Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #12

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I agree.....My nephew is in a top Melbourne private school and they saved for years, with my sister working as well, because they want both their sons in this school....I have not been able to save as well and public schooling, or a local private (not so expensive @ approx $3500 a year) may be our option.................This isnt something that is just organised when a girl is 10....Its done from infancy.

Im glad that the fund is set up.....But I respect your view and see where it is coming from....and from this perspective, I do agree sprats. If this was Allison's wish, it would have been in place (it may be...we dont know) for and financially factored for, for many years already.

Gerard spent the money IMO, that was part of my first theory's not the many hundreds of tributes did she receive from people who knew her. Comments from her ex boss saying what a lovely person she was.

This wasn't media speaking, it was people who actually knew her.

Where is anything like this which speaks about what a wonderful guy GBC...none!!!

Well I wonder where they all were in her life time - they came out of the wood work probably after her death - maybe if it was GBC that was killed in a similar way - the same would have been said for all we know - how wonderful he is rah rah rah - no one says anything too negative about murdered people - who knows... people come out of the woodwork for all sorts of reasons. IMO a jealous bestie could have killed her.
If NBC is involved, I wonder why he has chosen to speak with police (supposedly), when GBC hasn't? I don't understand the logic of this. If, say, NBC has also retained the services of GBC's lawyer/counsel, owouldn't he too have been advised to keep quiet (if this is what the legal team have advised GBC to do). Just seems strange to me.

I also wondered about the the seemingly tight grasp the QPS have on the media right now, versus the massive story on TM published. If the police didn't want relevant details of the case and suspects publicised, one could assume that TM is not on their radar re the murder. Hence the media could go ahead and publish the affair as it won't impact on the actual case.

some people think they are smarter than the police and feel that they can outwit them so find it not a problem to go in for a chat....often at their own undoing!
I think it was in extremely poor taste to ask for money from the public for the girls right from the beginning! That did not wash with me at all!! There are far needier people. So strange.
I disagree...they are probably pensioners living within their means & terrified about the fact that they may have the girls soon & will really need some help financially. Allison spoke I think 6 languages, so education is clearly important to the Dickie family. Can you imagine trying to think of finding the money to raise 3 young girls on a pension? I think the trust fund is a great less pressure.
Well I wonder where they all were in her life time - they came out of the wood work probably after her death - maybe if it was GBC that was killed in a similar way - the same would have been said for all we know - how wonderful he is rah rah rah - no one says anything too negative about murdered people - who knows... people come out of the woodwork for all sorts of reasons. IMO a jealous bestie could have killed her.

Haha...all his girlfriends no doubt would come out of the woodwork.

Jealous bestie??...more like a cheating, liar of a my opinion.
Tooo much lllloveliness??...I'd say because she was.

Have you read all the tributes & the reports about her younger years...all the people who've spoken out about her. Even her boss from Flight Centre spoke so highly of her....what did he have to say about GBC who worked at the same place?? & nothing.

The BC"s...GBC???...what have we heard of that family??...related to a scout ...woopty doo...where's any reports about what a lllloveelyy guy he was ??

All we are hearing is that he sounds like a bigmouth cheat & a liar who had multiple affairs with god only knows who...while he was married.

She was definantely a very loved intelligent and highly regarded woman who was by all accounts a loving mother, and no doubt a committed wife (perhaps that changed later on?)

But that isn't to say she isn't human too and we don't know very much (as it should be) about her personal life. People don't like to speak ill of the dead, especially in circumstances like this. I said early on that she may have had an affair and immediately was told, ' No way, she wasn't like that'. I personally hope she did have some love in her life.

To follow along with the thread and the friend avenue, for all we know she DID have contact with her friend that day but for something completely different than was stated. friend said she never made it to her house that night? according to the friend only.
this to me really might be an interesting theory to dig into just a little bit, without breaking the rules? and without using names? as previously mentioned re: Korps and Rockerfellers, stranger things can and do happen
(now, back to page 6, trying so hard to catch up but keep wanting to post!!!)
When the police say that Allison was murdered by someone she knew...does this not have *many* possibilities...they could mean someone she met through her work...even someone she met at the school or church eg...they are definitely not saying it had to be someone she knew really well and was close to IMO...
To me, in all of the 'official' Century 21 photos he looks yuk! But the photos where he is just being , for want of a better word, "normal" he does look better. His face seems alot thinner now than in the official pics. But then I've never gone for your standard 'handsome' man, I prefer tradie types abit rough around the edges looking. Sense of humour is more of an attraction for me.

"Sense of humour is more of an attraction to me"

Ok then, have you heard the one about.............
It was Courier Mail who began the trust fund for the girls.....job well done!!!

No it was the Dickies who first suggested this and the Courier Mail jumped on it .... I also find the suggestion of a trust fund a bit offensive. I understand what they are saying about the girls education etc... but come on.... Like we don't do this for every murdered mum - I think it was wrong for them to ask so early in the piece.
My thought when I heard the request was that they know there will be no dad around to fund the girls schooling and as they dont trust the BC's and are retired with no form of income they asked for donations..

also at their age they may not be around that much longer themselves.....leaving the girls with....????
I agree.....My nephew is in a top Melbourne private school and they saved for years, with my sister working as well, because they want both their sons in this school....I have not been able to save as well and public schooling, or a local private (not so expensive @ approx $3500 a year) may be our option.................This isnt something that is just organised when a girl is 10....Its done from infancy.

Im glad that the fund is set up.....But I respect your view and see where it is coming from....and from this perspective, I do agree sprats. If this was Allison's wish, it would have been in place (it may be...we dont know) for and financially factored for, for many years already.

Well why was help for schooling mentioned in request for donations?
She was definantely a very loved intelligent and highly regarded woman who was by all accounts a loving mother, and no doubt a committed wife (perhaps that changed later on?)

But that isn't to say she isn't human too and we don't know very much (as it should be) about her personal life. People don't like to speak ill of the dead, especially in circumstances like this. I said early on that she may have had an affair and immediately was told, ' No way, she wasn't like that'. I personally hope she did have some love in her life.

To follow along with the thread and the friend avenue, for all we know she DID have contact with her friend that day but for something completely different than was stated. friend said she never made it to her house that night? according to the friend only.

this to me really might be an interesting theory to dig into just a little bit, without breaking the rules? and without using names? as previously mentioned re: Korps and Rockerfellers, stranger things can and do happen
(now, back to page 6, trying so hard to catch up but keep wanting to post!!!)
It was the Friday night she was supposed to see her friend? she was already missing by then.
When the police say that Allison was murdered by someone she knew...does this not have *many* possibilities...they could mean someone she met through her work...even someone she met at the school or church eg...they are definitely not saying it had to be someone she knew really well and was close to IMO...

That's right. Even though they say it was someone "closer to home" that does not mean it was something she was "CLOSE" to.
I doubt if he had an affair with the sister - that too me seems unlikely - but the girlfriend... hmmm, one can come across pretty caring and loving after the event - to take the heat off herself. I don't know - there is something funny about her though in all this.

LOL, respectfully, please tell us what is fishy about poor old ABC's friend?? I think there are only a few of you here who are saying this (thank god) but really keen to know what it is about her that makes you think this now.
Oh well I guess TM will be glad the heat is off her for a few days as a result LOL
also at their age they may not be around that much longer themselves.....leaving the girls with....????

I agree, anything can get, all the better.

For what happened to them, I would imagine they would receive the maximum amount of what the "Victims of Crime" payout would be.....I havent got a clue how much that is these days.

Deservedly so too.
Nobody is this scenario can put a foot right can they. The BCs have been so heavily criticized, everything they do gets ripped to shreds. So now they're the 'bad guys'. I don't even know the people, so feel hopelessly unqualified to judge them. All we get are little snippets from the media- totally biased of course, and so..... They're 'bad'. No good.*

Then there the Dickies... I don't know them either, so I'm not judgemental about them either. Apparently they're *too lovely now- so that means they might be fake? Geez you're a tough crowd.*

No matter what anybody related to this situation does it gets pulled apart (by a bunch of strangers who don't even know them, but seem to think they do) and put online where anybody can read it. Can you imagine how damaging and hurtful that might be?!*

Now the trust fund has come up for debate again- apparently because it's in poor taste. Is it not poor taste to discuss other peoples private business? If you don't like the trust find then just *don't donate. Why is there a need to criticize people for a really personal choice? If they DIDNT create a trust fund.... Someone would be up in arms about that too I bet. Have you stopped to think it isn't about the money? It's about being positive, doing something proactive when you might otherwise feel hopeless. I suspect those who have followed in their parents footsteps with regards to school would see this differently- its nothing to do with money, snobbery, an image- its about tradition, from my experience and in my opinion.

If you think it's unfair that the children get a trust fund when other children who's parents die don't have one.... Do you also stop to think its unfair that you are focussing so much on Allison when theres plenty of other people who are missing or murdered?*

Things are not black and white. People are not simple, theyre not goodies and baddies. It's madness to sit around tearing people to shreds over EVERYTHING! Ive even seen people criticise people over their looks, hardly relevant. It's so harsh!

It's one thing to sit around speculating about things stemming from facts, it's another to sit around just knocking everybody and being judgemental. Has everybody here never put a foot wrong? Is it so hard to respect people may do things differently? So much " if I was them I'd do this, I would never do that, that's wrong, that's bad!". Until you have been in certain situations and walked in someone else's shoes well you just don't know.*

I know it's frustrating when no new facts come out for a few days, but maybe that's a good opportunity to step away, take a good hard look at yourself, spend some time attending to the things you have been letting slide and get some perspective!*

I bet plenty of you have partners who would appreciate if you would step awaaayyyy from the screen, pay them some attention. Give someone a cuddle! Surely that is more productive than dissecting strangers, with other strangers.

Yikes! Big rant! Just popped my head in to see what was new and everything just seemed kinda *****y and bullying :-(*
some people think they are smarter than the police and feel that they can outwit them so find it not a problem to go in for a chat....often at their own undoing!

Sometimes those same sorts of people have such a gall that they might go in to ask the Police for help with another matter.
Nobody is this scenario can put a foot right can they. The BCs have been so heavily criticized, everything they do gets ripped to shreds. So now they're the 'bad guys'. I don't even know the people, so feel hopelessly unqualified to judge them. All we get are little snippets from the media- totally biased of course, and so..... They're 'bad'. No good.*

Then there the Dickies... I don't know them either, so I'm not judgemental about them either. Apparently they're *too lovely now- so that means they might be fake? Geez you're a tough crowd.*

No matter what anybody related to this situation does it gets pulled apart (by a bunch of strangers who don't even know them, but seem to think they do) and put online where anybody can read it. Can you imagine how damaging and hurtful that might be?!*

Now the trust fund has come up for debate again- apparently because it's in poor taste. Is it not poor taste to discuss other peoples private business? If you don't like the trust find then just *don't donate. Why is there a need to criticize people for a really personal choice? If they DIDNT create a trust fund.... Someone would be up in arms about that too I bet. Have you stopped to think it isn't about the money? It's about being positive, doing something proactive when you might otherwise feel hopeless. I suspect those who have followed in their parents footsteps with regards to school would see this differently- its nothing to do with money, snobbery, an image- its about tradition, from my experience and in my opinion.

If you think it's unfair that the children get a trust fund when other children who's parents die don't have one.... Do you also stop to think its unfair that you are focussing so much on Allison when theres plenty of other people who are missing or murdered?*

Things are not black and white. People are not simple, theyre not goodies and baddies. It's madness to sit around tearing people to shreds over EVERYTHING! Ive even seen people criticise people over their looks, hardly relevant. It's so harsh!

It's one thing to sit around speculating about things stemming from facts, it's another to sit around just knocking everybody and being judgemental. Has everybody here never put a foot wrong? Is it so hard to respect people may do things differently? So much " if I was them I'd do this, I would never do that, that's wrong, that's bad!". Until you have been in certain situations and walked in someone else's shoes well you just don't know.*

I know it's frustrating when no new facts come out for a few days, but maybe that's a good opportunity to step away, take a good hard look at yourself, spend some time attending to the things you have been letting slide and get some perspective!*

I bet plenty of you have partners who would appreciate if you would step awaaayyyy from the screen, pay them some attention. Give someone a cuddle! Surely that is more productive than dissecting strangers, with other strangers.

Yikes! Big rant! Just popped my head in to see what was new and everything just seemed kinda *****y and bullying :-(*

Everyone is entitled to their opinion just as you have now very vocally expressed yours that a few people also may not agree with.

I wish everyone would stop attacking people here. This forum is here for everyone to express opinions.
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