Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #13

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Thats what I was thinking regarding hair. As much as you can vacum, you are likely not to get everything. I know the police had the cars for a few days.. I am damn sure thye would have been pretty thoroughly examining them. Thanks for the reply. :)

Deceased persons can pass urine after body closes down. Would be difficult to get it out of the seats and carpets after it has seeped into it.
Yep a broken neck would be visible by autopsy of course, I meant on initial examination at the scene. And as someone else said, determining how it was broken(if that happened), is something that would need further examination. I think the forensics are pretty good at being able to determine alot of things. And I am sure there are things to look for if checking to see if someone was smothered.

Thanks, reminded me as to why the QPS would state she was dead before being dumped in or around water. This answer would be that no water was found in the lungs....

Said it pretty quickly though, before 'austopsy'....if so, what do they know?
what does love trap mean...

love TAP...I think its an awful way to describe an injury that has been inflicted on someone by their supposed 'love one'. I think it is used in cases of domestic violence taken too far. but I haven't really heard of it before this forum, and I am not too sure.

To me, it brings to mind a big tuff 'bully' giving his missus a 'touch up' for mouthing off) IMO
spratsmum, can you measure their length too, and ask trolleyboy how heavy they are while you're at it! You are a legend!

ooops, i meant indromum... so mamy mums out there.sprats, you're a legend in your own right..
Being locals they would know what time to remove their car before lock up time......need to ask a local.
I have been shopping at Kenmore Village for 23years and have never noticed that sign before today...because today I was looking for it and there it is! So if I parked my car there I would just assume I could pick it up at any time not even thinking it could be locked at night.
Iwas thinking the same thing.Maybe this was planned.If Allison wanted out and he knew that she would be awarded at least 65% of his assets.Plus child support.So if he has no income,no child support.Iwas also thinking maybe they both saw a therapist,not too save the marriage but to make it earier on the girls.Thats what dear sweet Allison would want.

Very true ellou, do you know anyone in the girls ballet? Or live near them?

So needing their family now of course and forever too.

Who could help him plan this, I don't think he could do this on his own.....
Two things aren't measuring up regarding the possibility that GBC crashed the car on purpose. Firstly and I have said this before, WHY Indooroopilly of all places?? He could just do this closer to home especially considering he was already in the lime light! The ONLY reason I can think of that he would do this deliberately is so that he gets a little public sympathy, maybe he was hoping for a bigger injury or will later claim compo for an injured back or knees?? Secondly, if he crashed it to cover up any bruises or marks then they would have been shown to be inconsistent with the car crash injuries. Something doesn't add up for me...

Also I've been thinking of THAT interview with Olivia and his strange demeanor. Let's say he was a man totally out of love with his wife, maybe he had even progressed to disliking her.... WHO KNOWS?? Could that possibly be a reason to come across as such a terrible actor?? Knowing that he has to somehow challenge his inner soft side but struggling to feel genuinely sad?? THis doesn't necessarily point to being guilty IYKWIM and I'm not saying he isn't guilty but just trying to offer a different perspective. MOO!
what does love trap mean...

love TAP...I think its an awful way to describe an injury that has been inflicted on someone by their supposed 'love one'. I think it is used in cases of domestic violence taken too far. but I haven't really heard of it before this forum, and I am not too sure.

To me, it brings to mind a big tuff 'bully' giving his missus a 'touch up' for mouthing off) IMO
But he was examined by hospital staff after his little car crash and there is a record of his injuries somewhere. I don't know if he had bruises or not ... it's a rumour at this stage. substance to this story
Something else that has bothered me is why Olivia mentioned ABC as being depressed?? Was that really necessary especially as at that stage she was still a missing person? Why start dissecting her emotions to the Media from the get go? Could there have been a reason she said that? Maybe she wanted to suggest the possibility of suicide?

Another thing I'd like to know is if they've found a sheet or anything that could possibly have been used to wrap a body in?? Generally (unless you don't have many brain cells) murderers will wrap up a body and not just throw it in a car especially if there was blood or whatever. The only reason they may not have used a sheet is if she had no bleeding...maybe blunt trauma? Maybe leaving a hair 2 behind was preferable over having a sheet to dispose of. As someone mentioned the killer would have had adrenalin pumping through their body and most likely not thinking straight. This I believe is how many errors are made.
So the general consensus here is that Baden Clay killed his wife, I think the probablity of that, on what I know is about 80%, most are much closer to 100%.

It's Friday night, i've just started drinking whisky so lets have some fun and introduce something a little more open to debate, will he ever actually be convicted of it, my guess is unfortunately no.
Maybe, at this point, it might be helpful to step back and get an overview: do a recap in one post of everything that is hard, solid fact. It might help you contextualise and add clarity.
That's what I initially thought, but if circumstances deteriorated at home, knowledge of when the chains go up would be irrelevant. If she was in fact killed in her home, retrieving the car may have been an afterthought.

We don't know they deteriorated at home but we do know that things deteriorated at the restaurant if that is in fact correct.
Something else that has bothered me is why Olivia mentioned ABC as being depressed?? Was that really necessary especially as at that stage she was still a missing person? Why start dissecting her emotions to the Media from the get go? Could there have been a reason she said that? Maybe she wanted to suggest the possibility of suicide?

Another thing I'd like to know is if they've found a sheet or anything that could possibly have been used to wrap a body in?? Generally (unless you don't have many brain cells) murderers will wrap up a body and not just throw it in a car especially if there was blood or whatever. The only reason they may not have used a sheet is if she had no bleeding...maybe blunt trauma? Maybe leaving a hair 2 behind was preferable over having a sheet to dispose of. As someone mentioned the killer would have had adrenalin pumping through their body and most likely not thinking straight. This I believe is how many errors are made.

that is something we have discussed in the past...could the blanket etc have been discarded somewhere else such as village carpark bins? It was discussed that, If GBC had killled ABC in a argument that went very bad, he would not have left her all alone out in the bushes. Sort of based on the fact that he once did and still may love this woman and would try and protect her from the elements. But didnt want to have anything from his home etc connecting him to the dump site or body.
I think this is a logical point for transport reasons, and also backs up the 'protecting your loved one even though you just killed her' reasons. If it was, for example, the mistress, I dont think she would feel enough love,guilt,compassion to try and wrap and comfort her so to speak. IMO
Surely after someone has been murdered you would not go down to the shopping centre and nick a chain. Oooops forgot the chain. Better go down to Coles and nick theirs.:shush:

I have been out today and now busy catching up. Noticed a lot of post about the chain so been checking time line etc to see if there was map of carpark but couldnt find one. NEAR MAP ....Their is three exit or entry points and I keep thinking they may have tried to avoid traffic camera by going in one and out another but couldnt do it ...,152.939054&z=19&t=h&nmd=20120508
We don't know they deteriorated at home but we do know that things deteriorated at the restaurant if that is in fact correct.

I think your statement is rumour/opinion, and mine is opinion. Both as valid as each other and neither confirmed.

What I meant by deteriorated is even if they did argue at the restaurant, no harm (that we know of) came to Allison at dinner. There is the possibility that it happened in the home, hence my use of 'deterioration' in this sense (i.e. deteriorated to the point of physical harm).

That sounded really wordy - sorry!!
also, when we talked about it in relation to NBC, he sort of came out as the 'cleaner' the MR fix it, the harvey keitel of pulp fiction if you will. he was seen by many here (IMO) as a bit cold hearted and the go to man (in the aftermath of GBC's f*ckup). He would IMO have no problem with the dumping minus blanket protection scenario. IMO. at least, that is how i saw it in previous threads when it was discussed
Deceased persons can pass urine after body closes down. Would be difficult to get it out of the seats and carpets after it has seeped into it.

Yes true. Even if a tarp or similar was placed underneath, there could still be leaking. Sorry I know its not the nicest thoughts.
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