Maybe I have misinterpreted something. Didn't OW state that she had spoken to ABC and that ABC was her usual (words to the effect of) "normal good-natured self"? on that ( I presume) Wednesday night before her disappearance? Then a number of days later stated she had been depressed. The two are not mutually exclusive of course, but are they a little too diametrically opposed to be stated within such a short time-frame by the same person (OW)?
Precisely, Clara.. makes one wonder who she had been speaking with in the meantime, doesnt it. I think at that first occasion, Olivia also stated , with wide eyed firmness, 'Gerald LOVES Allison'... that with the 'usual goodnatured self'... next thing, its hoping Allison is going to be 'returned' and that she was depressed...
No more about 'Gerald LOVES Allison', either.. of course by that time, Madame McHugh 's ditzy head had been raised so persistanly above the parapet, it would have been a redundancy of absurdity.