Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #20

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To be honest I wouldn't put much weight on what Paul Tully has been writing, he is a career councillor there is a possibility he is using the case to lift his public profile, he may be eyeing off a run in next years federal election. I personally take most of what he says in regard to the case with a grain of salt.

Yes I agree - I take what he writes with an enormous grain of salt, which is why I was very interested to hear him trying to back up verbally what he has been writing in his blog. He only spoke quite briefly at about 8:20am or so and managed to avoid the question of where he is getting his info from. He also mentioned that websites which involve speculation about the alleged perpetrator(s) are problematic and may cause problems when it comes to seeking an impartial jury. He seemed to deflect questions about his blog, to focus on the issue of websites such as this/social media discussion etc. Did anyone else hear him?
Did I hear correctly on the morning radio news update?
Anybody else hear the way it was said?

Immunity has been granted to an accomplice in the Allison Baden Clay case.
But then followed by...rumour only of course.
Not sure if this has been posted, because I've lost my mojo with the threads, but am posting this anyway:

Quote of the week:

"I'd just caution Cr Tully from spectacularly blogging about murder cases in Queensland and encourage him to get back to his constituents," he told the Courier-Mail.

"He's not a journalist, he's a councillor."

Yes I agree - I take what he writes with an enormous grain of salt, which is why I was very interested to hear him trying to back up verbally what he has been writing in his blog. He only spoke quite briefly at about 8:20am or so and managed to avoid the question of where he is getting his info from. He also mentioned that websites which involve speculation about the alleged perpetrator(s) are problematic and may cause problems when it comes to seeking an impartial jury. He seemed to deflect questions about his blog, to focus on the issue of websites such as this/social media discussion etc. Did anyone else hear him?

No — Unfortunately the link just didn't work for me
Yes I agree - I take what he writes with an enormous grain of salt, which is why I was very interested to hear him trying to back up verbally what he has been writing in his blog. He only spoke quite briefly at about 8:20am or so and managed to avoid the question of where he is getting his info from. He also mentioned that websites which involve speculation about the alleged perpetrator(s) are problematic and may cause problems when it comes to seeking an impartial jury. He seemed to deflect questions about his blog, to focus on the issue of websites such as this/social media discussion etc. Did anyone else hear him?
No - I was listening but real life got in the way about then - sounds like I didn't miss much
Points that makes me think that GBC is guilty:-

1) Police took 8 or more bags of 'evidence' from his house and his parents house
2) Police impounded BOTH their cars for forensic investigations
3) GBC was the last person to see ABC alive, and ABC knew her killer
4) GBC's confidante and business partner TM (apart from his parents) was interviewed extensively (and low and behold she has lawyered up)

These are more personal observations that for me go towards being quite suspect considering his wife has just been murdered:
5) Scratches and marks on his hands
6) GBC lawyered up (so fast he'd barely put the phone down from his frantic phone calls)
7) ABC was found around the vicinity of a Scout camp (heavy family involvement in scouting)
8) Friends and 'ABC's family" were briefed at the command post daily - absence of GBC
9) His mantra is honesty and integrity but his resume and reputation don't quite mesh with this statement
Yes I agree - I take what he writes with an enormous grain of salt, which is why I was very interested to hear him trying to back up verbally what he has been writing in his blog. He only spoke quite briefly at about 8:20am or so and managed to avoid the question of where he is getting his info from. He also mentioned that websites which involve speculation about the alleged perpetrator(s) are problematic and may cause problems when it comes to seeking an impartial jury. He seemed to deflect questions about his blog, to focus on the issue of websites such as this/social media discussion etc. Did anyone else hear him?

I didn't hear him but he's having quite a bit to say today on his blog...
sorry all, ignore my earlier post.
I used the search function and searched further on all the entity types that can be related back to the Baden-Clay clan. I thought I'd find one or two, maybe 3. what a mess. Certainly raised some red flags for me.
Working in the superannuation field, the rumoured $600k death benefit, seems highly doubtful for many reasons (her age, her current working status, etc). If she was that over insured & her superannuation fund didn't require for her to meet a work means test, then I'm confident that insurance amount + the balance of her super savings will be paid into a trust for the children. However (my opinion only), this will be handled by the public trustee & all interested parties for polar opposite reasons will request the funds be deposited into the trust already set up for the three girls.

I agree I have just been searching and their must be 10 or more different companies and trusts, keep renaming changing, deregistering etc. all linked to either NGB, Nigelaine or Gerard. In my view it would take a forensic accountant to unravel that lot.

I wonder if part of the capital for the Oasis Finance P/L came from US or German funds prior to the GFC and is somehow locked in to the whole sub-prime collapse. Ie funding institutions calling in the loans, therefor BC etal having to mortgage properties locally at much higher interest rates, or forced to sell at a loss, thereby drying up working capital, hence the C21 business almost folding.

What a pressure cooker environment those people must have created. A rejected credit card at Woollies could well have been the last straw!

I somehow suspect that the business would have collapsed regardless and that this was a major factor in the committing and/or plotting of this heinous crime.
I didn't hear him but he's having quite a bit to say today on his blog...

I didn't want to put the link on here again so thought i would just quote your message. I hope you don't mind.

In this message Paul says

The Attorney-General, in conjunction with his federal counterpart, should be using all available powers to close down other websites which identify the alleged killer in this case.

I'm wondering whether they can actually do that??? And for him to add that it goes to show he must get information off other pages and just adds stuff to his blog???
What a pressure cooker environment those people must have created. A rejected credit card at Woollies could well have been the last straw!

Then he gets home to find Allison has spent the last few $$$'s on a hairdo of all things....he would have been mighty peed about that in my opinion.
he is so far the last person to see her alive, Case... even he himself has not put forward anyone else who may have... no one else has. Not the Dickies, not his friends, not her friends, not Olivia, not the police , not any single verifiable person has put up an alternative to Gerard being the last to see her alive. In her home. No one has seen Allison outside her home again since he last saw her on the couch watching the footy show. Not a single solitary person. :rocker:

Statistically, he's in the frame.. overwhelmingly, women who are murdered in Australia are murdered in their homes by their partners. Overwhelmingly..

So I take your stuff and add it to Louise's list, thankyou, Case

IMO statistics are NOT proof they just point strongly to GBC being a person who had probable means, motive, and opportunity. But this still leaves the possibility for there being reasonable doubt in a court case unless supported by very good forensic evidence and verifiable witness evidence. I have done jury service a couple of times and if the evidence that has been discussed here was all there was I would have to say not guilty because of reasonable doubt.

IF there happened to be another person who killed Allison (not BC’s) – one that has received no public attention so far, :ufo:these same statistics could be used to provide reasonable doubt to get this other person found not guilty .Therefore IF that was the case (that there was another suspect that hasn’t been made public) the police would have to have a watertight case that GBC was NOT the perpetrator (a possible reason for the police interest in BC's cars maybe to eliminate him as a suspect). Taking bags of "stuff" from peoples homes is also not "evidence" (even if the content may be found to be) I am a fence sitter because there has been hardly any publicized concrete evidence other than the fact that Allison died and someone killed her on purpose or accident BUT TRIED TO COVER IT UP. There are some people who poohoo this idea that there could be another person but just because there has been nothing made public DOES NOT IMO prove that there isn’t. I’m a fence sitter mainly because I trust the police know what they are doing especially in this case when it is a high profile case of an “innocent” and 3 little girls future lives at stake. I think it is best that information has been kept from the public because the “ordinary person’s’ perspective given in this forum and others are the similar to a jury perspective. Justice for Allison when it comes will be because all possible angles and loopholes will be have explored by the prosecution giving no room for reasonable doubt defence. JMO. :woohoo::jail:
Thank you ROYSTER....Those photos of under the bridge are the best I have seen.

No probs Fuskier, the slideshow gave me goosebumps, now that I reread my post "lovely" wasn't the right word. Think early this morning I just got stuck on the "we love you Allison" ... and the sunflowers. Sorry if after looking at the slideshow I offended anyone with "lovely" ( thought I'd get in before any backlash:truce:)
I didn't want to put the link on here again so thought i would just quote your message. I hope you don't mind.

In this message Paul says

The Attorney-General, in conjunction with his federal counterpart, should be using all available powers to close down other websites which identify the alleged killer in this case.

I'm wondering whether they can actually do that??? And for him to add that it goes to show he must get information off other pages and just adds stuff to his blog???

So unless something new emerges, we seem to be going around in circles. I can't believe how the police were so certain of an arrest blaa blaa blaa in the media in early days, then nothing, zilch, zero! Maybe the QPS caught up in changes to State politics. They need to get moving in an arrest. Talking about an arrest being imminent then saying nothing makes them look pretty silly I reckon. Justice for Allison and her family please. Now.
he is so far the last person to see her alive, Case... even he himself has not put forward anyone else who may have... no one else has. Not the Dickies, not his friends, not her friends, not Olivia, not the police , not any single verifiable person has put up an alternative to Gerard being the last to see her alive. In her home. No one has seen Allison outside her home again since he last saw her on the couch watching the footy show. Not a single solitary person.

Statistically, he's in the frame.. overwhelmingly, women who are murdered in Australia are murdered in their homes by their partners. Overwhelmingly..

IMO there will come a time when GBC wished he really 'told police everything he knew'. That way he might have had an opportunity to try and plead manslaughter or diminished responsibility. That chance has gone now.

If there is even the slightest thing that will link him to Alisson's body when it was found under the bridge, he will not only face homicide charges but also possible criminal negligence by failing to call 000, maybe even torture, and possibly premeditation. If he had help those accomplices will be looking at similar IMHO

And if there is any money left in any of the trusts there may also be an outstanding bill from the SES and the QPS for launching a massive search when this was totally unnecessary.

No wonder he did not come to the show ground when the search was on.

PS I am not in the fence sitting category anymore
[...] Quote of the week:

"I'd just caution Cr Tully from spectacularly blogging about murder cases in Queensland and encourage him to get back to his constituents," he told the Courier-Mail.

"He's not a journalist, he's a councillor." [...]
Watsonian Institute: In some of your earlier posts you linked to articles about defamation, and I got the impression that there's no distinction made between news media and social media - that journalists and councillors and bloggers and forum-posters in Australia are all operating under the same law(s) when they publish something. Is that right?
Back after a weekend at Pullenvale. No more news from locals or witnesses . only comment was its so quite its a bit of a worry. meaning DO they really know who dunnit
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