Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #19

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Mention of over 100 unreported incidents.
Post article.
There were over fifty fibers found on JRs body. They lifted them with adhesive tape. That's an unusual amount of fibers on a body.
Thanks CV,
News article

Post #959 jan 8th 2016 thread #3
Sutton posted :
From the Post, Two new clues to serial killer, Dec 12, 2015:

"In addition, fibers found on Jane Rimmer's naked body in 1996 that were "lost" and then rediscovered in 2011 were found to match the upholstery of a Holden VS Commodore, which was near-new at the time she was abducted...

...Fifty fibers lifted with adhesive tape from Jane Rimmer's body lay in a file until 2004 when [the Schramm Review] discovered that the fibers had never been tested against other crimes or vehicles...Detective Schramm described the discovery as exciting.."
Thanks CV,
News article

Post #959 jan 8th 2016 thread #3
Sutton posted :
From the Post, Two new clues to serial killer, Dec 12, 2015:

"In addition, fibers found on Jane Rimmer's naked body in 1996 that were "lost" and then rediscovered in 2011 were found to match the upholstery of a Holden VS Commodore, which was near-new at the time she was abducted...

...Fifty fibers lifted with adhesive tape from Jane Rimmer's body lay in a file until 2004 when [the Schramm Review] discovered that the fibers had never been tested against other crimes or vehicles...Detective Schramm described the discovery as exciting.."
As the fibers were seemingly placed on JRs body in clumps, perhaps there was blood in the car, and the CSK whoever he may, finger-plucked the bloodied clumps from the carpet and placed them on JRs body to get rid of the evidence. I can't think why else they'd be on JR in large quantities. He wanted his car left clean.

Perhaps he used a different vehicle to transport CG. A vehicle without carpet.
Thanks CV,
News article

Post #959 jan 8th 2016 thread #3
Sutton posted :
From the Post, Two new clues to serial killer, Dec 12, 2015:

"In addition, fibers found on Jane Rimmer's naked body in 1996 that were "lost" and then rediscovered in 2011 were found to match the upholstery of a Holden VS Commodore, which was near-new at the time she was abducted...

...Fifty fibers lifted with adhesive tape from Jane Rimmer's body lay in a file until 2004 when [the Schramm Review] discovered that the fibers had never been tested against other crimes or vehicles...Detective Schramm described the discovery as exciting.."

Amazing how in this case, the Rayney case, the Hayley Dodd case the police had the evidence in a bag the whole time and it was just never tested or noticed that it existed. That is until many years down the track when the case is reviewed and all of a sudden this evidence turns up.... and it always fits in with WAPOL’s best interests as to the person they charge. Usually the main suspect since day 1. Call me cynical.

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As the fibers were seemingly placed on JRs body in clumps, perhaps there was blood in the car, and the CSK whoever he may, finger-plucked the bloodied clumps from the carpet and placed them on JRs body to get rid of the evidence. I can't think why else they'd be on JR in large quantities. He wanted his car left clean.

Perhaps he used a different vehicle to transport CG. A vehicle without carpet.

I thought maybe two scenarios that the back seat might have been folded back to hide the body if stopped by the police or the attack occurred in the back seat.
Amazing how in this case, the Rayney case, the Hayley Dodd case the police had the evidence in a bag the whole time and it was just never tested or noticed that it existed. That is until many years down the track when the case is reviewed and all of a sudden this evidence turns up.... and it always fits in with WAPOL’s best interests as to the person they charge. Usually the main suspect since day 1. Call me cynical.

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When you really think about it, WAPOL are a government department (GD). Has anyone ever sent something to a GD and it’s been mislaid? For example, when sending Australia Post mail to Centrelink, there’s almost a guarantee that the paperwork will get lost – so we hand-deliver the item. Perhaps WAPOLs evidence processing system is similar to Centrelink.
I thought maybe two scenarios that the back seat might have been folded back to hide the body if stopped by the police or the attack occurred in the back seat.
Yes DRT, hiding the body under the seats would make sense. It would be possible to lay the three back seats down, if the VS Commodore is similar to the VE Commodore - I've included an image of a VE.

It makes sense that a body be placed within the void behind the two front seats - and the three rear seats flattened as per sample image.....

A lot of wriggling would cause the fibers to dislodge and cling onto her body - which means she was still alive, at that stage.




  • Commodore.jpg
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Yes DRT, hiding the body under the seats would make sense. It would be possible to lay the three back seats down, if the VS Commodore is similar to the VE Commodore - I've included an image of a VE.

It makes sense that a body be placed within the void behind the two front seats - and the three rear seats flattened as per sample image.....

A lot of wriggling would cause the fibers to dislodge and cling onto her body - which means she was still alive, at that stage.
Thinking about the attempted abduction at Claremont Car park, where the young lady was asked, for help, to reach into the vehicle, behind the back seat to locate the “supposed” car keys – about 1994. It was described as a white Commodore.

That’s possibly how JR was abducted. Offering to reach in and locate the keys, then shoved into the vehicle and trapped under the fold-down seats. That may explain how the CSK managed to control her as well as fully conceal her.

JR would have struggled, hence the multitude of carpet fibers on her body.

My apologies I cannot locate the 1994 news article about the keys... These are only my thoughts and opinions.
Yes DRT, hiding the body under the seats would make sense. It would be possible to lay the three back seats down, if the VS Commodore is similar to the VE Commodore - I've included an image of a VE.

It makes sense that a body be placed within the void behind the two front seats - and the three rear seats flattened as per sample image.....

A lot of wriggling would cause the fibers to dislodge and cling onto her body - which means she was still alive, at that stage.

Theres not definitive evidence of the fibres being in clumps CV,
I can imagine they could be randomly spaced, from either the back-legs -stomach , abdomen, under-arms..
And Sticking on the skin of a naked body, amazingly after weeks of decomposition.
Perhaps protected from heavy rain on the underside in nooks and crannies of the skin ?

Dont think theres no proof, of wriggling around Alive there- either way?

It does just say the fibres were on the body,
rain possibly washed the majority of fibres/ evidence off, and it was only what miraculously remained that got tape lifted off and were found .
Then what, seven years until Schramms review identified them ? Thanks Schramm good work.
Amazing how in this case, the Rayney case, the Hayley Dodd case the police had the evidence in a bag the whole time and it was just never tested or noticed that it existed. That is until many years down the track when the case is reviewed and all of a sudden this evidence turns up.... and it always fits in with WAPOL’s best interests as to the person they charge. Usually the main suspect since day 1. Call me cynical.

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If your "cynical" then I'd hate to imagine what label we should give the Judge in Rayney's trial after his criticism.
25/11/2013 Rayney family still wondering how Corryn died a year after Lloyd Rayney was cleared of murder - Perth Now

Or the statement by Coroner David McCain in the Inquest into the 1991 death of Colin Irvine in Kenwick that he could not rule out that the pistol was planted after the TRG shot him in the head.
21 Mar 1992 - Raid a 'police state' act: Coroner - The Canberra Times via @TroveAustralia

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Mr Schramm

"South Australian policeman Detective Superintendent Paul Schramm, who ran one of the major audits of the Macro Taskforce inquiry, has told the ABC that the controversial video was now outdated.

Det-Supt Schramm doubted the mystery man seen speaking to Ms Rimmer could be identified from the poor-quality vision, 12 years after the event.

He said the review found that overall, the investigation was “managed very well”"
It’s amazing then that Lance Williams wasn’t stitched up and put in jail for the Claremont murders. MOO

I will also add that I have read quite a bit about what BE may or may not have done prior to his arrest ... I am only interested in facts and it is a fact he worked with Little Athletics ... he would have been vetted prior to this work , he would have to have a working with children clearance as well as a police clearance to do this work , voluntary or not ... there cannot have been anything to alarm people about him in the system

re the WWC cards, My son tells me he doesn't have to have one because he coaches his own sons and their team, he would have to have one if he just coached other peoples children.

So if the alleged perp never got himself a WWC card after the SD left LAs, it could explain why he stayed on the management committee for so long.

Since the introduction of WWCs any victims 17 or younger who belonged to a sports club, could have triggered the police to scroll through the general WWC data base. There was always the chance that CSK or another perp could have picked up an underage girl.

The most surprising thing about the Working With Children card is that people temporarily in WA don't have to have one. What a loophole.
re the WWC cards, My son tells me he doesn't have to have one because he coaches his own sons and their team, he would have to have one if he just coached other peoples children.

Same here in NSW.

Although some Little Athletics clubs in NSW have much tighter rules, that request all parents to get the WWC as part of the child's registration. Unless the parents are going to opt to stay off the training area and never volunteer to help out. Something that is not the norm due to the number of parents needed to hand out placings for the 8 lane sprint events, and the distance between the watching area and the on-field watching areas next to the event your child is competing in.

Hard to see what's going on with your 8yo child's shot putt event from 50m away.
Just in terms of WWC checks, these are done separately in each state. In WA, the responsibility sits with the Department of Child Protection and Family Support (now known as the Department of Communities). If you go to the WWC check website, it states that it's Department of Communities, so I assume that responsibility still sits with DPCFS. The application is very clear under what conditions (employment etc) that they will proceed with the application - can't remember now as it's been a while since I applied for mine. Also, it may be a requirement of government funding. I work for an organisation that is funded by government to provide services and who requires a WWC check is clearly stated within the contract. I assume that Little Athletics may receive some funding from Department of Sports and Recreation or whatever name they may be now after the latest reshuffle (purely a guess), but you would assume their contract would include who needs one. Under the contract for my work, Board members/office bearers are not required to have a WWC check, but are required to have a National Police Clearance.
Just in terms of WWC checks, these are done separately in each state. In WA, the responsibility sits with the Department of Child Protection and Family Support (now known as the Department of Communities). If you go to the WWC check website, it states that it's Department of Communities, so I assume that responsibility still sits with DPCFS. The application is very clear under what conditions (employment etc) that they will proceed with the application - can't remember now as it's been a while since I applied for mine. Also, it may be a requirement of government funding. I work for an organisation that is funded by government to provide services and who requires a WWC check is clearly stated within the contract. I assume that Little Athletics may receive some funding from Department of Sports and Recreation or whatever name they may be now after the latest reshuffle (purely a guess), but you would assume their contract would include who needs one. Under the contract for my work, Board members/office bearers are not required to have a WWC check, but are required to have a National Police Clearance.

Thank you to yourself and the previous people for the information re Little Athletics ... it does amaze and appal me that clearances are not required
Thank you to yourself and the previous people for the information re Little Athletics ... it does amaze and appal me that clearances are not required

Hi TDB- I totally agree with you WWC checks/cards are a joke. As long as you have the receipt, saying you have paid for it, you can start working with kids straight way. In most instances/organisations in WA you only need a WWC card if your working directly with the children and over x amount of hours a week. I once worked for an organisation which required everyone who came into contact with the children to have a WWC. Problem with that was the criteria to be ably to apply is very strict (tick the box which applies to your type of work) and one of the people that worked with us quite often did not fall into any of the categories stipulated. It really took some out of the box wrangling to eventually get this person a WWC card. And i will add this person was key to our work. Go figure.
In most instances/organisations in WA you only need a WWC card if your working directly with the children and over x amount of hours a week.

I hear you. The organisation I worked for had an internal policy that all workers, volunteers and Board members needed a WWC card, but that policy had to be changed when they weren't able to apply for one!

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse looked at WWC checks. It's final report is due to be presented to the Governor General in a couple of days -
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