Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #12

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I have read most of the posts and I again am unsure why the girls fund and furure schooling is bring raised so much....have you ever consider the fact that Alison's wish to her parents was to ensure there daughters have the finest education? Allison had this...

Agreed. I fail to see how it is relevant to the murder investigation. I recognise people have different opinions about it, but feel this is not the place to discuss it. It's seems pretty below the belt. Its a private matter, and none of our business. If people aren't a fan of the trust fund, just ignore it I say!

I have enjoyed hearing the exchanges and input into the question of Allison's death/murder. I am just waiting for more news (from the forensics results, Police, etc.) Unfortunately its a waiting game. Not really interested in speculating about the Dickies motives for setting up the fund - it seems appropriate to me given Allison's and her parents high academic values - as well as family Tradition - and paying tribute to Allison's wishes. That will stand the girls' in good stead - given the trauma and hardship they are about to face - I think it's a sensible and very wise decision and glad they didn't waste time in making their mind's up about it. They'll have a strong community of support which I imagine should assist them greatly from the school of her mother's choice.
..As for GBD's parents "Public Pash"... in the garage, I think that was (just my opinion), to demonstrate "to the world" that "we're a very loving family" . . . Hmnnn. No further comment.

Nice folks here on the forum as it's been said before. Like everyone here I am hoping that in time justice is served - being that Allison's murderer/s are found out and prosecuted. Any more news? I heard from a relative in Sydney that they have more info on the news there than here in Brisbane. If that be the case, (and not solely local connections being in touch by telephone) I wonder if it's to withhold the drama and extent of sensationalism and negative impact news could have on the case locally? Fair enough, I think.
I did hear though that sadly her corpse's hand was missing.
That reminds me of an earlier thread in which there was discussion revolving around imprints left on hands from grabbing at keys, etc. ...

How sad.

Hello & welcome hasn't been any on this case since Sunday Mail's story about GBC's mistress.

I've not seen anything further in Sydney news sites. A while back there were quite a few but doesn't seem to be the case now. The reports from there were mostly linked from Courier Mail or Brisbane Times....CM usually links to Sydney Telegraph.....BT to Sydney Morning Herald & Herald Sun.
I have read most of the posts and I again am unsure why the girls fund and furure schooling is bring raised so much....have you ever consider the fact that Alison's wish to her parents was to ensure there daughters have the finest education? Allison had this...

Yes, I think that's very simple.

Proactive too, as also mentioned above. I think it's even what the community would hope for and expect. I think we're all just getting tired and frustrated with the waiting,

In fact now I'm going to bed.
Good night all.:candle:
A friend of mine has met him at social functions and found him not only charming, but the 'life and soul' of the party. She thought he was a thoroughly nice, genuine guy.
‘Westonian Institute’ thank you for your post and stating what many others have been feeling. Like most I come here looking for new information to help make sense of this terrible murder however I have been watching with mixed feelings of anger, frustration and disgust in addition to enjoying some of the lighter moments ...

You're most welcome, RumourSquasher. Unfortunately my posts regarding this have been deleted, so others evidently may not share the same perspective.

However, I do maintain there is (or should be) a fundamental distinction made between sleuthing and slagging off.

Originally Posted by Cccclllaareb "I bet plenty of you have partners who would appreciate if you would step awaaayyyy from the screen, pay them some attention. Give someone a cuddle!"

---You obviously haven't met my narcissist ex husband. I kid you not, whenever a woman goes missing in Brisbane, my xh is at the top of my list of suspects until someone else is found to be responsible. Next on the list is the missing woman's husband...

Dare anyone accuse me of being biased or prejudiced!
Agreed. I fail to see how it is relevant to the murder investigation. I recognise people have different opinions about it, but feel this is not the place to discuss it. It's seems pretty below the belt. Its a private matter, and none of our business. If people aren't a fan of the trust fund, just ignore it I say!

Yeah give me a parent that doesn't want the best for their child, then give me the parent that wouldn't want to fulfill the wishes of the child who's life has been tragically cut short.
Something I have been wanting to correct for quite a while is that the cached "Meet the Team' webpage you have been viewing is from 2008 and did not apply after that year. The whole layout of the page is totally different to the current website, even the address of Kenmore is a dead giveaway. The current site probably had the staff profiles removed to prevent the staff from attack by forum posters - not just here either.

The staff profiles were written by a copywriter, I believe, and the only reason that Allison did not have one is that she was not actively working in the business at that time as her youngest was a baby. Someone mentioned she may have been 'on staff' for tax reasons but no doubt she did play a role in the background. She stayed quietly in the background and always seemed very supportive of GBC, the staff and the business.
Its funny.. Ive heard a few mention he is pleasant looking.. I cant see it.. Very plain and average.. I think he must have the gift of the gab..Or use pity lines..
Majenta - tried to post you a quick reply already - it ended up on page 28! God knows why...As I said there (!) - a friend of mine who has met GBC (and whom I consider to be a wonderful judge of character) thought he was lovely: kind, courteous, thoughtful and the 'life and soul of the party' at social events.
I applaud you.....We were saying this earlier today and got SLAMMED!!!!...Its nice to see people share some views, that arent in alignment with the GBC evil norm.

There are a few who say GBC is guilty, from the time I have followed the thread though I would surmise that the majority have only decide he is involved or he knows more than he is admitting. I am sure if it was as clear cut as all that he would already be in remand.
After having spent days reading everything since thread 8 – and it has been a mammoth job (over 30 hours dedicated!) – I’ve caught up, got behind and caught up again. I originally joined as I was given some information which perhaps I should now share.

Last Thursday morning (17May) someone I know had a long chat with a CM senior staff member and promptly told me this:

1. The newspapers are all gagged on this case.
2. At the time a person who was having/had an affair with GBC had been interviewed several times by police. This person had come forward and was apparently telling QPS everything she knew in order to not be associated with the murder.
3. The CM staff are of the opinion that GBS is the perp.
4. The CM staff are of the opinion that BC senior is the accomplice.

My thoughts on this:
Re 2 – think we can assume this was TM due to subsequent newspaper story.
Re 3 – this is my assumption, sadly.
Re 4 – I was shocked to hear this. However later on Thursday it was reported here that QPS had spent several hours interviewing NBC and searching his property.
Well, if NBC IS an accomplice and EBC knows this, that just might explain that infamous KISS that got (almost) everyone on this forum so worked up! "I still love you darlin, no matter what you done - and, by god, no-one's gonna take you away from me - no-ne!"
I have about 2 dozen alerts from all kinds of different members about off topic posts today. I do not have the time to sort through them all.

We have made a chat room for you guys and these off topic posts. Please use it! The link is on the opening post.

What would be very helpful is if you want to discuss something further that doesn't relate to Allison's murder, make ONE QUICK post on this thread that says "Hey Mates! We're getting off topic! Let's discuss in the chat room!"

I don't think I've ever given a time out for off topic posts, but if this continues to be a problem, I might have to consider it.

You're most welcome, RumourSquasher. Unfortunately my posts regarding this have been deleted, so others evidently may not share the same perspective.

However, I do maintain there is (or should be) a fundamental distinction made between sleuthing and slagging off.

Sorry, got your name wrong - because I couldn't find your post!
Before I go, GBC is suspect. We had been given the ok to discuss him in this forum, but not to fully name other POI. Which I have never done. I'm ot discussing the Dickies as POI's and I've never anywhere stated any other family me,beers may be responsible. I've stuck to the rles of the forum as best I could.

Use I laughed at them C21 party photos and said GBC looked like Vanilla Ice, but they are hilarious. Quetta aims have a different sense of humor and sometimes we need a little comic relief. That doesn't mean droning on about football, which I also didn't do. Some of the posters here today were nasty. Putting words into other posters mouths, it just all to much for me I'm afraid. I don't enjoy the company of arrogant people.

Thanks to the mods. I'd read about the mods here on other forums and to tell you the truth I took so long to join because of that. Turned put Kimster was a doll :)
Bye everyone! X
We might all just log-out and go then ... we have re-hashed everything many times and short of any new developments, what else is there to do than a bit of banter?

Please don't post stuff like this anymore. It just leads to problems.
Thats something that I think has happened on here a bit. I am not saying of you, but many have jumped on the bandwagon of the BC's and GBC are the most vile human beings ever. And everything and everyway they have reacted to things or acted in some peoples minds have therefore justified that they are guilty or awful people. Its one thing for people to have a though on something offer a theory or whatever. But there has been an awful lot of 'bashing' of people involved/affected in this cased based on perception and not necessarily known fact.

If I've said it once I've said it a million times, if there is any bashing of those involved in this case USE THE ALERT BUTTON! Do not post this on the thread because it just starts another barney!

Do NOT and I repeat DO NOT respond to this post!

Just try it! You'll like it!
Oh gosh, I'm done. This is a discussion on crime solving. I bet the police are picking personalities apart trying to find motive. But we can't do it? I'm over being told what I can and can not say. I don't think this is the forum for me.
The police are doing the picking apart in a confidential environment based on actual interviews and evidence presented. What is happening here is in the public domain for everybody to see and based on nothing of any consequence.
I just want to say... there seems to be a few people who are running down other members here for being off topic or being too stuck in their views... then they go and do exactly the same things themselves. If you genuinely have a problem with other's posts, why would you also resort to insinuating that we need to be taught the finer ways of life?

IMO this is also breaking the rules on here. There is so much insulting and nit picking going on... and tonight it's coming from the ones who are criticising us for it. So many posts are being picked to pieces.

There are nicer ways of getting your points across.
I just want to say... there seems to be a few people who are running down other members here for being off topic or being too stuck in their views... then they go and do exactly the same things themselves. If you genuinely have a problem with other's posts, why would you also resort to insinuating that we need to be taught the finer ways of life?

IMO this is also breaking the rules on here. There is so much insulting and nit picking going on... and tonight it's coming from the ones who are criticising us for it. So many posts are being picked to pieces.

There are nicer ways of getting your points across.

Thanks linette! I have to leave right now for work but this is important and I want to address it. I'll think about this during the day and come up with a way we can discuss it. It probably won't be until your next day. Let's about 10 hours from now I'll have a plan. Keep your eyes open for it. :grouphug:
From this POINT on,

discuss Allison's case and ONLY ALLISON'S CASE!

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