Australia Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #10

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My understanding is that on WS if people want information to be accepted as 'fact' and it's not in MSM, they need to be a Verified Insider.

That way we all know for sure that the info they're providing isn't purely imaginary or hearsay......

That's been the case on other threads I've been on, anyway.

The mods determine that the WSer has a genuine connection to the case (and they keep their identity private). It works really well.

Here's the link if anyone wants to become a Verified Insider:
Hi Papertrail

It was me that said it was the 6/7 Dec.

This came from a FB screenshot from the SD's FB Page (Not BRE's page) that was visible on WS for a short period of time before being removed.

I unfortunately did not screenshot it but the poster of it should still have a copy they can send you.

is it possible you that VE's posting was a happy anniversary wish? I hope someone got a screenshot and can post it.
It was in the documentary they did years ago. I have an extremely good long term memory. Her blonde friend said she knew "Jane was trying to find someone that night." Some people take that as she was looking for sex. But I take it that she was lonely and wanting a boyfriend. She worked in a Childcare centre; she isn't going to meet many single dudes there. The way she was just standing on the footpath makes me think she met CSK earlier in the night and they arranged a meet up for later but he has told her to keep it a secret.

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Exactly what I thought. Looking down the street, waiting and watching for someone to arrive. When that MM guy comes up to her she gives that big smile and exaggerated laugh with her head thrown back. Her body language looks like a girl who is trying to show she is very interested in him and what he is saying and that he is so funny. (Not, but stroke his ego). His hand gestures with the palms up like “I know, I’m late. Please forgive me.” (Kind of like, typical male, was talking to my mates and forgot the time). And yes, I agree, he had told her to keep it quiet. From what I remember of the CIA doco her friends said she was lagging back behind them, not wanting to go with them when they were walking to get a cab. They came past her in a cab and offered her again to go with them and she said something like, “no, I think I’ll just hang around here for a while.” (Feel free to shoot me down in flames if I’ve remembered this wrongly) I’ve always thought it was weird when I saw that for a young girl to want to hang around on her own in a pub where there were lots of guys milling about. Safety in numbers we always thought when I went out with my mates. The CSK may have used different methods for different girls. I saw a program the other night about a serial killer in USA who they say may have killed up to 38 women and he told them he changed up the approaches to the girls. Blitz, stalking, etc. Some he told them he was a photographer and thought the girl would make a gorgeous model (you can be famous). He then arranged to meet the girl at a café (or pub?), he’d give her a fake business card, and he’d talk to her for a bit, then she’d happily get in his car, no struggle! Did the CSK use this method for JR, met her earlier and slip her his business card and tell her he’d meet her again later that night if she told him where she was going. Don’t tell your mates, we don’t want them along.
It could have been possible that WAPOL went in and had the FB account deleted surreptitiously. next time BRE attempted to logon and he would have had to set up a new account therefore WAPOL would have his logon and could track him electronically through the logons.
Wouldn't you be emailing facebook if your account got deleted and you didn't delete it... I know if it happened to me I would be thinking I have been hacked and reporting it and asking questions on how to recover my account. I wouldn't just create a new one. Surely all his friends and family would have questioned him over creating a new account.

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is it possible you that VE's posting was a happy anniversary wish? I hope someone got a screenshot and can post it.

It was definitely a Happy Birthday post from her to BRE.

She had shared the memory post from the year before and added an extra message for the current year.

IIRC: In the post she mentioned that even though he was he step dad, she was the only dad she had known and that she was thankful to have him in her life. I hope also it can be reposted. It was posted on 23 Dec as I reference this in a post I made on 24 Dec.
Thank you for saying that. It really upsets me too.

In the Grim Sleeper case in the US they classified the missing women (who were sex workers) as NHI on the missing persons reports. NHI stood for 'no human involved'. That sums it up :facepalm:
Disgusting to speak about women like this! Cops should be ashamed of themselves for degrading people in that way. "There but for the grace of God go I" Who knows their stories and why they've become a sex worker, and what's wrong with being one anyway, oldest profession in the world. No doubt some of those same cops (note small c) frequently used these "services" themselves.
How do you know this friend from Mosman Park was a guy ?

I remember a few days after Sarah went missing, on the news they made a call out to the guy who had met sarah the week before to come forward (to police) THey didn't say he was from Mosman Park though but it sounds like it's the same guy. I assume her friends or her sister knew about him and told the police as someone she may have gone with.
It was definitely a Happy Birthday post from her to BRE.

She had shared the memory post from the year before and added an extra message for the current year.

IIRC: In the post she mentioned that even though he was he step dad, she was the only dad she had known and that she was thankful to have him in her life. I hope also it can be reposted. It was posted on 23 Dec as I reference this in a post I made on 24 Dec.

Oh that is so sad reading that comment from VE, my heart breaks for her and how she must be in compete agony over this. My husband and I have been foster carers and looked after a young boy for 4 years, (now a fine young man and out in the world) and I hear his "voice" in her comments. ):
Thank you for saying that. It really upsets me too.

In the Grim Sleeper case in the US they classified the missing women (who were sex workers) as NHI on the missing persons reports. NHI stood for 'no human involved'. That sums it up :facepalm:
Absolutely appalling.
Its sad . Its not just police though,the general public seems to not care at all as soon as certain careers or life choices are reported about victims.
Basically the same mind set that allowed Adrian Ernest Bayley to keep being released until he killed Jill Meagher.
Before that ,most his crimes were towards prostitutes and apparently that doesn't get a lot of jail time even when you keep reoffending. Its disgusting.
It would be why a lot of friends of murder victims are reluctant to admit a friend was very drunk,went home with a guy she just met or would get in a strangers car etc. That somehow makes them more accountable for what happened to them.
No one deserves to be murdered or raped for any reason.
Serial killers who kill prostitutes get away with it for so long because the public just does not care.
Its disappointing to see the police dont either

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It was definitely a Happy Birthday post from her to BRE.

She had shared the memory post from the year before and added an extra message for the current year.

IIRC: In the post she mentioned that even though he was he step dad, she was the only dad she had known and that she was thankful to have him in her life. I hope also it can be reposted. It was posted on 23 Dec as I reference this in a post I made on 24 Dec.

I think I've got a screen shot or can at least get one... But not sure if I'm allowed to post it?

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Hi all,

i have been wanting to comment for a couple of weeks but just wanted to be up to speed with all threads before I did.
So, I have a few opinions on this whole thing.
when SS disappeared I was 18 and just venturing out in the world. Her vanishing absolutely put the wind up myself and all of my friends. We frequently travelled to perth from the SW to go out and we made pacts that after SS and then JR we would not separate under any circumstance. Even trips to the toilet were done in twos. Taxis were taken together and no one went home with a guy no matter what. Even intoxicated we did not waver. I can not for the life of me see why CG would willingly go with an unknown and considering the footage of MM talking to JR is it far fetched to think he befriended both girls enough to get them in his car with as little fuss as possible? SS probably was a blitz but proved a little risky so changed his approach?
What about if he asked CG to meet him outside the computer shop. Wasn't she seen 'waiting'? All he had to do was be waiting out the front or close by and no one would know.
The wife's see no evil etc post worries me..
And as for the Eagles nest post. I've been almost to the end of O'Brien Rd Gidgie to pick horses up on more than one occasion and it's a perfect place to not be seen day or night..
Sorry for re-hashing but it's so close to home being the same age as SS. Very intriguing and upsetting...,
The case has intrigued me since day dot and i was only 12-13. Ive been waiting so long to hear who done it, why, how did he evade, was he lucky, clever, a physcopath, a sexual deviant gone wrong.... I cant wait to find out the truth of what really went on. So so much speculation and rumours. I bet the familys must be stoked to have the chance of some closure....Hopefully.
I have just rediscovered the Postnewspapers article 1st published on 22nd December 2015 and BRE arrest occurred on the anniversary of that date in 2016 : pretty interesting timing imo. The article detailed a young womens' alleged brush with danger in a Claremont carpark prevously unreported to WAPOL. She was out with her husband and brother and they went off for a nature stop and she was approached by a man in a white commodore asserting he had misplaced his keys behind the seat in his vehicle luring her into the back seat of the vehicle to help him search. Thankfully her husband and brother returned in the nick of time. To me it seems that this woman had made contact with the Post to detail her story to Bret. Just like the 1989 Cottesloe Hotel victim had. If this is correct and the girl / husband / brother were subsequently interviewed by WAPOL there was one more concerning Claremont event with 3 fresh witnesses to offer a physical identity and to describe the vehicle and the man allegedly involved. She believed the event happened in1994 when she was 18 therefore vehicle was not the VS series 1 but there might have been something on or in that vehicle that was observed and ended up being critical in the scheme of things.

Wow this article makes you wonder how many other unreported incidents there were. I was the age of the victims at the time and also had a false sense of security with the media reporting the suspect was under surveillance. Ironically the killings also seemed to stop at the same time, which reinforced the suspect at the time was their man. It seems women were more comfortable reporting to the Post than the police, and memories were also jogged by the Post's articles over the years. I wonder if BRE had access to Post newspapers - was his locality within the delivery range?
I think I've got a screen shot or can at least get one... But not sure if I'm allowed to post it?

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If you can't post can you please confirm the date? maybe you can send the pic in a message?
I wonder if BRE had access to Post newspapers - was his locality within the delivery range?
Most community newspapers are also available at local newsagents, cafes, libraries and sometimes in stands in shopping centres. Or just from picking one up from someones front lawn on delivery day. <modsnip>

['how many other unreported incidents there were']

I'll open the bidding with .....
that for every reported incident there are over 100 unreported incidents. IMO.
I have just spoken with a friend who's relation knows a cop on this case. Her words were BE comes from a dysfunctional family and quite a few family members are in jail. Seems familial dna link would've been easy to link.
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