Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #18

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Has GBC been advised by his lawyers to not say a WORD? Even in his honest defence?

I am puzzled that he is stopped by CM and asked what caused his bumper damage, and refuses to speak.

I know he had an accident outside his office the week before Allison disappeared and he damaged his front Bumper. WHY could he not just say that FACT? He must know that the papers will now run a story on his silence over the bumper damage and his lawyer must know this too.

This all adds to the public perception of guilt.

Maybe, his lawyers are hoping for an unfair trial due to the 'trial by media'?

Of course he has been instructed not to speak to the media. The media can be very intrusive and annoying ... just think of the late Princess Diana. She was accosted by the media but didn't speak and just kept on walking.
Trouble is if things weren't great financially and things were rocky in the marriage (including affairs) he would know that anything he said would be potentially scrutinized......especially by the media, even if he is innocent. Media slant of situations is a reality. He is better off saying nothing, people will speculate no matter what he does. IMO

I agree with you in part, however it is so hard to not think that GBC is guilty.

Regardless of what was going on in the marriage, affairs, financial troubles his wife was missing. So what if he was going to be scutinized.

If he played no part in this horrible crime then why not

Provide a statement to Police
Allow Police to search whatever they wanted to without having to get a warrant
Hand over the cars to be forensically investigated
Hand over the computers, mobile phones any other phone records whatever was needed
Allow Police to investigate anything they wanted to in order to get himself off the Police POI list so they could concentrate their efforts on finding the murderer
Go to the Showgrounds when the SES were searching for his wife and actually show some due consideration to these people and show some honest concern as to where his wife was
Even if there was trouble in the marriage surely there would be some genuine grief shown considering you now have three children who have no mother, if not for Allison then surely for the children.

I know if I was in this situation I would be doing everything in my power to help the Police in every way that I could in order to find the murderer.

And IMO he is actually not better off saying nothing, if he is innocent and he had done all of the above and more I am sure that the public perhaps would be having a different view towards him than they do now.

He has done nothing to help himself, all his actions and inactions point to GBC.
I just cant be swayed any other way.

Police never. I was talking about the actions of innoncent people.

But there is a difference. GBC knew (whether innocent or not) right from the beginning that he would be suspect No. 1. The Morcombes circumstances were similar to the position the Dickies find themselves in.
Do we know the lawyers are still on his case- how would he be able to afford the fees the way things are business-wise? Legal eagles don't come cheap.
I agree with you in part, however it is so hard to not think that GBC is guilty.

Regardless of what was going on in the marriage, affairs, financial troubles his wife was missing. So what if he was going to be scutinized.

If he played no part in this horrible crime then why not

Provide a statement to Police
Allow Police to search whatever they wanted to without having to get a warrant
Hand over the cars to be forensically investigated
Hand over the computers, mobile phones any other phone records whatever was needed
Allow Police to investigate anything they wanted to in order to get himself off the Police POI list so they could concentrate their efforts on finding the murderer
Go to the Showgrounds when the SES were searching for his wife and actually show some due consideration to these people and show some honest concern as to where his wife was
Even if there was trouble in the marriage surely there would be some genuine grief shown considering you now have three children who have no mother, if not for Allison then surely for the children.

I know if I was in this situation I would be doing everything in my power to help the Police in every way that I could in order to find the murderer.

And IMO he is actually not better off saying nothing, if he is innocent and he had done all of the above and more I am sure that the public perhaps would be having a different view towards him than they do now.

He has done nothing to help himself, all his actions and inactions point to GBC.
I just cant be swayed any other way.


I agree. If he was innocent and came out and acted like he at least cared {even if he no longer loved her, she was still the mother of his girls} then at least some would believe he was innocent, not all, but alot more then do right now. Even people who would normally give him benefit of the doubt {like myself} think he is guilty. I'm a person who sees 2 sides of a story, but I can't for the life of me see another side to this one. Believe me, I have tried. Can't do it.
Wow, I am quite shocked to read some of the comments this evening! I have my own theory about what happened in this murder case, however, the husband is, at this stage, not a suspect nor a person of interest. He is a father trying to protect his children from who knows what type of out of control crazy people out there. Hate is an awful thing and we do not know what sort of things have been happening in the vicinity of his home. Even some of the comments here are quite strong and unjustified IMO.

If every Dick and Harry stops at their home, does a U turn, slowly tries to see who is home or what is happening, I think I would board all the windows up too! Those children must be so afraid to be constantly scrutinised by drivers and or people looking!

We have a Justice system and they will deal with the person responsible for this! Until then, this family (or what is left of them) should be given the privacy that they expect when they are in their own home.

If the husband decided to go the the Brookfield show with his children, that has nothing to do with what may be happening in or around his home. When you are at home, you are expecting privacy!

He may chose to protect his windows because he may also be concerned about break-ins by people who want to know more about the family by going through their personal stuff.

Well said. The thing is, while many or most may have their theories who comitted this murder, no matter how much you believe it so, we really don't know for certain what happened, who was involved and what the family is feeling. We also don't know what the Police may know. Imagine how awful it would be if infact GBC IS innocent and the family is also having to put up with some of the cr*p it sounds like they may be. MOO
I agree with you in part, however it is so hard to not think that GBC is guilty.

Regardless of what was going on in the marriage, affairs, financial troubles his wife was missing. So what if he was going to be scutinized.

If he played no part in this horrible crime then why not

Provide a statement to Police
Allow Police to search whatever they wanted to without having to get a warrant
Hand over the cars to be forensically investigated
Hand over the computers, mobile phones any other phone records whatever was needed
Allow Police to investigate anything they wanted to in order to get himself off the Police POI list so they could concentrate their efforts on finding the murderer
Go to the Showgrounds when the SES were searching for his wife and actually show some due consideration to these people and show some honest concern as to where his wife was
Even if there was trouble in the marriage surely there would be some genuine grief shown considering you now have three children who have no mother, if not for Allison then surely for the children.

I know if I was in this situation I would be doing everything in my power to help the Police in every way that I could in order to find the murderer.

And IMO he is actually not better off saying nothing, if he is innocent and he had done all of the above and more I am sure that the public perhaps would be having a different view towards him than they do now.

He has done nothing to help himself, all his actions and inactions point to GBC.
I just cant be swayed any other way.


He may be innocent in Allison's murder but has other things to one really knows.
If they were washing the cars when the police arrived, then maybe it was someone else who rang the police? Surely they wouldn't ring the police and then suddenly remember that the cars might give them away, although who knows how one might think in post-death panic mode ...? MOO

Maybe it was the neighbour who rang the police. They heard the arguement on the thurs night then didn't see Allison on her morning walk like they usually do, they look out their window and see the cars being washed and put two and two together. Call the police!

Did we EVER question the Morcombes grief and committment to Daniel and wanting to get Daniel back - NEVER !!!-they remained committed to the cause - life went on - but it wasn't normal and it was never the same. Their golden dream was to find their precious son alive if possible - very similar to the Dickies IMHO!!!

Very true Liadan and good point, but the Morcombes were never suspects or even rumoured to be involved in their sons disappearance/death, so I don't think it's comparative. MOO
Out to catch some sunshine today; but just wanted to post this first. This is what I meant by a "koppers log" in response to what I thought the Prado had hit. The picture was taken near the Mt Crosby pumping station, so I assume there are more around the area.,r:1,s:164,i:189

I just knew someone would clarify what a 'koppers log' was. I have never heard the term but it may be common for all I know. Is it a name for these railings unique to Qld or is it the usual name. I am from Victoria and have no idea what they are called here.
I just knew someone would clarify what a 'koppers log' was. I have never heard the term but it may be common for all I know. Is it a name for these railings unique to Qld or is it the usual name. I am from Victoria and have no idea what they are called here.

They're called Gatto logs, you hit them and you usually come off worse
I am curious. A lot of people here say that GBC isn't acting like an innocent person.
So How does the average innocent person act in a situation like this?
Maybe because people go overboard sometimes:needdrink:

Maybe>>>> ????

Do you have children?

Well if the answer is no do you have a wife, sister, mother?

Would you board their windows on a 2 storey house???????

If you did would you say........."oh I just went overboard then.........??"

This is erratic, irrational behaviour and needs to be addressed by our Social Services/Child Care Services Dept to get him assessed now.
I just knew someone would clarify what a 'koppers log' was. I have never heard the term but it may be common for all I know. Is it a name for these railings unique to Qld or is it the usual name. I am from Victoria and have no idea what they are called here.

Aren't they what they use to use as railway sleepers? ... cut in half? All I remember is getting heaps of them deliverd once to make a divider on property fencelines. Before then I didn't even know what one was. But I'm not a 'log' kinda girl. :)
Maybe it was the neighbour who rang the police. They heard the arguement on the thurs night then didn't see Allison on her morning walk like they usually do, they look out their window and see the cars being washed and put two and two together. Call the police!


Police indicated it was GBC who reported her missing that morning, not the neighbours.
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