Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #12

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If the killer really is who most people suspect then I doubt they would sue. However the innocent people who have been named on internet groups may feel like it and I don't blame them. Internet comments are hard to prove. In a house with 6 people + 1 dog, good luck proving who is behind the computer posting comments under the user name Limaes. LOL...err...I mean...woof :)

I would dare say anyone has anything to worry about from the guilty parties directly involved with this case.
The ones you need to worry about are the businesses and people that get dragged into it. C21 is a perfect example. GBC isn't the only employee, and C21 isn't exactly a small company.
The internet also isn't as anonymous as you would like to think. You can claim multiple people use the internet in your house, but it's like getting a speeding camera ticket and you weren't driving. It's your fault unless you can pass it onto someone else who is willing to admit they did it. In the case of internet connections, I would dare say the person who pays the bills would be the first contact point. I have never had a threat make it to court so I am just guessing here. (always resolved or weak claims to begin with).

Also the original point was the media not printing every rumour and chasing every lead because of this reason. The same laws protect people from all forms of public media (tv/print/internet).
Just don't think that because you are on the internet that you are somehow immune to it.
I do know of one company in Queensland who sued a member for defamation about 10 years ago. ( forum)
And a quick google gives you some info that came about from it.
On the topic of GBC having A single scratch on his face and SOME on his hands/upper chest - if he assisted at the cross country, either in preparing/laying out the course etc, then it's no surprise whatsoever he'd be covered in scratches from undergrowth he may've cleared, slashed, removed etc. I know when we prepare for 4WD long weekend runs etc. the menfolk look like they've been attacked by a tribe of angry cats!

As to the footprint bruise on his chest - sounds to me that hairdresser's been entertaining the locals again - I mean seriously, who the heck would've seen his bare chest in order to be able to spread such a rumour - oh that's right one of his harem of lovers, how silly of me to forget them.
I would dare say anyone has anything to worry about from the guilty parties directly involved with this case.
The ones you need to worry about are the businesses and people that get dragged into it. C21 is a perfect example. GBC isn't the only employee, and C21 isn't exactly a small company.
The internet also isn't as anonymous as you would like to think. You can claim multiple people use the internet in your house, but it's like getting a speeding camera ticket and you weren't driving. It's your fault unless you can pass it onto someone else who is willing to admit they did it. In the case of internet connections, I would dare say the person who pays the bills would be the first contact point. I have never had a threat make it to court so I am just guessing here. (always resolved or weak claims to begin with).

Also the original point was the media not printing every rumour and chasing every lead because of this reason. The same laws protect people from all forms of public media (tv/print/internet).
Just don't think that because you are on the internet that you are somehow immune to it.
I do know of one company in Queensland who sued a member for defamation about 10 years ago. ( forum)
And a quick google gives you some info that came about from it.

And not only that if someone not involved in the case does anything the police have a way of getting any messages and isp addresses too. And thanks for that link now the state of origin is finished i will go have a look :)
I would dare say anyone has anything to worry about from the guilty parties directly involved with this case.
The ones you need to worry about are the businesses and people that get dragged into it. C21 is a perfect example. GBC isn't the only employee, and C21 isn't exactly a small company.
The internet also isn't as anonymous as you would like to think. You can claim multiple people use the internet in your house, but it's like getting a speeding camera ticket and you weren't driving. It's your fault unless you can pass it onto someone else who is willing to admit they did it. In the case of internet connections, I would dare say the person who pays the bills would be the first contact point. I have never had a threat make it to court so I am just guessing here. (always resolved or weak claims to begin with).

Also the original point was the media not printing every rumour and chasing every lead because of this reason. The same laws protect people from all forms of public media (tv/print/internet).
Just don't think that because you are on the internet that you are somehow immune to it.
I do know of one company in Queensland who sued a member for defamation about 10 years ago. ( forum)
And a quick google gives you some info that came about from it.

Just mentioning about defamation, I could be certain none of us will ever be selected for the jury for this crime. Much, much research will be done of the names that appear on potential jurors lists and if our names do appear they will know what our opinions and thoughts are, and no defense worth its salt would not challenge any of us.
The Baden-Clays, in their circumstances, could never have afforded private school fees - anywhere! Did the Ipswich Girls Grammar schooling do Allison any good? And IGG is not really in the upper tier of private schools in Queensland. It is the height of snobbery to assume only a private school is good enough. Several government schools in the western suburbs of Brisbane consistently outperform private schools - eg, Indooroopilly SHS, Kenmore SHS, Toowong Academy ..... and many of the children at those schools have parents who are high-achieving academics but for philosophical reasons view private schooling as elitist. But private schooling in Australia is most especially valued by the neuveau rich!

Private school education is a very personal thing and not related to being rich (old money or not). Some parents in "struggle street" make enourmos sacrifices to send their children to private school: a) because they believe the education is better than in a state school, b) because they want the more structured environment or c) because they were also educated in private schools. It is not always related to "snobbery".
Sorry, but this has nothing to do with a poor woman being murdered.
Almost everyone I know has not chosen their childs school based on OP history but by their childs "fit" into that school ie happiness and being a part of something special, be that the local state school or a private school.

To me it does, because it shows the mindset of close family members. If something happened to me or my husband, the first thing to go would be the private schooling. I know that for sure. The Dickies primary and only reason for the trust fund was to forfill Allisons dream of her children attending IGG. If I were to lose a family member through homicide and I asked for donations (which I wouldn't, because my children are no ones financial responsibility as far as I'm concerned). I'd ask for money to be donated to an organization relative to the crime to help others in the same situation, whether it be an organization that helps the families of homicide to get councelling, funding for SES to search for murder victims who have not been found, or some type of funeral fund for people who can't afford the funeral costs on such an unexpected death. That's just me.

The Dickies have the right to do whatever they like to help them heal, but it gives me the impression that the private schooling is something they feel is expected, therefore conforming to the mindset of the upperclass Brookfield psyche. We don't know them, and while I know it would be devastation beyond belief to lose a child and I really do feel for them, I just have a hard time with people talking about them like the Dickie side of the family are saints. WE DON'T KNOW. To understand the crime is to understand the personalities of the people involved and Im sorry, but I don't find asking for money to send your Grandchildren to one of the most expensive private schools in Brisbane is that down to earth.

Another thing I find hard to deal with, is any member of the family releasing the number of personal photographs of Allison I have seen to date. Your wedding photos are one of the most private cherished things you will ever own and to have them released related to your own murder case is horrendous. They are Allisons private photos and she was not here to authorize their release over the Internet.
I was told by this person on Monday that GBC and Allsion were having dinner at a restaurant and had a Barney which was caught on CCTV at the venue on the Thursday night Allison went missing.

Could they have gone to dinner after Allison went to the hairdresser?

Also the same source told me that word is that Allison was poisoned

My heart goes to the dickies and their granddaughters! It's very very sad! Such an awful thing that has happened!!

The screams were heard some distance from the house and were quickly dismissed by police as a party was going on nearby.

This is the last I've read re the screams...I've not read any report which says they were "quickly dismissed by police"

Anyone else read anything further??

April 29, 2012

The screams were heard about 10pm Thursday, April 19, about the same time Mrs Baden-Clay's husband, Gerard, told police he last saw his wife at their rented home.

Detective Superintendent Mark Ainsworth yesterday confirmed the reports were being treated seriously

To me it does, because it shows the mindset of close family members. If something happened to me or my husband, the first thing to go would be the private schooling. I know that for sure. The Dickies primary and only reason for the trust fund was to forfill Allisons dream of her children attending IGG. If I were to lose a family member through homicide and I asked for donations (which I wouldn't, because my children are no ones financial responsibility as far as I'm concerned). I'd ask for money to be donated to an organization relative to the crime to help others in the same situation, whether it be an organization that helps the families of homicide to get councelling, funding for SES to search for murder victims who have not been found, or some type of funeral fund for people who can't afford the funeral costs on such an unexpected death. That's just me.

The Dickies have the right to do whatever they like to help them heal, but it gives me the impression that the private schooling is something they feel is expected, therefore conforming to the mindset of the upperclass Brookfield psyche. We don't know them, and while I know it would be devastation beyond belief to lose a child and I really do feel for them, I just have a hard time with people talking about them like the Dickie side of the family are saints. WE DON'T KNOW. To understand the crime is to understand the personalities of the people involved and Im sorry, but I don't find asking for money to send your Grandchildren to one of the most expensive private schools in Brisbane is that down to earth.

Another thing I find hard to deal with, is any member of the family releasing the number of personal photographs of Allison I have seen to date. Your wedding photos are one of the most private cherished things you will ever own and to have them released your own murder case is horrendous. They are Allisons private photos and she was not here to authorize their release over the Internet.

In most murder cases I've heard of, there are always lots of personal photos released. Alot of the time this is so can can get a real feel for the missing/murdered person. When people 'feel' more they often want to help more too. And because she was married to a proffessional man and there were alot of functions to attend, I assume there are an awful lot of photos out there for public viewing.
I also know a few people who are certainly not snobs who choose to send their kids to a private highschool after they've had 7 years at primary in the public school.

To me it does, because it shows the mindset of close family members. If something happened to me or my husband, the first thing to go would be the private schooling. I know that for sure. The Dickies primary and only reason for the trust fund was to forfill Allisons dream of her children attending IGG. If I were to lose a family member through homicide and I asked for donations (which I wouldn't, because my children are no ones financial responsibility as far as I'm concerned). I'd ask for money to be donated to an organization relative to the crime to help others in the same situation, whether it be an organization that helps the families of homicide to get councelling, funding for SES to search for murder victims who have not been found, or some type of funeral fund for people who can't afford the funeral costs on such an unexpected death. That's just me.

The Dickies have the right to do whatever they like to help them heal, but it gives me the impression that the private schooling is something they feel is expected, therefore conforming to the mindset of the upperclass Brookfield psyche. We don't know them, and while I know it would be devastation beyond belief to lose a child and I really do feel for them, I just have a hard time with people talking about them like the Dickie side of the family are saints. WE DON'T KNOW. To understand the crime is to understand the personalities of the people involved and Im sorry, but I don't find asking for money to send your Grandchildren to one of the most expensive private schools in Brisbane is that down to earth.

Another thing I find hard to deal with, is any member of the family releasing the number of personal photographs of Allison I have seen to date. Your wedding photos are one of the most private cherished things you will ever own and to have them released related to your own murder case is horrendous. They are Allisons private photos and she was not here to authorize their release over the Internet.

People may not like it but life is all about what who you know and what group you belong to, you can have no brain cells at all and still get places if you have the right contacts or history, sad but true no one said life was fair.
One of the worst things you can do for your children imo, based on my own experience, is send them to an expensive private school if you're considered even a relatively lower socio-economic family (read wannabes) that is not riddled with professionals i.e. one of the first questions I got asked back in the good 'ol days when I walked in the front gate was, "And WHAT does your father do?" When I said he headed up a section in a Govt. Dept. they promptly all walked away wispering & giggling, and I was henceforth never reallyy accepted by the Doctors', Lawyers', Surgeons', Polititians' kidlets on the grounds I wasn't "Establishment material" (a different State, Qld doesn't have the "Establishment mentality" - not that I wanted to be part of their clique!

To me it does, because it shows the mindset of close family members. If something happened to me or my husband, the first thing to go would be the private schooling. I know that for sure. The Dickies primary and only reason for the trust fund was to forfill Allisons dream of her children attending IGG. If I were to lose a family member through homicide and I asked for donations (which I wouldn't, because my children are no ones financial responsibility as far as I'm concerned). I'd ask for money to be donated to an organization relative to the crime to help others in the same situation, whether it be an organization that helps the families of homicide to get councelling, funding for SES to search for murder victims who have not been found, or some type of funeral fund for people who can't afford the funeral costs on such an unexpected death. That's just me.

The Dickies have the right to do whatever they like to help them heal, but it gives me the impression that the private schooling is something they feel is expected, therefore conforming to the mindset of the upperclass Brookfield psyche. We don't know them, and while I know it would be devastation beyond belief to lose a child and I really do feel for them, I just have a hard time with people talking about them like the Dickie side of the family are saints. WE DON'T KNOW. To understand the crime is to understand the personalities of the people involved and Im sorry, but I don't find asking for money to send your Grandchildren to one of the most expensive private schools in Brisbane is that down to earth.

Another thing I find hard to deal with, is any member of the family releasing the number of personal photographs of Allison I have seen to date. Your wedding photos are one of the most private cherished things you will ever own and to have them released your own murder case is horrendous. They are Allisons private photos and she was not here to authorize their release over the Internet.

Lets hope you never walk in the Dickies shoes. How they deal with their granddaughters future is totally their choice. This is in no way related to solving a murder and I respecfully bow out.

To me it does, because it shows the mindset of close family members. If something happened to me or my husband, the first thing to go would be the private schooling. I know that for sure. The Dickies primary and only reason for the trust fund was to forfill Allisons dream of her children attending IGG. If I were to lose a family member through homicide and I asked for donations (which I wouldn't, because my children are no ones financial responsibility as far as I'm concerned). I'd ask for money to be donated to an organization relative to the crime to help others in the same situation, whether it be an organization that helps the families of homicide to get councelling, funding for SES to search for murder victims who have not been found, or some type of funeral fund for people who can't afford the funeral costs on such an unexpected death. That's just me.

The Dickies have the right to do whatever they like to help them heal, but it gives me the impression that the private schooling is something they feel is expected, therefore conforming to the mindset of the upperclass Brookfield psyche. We don't know them, and while I know it would be devastation beyond belief to lose a child and I really do feel for them, I just have a hard time with people talking about them like the Dickie side of the family are saints. WE DON'T KNOW. To understand the crime is to understand the personalities of the people involved and Im sorry, but I don't find asking for money to send your Grandchildren to one of the most expensive private schools in Brisbane is that down to earth.

Another thing I find hard to deal with, is any member of the family releasing the number of personal photographs of Allison I have seen to date. Your wedding photos are one of the most private cherished things you will ever own and to have them released related to your own murder case is horrendous. They are Allisons private photos and she was not here to authorize their release over the Internet.

maybe the family are snobby, may you would have done things differently and not released photos ... we are all different .. but what is your point
This is the last I've read re the screams...I've not read any report which says they were "quickly dismissed by police"

Anyone else read anything further??

April 29, 2012

The screams were heard about 10pm Thursday, April 19, about the same time Mrs Baden-Clay's husband, Gerard, told police he last saw his wife at their rented home.

Detective Superintendent Mark Ainsworth yesterday confirmed the reports were being treated seriously

As per my earlier post, some teens came forward & advised the police it was them screaming at a party/gathering.
As per my earlier post, some teens came forward & advised the police it was them screaming at a party/gathering.

There's a link for that somewhere stating police said it was teens??
Lets hope you never walk in the Dickies shoes. How they deal with their granddaughters future is totally their choice. This is in no way related to solving a murder and I respecfully bow out.

Good point.. I guess as a parent to honor your daughters wishes would be paramount too. It is probably something that has been discussed with the girls as well. Dad had a humble profession for 30 years so I don't think it has much to do with snobbery as such on the Dickie's behalf. Allison may have changed her mind on high schools(due to finances) in time given the chance, but this is not to be. Don't blame the Dickies thinking of what their girl wanted- especially in these circumstances.. Donate if you choose I guess.
First Post! After plodding through the other threads, I finally made it!

I'll keep the first part of my post current. Regarding Allison working at C21. If they had a Family Trust, she was probably employed by the Trust. It's a legit way to siphon funds into a lower or no tax bracket. If that was the situation, Allison probably didn't see a cracker of any said earnings. It would (should) most likely be sitting in the Family Trust. Unless someone naughty has squandered it of course. If they haven't already, then it's all theirs to squander now isn't it...

Obviously there was a revelation and confrontation on thursday night which led to Allison being brutally attacked.

My reckonings, for what they're worth LOL.

Allison could have taken off in her car (or on foot) to avoid the fight (we don't know what that final straw was) but it wasn't a happy woman going for a 10pm walk and running into a random psychopath, in Brookfield FFS. GBD or random psycho follows her in his car. She may have pulled over when she spotted the f'wit trailing her - probably somewhere near where those people heard the screams so clearly. The last anyone heard from Allison prior was the text to her best friend (correct me if I'm wrong please) earlier on thurs evening. That her phone wasn't found with her makes me think it's probably where she was attacked. Maybe the phone was the first thing to get flung into the darkness when the person caught up with her.

If there was no car to retrieve, i.e. if she was walking, all the easier then? All a person would have to do is bundle Allison in the car and drive off.

I checked out the link someone kindly left in an earlier thread to the map site THANK YOU BTW! It showed several pics of the Anstead area over an extended timeline. It clearly showed the incredible difference in water levels around Kholo Bridge crossing depending on the tide and rainfall. If you look at the water level during the 2011 floods for instance...its a flipping lake around the kholo overpass area way up towards Wirrabara Rd. With all the rain the weekend Allison was found, I think it's possible she was left off Wirrabara Rd somewhere and it flash flooded up with all the rain and she floated down as it drained away. I'm sure the bureau of meteorology would know for sure. Like they should be measuring water levels and rainfall in Brizzy yes??

GBD lawyered up early because.

.He didn't/doesn't know how he is supposed to react/what to say.
.His thoughts are totally consumed with the violent event and the subsequent fallout.
.Petrified about making a Freudian Slip to the media or police (of which I am positive, there are frigging numerous).

He rammed the car because:

.On the way to the police station, all of the above.
.He had a fit of rage and panic for his wee self.

I wonder how many times he circled Indooroopilly Shoppingtown before there was a gap enough for him to:

.Get up enough speed to do enough damage to bypass jail and go directly to hospital instead.
..Where he could steal some time to get his thoughts and a version straight before fronting the cops/anyone.

Diagnosis on Discharge = LAWYER UP!!!!!

Ultimately, I think someone will plead guilty to save themselves. Save themselves from having their dispicable acts of betrayal and violence being detailed in the court and media via autopsy and the like. Or, maybe he still thinks he can get away with it.

If he pleads not guilty, then his legal fees will cost the public purse US!!!! approx 60-70k. Yes, he will be eligible for legal aid. Things are tough since the floods....

And because she was married to a proffessional man

I was a real estate agent for a brief and painful period of my life and I would never refer to any Real Estate as a "Professional" per se - to me a Professional is one who's studied long and hard at uni, got a degree and has a career that pertains to that degree.

To my mind, a real estate agent is simply a "white collar salesman", nothing less, nothing more. They can behave professionally, sure, but they're not entitled to call themselves Professionals in the true sense of the word.

Of course, many true "Professionals" have murdered their spouses, but the person who took ABC from her babies was NOT a professional in any shape or form.
I would dare say anyone has anything to worry about from the guilty parties directly involved with this case.
The ones you need to worry about are the businesses and people that get dragged into it. C21 is a perfect example. GBC isn't the only employee, and C21 isn't exactly a small company.
The internet also isn't as anonymous as you would like to think. You can claim multiple people use the internet in your house, but it's like getting a speeding camera ticket and you weren't driving. It's your fault unless you can pass it onto someone else who is willing to admit they did it. In the case of internet connections, I would dare say the person who pays the bills would be the first contact point. I have never had a threat make it to court so I am just guessing here. (always resolved or weak claims to begin with).

Also the original point was the media not printing every rumour and chasing every lead because of this reason. The same laws protect people from all forms of public media (tv/print/internet).
Just don't think that because you are on the internet that you are somehow immune to it.
I do know of one company in Queensland who sued a member for defamation about 10 years ago. ( forum)
And a quick google gives you some info that came about from it.

Hi wakeskate...I used the 'chat thread' to reply to you so we wouldn't stray too much off topic :)

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