Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #4

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Hi All,

"Long time listener, first time caller" .

I'm from the Victoria, and took a holiday to the West in 1991 staying the Cottesloe Beach Resort. Ever since these murders surfaced, for some reason have taken an interest.

Reflecting I think I understand why. Friends of ours, who live in Perth, went out to dinner at this awesome seafood restaurant...Ms Maud's from memory...and we explained to our friends where we were staying and the guy went on about the car found off the break water at Cottesloe and the lady missing. Anyway lovely dinner ensured and we went our separate ways.

What got my "hackles" up was that upon returning from Perth to Cottesloe I suggested a drink in one of the Cottesloe Pubs close to the resort. The Mrs of the time was blonde blue eyes...23 yo.....anyway I bounced into the bar...and spotted three guys who looked fit (I played aussie rules and thought oh yeah footballers) the bar, and they all turned and stared, but really stared if that makes sense...the Mrs was behind me....what got me was that as soon as she seen them, it was like...out of here, we are going home....and I for once agreed.

All could have been nothing, she was good looking and had had her white pointers out at the beach :) throughout our stay and it could have been just guys ogling something fresh....but the memory has stuck with me.

Anyway good luck with the sleuthing....lots of reports in Vic of rape cases of 20+ years being solved due to dna tech advances and hopefully this is one of those.....if you guys and girls don't work it out first :)

Hi All,

"Long time listener, first time caller" .

I'm from the Victoria, and took a holiday to the West in 1991 staying the Cottesloe Beach Resort. Ever since these murders surfaced, for some reason have taken an interest.

Reflecting I think I understand why. Friends of ours, who live in Perth, went out to dinner at this awesome seafood restaurant...Ms Maud's from memory...and we explained to our friends where we were staying and the guy went on about the car found off the break water at Cottesloe and the lady missing. Anyway lovely dinner ensured and we went our separate ways.

What got my "hackles" up was that upon returning from Perth to Cottesloe I suggested a drink in one of the Cottesloe Pubs close to the resort. The Mrs of the time was blonde blue eyes...23 yo.....anyway I bounced into the bar...and spotted three guys who looked fit (I played aussie rules and thought oh yeah footballers) the bar, and they all turned and stared, but really stared if that makes sense...the Mrs was behind me....what got me was that as soon as she seen them, it was like...out of here, we are going home....and I for once agreed.

All could have been nothing, she was good looking and had had her white pointers out at the beach :) throughout our stay and it could have been just guys ogling something fresh....but the memory has stuck with me.

Anyway good luck with the sleuthing....lots of reports in Vic of rape cases of 20+ years being solved due to dna tech advances and hopefully this is one of those.....if you guys and girls don't work it out first :)


Are you saying that these 3 gentlemen stared at your misses to such a degree you believed it crossed the line from 'sexual' to something more sinister?

Did you think these guys were certainly prowling around nightclubs pubs looking for easy targets?

When you said footy players you never indicated an age, generally people tend to think 20-30 years old, could you narrow it down a little or were they all different ages, obviously by physically fit you mean 'capable' of performing a blitz attack with ease?

There has been a lot of rumour that the girls may have encountered their attacker in the nightclub, or even been watched from inside the nightclub by someone who then stalked them, or waited for them, and attacked the victim when they left, a group of men would easily be able to carry out the attack, however I am not sure if 3 men could keep such a secret, although I am sure there are many examples of friends keeping secrets for far longer. Do you think the men you saw fit the profile of the CSK, someone, or a group of men who prayed on drunk woman? could the men have been Navy, or Army? that has been constant speculation given Claremonts locale to Fremantle/Swanbourne and also the Henderson/Wellard links (Not including the made up claremont ghost attention seeking dribble). You said Football players due to their physicality, however that could easily be applied to servicemen, especially ones who also play sport.

Can you give us as many details as you can, very interesting to hear new stories of bizarre behavious around the same area/s at a similar time. Most of the girls started in Cottosloe that night so people have thought there could be links to the area.

Thanks for posting these screenshots. I have been curious about these videos for a long time. There are some things that I don't understand.

First, you say that the the Ghost titled two of his photos as 'hint 6'. Did you mean two of his videos?

I looked at the two screenshots that are titled 'hint 6' and see they are both 37 seconds long. One of the shots was from the 18 second mark, the other shot is from the 31 second mark. Did your contributor supply you with the entire video? Or did he give you just the screenshots and he happened to give you two from the 'hint 6' video?

Second, where was hint 4 captioned? In the YouTube description area? I am wondering if the caption applied to the frame you included or to the entire video.

Third, you said the videos were uploaded on 16 Feb. 2011. The videos show a date of 15 Feb. 2011. Am I misunderstanding something?

I would also like to know why he posted the videos in the particular order he did, straight away it set off alarm bells in my head and you could map a pathway/journey via the order of the hints starting from Claremont-Wellard-Henderson and finishing at the Stirling bridge. Was this just unintentional that he posted the hints in that order, or deliberate, or was that the way the hints were given on the youtube site, or were they the upload order of the original videos?

I remember watching the videos in the early years and thinking they were complete rubbish from some attention seeking wannabe who envy's the killer to such a degree he fantasizes and wants to actually be that person. It reeked of classic attention seeker activity. However, in saying that, it is a valid avenue of investigation now that some moron has uploaded it to the internet unfortunately so we should discuss, and hopefully dismiss it, if we can prove it's origins, or in-authenticity..Police unfortunately also cannot dismiss it until they can genuinely prove its authenticity too. No one can.

I am convinced I know the author of the video, proving it may be very hard, however I can not prove it so someone else will have to.

I am happy to discuss it though and try and work out what the intentions of the videos were.
It seems whenever any of the hard questions are put forward to Frankie he stays clear and refrains from answering.. This is unfortunate.

I am still curious as to why his Mates had different version of events and what they may have said to each other afterwards about that and why they all remembered different things occurring?

Also did any 'other' witnesses see you 3 at the bus stop that night prior/after or during the CG episode? Was there anyone else around that didn't quite see CG but could see you guys and your friends reactions to seeing her?

Come on Frankie, if you are genuine then give us something, in all honesty for someone who was potentially a witness and is on a Sleuthing site you haven't really said too much that anyone here hasn't already figured.
...I am convinced I know the author of the video, proving it may be very hard, however I can not prove it so someone else will have to.

I am happy to discuss it though and try and work out what the intentions of the videos were.

Snipped. Can you give any hints as to who you believe made the videos? Is it the same person who made the PerthCitySpook videos?
Why do you think your friend remembered seeing CG talking with a white commodore?

Have you ever spoken with your friend and asked him why he thought he saw this particular detail (the car) when you and your other friend dont believe it happened?

Could he have seen CG talking with the owner of the car/ or another car before the event at the bus stop and he is just mistaken?

I hope he never deliberately mislead the investigation.
i have been trying to ring him so I can tell you the right story
Are you saying that these 3 gentlemen stared at your misses to such a degree you believed it crossed the line from 'sexual' to something more sinister? It was like when you walk in somewhere people generally turn to have a look and then turn away if they don't know you, but these didn't automatically look away at all....not sure if it crossed the line, but the "vibe" was definitely off.
Did you think these guys were certainly prowling around nightclubs pubs looking for easy targets? Not too sure on that one....very fleeting contact.....I did think at the time that they would follow us out.

When you said footy players you never indicated an age, generally people tend to think 20-30 years old, could you narrow it down a little or were they all different ages, obviously by physically fit you mean 'capable' of performing a blitz attack with ease? So long ago, but I was 23, they seemed older, maybe 30 ish...looked like guys that could handle themselves at the very least.

There has been a lot of rumour that the girls may have encountered their attacker in the nightclub, or even been watched from inside the nightclub by someone who then stalked them, or waited for them, and attacked the victim when they left, a group of men would easily be able to carry out the attack, however I am not sure if 3 men could keep such a secret, although I am sure there are many examples of friends keeping secrets for far longer. Do you think the men you saw fit the profile of the CSK, someone, or a group of men who prayed on drunk woman? could the men have been Navy, or Army? that has been constant speculation given Claremonts locale to Fremantle/Swanbourne and also the Henderson/Wellard links (Not including the made up claremont ghost attention seeking dribble). You said Football players due to their physicality, however that could easily be applied to servicemen, especially ones who also play sport. Quite possibly. The only thing I can remember in terms of physical description, was dark hair, tanned, and fit looking....if you follow AFL footy, someone like Pavlich from Freo.

Can you give us as many details as you can, very interesting to hear new stories of bizarre behavious around the same area/s at a similar time. Most of the girls started in Cottosloe that night so people have thought there could be links to the area.
The only other thing was the time of year....early October. Cheers.

Thanks for posting these screenshots. I have been curious about these videos for a long time. There are some things that I don't understand.

First, you say that the the Ghost titled two of his photos as 'hint 6'. Did you mean two of his videos?

I looked at the two screenshots that are titled 'hint 6' and see they are both 37 seconds long. One of the shots was from the 18 second mark, the other shot is from the 31 second mark. Did your contributor supply you with the entire video? Or did he give you just the screenshots and he happened to give you two from the 'hint 6' video?

Second, where was hint 4 captioned? In the YouTube description area? I am wondering if the caption applied to the frame you included or to the entire video.

Third, you said the videos were uploaded on 16 Feb. 2011. The videos show a date of 15 Feb. 2011. Am I misunderstanding something?
So as per your post; Does the CSK like the number 16?
It seems whenever any of the hard questions are put forward to Frankie he stays clear and refrains from answering.. This is unfortunate.

I am still curious as to why his Mates had different version of events and what they may have said to each other afterwards about that and why they all remembered different things occurring?

Also did any 'other' witnesses see you 3 at the bus stop that night prior/after or during the CG episode? Was there anyone else around that didn't quite see CG but could see you guys and your friends reactions to seeing her?

Come on Frankie, if you are genuine then give us something, in all honesty for someone who was potentially a witness and is on a Sleuthing site you haven't really said too much that anyone here hasn't already figured.
im not refrains from answering your question i just want to give you the correct
information. Now i have talked to my friend.
ok that night im not sure if anyone witnesss us at the bus stop.
why we all have different version of the events is because we were all drinking
ok friend A He said the girl walked passed on the opposite side of the road wearing black dress and a white top
myself seen the girl walk pass wearing black dress and white top
friend. B. he said he seen the girl walking on opposite side of the road wearing black dress and white top and she was putting on a black jacket. Now the car
He said he did not see a car stop he only seen the brack light of a car as it went
down the hill.
im not refrains from answering your question i just want to give you the correct
information. Now i have talked to my friend.
ok that night im not sure if anyone witnesss us at the bus stop.
why we all have different version of the events is because we were all drinking
ok friend A He said the girl walked passed on the opposite side of the road wearing black dress and a white top
myself seen the girl walk pass wearing black dress and white top
friend. B. he said he seen the girl walking on opposite side of the road wearing black dress and white top and she was putting on a black jacket. Now the car
He said he did not see a car stop he only seen the brack light of a car as it went
down the hill.
So the car was already in the distance and did not drive passed the bus stop?

Did he think the vehicle was already parked up on the side of the road and as CG walked passed he rolled forwards holding his foot on the brake to slow to a crawl along side the victim?

It sounds from the reports that your friend was able to identify the colour, make and model being a white commodore statonwagon, was this all from the brake lights?

Do you think the man you see in your dreams drove passed you whilst you and your friends talked at the bus stop and you subconciously see him now sometimes? Out of all the POIs who do you think the man you see in your dreams matches closest to, and had you seen that POI prior to seeing the man in your dreams?

Also do you think your friend honestly saw a vehicle or do you have your doubts, do you think the Police have been honest with the infornation you and your friends provided?, sounds like the stories you each told dont quite match the official media reports.

Did any of your stories change during the multiple interviews, were you all interviewed the same amount of times or did your friend who saw the brake lights get interviewed more?
The only other thing was the time of year....early October. Cheers.

We will have to keep a look out for any information regarding 3 males of possible southern/eastern European extraction that may be involved in gang rape/murder. You never know with all the advances of DNA something may come up, or someone reading may have encountered something similar, or had something awful happen to them from someone fitting the description you provided.

Sounds like alot of shady characters in the area.

If there were any sports ties/army or Navy links then I wonder if the abductions and murders and also Karrakatta line up with any dates of known training camps, or when certain Navy ships were docked in Freo, eg. USA or Eastern states Navy vessels/ships. Or if you are correct regarding Footy, then certain games, low level tours, or higher level games, training camps..
In this article it mentions a certain Navy ship, the HMAS Canberra (II) being docked in Freo for the whole of Jan 1996, would this mean certain Navy sailors would be roaming the surrounding areas at night?

January 1996 saw Canberra home ported in Western Australia where she remained actively engaged in diplomatic and constabulary tasks.

Sarah went missing towards the end of January in 1996

Could there be other eastern state Navy boats docked during all the other murders and abductions? Or maybe even a US ship?
So as per your post; Does the CSK like the number 16?

Well seeing as you are so insightful, how about revealing what you think about the videos, also what you think about the case, who you think the closest POI is to the case, and if its no one then your profile of the killer?

You seem to want to talk on here in a cryptic code, when we all know you are capable of a coherent sentence, its all an act, a strange one, now come on speak up and reveal everything..

And how about another write up, this time do it in notepad and save it as often as you juggle and bounce your way through thread after thread.
Anyone decipher this lunatics ramblings?

Feb 22, 2014 #463


"Am only going by what they comment. That includes all of them. Perth city spook & Claremont ghost. cg who deleted his vids which said nothing, except commented shes in p/ville. Maybe I`m wrong. Otherwise I have very little inside info. The cops keep their cards close to their chest. I asked them was it from Lebanon & got a basic confirmation. It was JOhn from uk that said in the early blog; 'Claremont ghost posted from Lebanon'.you should be able to find that comment. I am not him !Anyways I haven`t been to lebanon. I am not nor anyone else. Capisce said knew more than anyone. That was said in the rope clue blog. now deleted. reconed the hills as Capisce said a muso would know. Now Claremont ghost said 'she is in Parkerville and thats a fact' before he deleted his u tube accnt. sooooooo I`m assuming Capisce is C/Ghost you see. C/ghost posts as Capisce & mentions a muso, and then said something to do with meditation. Well the Quiet cone meditation like business is near there. Sign is now gone. So I have been in that area for a look. a big look ! If iw as involved why would I bother to go 12 to 15 times there? If that does not explain it I will re type it tomorrow. the heat is going to my head, lols. "

"ok so CG mentions P/ville in his u tube rant. Capisce mentions a Muso would know. or someone under a diff name, maybe not even him goes aha; Parkie Amphitheatre is there. Capiscs says or whoever is closer than any 1. Is this linked to top of Swan view that he & poss others have mentioned? I doubt it on that locale being the inbetween site. But the 2 houses on site at the P/Amp got removed 2 yrs ago. So really that discounts that huge site as well. So maybe the P/a is a directional beacon. If any1 is in a creek nothing would be left.nothing.It is all speculation. Maybe C/Ghost and Capisce was rambling like all the rest. and I swear I am not them. But I did observe C/Gh deleted his accnt as soon as someone mentioned that locale. You go 15 + times to search a 200 acre area of bush, Bridle paths,tracks & creeks on a hunch & see how tired you get of this s...

"JohnOfUk knew someone in Macro & said C/gs vids were from Lebanon. Someone prob told him they were. He typed like a 13 yr old or maybe he was a European fellow hence the typoes. One of C/gs vids was interesting. He seemed like he was a taxi driver. 2 girls were in the car, tad pisst. You couldn`t hear him but they sounded like they were trying to get their heads around his explanation of his religion. Are you getting interested now? Is he b/s....... us with the vids? stuffed if I know. Is he a taxi driver? I Pass on if so. maybe he was bs trying to make us think that.But 2 chicks were having a convo with someone somewhere that he posted. Did he take off when they decided to dna taxi drivers? Was it not a taxi driver & a tradesperson instead,hence the rope clue? Or were both linked? I have heard from a high source that; 'The rope clue was a Media beat up' now that indicates that the media were getting carried away, same with the Imminent arrest hosing down situation. What I do know is this is an extremely complicated murder investigation which has an aweful lot of tentacles going out in all directions. Because with Serial Killers there is no linkage to jilted lovers, revenge & hate, financial gain etc that usually occurs in tragedies like this
Well seeing as you are so insightful, how about revealing what you think about the videos, also what you think about the case, who you think the closest POI is to the case, and if its no one then your profile of the killer?

I think the videos were made by the CSK or by someone for a few laughs. Can someone tell me of the time in the Hayley Jane Video of the footage frame inside the pub? I want to have a look at that again.

IF the CSK was inside the pub then the cops should have a good idea of what he looks like. Well he was chatting to 2 to 3 ladies by the inside stairs hey? And 2 of them are still alive to give a good description. Not to mention the footage frame just before or after the Ice box frame.
Snipped. Can you give any hints as to who you believe made the videos? Is it the same person who made the PerthCitySpook videos?

Oops, I guess I meant the Gisele Moonraker video, because I can't find any videos by the PerthCitySpook, but I see he did comment on the Gisele Moonraker video. My confusion is probably confusing things for everyone else. Sorry.

I think the videos were made by the CSK or by someone for a few laughs. Can someone tell me of the time in the Hayley Jane Video of the footage frame inside the pub? I want to have a look at that again...

Snipped. The stairway footage is on the CCTV video that Flect uploaded to YouTube. The one that's only 1:08 long. The stairway frame is at 0:45 seconds.

I posted the video link and a screenshot of the stairway frame in the media thread for any new readers:
im not refrains from answering your question i just want to give you the correct
information. Now i have talked to my friend.
ok that night im not sure if anyone witnesss us at the bus stop.
why we all have different version of the events is because we were all drinking
ok friend A He said the girl walked passed on the opposite side of the road wearing black dress and a white top
myself seen the girl walk pass wearing black dress and white top
friend. B. he said he seen the girl walking on opposite side of the road wearing black dress and white top and she was putting on a black jacket. Now the car
He said he did not see a car stop he only seen the brack light of a car as it went
down the hill.


Are you aware that you and your three friends sitting at the bus stop and seeing GC was re-enacted on a documentary on this case? In the re-enactment the audience is lead to believe that you and your friends saw GC talking to the Commodore.

Have you seen the doco?

Are you aware that you and your three friends sitting at the bus stop and seeing GC was re-enacted on a documentary on this case? In the re-enactment the audience is lead to believe that you and your friends saw GC talking to the Commodore.

Have you seen the doco?
no can you send the link so I can watch please
no can you send the link so I can watch please

You cannot be serious?

You have not seen the CIA documentary from 2008 that re-enacts the scene of you and your friends waiting at a bus stop?

The Police did not bother to inform you and ask for you to confirm the details?

Wow, amazing that a witness hasnt seen the documentary where Police re-enact that particular witness, the whole case is mind blowing!

I suggest you watch this whole documentary and report back to us all ASAP!

If you have issues with the link goto youtube and search 'CIA Claremont' first hit is the one you are after
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