Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #4

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no can you send the link so I can watch please

Wow. I'm very keen to hear your feedback on the re-creation. There is also the possibility that the group in the doco represents another group on the night but if you were interviewed by MACRO numerous times, I'd be reasonabily sure the doco represents yourself.

Here's the video, I'm not sure at what point the re-enactment happens:
You cannot be serious?

You have not seen the CIA documentary from 2008 that re-enacts the scene of you and your friends waiting at a bus stop?

The Police did not bother to inform you and ask for you to confirm the details?

Wow, amazing that a witness hasnt seen the documentary where Police re-enact that particular witness, the whole case is mind blowing!

I suggest you watch this whole documentary and report back to us all ASAP!

If you have issues with the link goto youtube and search 'CIA Claremont' first hit is the one you are after
yes I seen us at the bus but you said
something about a car ok I will watch tonight
So the car was already in the distance and did not drive passed the bus stop?

Did he think the vehicle was already parked up on the side of the road and as CG walked passed he rolled forwards holding his foot on the brake to slow to a crawl along side the victim?

It sounds from the reports that your friend was able to identify the colour, make and model being a white commodore statonwagon, was this all from the brake lights?

Do you think the man you see in your dreams drove passed you whilst you and your friends talked at the bus stop and you subconciously see him now sometimes? Out of all the POIs who do you think the man you see in your dreams matches closest to, and had you seen that POI prior to seeing the man in your dreams?

Also do you think your friend honestly saw a vehicle or do you have your doubts, do you think the Police have been honest with the infornation you and your friends provided?, sounds like the stories you each told dont quite match the official media reports.

Did any of your stories change during the multiple interviews, were you all interviewed the same amount of times or did your friend who saw the brake lights get interviewed more?
he was able to identify the car from the brack lights the make and model.
the car was going in the same direction as CG was walking down Stirling hwy
i know there was 3 or 4 cars drove pass that night it's not that busy at that time

we all got interview about the same times friend A. He said they try to hypnotise
him but nothing come from that.

now the police seen me about three times before the dream.
the man matching closest to the dream was LW big mole on his face.
I show the police were about in the dream she show me( because they asked about the dream) they said they have a suspect that they will be releasing on the new the next day. (LW they show on the new) same guy in my dream
Thanks for your reply Mel1303. What you posted is very helpful and concise.

Does anyone know what year Jane Rimmer left Hollywood SHS?
What occupations would require someone to have a ladder on the roof of a stationwagon?
Why do all these crimes commence after 12 at midnight?
Where did Jane recognize the man from? She worked at Williams Road Childcare from when she left school before moving with the new Carrington Street Centre in 1994.
Why that particular part of Karrakatta?
Most of all ... why Claremont?

The Claremont Ghost vids are interesting but they're filmed some time after the period. That wagon looks like the designs of 07/08 (number plate on the left).

What I'd be interested to hear from Frankie how sure the his friend is about the stationwagon. It seems very odd transporting a dead body in the back of a stationwagon.

Adam Rimmer said her reaction looks like she recognized that man. I'd be able to tell if I saw my sister on CCTV recognizing someone as opposed to laughing at what some stranger says. I reckon he cruised past down Gugeri and saw her, parked up and got out and pretended he was just passing through coming around the corner. All it would have taken is one or two quirky words that he used to help her remember him.

All I can say is this case is absolutely baffling.
Tell me if I have this right? One of 3 guys who saw CG by a Holden wagon, comes on here & states he has not seen the CIA (Crime Investigation Australia) video with Steve Liebmann. Then says he has dreams about the case. Totally suss imho. Yet I said worse a week ago. You get my idea. I think the CSK is overseas. How is it that JR`s girlfriends did not have a good look at this broad shouldered guy? They probably did as said earlier by me.
This bloke ( the CSK) was probably well versed at chatting to ladies & his manners led them to let their guard down. JR obviously (as someone said today) knew the guy. But from where?
Wow. I'm very keen to hear your feedback on the re-creation. There is also the possibility that the group in the doco represents another group on the night but if you were interviewed by MACRO numerous times, I'd be reasonabily sure the doco represents yourself.

Here's the video, I'm not sure at what point the re-enactment happens:
Wow I have seen some of the video before, but I just watch the full video now.
there is not way a car stopped like that to talk to CG. It'did not happen like that
i think we all would of seen a car like that talk to her.
There is no way someone could not have heard about the CIA Docu. I won`t say any more as I want Frankie to explain himself/HERSELF. OOps Caps on. :/
Tell me if I have this right? One of 3 guys who saw CG by a Holden wagon, comes on here & states he has not seen the CIA (Crime Investigation Australia) video with Steve Liebmann. Then says he has dreams about the case. Totally suss imho. Yet I said worse a week ago. You get my idea. I think the CSK is overseas. How is it that JR`s girlfriends did not have a good look at this broad shouldered guy? They probably did as said earlier by me.
no perkie you have it wrong Perkins I'm one of the guys but I'm not the one who saw CG talking to the car Perkie

No wonder MACRO couldn't solve this case. If any of the people in this thread contributed toward evidence then you'd have no chance solving the case.
Thanks for your reply Mel1303. What you posted is very helpful and concise.

Does anyone know what year Jane Rimmer left Hollywood SHS?
What occupations would require someone to have a ladder on the roof of a stationwagon?
Why do all these crimes commence after 12 at midnight?
Where did Jane recognize the man from? She worked at Williams Road Childcare from when she left school before moving with the new Carrington Street Centre in 1994.
Why that particular part of Karrakatta?
Most of all ... why Claremont?

The Claremont Ghost vids are interesting but they're filmed some time after the period. That wagon looks like the designs of 07/08 (number plate on the left).

What I'd be interested to hear from Frankie how sure the his friend is about the stationwagon. It seems very odd transporting a dead body in the back of a stationwagon.

Adam Rimmer said her reaction looks like she recognized that man. I'd be able to tell if I saw my sister on CCTV recognizing someone as opposed to laughing at what some stranger says. I reckon he cruised past down Gugeri and saw her, parked up and got out and pretended he was just passing through coming around the corner. All it would have taken is one or two quirky words that he used to help her remember him.

All I can say is this case is absolutely baffling.

Who would have a ladder on the roof? A tradesman. An electrician, a builder, a telco, someone who needs to access roof cavities, high spaces on a relatively common basis. Telecom fleet cars, including VS series wagons, were recalled in 1995 due to the wrong nut being used on the roof top ladder strap.

The schools of early learning that you referred to as the workplace of JR are both very close to Karrakatta, and close to Claremont.

Why that part of Karrakatta?
* Isolated place in the middle of the city- not likely to be heard- any approaching cars would be seen very quickly;
* Because there is a burial there that is of specific significance;
* Because he wanted to add to the terror of his poor victim by attacking her in a cemetery;
* Because he wanted his victim to believe she was going to die;
* Because of some crazy reason that makes sense to him, but that we would never really understand.

JR does appear to recognise MM, however he could well be someone she barely knew, who her family were not aware of. The bloke at the servo, the bouncer from the last pub, someone who regularly caught the same bus/train, the guy at the newsagent where she purchased lotto tickets.
I wonder if anyone on here could get access to a list of businesses that operated along Carrington Street near Government Road in 1995. It would make sense if JR recognized MM from occasionally seeing him around her workplace. This would also explain the Karrakatta connection as well as the fact that none of JR's friends recognized MM when shown the video.

The screen printing connection still puzzles me a lot. I would love to know exactly just what type of chemical/ material was found on the clothes line that the Police are holding onto. Plastisol is water based , correct me if i'm wrong, and would not "impregnate" itself into polymer washing line material.

Due the physical confidence the killer has shown i'd put him at around mid twenties at the time of the murders.
Wow I have seen some of the video before, but I just watch the full video now.
there is not way a car stopped like that to talk to CG. It'did not happen like that
i think we all would of seen a car like that talk to her.

I am absolutely shocked! that is quite incredible! So you believe the Police have misrepresented the witness statements and released a evidence to the media that doesn't align with any of the real facts in the case. It would not surprise me one bit if it were true. That is absolutely ridiculous if found to be correct.

The Police believe your mate saw CG lean towards the vehicle, implying she stopped and spoke with the vehicle occupants. You are saying your friend only saw the back tail lights creeping towards her direction as she walked passed the vehicle in the distance. You have also said the vehicle did not drive passed you and your group and you noticed all 4 cars, none being the white Commodore Station wagon. That means the vehicle was somehow parked up in the distance? That seems odd? or did it pull out from a driveway?

If WAPOL have completely misinterpreted the witness testimonies and after the 50 million different detectives have had there go trying to work the case I do wonder if any of them ever went back to the original source and verified the witness statements still being used in 2016, or back then in 2008 when the CIA documentary was released.

This case is a shambles. Lets hope Frankie is genuine and he isnt making this up because if he is genuine WAPOL have again disgraced themselves in the case, and CG could quite easily have been abducted further down the road, or after the vehicle had passed her.

Why did WAPOL try and imply early in the investigation that the victims were picked up from a TAXI, or someone who knew the victims, or some type of trust worthy vehicle ( with the exception being a Police car of course which they ruled out very early), Did this evidence just try and fit in with that theory? Or was it fabricated to help convict Lance Williams who was known to stop and talk to his would be passengers before they entered the vehicle? I do wonder during that corrupt Police era whether this was fabricated to help push the Lance Williams angle...

What a shame this investigation just seems so tainted with incompetence, I hav always how much evidence they had that could have been released that would have helped the public narrow down a potential POI/Suspect and maybe a conviction that has been blown by total Police secrecy for no real reason. Why did they declare 'serial killer' before the last victim was taken? They didn't know of Karrakatta being linked at that stage, and if they did does that mean she should have been 'dead' not just 'left for dead'? Hence why they thought they had a 'serial killer' at hand?

The case really does seem like a complete miss-opportunity given WAPOL's woeful record solving major crimes and missing person cases around the state, it could have been a real opportunity to highlight just how far they had evolved, instead the whole thing has been wasted and squandered with corruption, secrecy and incompetence. The reviews have been farcical and no where near independent, and they narrowed their focus first towards taxi's and Mayors and then to Lonely men obsessed with handjobs, this with the help of our most incompetent corrupt detective Caporn, who gets given a nice cushy job for being the epitome of ineptness.

Maybe they should just throw everything out there, at this point you could hardly think there is anything to lose...
I am absolutely shocked! that is quite incredible! So you believe the Police have misrepresented the witness statements and released a evidence to the media that doesn't align with any of the real facts in the case. It would not surprise me one bit if it were true. That is absolutely ridiculous if found to be correct.

The Police believe your mate saw CG lean towards the vehicle, implying she stopped and spoke with the vehicle occupants. You are saying your friend only saw the back tail lights creeping towards her direction as she walked passed the vehicle in the distance. You have also said the vehicle did not drive passed you and your group and you noticed all 4 cars, none being the white Commodore Station wagon. That means the vehicle was somehow parked up in the distance? That seems odd? or did it pull out from a driveway?

If WAPOL have completely misinterpreted the witness testimonies and after the 50 million different detectives have had there go trying to work the case I do wonder if any of them ever went back to the original source and verified the witness statements still being used in 2016, or back then in 2008 when the CIA documentary was released.

This case is a shambles. Lets hope Frankie is genuine and he isnt making this up because if he is genuine WAPOL have again disgraced themselves in the case, and CG could quite easily have been abducted further down the road, or after the vehicle had passed her.

Why did WAPOL try and imply early in the investigation that the victims were picked up from a TAXI, or someone who knew the victims, or some type of trust worthy vehicle ( with the exception being a Police car of course which they ruled out very early), Did this evidence just try and fit in with that theory? Or was it fabricated to help convict Lance Williams who was known to stop and talk to his would be passengers before they entered the vehicle? I do wonder during that corrupt Police era whether this was fabricated to help push the Lance Williams angle...

What a shame this investigation just seems so tainted with incompetence, I hav always how much evidence they had that could have been released that would have helped the public narrow down a potential POI/Suspect and maybe a conviction that has been blown by total Police secrecy for no real reason. Why did they declare 'serial killer' before the last victim was taken? They didn't know of Karrakatta being linked at that stage, and if they did does that mean she should have been 'dead' not just 'left for dead'? Hence why they thought they had a 'serial killer' at hand?

The case really does seem like a complete miss-opportunity given WAPOL's woeful record solving major crimes and missing person cases around the state, it could have been a real opportunity to highlight just how far they had evolved, instead the whole thing has been wasted and squandered with corruption, secrecy and incompetence. The reviews have been farcical and no where near independent, and they narrowed their focus first towards taxi's and Mayors and then to Lonely men obsessed with handjobs, this with the help of our most incompetent corrupt detective Caporn, who gets given a nice cushy job for being the epitome of ineptness.

Maybe they should just throw everything out there, at this point you could hardly think there is anything to lose...
yes he only seen the back tail lights of
the car and describe the car as a white commodore station wagon. Me I remember
about 4 to 5 cars go pass the same way CG walked. I could not tell you what kind
of cars they were.
Anyone decipher this lunatics ramblings?

Here's my best guess:
• On YouTube the Claremont Ghost commented 'SS is in Parkerville, and that's a fact'. This had since been deleted.
• John from UK allegedly knew someone in Macro and said the Ghost posted from Lebanon. Police allegedly confirmed this to Hillsguy.
• Hillsguy believes the Claremont Ghost also posted as Capisce.
• In the deleted rope clues blog, Capisce said was on the right track.
• was working on the assumption that SS was in the hills, partially because Capisce mentioned musicians and meditation.
• makes a guess, based off the Ghost and Capisce, that SS is near the Parkerville Amphitheater.
• Hillsguy suggests that the Amphitheater is just a directional beacon.
• The Claremont Ghost deleted his YouTube account shortly after the Parkerville Amphitheater was suggested.
• The Ghost's comments were full of typos.
• In one of the Ghost's videos you can hear two drunk girls trying to understand what is assumed to be a cab driver's religion. You cannot hear the driver.
• Hillsguy heard from a connected source that the rope clue was blown out of proportion.

Remember the call that Don Spiers received that told him Sarah was located on 5600ha of dense land and bush? Is the Parkerville Amphitheater part of a 5,600ha plot?
Here's my best guess:
• On YouTube the Claremont Ghost commented 'SS is in Parkerville, and that's a fact'. This had since been deleted.
• John from UK allegedly knew someone in Macro and said the Ghost posted from Lebanon. Police allegedly confirmed this to Hillsguy.
• Hillsguy believes the Claremont Ghost also posted as Capisce.
• In the deleted rope clues blog, Capisce said was on the right track.
• was working on the assumption that SS was in the hills, partially because Capisce mentioned musicians and meditation.
• makes a guess, based off the Ghost and Capisce, that SS is near the Parkerville Amphitheater.
• Hillsguy suggests that the Amphitheater is just a directional beacon.
• The Claremont Ghost deleted his YouTube account shortly after the Parkerville Amphitheater was suggested.
• The Ghost's comments were full of typos.
• In one of the Ghost's videos you can hear two drunk girls trying to understand what is assumed to be a cab driver's religion. You cannot hear the driver.
• Hillsguy heard from a connected source that the rope clue was blown out of proportion.

Remember the call that Don Spiers received that told him Sarah was located on 5600ha of dense land and bush? Is the Parkerville Amphitheater part of a 5,600ha plot?

Everything you say Sutton is TOTALLY true, from the aspect I take on & have said. I do not for one bit deny what I say. Let me say that the Remote Viewing Group in Perth have come up with some stuff. Yes a windmill & a tunnel. More so a train tunnel. They are everywhere now. Where? well everywhere..
Sorry Frankie I was going, but something piqued my interest.. And it is not you..
Remember the call that Don Spiers received that told him Sarah was located on 5600ha of dense land and bush? Is the Parkerville Amphitheater part of a 5,600ha plot?

I checked out the location of the original Parkerville Amphitheatre on Google maps and see that it is very close to John Forrest National Park but it's only around 2,700 hectares in size. More info and maps shown of the area at the real estate link below plus the actual address.

Picturesque Parkerville Retreat and Amphitheatre Retreat - Falls Road, Hovea.pdf

1745 (Lot 87) and 1925 (Lot 82) Falls Road, Hovea, Western Australia

Conveniently located in the popular “Perth Hills District,” just a casual 30 minutes drive from the CBD, this spectacular piece of real estate adjoins the John Forrest National Park and has 300 metres of the picturesque Jane Brook running through it.


The site is home to the original Parkerville Amphitheatre with its expansive rows of forum seating overlooking the beautiful Jane Brook and the surrounding scenic lake, bridges and walkways.

"John Forrest National Park covers an area of around 2,700 hectares and is located in the west of Australia."

Father will never give up search for Sarah Spiers
June 1, 2015:

But one phone call in particular has stayed with him - the only one he believes is genuine - and which either came from the killer or someone who knows them.

It was at 2am on a Sunday morning shortly after Sarah went missing. The caller asked him, "Are you Sarah's father?"

Don won't give details of what the man said but he still believes it wasn't a hoax.

The caller gave him a location - 5600ha of dense land and bush. Don went there but the size of the location and the dense vegetation meant looking was "hopeless".

"I would like them to somehow get in touch with me and verify what they had to say because that has haunted me for 19 years," he said.
So basically check all tunnel areas. Millar rd etc, hills, Beeliar etc
I'm not trying to stop your discussion of the Claremont ghost vids & their relevance so this is no more than just my opinion.

I personally feel these vids had nothing whatsoever to do with the case, they are nothing more than some depraved idiots attempt at his/her 15 minutes of fame. Why would you go to such lengths to gain the attention from posting them only to remain silent for the next 6, 7 or 8 years. Someone wanted attention, got that attention then freaked out by all the attention they had received, removed the vids & closed the account because the attention they didn't want was that of the police.

I feel the same about the phone call received by Don Spiers, most likely it was some heartless idiot making a prank call, Why go to such lengths to hide the body only to let them know via a personal phone call where it is located, and if so desperate for that body to be found then why no further contact since?

I can sure you since this case began Parkie is not the only attention seeker claiming to have links to these crimes, there are plenty more out there. Both the youtube video's and the phone call lack any facts or concrete evidence to suggest they should be even remotely considered as being legitimate.

As for Frankie claiming to be the witness, he may be the same Frankie from BF, but that means nothing, who is to say that he still wasn't someone wanting a bit of attention? He has offered nothing whatsoever that hasn't already been regurgitated through news reports and discussions by us on here and BF, the only proof that he is one of the eye witnesses is him stating that he was one of the 3 men on an internet forum. when asked tough questions he takes his time to reply, is he really that 'busy' or taking the time to get his facts straight by reading articles an previous posts? Call me a skeptic if you may, but I don't believe for one minute that he is really one of the 3 eye witnesses.

By all means continue your discussions but please don't be so naive to take someone on their word over the internet, where there are high profile cases the trolls will run rampant. It's easy to get caught up in a story, we all would love to see this solved or even be a part of helping have it solved but that should never blind us to the point where fact and evidence becomes irrelevant.
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