Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #17

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I'm sorry but WOWSERS! Crimes of passion and love triangles are one of the most common reasons for murder. Did you not read about the models boyfriend 2 weeks ago who just got put away for strangling his girlfriend because of her friendship with another male? Then of course there are the divorces the killers want to avoid, the custody battle, that can't occur in the first place without a divorce, which a lot of the time comes about by affairs. It's usually the man (sorry guys) because of their need to have sex.
To me "womanizer" indicates a lack of respect for a wife and total degradation of trust and honesty. There is a big difference between a man that makes a mistake and learns from it and tries to repair his marriage because he loves his wife and children and a man that doesn't learn and does it again and again and **** the consequences.....SOCIOPATH comes to mind.

I agree, maybe grannie is excusing someone in her life.......are you needing help in this situation grannie, we are here to hear you and perhaps help you escape the condoning/excusing bad behaviour if you too are suffering from it in a family way.
Thanks, Hawkins. I was not alluding that if GBC were arrested it would definitely incriminate him (as the final point of the investigation). My point was and still is that he has not been arrested so far because the police do not reasonably suspect him. Moreover, I believe that they have nothing at all on him. Otherwise, they would not let him to care for the children.

About arrests, in general. If you look at the timeline of the well known Joanna Yeates Case, you will see that somebody was arrested without conclusive evidence, just on suspicion. Other details of the case are also available and accessed via the menu above.

Okay ... let's just settle for: all crimes are different and all investigations are different and all lead detectives handle cases differently! How's that?
I would not, because womanisers are usually manipulators, not killers. Another genre. I am not defending GBC, btw. I just do not see him as violent. Also, he does not gain much by removing Allison from his life. He is the type, in my opinion, who could easily cheat on his wife without really worrying about being caught. But if he was a pedophile, then there could be a reason to kill someone who could expose him. Because once exposed he loses everything and goes to prison. JMO.

So... are you thinking now that this fine upstanding man is a pedophile?
...........AND as QPS said it was done by someone she KNEW>>>>> Hmmmm

Well said......I wonder who Grannie, someone she knew/ what IS your stance on this FACT????

The reality is that unless any of us knew Allison personally NONE of us knows ALL of the people that she knew. Probably the reality for us is that most of us know NONE of the people that that she knew.
bobbie elliott: ...
[/LIST]It is totally inappropriate for "loved ones" to take information that Allison has told them in confidence and share it with the national press - particularly because it now appears irrelevent to the case - even part of a deliberate smokescreen. Even if it were true, it wouldn't have made any difference to the search or outcome.

[/LIST]Based on standard mental health risk assessment of suicidality, Allison, around the time of her death, would have scored very high on the factors that protect (reduce the likelihood) of a person committing suicide. IMO the only real risk factor was GBC's treatment of her and their marriage. Her most powerful "protective factor" was her love for her girls...

BOBBIE ELLIOTT: Hear! Hear! Well said and about time! You obviously have knowledge of the 'risk' and 'protective' factors. Agree. The people who spread this idea 'she was depressed you know' had no idea of such assessment and one would have to question their motives. This has been one of their big mistakes - I'm sure the Police are aware of - especially as they stated she was murdered.
I have already mentioned several times that his confusion about the timing for an alleged walk was very suspicious. He called the police at 7.30am to declare Allison missing - that too, apart from other things, is suspicious. I agree. It is very tempting to suspect GBC.

Just curious... if you can see this as suspicious, then why do you think a crazy neighbour would be more likely to do it?
OOOO are you saying this is OK, are you used to it in your life and always 'let it go under the carpet' grannie?

That would be hard for me, Allison found it hard when she found out the affair was still going after Dec when she asked for it to stop and said it would and it was. But no it was still going on so more humiliation for her too.

And the fact he promised it would stop.

Berry you are correct.....her hurt feelings would be impossible to measure up, while tolerating his fraternizing with staff.

Berry in short all Allison owned was his washing. Allison did not die, she was murdered.
Ok, I checked the creek levels on 23.1.11 (date of the pic) and high tide on that day was 1.8m (not 2.2m).

What I've been trying to show (dare I say, prove!) is that the high water level in Kholo Creek has never reached as far up the bank as where Allison's body was located (apart from during the Brisbane floods). The rain after she disappeared, as heavy as it was, would not have made much difference to the levels. A few inches perhaps.

I'm firm on someone hid her body up under the bridge and rain nor tide had nought to do with it.

Thanks again for pointing out my error...D A N G !

Sorry, but I disagree. There was a photo posted today in this thread, which shows the location of where the body was found but this time it is at high tide and under water. It is a photo taken when the council workers where clearing the area after the body was found and it is taken from the opposite side as the one Makara posted yesterday. I will go back and find the link for you.
who on the surface appear genteel and sweet but behind closed doors are violent and nasty. IMO

But then assuming that, one underestimates Allison. Why do you think, she would live with somebody like that for that long? Why would she try to save her marriage? She was an intelligent and successful lady, who spoke 6 languages.
The reality is that unless any of us knew Allison personally NONE of us knows ALL of the people that she knew. Probably the reality for us is that most of us know NONE of the people that that she knew.

didn't you go to uni with her, knowing her then? knowing her views of life perhaps/marriage/morals and what she would accept and never accept Seeking?
But then assuming that, one underestimates Allison. Why do you think, she would live with somebody like that for that long? Why would she try to save her marriage? She was an intelligent and successful lady, who spoke 6 languages.

Even the best of us can be broken down over time....a brave front is not always transparent.

Here's another view of the bank. Not sure if you guys have seen this. Interesting because it doesnt seem to show a ledge like some of the other photos, more a gradual slope.


Okay, the link above shows a photo of the bridge pylons at the centre of the picture. The body was found just to the right of these pylons (in this picture) and the area is now totally underwater (high tide).
But then assuming that, one underestimates Allison. Why do you think, she would live with somebody like that for that long? Why would she try to save her marriage? She was an intelligent and successful lady, who spoke 6 languages.

<modsnip>, even the most intelligent men/women in the world {regardless of how many languages they can speak} will stay and try... sometimes due to being worn so far down emotionally. One reason could be that she was a genuinely lovely lady who wanted to make sure she had given it her best before leaving??

I have to ask this... do you honestly think that everyone in a bad marriage gets out straight away?
I dont believe timing has anything to do with it. We dont even know for sure Allison had depression or went for a walk. I reallly think until it is stated as fact we should leave the depression talk relating to Allison alone. The QPS have stated its a murder investigation. As I said earlier I have full faith and trust in them.
I dont believe she did go for a walk after having her hair done and having a busy day on the Friday IMO

The QPS have stated its a murder investigation, but not at first. Initially they told the public via the Courier Mail that they had hopes for finding ABC alive, and there seemed to be an inference that she could have fallen down an old mine shaft during her walk.

What puzzles me about this is that there have been many suggestions that the police knew they had a crime scene right from the word go, but police themselves stated initially they were treating it as a missing person case.

I still stick by the fact that what GBC told the police when he first contacted them must be entirely plausible; it was at least plausible enough for the police to state they had hopes of finding ABC alive.
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