the point about the imagined and constructed suddenly enraged lover of Allison that is proposed as a possible suspect is that it is never substantiated.. this mystery figure flits about, never nailed as to which gender it or woman, height, weight, occupation, history, sighting, record, gossip, previous form, and most amazingly, considering the emotions this activity brings out, Our Boy Gerard has never pointed a finger in that direction. Or any other. Neither has the diagnostic wizard, Olivia, who stated quite firmly and straight faced that Allison 'was depressed'... odd for someone with a Merlin like lover, who appears and disappears like that bloke was able to.
Depression would be the last thing, I would think, under that circumstance. Stuck with Gerard and his ridiculous horizontal adventures, his fiscal nincompoopery, the in laws, she would have been as happy as a clam, if such a creature existed. The holders of this scenario never point out the location of this amorphous being's residence, suburb, car, links, meetings, assignations, friends of friends.. HIS or HER friends... nothing , nothing, nothing.. just ... nothing. This is probably why it is discarded, really. Its simply unsustainable in the cold light of day.