Australia Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #11

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Personally I don't want to give BRE any excuses and also social media can harm ongoing cases. I really think we should leave the whole steroid abuse scenario alone. Murder is murder and it's not a one off thing with BRE. He is a psychopath end of story.
I don't think so, there's been many incidents of vicious sexual assaults by men through their course of steroids. Men who otherwise have no history at all of that type of behaviour. BE was already a pervert with a sexually deviant bent, steroid use could be what tipped him over to vicious killer. He wouldn't have taken 'no' for an answer off those girls if he was in a particular phase of the course. And if he all of a sudden did stop (when we know serial killers don't so said the FBI guy who came from the US) then stopping the steroids and normalising would have had that affect. There's a lot of things everybody is guessing at, this is just one of them but it's an educated guess.
I thought she was wearing a white jumper also, it doesn't look tight enough in the arms to be the top they describe and let's not forget it was June so probably cold. I believe if she was wearing that dark top outside she would have put her jacket on surely?

Not necessarily would she put her jacket on, even if it was cold. I know when I was younger I would shiver away with a thin top on or skimpy dress because I wanted to look nice/and a bit sexy (and I see a lot of young women today as well dress that way). Long ago in a galaxy far, far away.....:)
I think looking for an explanation of the rage required to completely degrade, humiliate, torture, assault and murder another human being, wrapped up in just a drug is way off the mark. The explanation is they are flawed human beings. Mentally flawed in ways that science can't explain. Although having said that I do think they probably have triggers that accelerate heir mental state, from fantasy to reality.

Drugs and alcohol can certainly play a big part in rage. Having worked at Legal offices which defended criminals, I can attest to that.
snip rsbm He's probably lucky he's got one of those faces that when seen from the front it's unexpected the way his profile appears. His nose looks fairly straight and proportioned from the front but side on it's not.

Great description .
Imo he had a bad experience in the past (MM?) Identikits? he doesnt like being photographed , feeling the detectives tightening the net


Reposted pics from ws

Drugs sure wouldn't help the situation though!
I doubt BE was on any drugs. Needed a clear head to do what he was doing.
Doubt he even drank on the nights he was out hunting. Too risky. He wouldn't want to have a record for anything.
Doubt hes even had a parking ticket or speeding fine etc

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Lots of people take drugs, many people have been abused as children and have been through many traumatic events and none of those situations explain a person who kills for pleasure or rapes. But yeah if he was sitting in a room playing seriously violent games, chatting with freaks, having online sex, listening to Marilyn Manson and doing some drugs that might have kicked him into overdrive. But really it wouldn't have taken much and the compulsion to hurt people would have come out at some point no matter what environment he was in.

That's what I think he was doing before he became a coach for kids. Doesn't matter who he was with he would have found a way,
Just want to say a big thankyou to you sir. :)
Can someone enlighten me on the relevance of discussing
Man *advertiser censored*, bags ,MM , Steroids and all the other irrelevant posts.
Surely our focus should be on his living arrangements at the time SS went missing and the possible scenarios on her whereabouts.
He has been charged with wilful Murder on 2 counts.
It's now up to the police to prove those facts.
Our sleuthing should IMHO be on locating SS.

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I have to disagree. Some people don't turn into super muscled freaks unless they're pumping it at the gym constantly as well, some just put on a bit of weight. I don't think he'll use roid rage as part of the defence either, unless he was under a doctors care at the time in which case the cops will find it anyway. Roid rage at the best of times isn't a great defence but nevertheless it has been used and it continues to be used. This is somewhat my thing. I was married to a specialist coach at one of the major league clubs and was a promoter within the sports industry.

If he did take it during the 90's I'd assume he would've been muscular to the point that the KK rape victim may have noticed and said when describing the offender.

No chance he is/was on steroids.
Especially if he is into technology/gaming also.
But even just looking at him now and his HS photo. Just not the type to be a gym junkie.
He actually looks like the type of bloke that hasn't done much sport/training.
Playing masters footy is more a social thing. Not the arena for sportsmen that have played pro or semi pro most of their lives.
Usually fans or players that never made it anywhere. And they use it to rekindle any footy ability they have and enjoy the social aspect of the sport.
Either way, I'll be shocked if roid-rage is part of the defence.
It is definately a possibility that he wasn't acting alone - we don't have any proof otherwise. There have been many duo's in the history of killers. We just don't know. I never discount anything as that's how investigative techniques stuff up. Lance williams for one - they focused too much on him and overlooked so much important information from the public to the point they weren't even interested.
Ok I have an out there theory...doubt I even believe it but its an idea.

What if there were 2 csk's corresponding discreetly and either competing or working together to get their victims.

The police were extremely positive about LW the other suspect. ..what if when the cops got onto him....BRE shut down. Does this fit timeline? Probably rediculous on my part.
Good grief, everybody's so sensitive about man *advertiser censored* without acknowledging the CSK behaviour linked to steroid abuse of which Western Australia has the highest incidence. Officially, 5.4% over the age of 14 years old to 1996 have used. And that figure is cited as low for obvious reasons. So, it was probably up there at around 9%. It's no huge stretch.

I was always given to believe that prolonged steroid use caused anger issues,erectile dysfunction, loss of sex drive and severe shrinking of the 'boys'. I guess that gives us a lot of very big, very angry, very flaccid men with hypogonadism. That sucks!
Taking steroids doesn't indicate sporting prowess. I know a cop who took a course of anabolic steroids to build up after a particularly stressful few months of stomach ulcers where he got really skinny. He put on a bit of bulk. He also lost his temper frequently when his sex drive changed and his testicles shrunk. There's big issues with taking steroids, especially sexually. But whatever. Its just a theory like everybody elses.

I think you'll find that's the figures on the current generation of young men. Steroid use in the previous generation wouldn't have been as high. Also, he's been a volunteer at little aths and has played veteran football. Look at his school year book and he didn't rate a mention in any sport. I'm not sure why people suddenly see sporting prowess here. Especially not the level of sport that would make performance enhancing drugs likely.
I understand and appreciate what you are saying but at the end of the night and going home the shoes come off and the jacket goes on. My point was more that the jumper (if it was one and looks like one as it is baggy) would have kept her warm enough rather than a thin dark long sleeved top. It just doesn't look like the top in question.
Not necessarily would she put her jacket on, even if it was cold. I know when I was younger I would shiver away with a thin top on or skimpy dress because I wanted to look nice/and a bit sexy (and I see a lot of young women today as well dress that way). Long ago in a galaxy far, far away.....:)
I am quoting 1996 figures of steroid use from Crime and Justice Bulletin, NSW Govt.

I think you'll find that's the figures on the current generation of young men. Steroid use in the previous generation wouldn't have been as high. Also, he's been a volunteer at little aths and has played veteran football. Look at his school year book and he didn't rate a mention in any sport. I'm not sure why people suddenly see sporting prowess here. Especially not the level of sport that would make performance enhancing drugs likely.
I think any extra information or lateral thought could be helpful in finding SS. Just ignore what you think is irrelevant. Me? I'm going with steroids. I'd also be interested to know if any of the girls were going to a gym, if BE was going to a gym. Perhaps the gym that was operating upstairs across the road from the venue the girls were seen at which I was told had a birds eye view of anybody standing out the front.

Bingo! I've always wondered about BC (The Body Club) which burnt to the ground by the way, a few years after the murders, bit weird. There was some controversy about the owner too at one time and he died suddenly, and quite young.

About the fire:

About the owner:

It had perfect view of that Claremont area with glass wall to do your exercises and stare out at people going past (and at other members). If the accused was a member there that could have been another link for him to have perhaps met one of the Claremont victims there. (highly unlikely they were all members of the gym, but it was hugely popular in it's day. Very high media profile). I'm still of the belief that he used different approaches/methods for different girls. I know this was off the track talking about this but for people who aren't from Perth you wouldn't know all the strange stuff that has gone on during that period of time and since in W.A. They don't call it the Wild West for nothing!
Just looks like a normal bloke to me, sorry to say that. I hate my picture taken too, heaps of people do. I also have MB's too and haven't been on the roids. Even the posture thing is going a bit far, crossed legs when standing? Hands on hips? These are not gender specific traits but more so just bollocks. It's what's going on inside, what we can't see, that's what the focus should be on.
A theory.

When did cge and be split?
Cge finds out something?
Was the hear no evil post a msg to BE that she won't talk?
Does anyone know if he responded to that fb post of hers?
I think any extra information or lateral thought could be helpful in finding SS. Just ignore what you think is irrelevant. Me? I'm going with steroids. I'd also be interested to know if any of the girls were going to a gym, if BE was going to a gym. Perhaps the gym that was operating upstairs across the road from the venue the girls were seen at which I was told had a birds eye view of anybody standing out the front.

But would someone with degenerative bone disease from steroid use be playing in Masters footy games?
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