Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #18

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You are right we don't know. It was suggested a couple of night back someone who was doing geocaching may have been the canoeist, due to a comment on geocachin website reguarding his trauma(not sure if that was the exact word) of what he found on that particular cache..where Allison was found.

trying to find a link. but not sure if we should be sleuthing this person. It is only a nickname they use, so not sure if that would give them away, but..

The geocacher said something about the 'torment of my find'.

After that was pointed out I did wonder if it was him that found Allison, but I imagine a few people in the area with kayaks might have gone looking for her anyway, especially if it was easier to get up some creeks after the heavy rain.
I'm not sure if it's the same link you posted yesterday but none of the reports on this link state that he reported her missing to police or that he contacted police.

"Her husband, Gerard Baden-Clay, who reported her missing before hiring a Gold Coast criminal lawyer, yesterday spent an hour at the Indooroopilly police station."

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..Haven't got much time to read though to cach up right now.. But.. I had a thought last night as I went to sleep..yes thats what being on here before going to bed does..I end up thinking about it as I try to sleep.. But I wonder, the Paul Tully blog had me thinking, along with some comments from other posters here. The Nsw woman- the latest aquaintence interviewed, you could be right about a plan from the Police regarding her. But also, wasn't there real estate conferences up here the week Allison went missing? I remember reading about it in previous threads. I wonder if GBC was also going to conferences and whether this latest woman happened to be up here that week for a conference(?). A legitimate reason why she would be here. ALso someone mentioed if she was involved it would be easy to see plane records if she had been up here. But if she had a conference, this would be legit. ALso though there would always be a chance she had driven up- not flown, so no flight records.. Anyway.. just a thought. Not saying she is or isnt involved. Just putting the thought out there.

got to head off:escape:

Yes that's right Unfolding...there was a real estate conference on the Friday, 20th April.

Blonde moment MW - it is LHS - maybe Sebs is as unco as I am!!!

Best not to go geocacheing with me folks as we would definitely be up the creek without a paddle.........turns to the left!

Good pickup :redface:
lets try and stick to drivers side or passengers side to avoid confusion, the pictures as published show passenger side damage.

I'll say...makes it a whole lot easier :)
lets try and stick to drivers side or passengers side to avoid confusion, the pictures as published show passenger side damage.

Thanks Greg......spoken like a man!
"Her husband, Gerard Baden-Clay, who reported her missing before hiring a Gold Coast criminal lawyer, yesterday spent an hour at the Indooroopilly police station."

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it doesnt say he reported her missing to the police, just he reported her missing, yes to the Dickies. have you got a link where he reported to the police because i have never heard that. i thought the Dickies reported to the police
Yes that's right Unfolding...there was a real estate conference on the Friday, 20th April.

I thought someone else here mentioned it was also on on the Thurs. But we thought the one Allison went to was a pathways one- not sure that was established or not. But not to say GBC wasn't at the RE one and possibly this woman was too? Again..just thinking out
Hi everyone! Sorry to block up the posts with introductions. I'm Fergie's daughter, a local and neighbour of GBC and ABC who has been following the case since I was visited by police and informed of her missing person status.

Love reading all of your opinions; this forum is continually inspiring me to get justice for Allison. I am also in agreement with the majority on here that it was most likely GBC who killed Allison.

One thought I had while driving by GBC's house on my way home yesterday, occured when I saw fresh flowers had been put on the fence after the last bunch were removed. It crossed my mind that perhaps beyond paying tribute, the flowers are put there by locals to remind GBC that we aren't forgetting what has happened despite the slow down of information from the media and police. Even if that isn't their intention, I think it's a good way to keep the pressure up.

Maybe I'm a little sadistic but I will gladly bring more flowers and messages of love for Allison to that house if it also serves as a reminder to GBC that nobody is forgetting this.

I often drive late at night to the local 7/11 past the Moggill/Brookfield roundabout and then return home via Mt. Crosby Rd and I feel frustrated just thinking I was out on the night before Allison went missing at 12 - 1AM in that area. I keep thinking if only I'd gone on Thursday night I may have seen something that could have helped the police.

"What ifs" kill me.

Hi and Welcome! Thanks for your input. At the risk of being shot down by somebody here, I think the family now deserves to be left alone, just if only for the little girls' sake. I'm sure that some people are leaving flowers with good intentions, because they feel the loss, however I don't believe it should be done "on purpose" just to send a message to him.

There is a high possibility these little girls are going to suffer even more in the future ... they need to grieve in peace. Just my humble opinion and suggestion.
lets try and stick to drivers side or passengers side to avoid confusion, the pictures as published show passenger side damage.

thats what i was getting at greg. no more lefts or right or we will think we are in a boxing ring ha ha :floorlaugh:
The geocacher said something about the 'torment of my find'.

After that was pointed out I did wonder if it was him that found Allison, but I imagine a few people in the area with kayaks might have gone looking for her anyway, especially if it was easier to get up some creeks after the heavy rain.

Thanks, couldn't remember the exact words. Yes other Kayakers may have been out, but if they did not actually get out and look, they may not have seen. Where as this person was out on foot looking.. but we don't know for sure they are the person who found. I don't want to say too much about it, but I imagine, there may have been some odour, that could lead one to check it out too..I am so sorry to put that out there.
A book suggestion that came up when I went to read about The Gift of Fear on Amazon was 'The Sociopath Next Door' ....... Interesting and probably worth a read!

The Mask of Sanity is also a good one.
I thought someone else here mentioned it was also on on the Thurs. But we thought the one Allison went to was a pathways one- not sure that was established or not. But not to say GBC wasn't at the RE one and possibly this woman was too? Again..just thinking out

There were two conferences both held on the Friday, 20th April.

One was the Pathways...the other was REIQ.

I don't recall a mention of either being on the Thurs. at all as I remember seeing the info on REIQ site.
it doesnt say he reported her missing to the police, just he reported her missing, yes to the Dickies. have you got a link where he reported to the police because i have never heard that. i thought the Dickies reported to the police

Don't ask me to find a link, but I thought Det Supt Ainsworth was asked and he said the husband reported her missing.
There were two conferences both held on the Friday, 20th April.

One was the Pathways...the other was REIQ.

I don't recall a mention of either being on the Thurs. at all as I remember seeing the info on REIQ site.

Ok. thanks. I thought I saw it mentioned the real estate one went for 2 days. Thurs and Friday. I might be wrong.
it doesnt say he reported her missing to the police, just he reported her missing, yes to the Dickies. have you got a link where he reported to the police because i have never heard that. i thought the Dickies reported to the police

Sorry, I'm coming across as very disagreeable this morning; but have you got a link to state the Dickies reported her missing? You are right in stating that it does not specifically say he reported it to police in this link, but I'm struggling with the wording that he would have have "reported" it to his in-laws...wouldn't he just have "told" them.

Once again, it's not my intention to be argumentative, it's really not my intention; but the wording seems a bit off for the media to be referring to anyone but the police.
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