent that way. Can you please stop the attacking? We are here for a common reason!!

I guess it will be the familys choice on how its spent. I mentioned previously on this topic, Maybe its just a way of honouring Allisons wishes if thats what they were. And in the end whatever its spent on is up to the family. If people choose to donate then do, if not. Then don't.

(I am not directing this at you for anything you said or anyone, just a general comment)
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