Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #13

DNA Solves
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Hi Everyone

I told you I was going to the western suburbs today and would talking to a few people, I have some news to tell you all.

A friend of mine, is friendly with someone who was a good friend of Allison, known her for years apparently, primary, secondary school and kept in touch. The are what Allison's friend told my friend.

1. Allison was not the goodie two shoes she is being made to be.

2. The children were at the grandparents that night, because Allison planned to have it out with GBC

3. The girlfriend was pregnant, but no longer is (I don't anymore about this)

My friend also knows someone who is the mother of one of the policemen who first attended on the Friday:

1. The reason the search escalated so quickly was that BC had a history with the police of domestic violence and when they got into the house on the Friday morning the walls were covered in holes that had been made from someone punching something.

That is what I have heard today. My contact is a credible person, and I wouldn't believe she would lie. Some to said they know the person who contacted the police regarding the two vehicle at Kholo creek and they were seen there at 4am.

I know nothing else and just open this up for your opinions.

Yes, there were holes in the wall at the residence. The first attending officer ramped up the investigation immediately.
Just a thought I have had and totally forgot to post before now. Many have said the vehicles, prado or captiva could have been used to transport Allisons body- after she was killed. I would think if that was so then the police would have forensic evidence of that. They did seize both cars for forensics early on. I am sure if a body had been transported, they would be able to find traces of DNA (blood, depending on method of killing). This would undoubtely link GBC to the crime wouldn't it? I know there is a possibility of not if someone else had access to the car, but if anyone that we know police have had ther eyes on were involved like would be known(?) you would think that would be enough evidence to hold someone on? I don't know. I do know they need to make sure they have all evidence needed. but that would be a pretty big one that could totally put somone in or out of the frame..I mean if no evidence was found, then it would discount a few of the theories(even if the car was vacummed out, it would be hard to remove ALL evidence).
I think in one of the courier mail articles there was mention that some garage items and some from the shed were seized. Would you need heavy duty bolt cutters to get those chains or do they just unhook?

Would create a bit of damage to the front of that vehicle though??!!

could you hide said damage with a swipe at a pylon in indooroopilly bus stop?
You have to be pretty damn strong to cut through a heavy duty chain with boltcutters, and I would imagine around shopping cetres the chains are pretty heavy duty or they would be getting stolen all the time.No you would need either an oxy or an olympic weightlifter with some heavy duty boltcutters.
Glad someone appreciated my drive there! So many people were commenting on the fact there was no where for a chain...but there were at least 2 very clear signs stating that chains are used at night. Maybe just a warning though and not in actually in force. Still don't buy stolen chains!

Which shopping centre are you referring to?

Kenmore Village (closest to the BC house, has a coles) - I am pretty sure is 24 hour access. A resident has also confirmed they have a PO box in the centre which they can get to 24 hours a day.

Kenmore Plaza (about 1km away, has a woolies) - I am pretty sure this one isn't locked either. It has a 24 hour McDonalds and a tavern that is open till 3am. I know for a fact the bakery is open and accessible at 6am. It would seem pointless to lock it for 3 hours.
Yes, and that's why I thought the crash at Indro was on purpose and that car was used the night she was killed. OR, the chain could have also been pulled with the tow bar of the Prado??

well I swear that car could be seen to be blue at night...the question is whether it is smaller than a Prado? and I think someone said its a honda crv so yes. Next question is 'DO WE KNOW IF THE WHITE 4WD SEEN THAT NIGHT WITH THE BLUE 4WD WAS IN FACT A PRADO OR DO WE THINK IT WAS BECAUSE GBC HAS A WHITE PRADO'?
@ Spratsmum.

Thanks for sharing Spratsmum!

The person that saw the cars - did they say they were Allison and Gerard's cars? Sorry for the question; you may not even know the answer.
If it was the Prado - this would be the first time I have heard the white car was actually identified by a witness as one of the BC cars, rather than just a white car.

Thanks again! you should come down here more often!
well I swear that car could be seen to be blue at night...the question is whether it is smaller than a Prado? and I think someone said its a honda crv so yes. Next question is 'DO WE KNOW IF THE WHITE 4WD SEEN THAT NIGHT WITH THE BLUE 4WD WAS IN FACT A PRADO OR DO WE THINK IT WAS BECAUSE GBC HAS A WHITE PRADO'?

No we don't I don't think. I think it was assumed because it would tie in with GBC being involved. Silly if you used the Prado because of the signage on the back. So maybe it was indeed not the prado.
I wouldn't have a clue, I couldn't tell a Prado from a Pajero from a whatever even in broad daylight, there all ugly looking things built very much for function rather than taste.
Another thing I'm wondering about is bruising on his chest.
I've heard it stated a LOT here. Does anyone have a link handy from a news report where it is stated as fact?

Sorry I had a quick look, couldn't find anything, but people trying to blow up photos of GBC to find injuries.

The reason I'm wondering is because I was thinking about someone leaning over that guardrail on the bridge. That guardrail looks high enough to hit your chest if you're leaning over it, I also imagine a slip while leaning over would leave a nasty graze, as well as a bruise. Those things are nasty, motorcyclists are often lose limbs and sometimes heads hitting them.

I dont know for sure he has bruises, injuries to his chest, this is just my opinion until it's proven as fact he does. I'm working on the assumption I've seen a lot of postings about it (but am yet to see a news link)

A good reason to run into a pole at low speed in a pathetic attempt to cover up injuries. As well as an excuse not to attend the police station for an interview.

I'd also like links on the severed hand and chains if anyone has them handy, because I can't find it stated as fact ANYWHERE.
Just a thought I have had and totally forgot to post before now. Many have said the vehicles, prado or captiva could have been used to transport Allisons body- after she was killed. I would think if that was so then the police would have forensic evidence of that. They did seize both cars for forensics early on. I am sure if a body had been transported, they would be able to find traces of DNA (blood, depending on method of killing). This would undoubtely link GBC to the crime wouldn't it? I know there is a possibility of not if someone else had access to the car, but if anyone that we know police have had ther eyes on were involved like would be known(?) you would think that would be enough evidence to hold someone on? I don't know. I do know they need to make sure they have all evidence needed. but that woul dbe a pretty big one that could totally put somone in or out of the frame..I mean if no evidence was found, then it would discount a few of the theories(even if the car was vacummed out, it would be hard to remove ALL evidence).

I tend to think if there was no evidence found at first inspection...they'd keep the cars & go over them more thoroughly.

Incredible the things forensics can & do find even if the area has been vacummed. Recently I posted about a US single hair of the victim was found in the boot of the suspects car. This one hair showed it came from a dead body because of certain types of banding which show up under microscopes.

A lot of forensics info relating to US cases is on this forum...well worth a read for anyone interested. Also there's mountains of info all relating to the cases re evidence, warrants, transcripts of interviews & even recordings of the first calls to police......pretty much the works...soo completely different to Aus.
I tend to think if there was no evidence found at first inspection...they'd keep the cars & go over them more thoroughly.

Incredible the things forensics can & do find even if the area has been vacummed. Recently I posted about a US single hair of the victim was found in the boot of the suspects car. This one hair showed it came from a dead body because of certain types of banding which show up under microscopes.

A lot of forensics info relating to US cases is on this forum...well worth a read for anyone interested. Also there's mountains of info all relating to the cases re evidence, warrants, transcripts of interviews & even recordings of the first calls to police......pretty much the works...soo completely different to Aus.

Thats what I was thinking regarding hair. As much as you can vacum, you are likely not to get everything. I know the police had the cars for a few days.. I am damn sure thye would have been pretty thoroughly examining them. Thanks for the reply. :)
Another thing I'm wondering about is bruising on his chest.
I've heard it stated a LOT here. Does anyone have a link handy from a news report where it is stated as fact?

I've not seen any photo or read anything in media re bruising on chest ...only read it on here from another member.
Which shopping centre are you referring to?

Kenmore Village (closest to the BC house, has a coles) - I am pretty sure is 24 hour access. A resident has also confirmed they have a PO box in the centre which they can get to 24 hours a day.

Kenmore Plaza (about 1km away, has a woolies) - I am pretty sure this one isn't locked either. It has a 24 hour McDonalds and a tavern that is open till 3am. I know for a fact the bakery is open and accessible at 6am. It would seem pointless to lock it for 3 hours.
Kenmore Village at the roundabout...I drove in through the entrance at the roundabout and the sign is at the entrance advising it will be chained at night and opened in the morning. I exited at the top near the war memorial and there was the same sign!
I do agree about 24 hour access for PO Box owners...but the signs are there for all to see....They would need to chain 3 entrances/exits though.
Yes, and that's why I thought the crash at Indro was on purpose and that car was used the night she was killed. OR, the chain could have also been pulled with the tow bar of the Prado??

The chains at my local shopping centre are padlocked to a metal/steel loop either end. Someone comes and takes them down each morning.
I have never taken any notice of them, but my guess is you would need an oxy to steal those type of chains.

They are pretty big chains, but if they are padlocked either end {onto two poles}, then all you need is to break the padlock open. That's just how they are at shops near me... not sure about others. Alot of the time they're used to stop hoons doing burnouts etc in carparks at night... I don't think they ever think someone might actually want to steal the chain itself. That's why they aren't always secured other than a padlock.
You have to be pretty damn strong to cut through a heavy duty chain with boltcutters, and I would imagine around shopping cetres the chains are pretty heavy duty or they would be getting stolen all the time.No you would need either an oxy or an olympic weightlifter with some heavy duty boltcutters.

I have seen chains like that just padlocked to a post/bollard at each end.
You have to be pretty damn strong to cut through a heavy duty chain with boltcutters, and I would imagine around shopping cetres the chains are pretty heavy duty or they would be getting stolen all the time.No you would need either an oxy or an olympic weightlifter with some heavy duty boltcutters.

Surely after someone has been murdered you would not go down to the shopping centre and nick a chain. Oooops forgot the chain. Better go down to Coles and nick theirs.:shush:
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