Australia Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #9 *ARREST

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So Julie Cutler changed into a black evening dress after the Parmelia Hilton Hotel work function?? Where was she going if that was the case?
What happens when your wife (if they are still living together) finds out you weren't crabbing/fishing with a family member. It is very hard to keep up with these lies/deception if you are living with someone especially a wife who will be asking all sorts of questions. Aren't all wives like that! The only time he could possibly get away with it is if you are coming back to am empty house if your wife/partner is absent. With the utmost respect to all the families I once said in a passing comment to my family when we were discussing the CSK that I could be a suspect as I lived on my own and didn't need an alibi. My family would have never been the wiser. I think this would be the same for BE.....

I know guys who go fishing solo at all hours, it's not suspicious if they do it consistently
RETPI; Do have some facts about the deterioration of this relationship, other than the sale of the property and a caveat that was in place? Did you know this couple personally? Was BE already in another relationship with CG before it ended? If so, it could have been his intentions to separate. He seems to have moved on into another relationship fairly quickly.
Do you have facts about the POI's for all unsolved sex attacks in WA between 1988 - 1995? As unreliable as some people believe WAPOL to be, I'm sure they would be interested in your information, as would many of the slow readers on here too.

Sounds like he is wapol lol
Rather that everyone puncing about back and forth I will shed some light on Frankie's claims.

The building Frankie claims he saw in his dream is an old part of CCGS that has since been demolished and rebuilt. He described it perfectly.

There is no longer a need to go back and forth and speculate what was in his dream.

I notice after all this time Frankie hasn't acknowledged the old building at CCGS. I think it's unlikely someone would have a vivid dream about the CSK, see a prime suspect's face before that person's face was made public, speak to the police about it, and not be aware of what the old CCGS buildings look like.

IMO Frankie is waiting for someone to find an old image of CCGS that matches his description to seemingly give more credibility.

Not to mention the claim about seeing the crime in his dream featuring real places that he'd never seen before. Scientifically impossible.

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a load of cobblers.

If you genuinely want an old picture of anything a CCGS there is a woman you can email and she will send you what you need, PM me if you need more details.
Yes that building at CCGS you mentioned was the old Arts department (since gone as you say).

I dispute Frankie could have made out those details of said building from his location at the bus stop in front of HJ's at night, be a stretch in daylight. I realise it was Frankies birthday but no human could see that detail from his given vantage point.

It's completely impossible from where frankie was, the terrain doesn't allow for it.
Fact 3. He is in total denial , is not admitting anything.

As many of us stated days ago, simply doesn't fit his profile, he thinks he will get off.
Evidence handling the key and he has a good lawyer.
Same with the Bega Schoolgirl killings.
"Lauren and Nichole were walking to a party when Camilleri and Beckett appeared.They pulled up beside the girls.
Beckett got out and talked them into the vehicle.
By the time they got inside it was too late - its back doors were permanently locked."
He is not involved in it at all. Why shouldn't he try and be normal...I think the fact that he has not shut his page down etc is pretty damn brave.

I still find it strange that his ex-wife still has a photo of him on her Facebook! Denial maybe??
Wonder what will happen to Kewdale property now BE in custody...does it get sold? Always wondered what happens in situations like this ie; like when you own a property and become incarcerated for a serious offence/ the police seize it?

He deals with it through a lawyer while in prison..
Had a quick word with my mate who was also a Telecom techie.
BRE was quiet, very pedantic (like his father he said). BRE had a French wife.
He only worked with BRE for a few weeks. "They have to ask his work colleague Dominic Fr*****ni for more info"
No clues that he was anyway dubious.

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk

Yes, I have used the word pedantic about him previously based on what my president of Belmont Villa Soccer Club said about him after meeting with him several times when he was president of BLAC....we share the same ground/facilities. We are starting to see a common characteristic. I suppose it makes for a good technician - follow the process, thorough, re-check etc.
Had a quick word with my mate who was also a Telecom techie.
BRE was quiet, very pedantic (like his father he said). BRE had a French wife.
He only worked with BRE for a few weeks. "They have to ask his work colleague Dominic Fr*****ni for more info"
No clues that he was anyway dubious.

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk

Strange! By the look of his current house and the dumped/dilapidated cars on it, you'd think he was a careless sloth rather than a pedant.
I'm pretty sure Perth Now's latest story on Brad and this case (accessible online) contains information sleuthed by members of this very forum :)
Hope you got paid!

Of course it does.

Lazy journalism.
If you genuinely want an old picture of anything a CCGS there is a woman you can email and she will send you what you need, PM me if you need more details.

Used to go to CCGS. From memory there wasn't a break in the fence near the Art/Manual arts building so you couldn't have dragged someone onto the school grounds there. You'd have to have dragged her about 30 meters up Queenslea drive to the car par outside that building. There were plenty of bushes in that area. I've been thinking about the possible CG grab site for quite a while. Christ Church (the church) is pretty close to the bus stop outside HJ's, maybe only 100m, so if he grabbed her there he'd have had to king hit her or there likely would have been loud sounds of struggle, certainly yelling/screaming otherwise.

The school has changed a lot, that big car park along the side of the road was only built about 2006/7 ish. Until then that side of the school was all fenced off and grass (the long jump pits were along that edge) until the driveway that ran up to the back of the gym. The chaplain's residence was back there too but might not have been occupied in January. That area used to be quite dark and overgrown with bushes. Further up a little Corry Lynn Road would have also been a good grab site. All these places have changed a lot and don't look all that probable now.

Wherever he grabbed them he would have had to strike suddenly and hard, and had them hooded or gagged before they returned to their senses. Anywhere from the church onwards with a violent blitz attack would have been the way to go. SS's last sighting close to there suggests he liked that area.

As an insight to why CG may have been walking:- When taxis get really scarce and demand high your best bet is often to leave the busy area and try to catch one that's driving into the area to look for a fare before it gets there and twenty people try to hail it. Taxi ranks can get pretty nasty late at night, full of drunks with no manners wanting to go home NOW.
Somewhere in Wembley....

Incorrect SN76

Jane was an employee of Nedlands Early Learning Centre from the early 90's up until she was abducted and murdered. Locations on Williams road Nedlands and Carrington Street Nedlands.
In W.A, there is certainly law in place that allows the State to seize "crime used" or "crime derived" property. It is usually implemented in drug cases involving sell/supply/trafficable amounts but I believe there has been at least one W.A case in recent history where there has at least been movement on behalf of the state to seize paedophiles/sex offender assets under the "crime used" definition.

Of course, this process of asset seizure depends on the aftermath of the criminal case and ownership status. At this point, the answer to this question is "watch this space".
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