Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #2

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There seems to be alot of concescending going on here. I won't enter it. I am entitled to my beliefs and if I believe it is logical that scout areas be checked, taking not only into account his minor involvement, but his family ties on a grander scale to scouting.....then that is my prerogative.
I wish I had foxtel :( those shows are great for armchair detectives like us :)
There seems to be alot of concescending going on here. I won't enter it. I am entitled to my beliefs and if I believe it is logical that scout areas be checked, taking not only into account his minor involvement, but his family ties on a grander scale to scouting.....then that is my prerogative.

Can someone please verify this as I'd hate to step away from the facts (sarcasm intended) but wasn't both the Kholo creek area and the scout camp raised both on this forum before Allison was found (am sure Alicat had some weird intuitive feel) and to the police i.e the police had been told of this being a potential place??
With all due respect, members on here don't know whether some of your "facts" are indeed facts or not. I don't know how involved he was with scouts....haven't heard anything from police as to whether he was or wasn't.

The only record of him being involved with the scouts was an entry from the Oxley scout group a few years ago. Anyone can google this information to confirm. His brother on the other hand has had a lot of involvement with them.

Or about the houses in the area. You are making them seem as though you have "facts" but it's really only your word = a member of a forum, like the rest of us.

He's a real estate agent, he knows what he has listed and he talks to home owners all the time who are thinking of listing so he has a good idea about homes that are vacant for periods and so forth just like any agent would know so it's not incorrect to call this a fact.

I do agree though with your last "fact" re police needing to search in a methodical manner has to be done in that manner.

BTW I was only putting fact in front of my points that I was making because of the post I was responding to.
maybe BWANA is short for BigWanka but father creepy could fit that on a number plate

Cracked me up Bris Girl but it would need a 'K' in there to give it street cred. But a Big Wannabe for sure!

I think we are all a little tired and jaded going over the same information again and again and nothing really new coming from the 'horses mouth' ie. the police.

Great that we all agree on JUSTICE FOR ALLISON lets not lose sight of the fact that this is an open opinion forum.
There seems to be alot of concescending going on here. I won't enter it. I am entitled to my beliefs and if I believe it is logical that scout areas be checked, taking not only into account his minor involvement, but his family ties on a grander scale to scouting.....then that is my prerogative.

Police did search other areas, they had police on trail bikes, water police and they had helicopters up looking. The majority of the ground searching however was in the 2km radius.
It seems to me that some members are becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of an actual arrest at this point in time and might be getting a wee bit upset with some of the comment made by others, who have the same right to express their opinions as all the rest. This has become a very high profile case for QPS and they need to get this water-tight right, otherwise the perp may get away with murder. Like my father used to say: Patience! There is no point getting into arguments amongst each other here. I suggest we all just concentrate on the topic and not get aggravated by whether we agree with someones post/view or not. It's okay to disagree!
So he sold his Lexus? The replacement car in my opinion still gives the outward appearance they have money. They have 2 of them! Big newish petrol guzzlers! .

Sorry to correct you on this, but just for the sake of accuracy, the Prado has been in the family for many years, with its c21 stickers on all sides. It was easily identifiable, however recently (months) most of the stickers were removed, and only had rear sticker as we see in the pics of late. The Captiva is the very recent replacement for the Lexus that was traded in.
So many experts zzzzzzzzzz ..... Starting to get boring. Comical some people here think the police are reading most of this crap. Stick to watching CSI ..... Cheap shots on the family are pretty tacky - all will be revealed and I have the utmost confidence in the lead detective ... Clearly he's been around and they're damned clever!
Great that we all agree on JUSTICE FOR ALLISON lets not lose sight of the fact that this is an open opinion forum.

Very true....and also that maybe when we arent so heated, we can compromise on finding a way to help the 3 daughters and the Dickies................and if it panned out GBC had no involvement, i'd be even happy to write him a letter of apology and help him too.
C'mon kids, stop fighting. Remember this is an open forum, a discussion. Everyone is entitled to their view and I'm sure nobody intends to offend. Just saying.
I absolutely agree with the method the police used to do their search and respect that they have rules to follow with VERY good reason. I think it's easy to have wisdom in hindsight, but as I am not as informed as the searchers- I trust them and their procedures surrounding this. Not blindly either.

Having said that, I can see why some people have a different opinion about it and are frustrated. Each to their own! It's good to listen to different ideas, keeps the creative juices flowing and stops us getting too tunnel visioned in our own views.

I thinks it's ok to respectfully disagree :)
I wish I had foxtel :( those shows are great for armchair detectives like us :)

I wish I had foxtel too!!!! So many good shows for us 'detectives'. Unfortunately my student budget doesn't agree. They should give student discounts :p ooooh or sleuthing discounts :-D
Sorry to correct you on this, but just for the sake of accuracy, the Prado has been in the family for many years, with its c21 stickers on all sides. It was easily identifiable, however recently (months) most of the stickers were removed, and only had rear sticker as we see in the pics of late. The Captiva is the very recent replacement for the Lexus that was traded in.

Sorry, that was my bad. I was told the Lexus was gone and he now drives the Prado. I must admit they didn't say he bought the Prado recently, just that he was using it. You're right, the Captiva is more recent.
My post was to try and move forward with discussion rather than rehashing the same old stuff.
I can confirm that I am in fact one human being on the interweb and not a sock puppet.

It's been a bit of slow media day. Just found this vid of the scout grounds search:

Thankyou for the vid Gorecki. Typical Aussie bushy area isn't it, it would be like searching for a needle in a haystack having to search such a massive area as that.
Just some interesting facts aside from the case. These apply specifically to Aust.

Male to Female (victim) intimate homicide is the most predominant of the group.
The female is unlikely to work outside the home.
Past criminal record does not have much of an impact.
Mean age of offender is 36.
Most commonly occur in the home.
Goal is to suppress the victim. A third of the conflicts are associated with jealousy or ending the relationship approx 60% are general domestic arguments (revenge).

Apparently intimate homicides occur almost exclusively on days other than Saturday and occur between 6pm and 6 am.

Offender uses a gun or sharp instrument or strangles.

No wonder alarm bells were ringing for the Police.
So what ? Are all scouts murderers? Can we restrict posts to adults only.

I believe Nads was responding to a post where someone asked if someone could verify his Scouting connections...........................Be kind!!!!
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