Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #12

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So were the chains missing?
It should be obvious if a brand new chain has been installed. Fresh welds, paint, new chain etc.

At one entrance, directly off the roundabout, (visible from the kenmore traffic camera)I didn't see any hint or place there could be a chain. This would be the entrance into the shopping center closest to the bus stop. IMO, you could park there anytime.

Once inside the shopping center, I did see two posts with links on top which could likely have had a chain, to close off parking in one particular area. (Opposite QML) Not visible on the camera. They might bring the chain out at night? I didn't see a new chain. and drove by slowly, so couldn't see any welds... Could definitely have been a chain there...

I personally don't buy into the chain thing myself. I live close by & my little creek goes up & down at surprising times...
Thanks for your post Toowong. Its interesting how my friends thoughts have changed (she knows Gerard professionally.

When Allison first went missing she was full of concern for him. She saw the interview on TV and reluctantly changed her mind to the real possibility he is involved.

She has seen and spoken to Gerard on occasions since Allison has been found and he is in every way a broken man. For someone that was truly unconvincing on TV, he is totally convincing in real life as a grieving widower. My friend is now concerned for him again.

Maybe, GBC is that 1 in 10 that isnt the guilty spouse? Only he knows that and probably his family. As far as I'm concerned, I think he probably knows what happened, but I'm yet to be convinced he is guilty.

I personally believe he could well be grieving because I don't think this murder was premeditated. I thought he was grieving at the funeral too when looking at footage and photos. Could the events after the fact been handled differently and maybe medical assistance sought? Yes, but he panicked IMO.
Mine started at 5 too.........But more closer to 6. I thought she had just recently turned 5.

In Qld they start prep ....if they turn 5 from the july of the year before they start or turn 5 before June of the year they start. So some kiddies start at 4and a half
In Qld they start prep ....if they turn 5 from the july of the year before they start or turn 5 before June of the year they start. So some kiddies start at 4and a half

Cool....Got it....Thanks. My youngest was born in July (5.7months when he started).....My oldest, I wanted to keep her home as long as I could (if I could keep her home forever I and she was born in April, but started just before she turned 5.10months.
The girls will be able to make a claim under Victims of Crime Assistance Act 2009 - this can be done by their representative/guardian/parent and receive payment of around $50k ea. Any funds awarded to the girls under the Act, prior to them turning 18yo, are administered by the Public Trustee, who're only too happy to release funds for education etc. Alternatively, they can apply on their own behalf when they turn 18yo. The cost of the funeral (unless paid for by the perp) can also be claimed up to the sum of $6k under the same act.

I fear people have lost sight of the fact that whatever is printed on the www in fora such as this, AussieCrims etc. is there for life, and as soon as those little girls are old enough to start googling Baden-Clay, what do you think they'll come across - every speculative and nasty word that's ever been typed about their dad, grandparents, dad's lover(s), aunties, uncles and heaven only knows who else - that's an absolute tragedy in my eyes.

Bad enough to lose your mum in such circumstances, but to then sit & read everything that's been said about your whole world and everyone in it, how much worse will that make their pain.

Most of society haven't forgotten ABC, but they've certainly got on with their normal day to day lives and barely spare the matter a thought, just as you would expect after a month of nothing really happening arrest wise etc. All I'm saying is, it's only top of mind for those who're baying for an arrest, those who spend their days and nights absorbed and fixated on the case and that is only a tiny minority in reality. Everyone else will see it in the media and think, "Oh, they got him/her/them, great news" then go back to their lives and await the ultimate, hopefully, guilty verdict.

That infamous hairdresser down there that keeps fuelling the fires of speculation with their snippets sure is busy still flapping her/their gums - parnter's work mate's mother went to get her hair done this week and was told exactly which 2 men did the deed, stated that they're both categorically, unquestionably guilty bla bla bla - you'd think they'd be sick to bloody death of repeating themselves day in day out with the same speculative conclusions they've drawn in their little hairdresser's brains. To me it shows a total disrespect and lack of regard for their late client ABC to be discussing her passing, as though it's some sort of who done it TV soap opera instead of a real event involving real (little) people.

ETA: IF the father is convicted, but ABC had life assurance with him as the nominated beneficiary, then it is usually a discretionary trust which means the insurance coy. is able to split it up at their discretion between the children - in that case it would be handed to the trustees of the current trust to administer, or, the childrens' guardians can request the Public Trustee administer it.

The endearing poem Robbo wrote for Allison on Aussie crimes web site

My Poem dedicated to Allison by Robbo

Silly man, thought you could play
By making the wife just go away…

Weak and cowardly, you lied and lied
Knowing your kids mummy, had already died

You tried to hide and play so sad
Made everyone around you so very mad

Coward Clay, a poor excuse of a man
You are on your way to a prison van.

I'm waiting for Cat in Hat to pop up!
I am so interested in what has been discussed and where we're at but I haven't got time to trawl through all the posts. Is it okay to ask for a brief summary?
The photo link on the first page of the new thread... what are we looking for? In what event?

Thanks in advance & I apologise for not having the time to read through on my own. It's been a busy 24 hours in my world.x
After having spent days reading everything since thread 8 – and it has been a mammoth job (over 30 hours dedicated!) – I’ve caught up, got behind and caught up again. I originally joined as I was given some information which perhaps I should now share.

Last Thursday morning (17May) someone I know had a long chat with a CM senior staff member and promptly told me this:

1. The newspapers are all gagged on this case.
2. At the time a person who was having/had an affair with GBC had been interviewed several times by police. This person had come forward and was apparently telling QPS everything she knew in order to not be associated with the murder.
3. The CM staff are of the opinion that GBS is the perp.
4. The CM staff are of the opinion that BC senior is the accomplice.

My thoughts on this:
Re 2 – think we can assume this was TM due to subsequent newspaper story.
Re 3 – this is my assumption, sadly.
Re 4 – I was shocked to hear this. However later on Thursday it was reported here that QPS had spent several hours interviewing NBC and searching his property.

this is the post I was talking about before (Sorry Reggie, it was Frisbee who was the poster) one source says there is a media gag and the other says no - I think we need to make our own minds up!

sorry I took so long to find it, I didn't realise how much had been written today!!
I can't quite grasp why people seem to think that Baden Clay engaging a criminal lawyer is a sign he must be guilty.

If I had been in his position even if I was as clean as the driven snow I would have hired the best legal advice I could.

Lets be honest from the moment detectives arrived on the scene on the very first day Mrs Baden Clay was reported missing the line of questioning would have been intimidating and he would have been left in little doubt that he was a suspect in a possible murder investigation.You go to gaol for a long time for murder, and innocent people have been convicted of it.

I couldn't agree more. I think that he displayed great wisdom in hiring a lawyer and keeping quiet. These actions I know to some people look sus but if he is innocent he was very wise.

My husband and I supported someone close to us who was falsely accused of something (not involving someone's death). The biggest mistake he and his father made were to not take a lawyer when the police interviewed them. The second biggest mistake they made was being too helpful to police. They didn't know what it was all about. They racked their brains in trying to be helpful in answering questions about things long ago and it was all used against them in a malicious way to convict this man of something that he finds repulsive. The legal aid defence was appalling and none of the things that people suggested to help in the defence of an innocent man were admissable in court for various reasons. I know the man was innocent. I listened to the court case and knew the factor's intimately and heard so many things that I knew to be lies said as facts. It disgusted me that the judicial process was so about getting a conviction and not so much about finding the truth. This man lives with the false conviction on his record. He was falsely imprisoned and has the pain of that. His children have suffered because of it. I was involved in helping the children prepare for the possibility of Daddy not coming home and I also cared for them and their distraught mother when he was first imprisoned. Not an easy task I might add. My husband and I regularly visited him in prison. An innocent man in prison.......what a waste of taxpayers money!

Sorry for that rant. GBC is wise to be lawyered up. I want the police to take their time to convict the RIGHT PERPETRATOR. I hope that GBC is innocent for the sake of his children and wider family and himself.......but if he is guilty he deserves the full force of the law as painful as that is for the children. My prayer is that if GBC is truly innocent of the murder (he maybe guilty of other things like having an affair or exposing his family to a situation that has resulted in the death of Allison), I sincerely hope that he and his children are spared the HORROR and PAIN of being falsely charged with the murder/ manslaughter of Allison.

Take your time detectives... get it right. If it looks like it was GBC: PLEASE make absolutely sure and cover ALL bases before you put that family and those children through any more pain unnecessarily.
I am so interested in what has been discussed and where we're at but I haven't got time to trawl through all the posts. Is it okay to ask for a brief summary?
The photo link on the first page of the new thread... what are we looking for? In what event?

Thanks in advance & I apologise for not having the time to rave ead through on my own. It's been a busy 24 hours in my world.x

really Inanna there have been lots of words posted but nothing new. The photos referred to were of a Century 21 awards dinner in Feb 2012, and they showed a happy and relaxed Allison, they have since been shut down.

There has been a bit of thinking today that perhaps Allison was planning on leaving because she withdrew as the property manager for a couple of rental properties - but all that is is speculation. We have discussed the trust find again, there has been a little tension (but not much) all in all a typical day on this site for those awaiting news on Alison.
I couldn't agree more. I think that he displayed great wisdom in hiring a lawyer and keeping quiet. These actions I know to some people look sus but if he is innocent he was very wise.

My husband and I supported someone close to us who was falsely accused of something (not involving someone's death). The biggest mistake he and his father made were to not take a lawyer when the police interviewed them. The second biggest mistake they made was being too helpful to police. They didn't know what it was all about. They racked their brains in trying to be helpful in answering questions about things long ago and it was all used against them in a malicious way to convict this man of something that he finds repulsive. The legal aid defence was appalling and none of the things that people suggested to help in the defence of an innocent man were admissable in court for various reasons. I know the man was innocent. I listened to the court case and knew the factor's intimately and heard so many things that I knew to be lies said as facts. It disgusted me that the judicial process was so about getting a conviction and not so much about finding the truth. This man lives with the false conviction on his record. He was falsely imprisoned and has the pain of that. His children have suffered because of it. I was involved in helping the children prepare for the possibility of Daddy not coming home and I also cared for them and their distraught mother when he was first imprisoned. Not an easy task I might add. My husband and I regularly visited him in prison. An innocent man in prison.......what a waste of taxpayers money!

Sorry for that rant. GBC is wise to be lawyered up. I want the police to take their time to convict the RIGHT PERPETRATOR. I hope that GBC is innocent for the sake of his children and wider family and himself.......but if he is guilty he deserves the full force of the law as painful as that is for the children. My prayer is that if GBC is truly innocent of the murder (he maybe guilty of other things like having an affair or exposing his family to a situation that has resulted in the death of Allison), I sincerely hope that he and his children are spared the HORROR and PAIN of being falsely charged with the murder/ manslaughter of Allison.

Take your time detectives... get it right. If it looks like it was GBC: PLEASE make absolutely sure and cover ALL bases before you put that family and those children through any more pain unnecessarily.

I totally agree. I said this from the start. He would have been stupid not to get a lawyer, guilty or innocent, seeing the husband is historically the number one suspect.
It has taken me a good week to read all through these threads and THE FOLLOWING IS ONLY MY OPINION....

Marriage was rocky, poor ABC had last year found out about GBC other woman/women and tried to work through it with GBC for the sake of the family and the girls. It was not just the affair/s that caused problems but the fact that he LIED and continued to LIE. Money was an issue and that in itself caused problems and arguments. They had probably discussed divorce but it would take a lot to separate property, businesses, children and GBC could not face the shame of failing his marriage (esp. to Dad) and looking like at failure at his workplace where he had to look like the next BWANA. He enjoyed have a wife at home looking after the children and the housework, while he flaunted around with TM at dinners and get-togethers and pretended all was good. He was having his cake and eating it too, and this was WORKING FOR HIM.

GBC obviously lied and continued cheating on his wife BECAUSE HE THOUGHT HE COULD GET AWAY WITH IT. His father (who advertised himself as Marriage Enhancement Counsellor) made him feel like he was never good enough. NBC was the grandson of the famous founder of the Scout movement and GBC had big shoes to fill. Dad already had to step in and put the house up to save the failing business and had told him to stay married.

Wednesday night GBC is out trying to use his card to buy something and it is denied or is out spending money with his 'secret' affair. Allison is having her hair done as she has something on the next day and would like to look presentable. GBC comes home and has a go at Allison about the money she spent (a good cut and colour can easily cost a few hundred) and she argues back about his current affair and a fight breaks out. There is some violence and there is screaming as Allison is being held down and strangled. Being a ballet teacher, she is physically strong and fights back with all her might, kicking and scratching, but finally he muffles her and strangles her.

He sits with her body for a while and panics, contacts NBC who comes with his wife EBC and sister. Sister gets the kids out of bed and takes them back the inlaws. EBC gets the cleaning products out and NBC and GBC organise to get rid of the body.

NBC panics and doesn't want to be in the car with the dead body or associated too much and follows GBC in his own car. The body is dumped. The phone is thrown into the bushes. They are hoping it looks like someone else attacked her and make up a story to tell police.

GBC nervously calls police in the morning, they arrive and smell a rat immediately, when they are taking the details they notice the girls mention going for a sleepover to grandparents in the middle of the night and that GBC cannot get his story straight but can state clearly what ABC was wearing. They note there is a history of DV in the family and take immediate investigative action. They discover the affair with the woman with loose morals that had no respect for ABC and the girls.

IN MY OPINION the minute 'I' saw the first interview of GBC with his sister, I also felt he was lying. It was a very, very strong sick gut feeling.... His interview was whiney like when you call in sick to work and you're not sick. I don't for one minute believe ABC went 'walking' in the cool moist night or morning air with a brand new hair do.

If my partner went missing I would be BEGGING the media to help me FIND my partner. I would be trying to do everything in my power to help. I would be pleading with the public for information. Not hiding.

I think the police have made it very clear that the suburb is in no danger from a crazy killer running around. It was someone that ABC knew. The police would have spoken to ABC's family and advised them to keep their cool and wait for the QPS to do their job putting every bit of evidence together, as GBC's defence in court will be searching for any possible loop hole to get him off.

The big losers? Three little girls that have had their mum taken from them and then finding out that their dad was her killer. I hope that the BC family also pay for their assistance to cover this all up.
I hope that the courts allow the family of ABC to bring up the little girls and that GBC is locked up.


I think it is all plausiable until you get to his family being involved with assiting - it has been reported that ex- colleague has been questioned not his family - so one would assume that the police do not have concerns that they were involved - and obviously qps are privy to lot more... IMO only
Thanks True...
I find myself becoming therapist to someone I have never even eyeballed... dangerous! Despite my schedule I am intrigued as this case unfolds. Thanks True for taking the time to fill me in. x
I would say that is right. The media are <modsnip>. They would print whatever they got their hands on if they could.
By them telling that person they have heaps more information than they have printed just keeps people reading their stuff in a hope that something will come up.

I bet they have plenty of information on who they think did it, but wont print it until the police confirm it.

The media are not <modsnip>. This is insulting to the majority who do their job with integrity. They are just easy scapegoats for people who:
(a) complain there isn't enough information being released, and
(b) complain there is trial by media or overly sensationalist reporting.

From the media's perspective, it's very hard to win - particularly when the same people desperate for information will also sledge the media for writing about the case.
The media are not <modsnip>. This is insulting to the majority who do their job with integrity. They are just easy scapegoats for people who:
(a) complain there isn't enough information being released, and
(b) compain there is trial by media or overly sensationalist reporting.

From the media's perspective, it's very hard to win - particularly when the same people desperate for information will also sledge the media for writing about the case.

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