Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #18

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So, I'm assuming they told the police? I just thought it was all a rumour, of an older man. Didn't know it was someone who knew him, and then they stopped!

yes knew him and stopped. it was a bit close to home to ask if she told the police. suffice to say QPS took a big interest in the roundabout after she was interviewed
:(breaks my heart... I get why he's done it and it's good to know that they're safe from people peering in etc, but t can't be normal for them... But then how do we know that the girls haven't requested it? We don't know what they've been told happened to their Mum, maybe they're scared that the boogeyman will come back and get them? :( Poor little darlins...

I've often wondered the same... what have the girls been told? They would have to have told them something. IF GBC is arrested over this, on top of losing their father, they're also going to know they were lied to.
What could they have told them?
bunkered down is better wordage. fibro over the windows etc. presumably to keep press and curious people at bay. still not ggod for the girls

Oh thanks for your answer squizzey, that is really disturbing and makes me feel sick to think her girls are 'shut in' like that.

Definately not 'back to normal' like the reason Olivia asked the media to let them be for, when they were at his dads house.

Ughhh :please: keep them loved and safe but not like that Gerard, you weirdo
This case has struck an emotional chord with us for some reason, not everyone shares our grief regarding this......i guess..

Someone at work asked me today why I was so concerned with this, I couldn't really answer but I knew inside myself that this woman that I never met deserves justice, to not just be a discarded object of some piece of ****...and the scum that did this needs to know that people do care and she wont be forgotten and that those responsible will be hunted down and brought to justice.

sorry if that was a bit incoherent I find it easier to say funny things than to look into my heart and express the feelings within.

Greg, your post is incredibly poignant and I think you have expressed your heart and the sentiments of many other hearts here so very well; you have mine. Thank you.
yes knew him and stopped. it was a bit close to home to ask if she told the police. suffice to say QPS took a big interest in the roundabout after she was interviewed

Wow. I think your friend happened to be in the right place at the right time that night... if she was the only one to see him, the police may not have been able to put so many pieces together.
I imagine being seen by someone who knew him would be the LAST thing he wanted.
Food for thought.
GBC is a Mac user (heresay)
To clear a Mac with 1 terrabyte hard drive to US Military Standard takes seven passes and approximately 27 hours. (Information from a Mac specialist).
IMO if GBC had the knowledge and was INDEED a mac user, he would have had time to erase his hard drive sufficiently if the crime scene was not declared until Saturday morning. My hunch was that the family photos were on an external hard drive or another computer.

Speaking of computers....I've always thought it a little odd police didn't take the parents computers until Thursday April 26th....a week after Allison's disappearance!!

April 26, 2012 3:28PM

Three police cars arrived at 9am and eight officers entered the house, which is home to the parents of Mrs Baden-Clay's husband, Gerard.

The officers left at 10am with several evidence bags, including one containing an Apple laptop computer and a hard-drive.
yes knew him and stopped. it was a bit close to home to ask if she told the police. suffice to say QPS took a big interest in the roundabout after she was interviewed

Phew, she was interviewed. This piece of info is far huger than I first thought. Not realising he was known to the person and identified.

Of course, others will ask for a link, but everything else you've told us has been right (I think, hasn't it!).
So he could have even been in shock... after being told what had happened? That could give the impression of being a bit disheaveled.
If she knew him, I think he would be a bit worried that she could identify him... how would he explain that away to the police?

He wasnt disheaveled . it was so odd she thought he may be drunk. and the sighting and talking to him was BEFORE she was interviewed by QPS. reckon yor ded right linette . would be s##t scared.
Phew, she was interviewed. This piece of info is far huger than I first thought. Not realising he was known to the person and identified.

Of course, others will ask for a link, but everything else you've told us has been right (I think, hasn't it!).

I don't need a link either. I trust this info. :)
Phew, she was interviewed. This piece of info is far huger than I first thought. Not realising he was known to the person and identified.

Of course, others will ask for a link, but everything else you've told us has been right (I think, hasn't it!).
yes, i just want to say what i know without pointing too hard at the witnesses. probably have been told some stuff that i shouldnt have been told. want to be careful for the witnesses
Oh thanks for your answer squizzey, that is really disturbing and makes me feel sick to think her girls are 'shut in' like that.

Definately not 'back to normal' like the reason Olivia asked the media to let them be for, when they were at his dads house.

Ughhh :please: keep them loved and safe but not like that Gerard, you weirdo

What choice does he have? Can you imagine how many people are trying to get a peek? U-turns in his driveway would be the tip of the iceberg I'm guessing. People would not respect his privacy, nor the girls IMO
He wasnt disheaveled . it was so odd she thought he may be drunk. and the sighting and talking to him was BEFORE she was interviewed by QPS. reckon yor ded right linette . would be s##t scared.

Yeah, that's what I meant when I said about him possibly being in shock... not after the police told him, but I meant more like if his son had called him during the night saying "Dad... guess what happened."

To me, if he was there at the round about that night , and acting like that, then there's a good chance IMO that he had a shock from a phone call.

Sorry, I probably wrote my previous post a bit skew-wiff... I knew you meant the night she went missing. :) Sometimes I get a bit carried away and my brain and typing fingers aren't on the same wavelength.

Squizzey, I always find your posts very interesting! Thanks.
I don't need a link either. I trust this info. :)

it was also from the same source after she was interviewed that I was told
ABC had been strangled and there was bathwater in her lungs
The dented car is a great new lead! Well done Indromum, you should have got some credit in the article.

I'm sure this new lead will be discussed at length today. Early posts about it are focusing on how GBC might have crashed it - which is of course a possibility.

I just wanted to point out that until Indromum's sighting most posters here seemed of the view (based on opinions of earlier "local" posters) that the Prado was in fact ABCs car and had until recently had the licence plate ALLISON.

I guess we don't know what is correct re the licence plate (before Indromum sighting) and who drove it on the night - but if it was ABCs car perhaps ABC crashed it?

Eg If ABC left the house voluntarily after GBC went to bed, perhaps ABC had a crash - maybe even into the guard rail on the bridge - and was trying to flag down help or assess damage when struck by a passing drunk driver, who then took steps to cover the accident (horrible thought - but pushed ABC off bridge, found address in car and returned car in the dead of night).

Just trying to think outside the square folks!

Hi Toowong, thanks for the post. I am just catching up on posts, so not sure if this has been said. But I don't really think its a plausable explanation. Given A) the police are certain Allison Knew her killer-lets out the random drunk driver theory.. However even if that was the case and the dunk driver returned the would they have got back out to pick up their own car from the bridge.:waitasec:.. Police never asked for witness who saw another car parked on the road near the bridge. and B) Police have also from all reports had witness or were looking for witness to the captiva out and about on the Thurs night, not just the Prado.

I don't think the theory fits.
i just think I have to be a bit careful here . sorry I cant say more
Are there large rocks or boulders lying around in any of the areas of interest? A boulder in the scrub at night would be easily missed? But that's just too dumb, surely!

Personally I think it's clever that the damage was not mentioned (if it was known to police from day 1 of 'disappearance') because this would allow for witness statements to document a timeframe of when the damage occurred, rather than supposition, eg: someone who saw the vehicle at 11pm reports there was definitely no damage while witness who saw the vehicle at 3am noticed damage and headlight was smash etc etc

All is very much MOO!

I don't really think a boulder or large rock would do that damage. It would have to be pretty high, a 4wd such as the Prado, sits alot higher than that of a normal car. But the damage in my mind doesn't seem consisten with something like that.. MOO

I know some of us discussed the possibility last night of hitting the guard rail at Kholo creek.. I wonder if the guard rail is dinged at all(?) Or if theres anywhere that looks like a car has hit it..I know that may be hard to determine as those guard rails can often get dings and scrapes over time..
The Prado was ABCs car for sure. know that from my grandchildren's father
What choice does he have? Can you imagine how many people are trying to get a peek? U-turns in his driveway would be the tip of the iceberg I'm guessing. People would not respect his privacy, nor the girls IMO

When coming out of Boscombe rd to go inbound on Brookfield Rd, cars need to stop literally right in front of their driveway to give way to traffic, so the house is very much in the public eye. Plus it's right near the school so lots of traffic twice a day.

On the topic of why this case has affected so many people -I was thinking of this today. I'm a local and it has consumed me and been the main topic of many conversations I've had with people in the past few weeks. To me, it's the hugest thing to happen in this community and am amazed at the coverage it's received. Is it just me because I'm in the thick of it or has Allison's death had greater than usual attention than some other murders?
it was also from the same source after she was interviewed that I was told
ABC had been strangled and there was bathwater in her lungs

My OH was told by someone trustworthy in the media that COD was strangulation. Of course, I cannot say this is a fact. This all may be a rumour.
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