Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #13

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I know of someone who is very high up in QPS...he has stated no-one is permitted to discuss anything pertaining to this case.

Let's go back to the comment which started this ...

...."when they got into the house on the Friday morning the walls were covered in holes "....who is "they" ??...first attending police??...whose job would be on the line if they passed that info on to the public??

these comments could be from nosey neighbours or friends of the family or even the dickies to their friends. didnt the dickies and allisons friend clean the house in preparation for gerard and the girls to move back after it was freed up by the police and csu?
im a bit puzzled why it would need cleaning?
One of my best friends brother is a policeman here in Bris, he's worked as a senior detective for over 27 years. I don't know him, but I've met him once or twice. Sometimes when we are socializing we get into long talks about his brothers job, as I find it interesting, and my friend likes talking about it. He's been involved in some very high profile cases including Sian Kingi and Anita Cobby. Lots more, but I won't drone on. Police DO release information to the public if they think it will help the case ie. They use the public as their eyes and ears. They ALSO release false information to the public to make Perps relax or bring them out of hiding. Make no mistake about it, psychology is part of their job and they are extremely good at reading body language and extracting information. They can seem like they are asking you a perfectly valid question in a non intrusive way that will in seconds prove your innocence or guilt. Then they go after the evidence.

If they also release false info for their own reasons......could some of these things we have heard supposedly from people who know detectives etc. be deliberate false leaks...all reinforcing the bad GBC being the perp theory to make the real perp relax? I'm just putting it out there as an alternative idea.:fence:
To Factfinda, I respect what you said in you r previous post, but I think its just common courtesy to provide a little insight to your posts, that's all

minni the little blue tablets love, the blue ones remember

*advertiser censored*
Thanks True... so we don't know factually that the dining occurred? or that coles provided the chains that supposedly weighted her body down? Thanks for your help.
these comments could be from nosey neighbours or friends of the family or even the dickies to their friends. didnt the dickies and allisons friend clean the house in preparation for gerard and the girls to move back after it was freed up by the police and csu?
im a bit puzzled why it would need cleaning?

I would imagine the house might have been a bit of a mess after the investigators left. Things disrupted, dust for fingerprints etc. I think it was a kind thing to do to ensure the house was ready for GBC and the girls to return.
sorry not to be misconstrued..I don't mean specifically your posts, I was talking generally

It's ok, I understand what you mean. I guess from my perspective I could elaborate on quite a few things going on in the media but they aren't things that are "in my opinion" because they are not speculations; they are facts. For example, I could tell you some details about an interview but it wouldn't be hearsay or speculation because I wouldn't be relaying that from a second or third person. However, if I was to give you that information, and then proceed to discuss my thoughts on the case regarding guilt or innocence of certain people, then that part of my comment would be "in my opinion". Btw, your daughter has a very exciting career ahead of her! :)
minni the little blue tablets love, the blue ones remember

*advertiser censored*

haha...I feel like maybe we have different ideas on the blue tablets? or are we back on 'the rabbit hole'..I am confused I need a blue tablet? I am female (pertinent info when discussing blue tablets)
Sorry can someone tell me how we got to be in a restaurant with ABC & GBC? Were they having dinner together the night she went missing? How is coles heavy duty chain been brought into the story?
I hope it's not too irritating having me pipe up here from the sidelines... I had to self moderate my interest in this case so haven't been on to see how the story is unfolding...

Rumour has it that ABC & GBC had dinner somewhere on Thursday night and got into a fight at the restaurant, with was caught on CCTV of the restaurant.

Another rumour is that one of the chains of Coles carpark was missing on Friday morning and may have been used to weight the body down.

All this was reported by locals "in the know".
haha...I feel like maybe we have different ideas on the blue tablets? or are we back on 'the rabbit hole'..I am confused I need a blue tablet? I am female (pertinent info when discussing blue tablets)

i didn't know THOSE tablets, boy I lead a sheltered life. Blue is a calming colour though, make them orange if you feel better with that colour. Sorry i am off topic, better have time out break
these comments could be from nosey neighbours or friends of the family or even the dickies to their friends. didnt the dickies and allisons friend clean the house in preparation for gerard and the girls to move back after it was freed up by the police and csu?
im a bit puzzled why it would need cleaning?

I don't know who cleaned the interior up...I did read the Dickies were cleaning up around the flowers etc left out the front.

If they did clean the interior it was probably because nvestigators just about turn the whole house upside down looking for evidence/clues....have you ever seen any pics of the mess investigators make where crimes have been committed??

I'm shutting up now, or I will get you all banned. I don't want to do that.

I skim through the threads and read the posters entries that I think mostly make sense. But open every link usually. So I miss a lot of the stuff about chains and trolley boys. It's a good way to get through the heresay. Too much of that just confuses me.
I don't know who cleaned the interior up...I did read the Dickies were cleaning up around the flowers etc left out the front.

If they did clean the interior it was probably because nvestigators just about turn the whole house upside down looking for evidence/clues....have you ever seen any pics of the mess investigators make where crimes have been committed??

Crime scenes are notoriously left very messy, everything is left on the floor and all that fingerprint dust is hard to get off. Know because somebody I used to work with owned a unit were a murder was committed - had to be repainted it was that bad.
Professionally, I really believe that people working on such cases should not discuss them with their spouses/ partners...and if they happen to leak something by mistake the spouse/ partner should respect the confidential nature of the work and not repeat it. Again....should all be part of basic police training and who knows police may even have oaths they make about such things.

Glad to hear Unfolding Truth that you honored the work of your special person by not repeating what they let slip. In doing that, you honored not only your partner/ spouse but also Allison and the work for justice in this case.

I agree with you about the treatment of info that has come through friends of friends and local gossip. The only info that I take much notice of like this is when someone is giving a first hand " I saw GBC at.... " etc.

These are just my opinions and feelings about this issue.

Sorry, I disagree. I'm married to a detective. Cases like these that he has worked on are really distrubing. My hubby doesn't come home and blurt everything about his day but he does tell me things. He, like alot of his mates I know need an outlet. I don't repeat anything he tells me though because it's not worth his job or the safety of our family (in some cases). Police are human too, they're not robots or in a secret division of the govt where they lead secret double lives. They don't have 24/7 coinselling available if the want to just chat about their day. They don't undergo rigorous psychological training to hold everything in and have no emotion. Personally I could not do his job. Dealing with the absolute scum of the earth and helping their traumatized victims.

Moo, IMHO, IMO whatever.
Just had a thought - wonder if GBC and Allison went to the C21 office and had their blew etc there- would it not be easier to take a body down a lift to your car backed up in an underground carpark??
If they also release false info for their own reasons......could some of these things we have heard supposedly from people who know detectives etc. be deliberate false leaks...all reinforcing the bad GBC being the perp theory to make the real perp relax? I'm just putting it out there as an alternative idea.:fence:

IMO it would be pretty irresponsible if police were pointing in one direction just as a smoke screen, because this could make GBC snap and who knows what he could do then. IMO, no, if they are pointing towards and releasing controlled info about a certain person, it's because that is the person they have in mind.
It's ok, I understand what you mean. I guess from my perspective I could elaborate on quite a few things going on in the media but they aren't things that are "in my opinion" because they are not speculations; they are facts. For example, I could tell you some details about an interview but it wouldn't be hearsay or speculation because I wouldn't be relaying that from a second or third person. However, if I was to give you that information, and then proceed to discuss my thoughts on the case regarding guilt or innocence of certain people, then that part of my comment would be "in my opinion". Btw, your daughter has a very exciting career ahead of her! :)

thanks Factfinda....I respect what you say...and it would be frustrating to have to state 'IMO', when you know something to be fact!!! but I think for the most part people do follow that rule here and it helps to avoid bickering (well, usually). I actually am an easy going person, which I realise some people will disagree with haha....
together though, with ALL OF OUR DIFFERENCES, we can probably inadvertently work together and help come up with some new theories and narrow down the suspect list!! so it is all good IMO
Ooh and go home, punch a few walls so your home looks more like a crimescene giving more time to clean up the Office?
I would imagine the house might have been a bit of a mess after the investigators left. Things disrupted, dust for fingerprints etc. I think it was a kind thing to do to ensure the house was ready for GBC and the girls to return.

It must have been horrible though if there were holes in the walls (as speculated)!
Ooh and go home, punch a few walls so your home looks more like a crimescene giving more time to clean up the Office?

You are getting the idea Woombite , very good - punches wall - ouch!! that was silly lol
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