Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #13

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I don't know where all the stories came from about the restaurant, chains, kids been home and a few other things. I have searched alot of news reports in google but none of it comes up. Also i found something interesting in facebook that a lady i know from a local winery from my town is friends with GBC. It seems that at some stage they might have visited here or they know the person as i know the same lady
I have posted extensively on the whole issue of people using the word 'accidentally' when referring to a DV or rage situation and explained that even if it is not pre-meditated it is not necessarily an accident, especially in the case of strangling and smothering.

I think the use of the word accidental in reference to this is the homicide, not the domestic violence. I am sure there are lots of people across the world that hit/threaten/beat their partners (both sexes) and not indent to kill them.
By accidental homicide I was referring to Allison being pushed or tripped and hitting her head.
Hi everyone
I have been following these threads with interests since day one but have only registered today, and I hope that the following is both 'logical and rational'

In the first few threads there was a big emphasis on the search, what happened in house, finding the body and also GBCs behaviour and of course the movement of the cars. In the last few threads there have been some new angles, maybe dinner after the hairdressers, the chain theory, and new thoughts to where the body may have been dumped. I have been turning it over in my head for the last few days but what if you try to put them together in some kind of sequence;
GBCS goes to chemist in morning, may or may not attend Kenmore CC meeting, both parents attend the school running, Allison goes to hairdresser, kids have been arranged for sleepover and A and G agreed to meet for dinner to have discussion. A wants out, G is in bad mood because card got refused at Coles. They have argument over dinner, A walks out (to pick her car up at shopping centre) G is furious follows he. Kills her and dumps body in industrial bin, not many people around he did it quickly whilst she is in car. He goes home punches walls in frustration and panick, realizes her phone is still there etc. Rings Nigelaine 'help, help I finally killed her'. They get one of his friends to go out with him, one of them picks up A s car, two of them drive to Wirrabara road and dump body in Ugly Creek, weight down with chains taken from Coles car park'. Other drives As car back to the house.

Just my thoughts, would welcome any views etc

Great post!

The only thing I would add is sometime between 3pm-5/5.30pm Allison either drops the kids off at a friends/grandparents for sleepover or the kids are picked up for a sleepover.
I don't know the area, but standard access driveways (2 way) for any carpark must be at least 6 metres wide, if not more. Add a bit on each side and I would estimate the chain being at least 7 meters long. Chains are heavy because they are solid links (not hollow) and I guess it would weigh at least 10-15 kgs (guessing, as it depends on the gauge of the chain). The chain may have been used to attach something else to her body, not just the chain itself.

I agree they may have attached some heavy rocks etc. Pity for them the rain.....
I took Spratsmum to only be repeating some alleged information to the best of her ability but not making her own assumptions just relaying what she was told. And I agree with you wholeheartedly, it doesnt matter what type of person she was, or what faults she may have had.

the blame here lies 100% with the rotten *advertiser censored*/s who took her life.

Its been a sore point with many users here whenever someone had hinted at any theory other than one involving GBC being a violent, womanising, cheating, . I think IMO that it is highly likely Allison was angry at her husband...I ask you, who wouldnt be? I would be going off my NUT in frustration and hurt and anger if even HALF of the things claimed here are true.
So rather than focusing on the 'Angel Allison' image or the new, latest, 'Naughty Allison' image it might be wise to try and focus less on what which one she was, and accept that she was just a typical loving mum, friend, neighbour, wife and woman. And maybe to accept that thinks go haywire for good people as well as bad.

Yep everyone has multifacets to their life. I know its only natural to not want to see anything other than good of someone taken in such a way. But nobody is perfect and while someone may be a fantasic mother, loving person, does not mean they have not gotten into bad situations or made poor judgements. That doesn't mean they are at fault for being murdered. Perhaps Sprats mum could have worded differently, but I don't think harm was meant. Lets stick to the facts of what has happened and if that happens to take in things from Allisons life that is relevant, I think we are all respectful enough I hope to not make it into a slanging match of her character. But I don't think we can just ignore stuff that may be relevant just because it may mean her life is or was not as we had imagined?
Wow. Spratsmum. Nice work!
I look forward to reading the new theories tomorrow.

Pregnant girlfriend would make me pretty dam mad and I would confront him about it but only w/o kids around.

Hopefully we can get more local info soon.
Bye for now and yes it's much nicer without all the nastiness x
More mature, definitely. But some people are still very quick to leap into 'defensive' mode and take replies too 'personally', when I for one (and no doubt the majority of others) am only replying to points / theories posters have put out there.
I would hope a broken neck would be visible during the autopsy.
If she was smothered I have doubts whether they will be able to prove cause of death. One clue is if the bloodvessels in eyes have burst or the eyes bloodshot.

Sadly one of the issues with being left in the open for so long would be those tell tale signs.
maybe not 5 but i dont think the blowtorch has been applied to anyone in the 'family' yet......but I dont think its far off.....

we may see someone crack when charges are being laid...

Agree - I don't think Gerard is man enough to go through with getting rid of Allison's body on his own,
'Cowardly' man enough to kill her, but too spineless to dump poor Allison without help; if it was the dad, he would be a tough nut to crack, in my opinion.
(if a mistress was involved - they may have pointed the finger to save their own skin, by now - so I think accomplice is the old fella. JMO)
I agree but maybe with two or three people that would not be so hard. For some reason I cannot get out of my mind that news clip that showed the two blue industrial bins in the car park near the chains.

I accept that she may have been killed either in her car or at home. IMO not at home would fit the Gerbyls rational for ringing and saying she had been either asleep or was walking better, as he knew that police would eventually search the home. If you put that together with some views previously espoused ie that he had intended to 'do away' with Allison at some stage (later) but that the opportunity presented itself he would have thought through the fact that home is not a good place because of evidence. With crimes of passion yes, crimes of revenge or for personal benefit I personally think he would have thought to do it somewhere else.

Because I have always felt that this was not premeditated, and the result of DV, I think it happened at home after an argument. If it was premeditated, then the scenario would be very different and better planned IMO.
this is a very good theory, and it is IMO as possible as many others said, and more so than quite a few. I am still wondering about the weight of the coles chains.....does anyone know just how big they are? does anyone know how heavy they would need to be to weigh an average sized body down and submerge it?

I have another question in relation to the garden shed. What could have been identified as odd at GBC house that morning that might encourage police to search the garden shed at NBC house? any ideas

The missing link.............
Would create a bit of damage to the front of that vehicle though??!!

Yes, and that's why I thought the crash at Indro was on purpose and that car was used the night she was killed. OR, the chain could have also been pulled with the tow bar of the Prado??
I don't know the area, but standard access driveways (2 way) for any carpark must be at least 6 metres wide, if not more. Add a bit on each side and I would estimate the chain being at least 7 meters long. Chains are heavy because they are solid links (not hollow) and I guess it would weigh at least 10-15 kgs (guessing, as it depends on the gauge of the chain). The chain may have been used to attach something else to her body, not just the chain itself.

IF THE CHAIN WAS USED, thats what I think too..but why not just use rope? not thinking? or wanting something not tied to your home? or thinking clear enough that it wont rot quickly? but not clear enough that you might get spotted on CCTV. or was it just conveniently there when he came back for body (as new poster guy just said cleverly, he could quickly have used the bins after dinner argument went homicidal and came back later to retrieve body) this scenario is one Ive gone over a lot (at least for 5 threads) before regarding the bins.
I still do feel strongly that there is a big clue at the village carpark.

the chains wouldnt be enough to weigh someone down would they? that was my original point but I seem to have gotten carried away again!
I have heard about the shed being search in the evening news on TV the day the house was searched.

Yes I remember hearing about the shed search also.

I wonder how many computer's police have from all involved...GBC's apple laptop & work computer??...BC's computer?? belonging to the mistress also taken.??

"eight police officers spent an hour at a house in Brisbane's west where Mr Baden-Clay and his three daughters have been staying.

Three police cars arrived at 9am and eight officers entered the house, which is home to the parents of Mrs Baden-Clay's husband, Gerard.

The officers left at 10am with several evidence bags, including one containing an Apple laptop computer and a hard-drive.
Yes, and that's why I thought the crash at Indro was on purpose and that car was used the night she was killed. OR, the chain could have also been pulled with the tow bar of the Prado??

good good good idea...the chain could have definately been used in the blue car white car witnessed scenario
I have never taken any notice of them, but my guess is you would need an oxy to steal those type of chains.
I think in one of the courier mail articles there was mention that some garage items and some from the shed were seized. Would you need heavy duty bolt cutters to get those chains or do they just unhook?

good question...NBC is closer than GBC to coles....they could have footage of cars travelling to and from in that direction. It wouldnt be too hard for someone, some super car park sleuther, say spratsmum, to go and check out the gates for evidence of bolt cutters or new chain?
good good good idea...the chain could have definately been used in the blue car white car witnessed scenario

I agree I had not gone as far in my scenario.

Ps not a boy but a woman (proudly so)
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