Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #15

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Well, I'm completely thrown tonight. Forensic reports are providing no clues (when they were supposed to give Police the "missing puzzle piece"), new people being interviewed, and now Allison was supposed to have been sighted at the Kenmore Roundabout on the night/eve she went missing. All of my 15+ likely scenerios (!) are starting to drift out the window. I now have no idea of what happened that night, and what's actually going on now. I would like to think that some of this media info release, is a "tactic", but I'm finding it really hard to be confident that the Police are any closer to arresting someone.

I think the police have toxicology reports which will have analysed the chemistry of the body and found that the cause of death wasn't apparently chemical in nature (poison, drug, car exhaust, allergy, depression drugs, uppers, downers, crystal meth ... etc.) etc. By saying they don't point to a cause of death probably reinforces the likliehood that her death was in a physical way.

Forensic reports would look at a whole lot of other possibilities more of a physical and natural nature.

I think the bobbies know their stuff and you can have confidence in their ability to bring villain/s to justice.
There is one reason and one reason only why they havn't made an arrest.........they don't have the evidence.
Despite a truckload of detectives working all kinds of hours and all the interviews, the post mortem and everything else covered in this forum they are still coming up short.

It is to be hoped this isn't turning into a nightmare where all the indicators point to the same culprit but they cannot be directly linked to crime beyond reasonable doubt.

Like everyone I'm hanging out for an arrest but I don't think the detectives have had the lucky break all cases need.

Have to disagree with this I'm afraid. Was speaking with a crim lawyer this evening and two points were made:

1. Regarding tox results not offering any further clues simply means, well, they probably don't need them and the results really havven't offered any further clues, meaning anything more than they already know. (as someone here as already suggested tonight)

2. You can read between the lines with how the Police are talking. By the way they mention 'confident of an arrest soon'. If they are not confident of an arrest soon, they simply don't say that. They say things like 'investigations are ongoing.' He has never heard the Police utter those words in his career without an actual arrest being imminent.

I have no idea how to attach a news link but apparently nothing came up at all in the toxicology report. It is on the courier mail news site.
There was an apparent sighting of Allison on the night of her disappearance at this roundabout. Sorry if this has been posted before.

Thank you for this! Yes we discussed this clip at the time and wondered if the mention of Allison being sighted was correct or if they just meant her car was seen (and thus the reporter was not quite correct). This point still intrigues me though and might hold the answer to my earlier query about why the two family cars were out and about. Was Allison driving one of them, earlier in the night at least?
I think the police have toxicology reports which will have analysed the chemistry of the body and found that the cause of death wasn't apparently chemical in nature (poison, drug, car exhaust, allergy, depression drugs, uppers, downers, crystal meth ... etc.) etc. By saying they don't point to a cause of death probably reinforces the likliehood that her death was in a physical way.

Forensic reports would look at a whole lot of other possibilities more of a physical and natural nature.

I think the bobbies know their stuff and you can have confidence in their ability to bring villain/s to justice.

Thank you Zorro. The way that you explain and word it, makes so much more sense than what we heard/read via media today. I'm still hoping that there is a tactic to what/the way media have released their info - as the talk about "no clues" was terrible to hear and comprehend. BUT, if you're right (I know you are), then all we are hearing is that she wasn't drugged, poisoned, drunk or had any other toxins in her system. We also know that she didn't have any obvious physical signs of death eg. gun shot, knifing. So, she was most probably hit to the head or strangled or suffocted?? Back to the beginning??

and moving ahead ........??
Thank you Zorro. The way that you explain and word it, makes so much more sense than what we heard/read via media today. I'm still hoping that there is a tactic to what/the way media have released their info - as the talk about "no clues" was terrible to hear and comprehend. BUT, if you're right (I know you are), then all we are hearing is that she wasn't drugged, poisoned, drunk or had any other toxins in her system. We also know that she didn't have any obvious physical signs of death eg. gun shot, knifing. So, she was most probably hit to the head or strangled or suffocted?? Back to the beginning??

and moving ahead ........??

Yes and if the cod was suffocation then there would be fibres of the cushion pillow present with her last breath?
I totally agree. I'm a newbie but have read ALL the threads from the beginning (even the threads that were deleted quote].

I would like to know how you accessed deleted threads please? On what part of this site are they tucked away?

Sorry! I wasn't trying to be mysterious :) just a bad choice of words. I was meaning that I had been following the threads closely and managed to read the all the posts, even the ones that were deleted later. Hope that clears it up.
If there is a secret stash of threads or posts, I would be the last person who knew where to find them :)
Thank you Zorro. The way that you explain and word it, makes so much more sense than what we heard/read via media today. I'm still hoping that there is a tactic to what/the way media have released their info - as the talk about "no clues" was terrible to hear and comprehend. BUT, if you're right (I know you are), then all we are hearing is that she wasn't drugged, poisoned, drunk or had any other toxins in her system. We also know that she didn't have any obvious physical signs of death eg. gun shot, knifing. So, she was most probably hit to the head or strangled or suffocted?? Back to the beginning??

and moving ahead ........??

Because the body was lost for ten days a lot of the physical signs of cause of death could be gone. For example suffocation would probably be impossible to detect. It's not nice to think about, but you can exercise your mind deciding what causes of death would be hard to detect when a lot of the softer tissues of the body have decayed.

A specific cause of death may not be possible to identify but a whole lot of causes will be eliminated. It is not essential to a murder case that the precise cause of death be known but it will certainly be narrowed down.
Remember earlier they said that she could have died as early as 8pm...

Yes, the timing is confusing. Perhaps the cars went one way through the roundabout at 11:30pm, then back the other way through the roundabout at 4am?
Thank you for this! Yes we discussed this clip at the time and wondered if the mention of Allison being sighted was correct or if they just meant her car was seen (and thus the reporter was not quite correct). This point still intrigues me though and might hold the answer to my earlier query about why the two family cars were out and about. Was Allison driving one of them, earlier in the night at least?

Carrying a dead body would be almost impossible for one person especially from a road or track, through the bush, down a creekbank or whatever. You would have to be very strong and fit. Think 70kg of unwrapped sausages. I posted in an earlier thread that I once tried to carry a completely drunk person and it was impossible because of arms, legs, head lolling about and being floppy.

There must have been an accomplice or two involved in hiding the body. At least one of those accomplices was obviously not happy to ride in a car with a corpse. Quite understandable I think.
Also i don't know how to link to twitter sorry but if anyone has twitter i just found this on there

Police questioning new people in the hunt for Allison Baden-Clay's killer. Soon on @tennewsqld

11:43 PM - 29 May 12via Twitter for iPhone · Embed this Tweet

Thanks for this angel - I don't know much about twitter, did anything come of this as it sounds interesting?
Why has the hairdresser been questioned three times? As many times as TM?

Perhaps the hairdresser was questioned so many times because she may be considered the last known person aside from GBC to see Allison, and so therefore potentially be an objective person to confirm things with about Allison in those last hours of her life. This is just an idea not fact.
Carrying a dead body would be almost impossible for one person especially from a road or track, through the bush, down a creekbank or whatever. You would have to be very strong and fit. Think 70kg of unwrapped sausages. I posted in an earlier thread that I once tried to carry a completely drunk person and it was impossible because of arms, legs, head lolling about and being floppy.

There must have been an accomplice or two involved in hiding the body. At least one of those accomplices was obviously not happy to ride in a car with a corpse. Quite understandable I think.

Thanks zorro and I understand what you are saying - but why would the accomplice not take their own car?
Thanks for this angel - I don't know much about twitter, did anything come of this as it sounds interesting?

Your very welcome :) If i see anything i will let you know but that was put on there yesterday :)
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