Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #8

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Just to throw the 'cat amongst the pigeons' has anyone considered that the reason the police put so many resources into the search was because they had some other information not related to GBC? Or maybe I should reading from the beginning again:maddening:!?

The police must have 'seen' something that not only prompted the implementation of a huge amount of resources upon receiving a 'missing person' callout,but, the police at no stage have warned the public that others may be at risk.
This pretty much says it all. Can you imagine what would happen if someone else was attacked in that area and the police haven't even sai to locals 'don't go walking after dark'. Obviously, no-one else IS at risk.

..........unless of course some fiendish mind works out that if another 'random'woman was attacked, this would throw doubt on the possible case against GBC.
Did the reporter say pajero?? Does the reporter know something more???

He seemed like a very nervous reporter, and I put it down to just getting the name wrong. Even his voice was trembling. It was hard to pick up what he was actually saying, and when he did ask the question the 2 officers just gave eachother a look. Think it was just a mistake.
Did the reporter say pajero?? Does the reporter know something more???

It wouldn't surprise me if media do know more than they are letting on but have been asked to keep things to themselves because of a) the lawyer involved early in the piece and b) not to 'jeopardize the fair trial' issue.

I think someone did so in an earlier thread that embargos had been placed on the media??? Or perhaps that was just an opinion.
I know it's just your theory, but it would explain GBC's family being involved. You could be on to something. If she went there late in the night, the kids would have been asleep and not seen her at all.

I am just thinking what I would do if I felt threatened. You keep things under wraps when kids are around - that's why I couldn't imagine anything happening at home if children were there. I just cannot see Allison having blazing rows in front of children. She stayed in what was probably not a very good marriage - for the children.

Then we learn that children were not there - if someone thought you were up and leaving - they may lose their temper; or if she made it to BC's - if that is where the kids were.... what may have happened there? But QPS never made BC's a crime scene, so I wrote off the idea that she may have made it to their house. But how would they feel if Allison wanted to up an leave with the kids?

He seemed like a very nervous reporter, and I put it down to just getting the name wrong. Even his voice was trembling. It was hard to pick up what he was actually saying, and when he did ask the question the 2 officers just gave eachother a look. Think it was just a mistake.

I think it was just a mistake too. And pajero-prado..... Its easy to see how you could accidentally say the wrong one. I'm not really reading into that too hard.
Soooo just wondering, is there anything that one could purchase at a pharmacy - over the counter - that could be used to overdose someone. Obviously there's paracetamol, but that takes days, something quicker? I have NFI if this is possible? But I'm just speculating along with other theories...

A friend of mine knew Alison very well. Right on day 1, I remember her saying that Alison did suffer from depression but usually only when she was pregnant with the girls. If she did suffer from depression, she may have had scripts for a medication that if taken in large doses could end up in toxic poisoning or overdose. Perhaps GBC was in the pharmacy filling a script for such meds with which he then gave as an overdose to Alison.just a hypothetical opinion.
Hi everyone :) Just thought i would let you all know i'm back. This case has really gotten to me and i just felt like i needed a couple of days break. I won't be commenting very much though because i would hate too upset anyone. Thankyou to those who left me a private message saying not to leave <3 <3
Have a guess......I respect the fact that he is well informed. I look forward to Hawkins posts. Your posts are good also. We all seem to guess if comments are job related. At a guess I bet you worked hand in hand with me at one time. :detective:

My intuitions with DV situations were always pretty accurate. Following this case the first time I have felt like I miss the old job.
Also too, in regards to the missing persons, police looking for her straight away, etc. For a normal missing person, the "missing person" department conducts the investigation until they either find the person or, find a body. Homicide was the department running this investigation from day 1. Just saying...

Allison was a missing person...on the 11th day when her body was found the investigation then became a homicide investigation...

But despite Mrs Baden-Clay being missing since Thursday night, Inspector Mark Laing said his team was still positive about finding her alive.

"From my perspective she is still alive,'' he said. "I do not believe she has met her demise.

Body found in creek is Allison Baden-Clay

Superintendent Mark Ainsworth said Mrs Baden-Clay's disappearance had become a murder investigation, with the clothing found on the body similar to that worn by Mrs Baden-Clay when she went missing.
Hello all, this is my first post here, but I've been lurking and have read everything from the first post on. I don't think I have anything very revealing to add, but I feel like I have to write something. This case has really grabbed my attention and just breaks my heart. My partner is from Brisbane and we heard about the case on his FB news feed and have been trying to make sense of the senselessness of it all.

Initially I suspected GBC. My partner said that's because I'm a jaded American and we have too much violence here in the States, d'oh! but he's now come around too... neither of us can believe a stranger did this, though we've waffled a bit on whether GBC really did this. In many ways it seems to be the only plausible explanation, but at the same time, it makes no sense at all -- if their relationship was that terrible... why not just file for divorce?

So... here are some things that stand out to me as not making much sense, and also some questions that stick out in my mind...

1) Perhaps quick police response (and subsequent conflicting stories in the various media outlets) is because GBC fumbled his story from the beginning -- first saying ABC went for a walk and later saying that he'd gone to bed while she was watching TV and then maybe later throwing out yet another story that she hadn't returned from a morning walk? Maybe this mix-up alerted the first responders that something wasn't quite right? None of these scenarios seem plausible. ABC seems, by all accounts, to be an intelligent woman and attentive mother. It is reasonable to assume (without knowing what the police know, of course) that she is the sort of person who is used to being on a schedule that accommodates her children's needs, i.e., she probably goes to bed relatively early so she can be well-rested in the morning to get her three little girls up and off to school. I can't imagine her bedtime would be much later than 11:30. That means, showered or washed up, chores done, reading done, relaxing night-time stuff done and in bed with lights off. I have two children, just a little bit older than hers, and in spite of my best intentions, have never managed to make it out to the gym in the evening (I have a membership at a 24-hour gym near our house), because by the time I am finished with all of my responsibilities, I am too tired to think of exercise. I cannot imagine many mothers who would have the energy to fit in exercise at 10pm, or the time to fit in exercise at 10pm and then get to bed on time to get enough sleep to get a good start to the next day.

It also doesn't make sense that an intelligent woman and attentive mother would leave her house at 10pm to go walking by herself, even if she had the time and energy and desire to exercise that late in the evening. It is neither prudent nor safe and ABC doesn't strike me as the type of woman who would, for the love of exercise, take a risk like walking by herself in a dark-ish neighborhood at 10pm. A much more likely scenario would be that she would go to bed early and then get up early to either get her exercise in the morning, or be ready to exercise immediately after getting the children to school.

This leaves us with the theory that she was last seen by GBC whilst watching the "Footy Show". I've never seen this program so I had to google it, and after doing so... well, it seems like it's more of a guy's program to me. My Aussie partner scoffs and says he doesn't know any women that would watch this program. What do you all think?? Do many women watch this?

Finally, like so many other posters have already mentioned, it doesn't seem to make sense that anyone would automatically assume someone was "missing" if they were only 1/2 hour late coming back from a morning walk. This in particular stands out to me as suspect, for its eerie similarity to Scott Peterson's behavior he claimed from the outset that Laci was "missing". [I can't get the link to post correctly to the wiki page]. What ordinary person would assume something terrible and sinister had happened so soon, unless their consciousness was shadowed by the knowledge that something terrible had indeed already happened? (IMO)

Now I've read reports that the media has confirmed that her girls were on a sleepover the night she was last seen... so maybe my idea that going out walking at 10pm was neither prudent nor realistic is now thrown out the window? Hmm... not sure, so for now I think I'll stick to thinking these are unlikely and strange scenarios...

2) It is a little odd that GBC was not waiting around the command center, but that alone does not suggest his guilt. (Nor does the inverse suggest a lack of guilt, IMO). I'm wondering if perhaps he hadn't gotten along well with his in-laws, or if his parents did not get along well with ABC, and since her parents were at the command center, maybe he decided to let them be there, as her parents, and he would step aside and wait elsewhere. That seems reasonable, though sad, if both sides of the family did not get along well enough to not be a united front in the face of a tragedy.

3) It seems strange to me that ABC was buried before a cause of death was determined... or in some cases, it is determined that a cause of death could not be determined so there is no reason for a coroner to continue to hold the body. (I'm sorry for the morbidity). Does anyone think this suggests the investigators know or believe they are not looking for a stranger-perpetrator?

4) Everything I've read so far -- I'm sorry, this will be morbid again -- suggests that ABC was found with no visible signs of trauma. This seems to suggest that there were no signs of sexual assault. Has anyone read anything to the contrary? Am I jumping the gun a bit? But if this is correct, does anyone else think that it is a bit odd for a stranger to abduct a woman and murder her, but not sexually assault her? (OMG just writing that feels SO WRONG, it makes me angry that rape and murder seems like it should be hand-in-hand, but it does seem, to me, to be par for the course in that sort of situation...). Does an abduction/murder without sexual assault happen very often? According to a 2009 U.S. Department of Justice statistical report, "... an estimated 10% of female murder victims were killed by strangers" in 2007. I know this is cross-cultural, but I think we can still consider the statistics to be relevant -- particularly when another intimate partner homicide (husband killing wife) occurred in Brisbane at the same time. I'm not trying to say that rape cannot also occur within a DV homicide, it most certainly can and does, I'm just wondering out loud whether it is common for a stranger homicide to not also usually include rape? (i.e. what would be the motivation to murder without some sort of predatory thrill)? It also stands to reason that if a predatory rapist-murderer was on the loose, the police would likely be warning people, no?

Argh, okay, this post is WAY too long, and I apologize. I completely lost track of where I was going! Like every case on these pages, it is senseless and tragic and sad, and I hope justice will prevail.
Hi everyone :) Just thought i would let you all know i'm back. This case has really gotten to me and i just felt like i needed a couple of days break. I won't be commenting very much though because i would hate too upset anyone. Thankyou to those who left me a private message saying not to leave <3 <3

Glad to see you back here with us Angel. Comment all you want. If it upsets anyone it's their problem. :hug:
Yep. Agreed he was not. I was not arguing that. I said previously he may have been told to stay out of the search- not away from the command centre. And I was just trying to clarifiy that Detective Ainsworth saying it was news to him was in relatiion to the command post and not the search.

It's understood and appreciated you weren't arguing that

I vas yust trying to be zee oil on zee troubled waters
I am sure that novice reporter got tongue tied (not in the granny pash way), because he corrected himself after others tried to help him, and it was only ever the family cars police asked for witnesses to. No Pajero involved.

Hope I'm not wrong but I'm pretty sure Bwana's Holden Statesman is white and quite old (like him ;))... I got the impression at least 4-5 years based on when they were that shape, maybe even up to 12 years old... I think bwana would like to say he has a Statesman but probably wouldn't be in the market for a new one often... It featured on the original indooroopilly police visit and I think just shows on the carport/garage shot.

Does anyone know what mamma banana drives? (other than NBC wild with passion)...
Glad to see you back here with us Angel. Comment all you want. If it upsets anyone it's their problem. :hug:

I think so too....Angel, we treasure your opinion....Dont hide when others are upset. Just ignore them....and let it roll off your back sweety. Welcome back and do stay, you are part of this threads furniture....and we all must be here to see it through.....and celebrate an arrest not too far down the way (I hope).
Hooray!!! Welcome back Angel1 *hugs* We've missed you x
I like logic and so many things in this case do not seem logical. I also thought that a late night walk alone would not be the sort of thing ABC would do with a conference in the morning.

If GBC stocked up on antidepressants for ABC that would show immediately in Pharmacy records and be very telling.
Hi everyone :) Just thought i would let you all know i'm back. This case has really gotten to me and i just felt like i needed a couple of days break. I won't be commenting very much though because i would hate too upset anyone. Thankyou to those who left me a private message saying not to leave <3 <3

I'm glad you came back angel! :)
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