Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Now that an individual is in custody, if they were found to be linked to other crimes (for example, via DNA) would this information be made public before trial?

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Unless charged, No, they'd just say something like they're investigating links to other possible crimes.

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Unless charged, No, they'd just say something like they're investigating links to other possible crimes.

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Thanks petedavo. So, if there was enough evidence to link the person to other crimes would the police add to the current list of charges for the trial, or would they be handled separately?

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Thanks petedavo. So, if there was enough evidence to link the person to other crimes would the police add to the current list of charges for the trial, or would they be handled separately?

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They won't say after he's charged due to Sub Judice. We'll find out it Court, but only if enough of a Prima facie case exists to add them.

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IMO they may be able to use it to judge MM height. If they know the height of JR they could calculate MM height and say someone similar in height was seen talking to her before she disappeared but I don't think it would be useful for much else.

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Many thanks.

I recall the footage being sent to NASA, to see if they could make the image more clearer - but they weren't able too. I suppose the footage was utilized to identify who the actual stranger was. WAPOL had spoken to everyone else in the footage except the stranger with his back to the video. Hope this answers your question. These are only my thoughts and opinions. CV.
IMO the bouncers working the door on the night of Jane's disappearance were probably asked if they knew the identity of MM and maybe even help contribute to an identikit picture.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links.

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Thanks Spooks,

When the MM approached JR she seemed surprised, and appeared to know who he was - she laughed. It's a bit like MM hadn't been at the hotel for very long. Perhaps MM had driven past the hotel, seen JR waiting outside, quickly parked his vehicle, came inside and immediately approached JR asking her if she wanted a lift home.
These are only my thoughts and opinion.
Does anyone know if CCTV street cameras were erected in the small car park immediately behind the post office and Dome cafe?


(Pic from Google Maps app.)

IMO I think Jane may have slipped away in the open walkway between the Dome cafe and the nearby shop, and met MM in his car parked behind the post office.
The Dome cafe is adjacent (and below) Post Office in this pic. The walkway is not visible in pic because walkway is covered by a roof - the long white one.

MM greeted Jane at front door of Conti with arms out to his side saying "I'm here - where's my hug". Jane declined the hug but giggled because she didn't want anyone to see her hug MM even though she liked MM.

Jane apparently had already been rather secretive earlier when she didn't explain to her friends why she wanted to stay at Conti that night.

IMO MM asked Jane to wait out front of Conti for him to drive by and pick her up, because he possibly parked a long way away, or because MM needed to get his SK tools ready in his car . More likely I think MM drove closer to Conti, parked up behind the post office, got out of his car, and waved to her from other side of street. Jane ran across road to him and they walked together to his car parked behind post office.

I think MM knew JR beforehand and he went to Conti to pick her up - very early days of dating before Jane told her friends about MM.

Maybe MM was 'courting' Jane, picked Jane up from Conti, and they were planning to have a 'special night' together - MM sussed out first whether Jane had told anyone about him, (MM probably told bunch of lies anyways) then when Jane was safely in his car, maybe gave her a drink spiked with GHB, then drove to his secret place and did evil things to her.

IMO I think MM is BRE and MM is alleged CSK.


Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links.

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Many thanks.

I recall the footage being sent to NASA, to see if they could make the image more clearer - but they weren't able too. I suppose the footage was utilized to identify who the actual stranger was. WAPOL had spoken to everyone else in the footage except the stranger with his back to the video. Hope this answers your question. These are only my thoughts and opinions. CV.

Thanks CV.
Is there a link to any information suggesting the footage was sent to NASA.
I recall another web sleuther on this forum saying they worked for the security company that installed the cameras and actually saw the footage clearly.
Just trying to clarify. Thanks.

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"“If you want to find targets, you know, you have to learn how to hunt, hours and hours and hours, walking around various different apartment complexes,” O’Leary says in an interview with police to be broadcast on 48 HOURS."

Marc Patrick O'Leary a serial rapist providing insight on how he chooses and stalks his victims prior to the attack.

"He was plotting their schedules. He was even in their homes without attacking them. But when he did, he did so with military precision – he raped them, he photographed them, and then he made them shower or bathe as a way to clear out any evidence."

IMO I think the alleged CSK BRE was a "hunter" of his victims. Successfully abducting 4 women from Claremont since 1995 means he carefully planned, hunted, and concealed his crimes.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links.

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Does anyone know if CCTV street cameras were erected in the small car park immediately behind the post office and Dome cafe?


(Pic from Google Maps app.)

IMO I think Jane may have slipped away in the open walkway between the Dome cafe and the nearby shop, and met MM in his car parked behind the post office.
The Dome cafe is adjacent (and below) Post Office in this pic. The walkway is not visible in pic because walkway is covered by a roof - the long white one.

MM greeted Jane at front door of Conti with arms out to his side saying "I'm here - where's my hug". Jane declined the hug but giggled because she didn't want anyone to see her hug MM even though she liked MM.

Jane apparently had already been rather secretive earlier when she didn't explain to her friends why she wanted to stay at Conti that night.

IMO MM asked Jane to wait out front of Conti for him to drive by and pick her up, because he possibly parked a long way away, or because MM needed to get his SK tools ready in his car . More likely I think MM drove closer to Conti, parked up behind the post office, got out of his car, and waved to her from other side of street. Jane ran across road to him and they walked together to his car parked behind post office.

I think MM knew JR beforehand and he went to Conti to pick her up - very early days of dating before Jane told her friends about MM.

Maybe MM was 'courting' Jane, picked Jane up from Conti, and they were planning to have a 'special night' together - MM sussed out first whether Jane had told anyone about him, (MM probably told bunch of lies anyways) then when Jane was safely in his car, maybe gave her a drink spiked with GHB, then drove to his secret place and did evil things to her.

IMO I think MM is BRE and MM is alleged CSK.


Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links.

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Another pic of covered walkway between Bayview Terrace and car park behind post office and Dome Cafe.

Walkway is roofed so you can't see it in pic.

But walkway would provide quick escape route on foot for JR and MM, and then disappear in his car, without having to drive down Bayview Terrace and risking capture on CCTV.

Pic source = Apple maps app
Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links.

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Video of JR Waiting outside Hotel

Initially when I watched the video I thought the MM had exited from a door inside the hotel, but that's not possible because there's barricading on the footpath. He seems to have come from Gugeri street.

Also, the police officer mentioned it being the night JR was abducted and murdered. Meaning JR wasn't held for a significant period before being murdered.

Thanks CV.
Is there a link to any information suggesting the footage was sent to NASA.
I recall another web sleuther on this forum saying they worked for the security company that installed the cameras and actually saw the footage clearly.
Just trying to clarify. Thanks.

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From memory it was mentioned on the TV. Sorry haven't got a link.
That's ok. I also wonder if they did identify MM would they release the information?

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I'm definitely not an expert on the matter. The whole case has been treated as highly confidential, and the police working on the case are not at liberty to disclose any information. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait until it's all over and I suspect that will take a longgggggg time.

What's your view on the video, do you think it's the accused? What about the hair colour? BRE has dark hair, has broad shoulders and is tall.
I'm definitely not an expert on the matter. The whole case has been treated as highly confidential, and the police working on the case are not at liberty to disclose any information. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait until it's all over and I suspect that will take a longgggggg time.

What's your view on the video, do you think it's the accused? What about the hair colour? BRE has dark hair, has broad shoulders and is tall.

I agree that it will be a long wait...

I can't say that I think MM is the accused, but I think the likeness is very close...

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I agree that it will be a long wait...

I can't say that I think MM is the accused, but I think the likeness is very close...

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I suppose, by now WAPOL have looked at a lot of photos of BRE but usually people have their photo taken front on, not from behind. Perhaps a person who knew BRE at the time (1990s) would have been asked to I.D. him from behind. He has an ex-wife and an ex-defacto wife. They would know what hair style he used to have.

These are only my thoughts and opinions.
I suppose, by now WAPOL have looked at a lot of photos of BRE but usually people have their photo taken front on, not from behind. Perhaps a person who knew BRE at the time (1990s) would have been asked to I.D. him from behind. He has an ex-wife and an ex-defacto wife. They would know what hair style he used to have.

These are only my thoughts and opinions.

I also think body language is important. I can recognise people I know from a distance just by how they carry themselves without actually seeing their face- particularly my partner.

I do hope someone can identify MM with some certainty.

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Here's a wild out there theory that just surfaced from my cerebral cortex------

I wonder if WAPOL checked the athletics trophy cabinets at any LA clubs that the accused BRE had access to while volunteering??

Wouldn't it be ironical if the accused somehow hid any SK trophies [emoji471] amongst the Little Athletics [emoji471] Trophies !!!

Hiding in clear sight!!!

And what if the accused had some basic manual arts skills and a few tools in a backyard shed, and was able to insert any SK trophies into the (wooden) bases of the Little Athletics trophies? Maybe some super glue helped too!

Just the wild rambling thoughts shaking around in the spooky mind of a little lost ghost [emoji317]

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links.

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Curious if anyone is planning to go in and watch the trial, if it's allowed. Maybe someone could take notes each day and put up. Would be great to know what has been said. I wish they televised major trials like in the US, would be riveting.

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Does anyone know if CCTV street cameras were erected in the small car park immediately behind the post office and Dome cafe?


(Pic from Google Maps app.)

IMO I think Jane may have slipped away in the open walkway between the Dome cafe and the nearby shop, and met MM in his car parked behind the post office.
The Dome cafe is adjacent (and below) Post Office in this pic. The walkway is not visible in pic because walkway is covered by a roof - the long white one.

MM greeted Jane at front door of Conti with arms out to his side saying "I'm here - where's my hug". Jane declined the hug but giggled because she didn't want anyone to see her hug MM even though she liked MM.

Jane apparently had already been rather secretive earlier when she didn't explain to her friends why she wanted to stay at Conti that night.

IMO MM asked Jane to wait out front of Conti for him to drive by and pick her up, because he possibly parked a long way away, or because MM needed to get his SK tools ready in his car . More likely I think MM drove closer to Conti, parked up behind the post office, got out of his car, and waved to her from other side of street. Jane ran across road to him and they walked together to his car parked behind post office.

I think MM knew JR beforehand and he went to Conti to pick her up - very early days of dating before Jane told her friends about MM.

Maybe MM was 'courting' Jane, picked Jane up from Conti, and they were planning to have a 'special night' together - MM sussed out first whether Jane had told anyone about him, (MM probably told bunch of lies anyways) then when Jane was safely in his car, maybe gave her a drink spiked with GHB, then drove to his secret place and did evil things to her.

IMO I think MM is BRE and MM is alleged CSK.


Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links.

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It's a very good theory, and makes sense. JR was clearly waiting for someone and a person has never come forward to advise they were supposed to meet with JR and she wasn't there. The MM in the video didn't show much body language. As he showed his face to the others outside the hotel, he took a huge risk and one that he was willing to take - to achieve the outcome he wanted.

I too believe that the MM is the "accused" CSK, who is being held in custody.

These are only my thoughts and opinion.
Here's a wild out there theory that just surfaced from my cerebral cortex------

I wonder if WAPOL checked the athletics trophy cabinets at any LA clubs that the accused BRE had access to while volunteering??

Wouldn't it be ironical if the accused somehow hid any SK trophies [emoji471] amongst the Little Athletics [emoji471] Trophies !!!

Hiding in clear sight!!!

And what if the accused had some basic manual arts skills and a few tools in a backyard shed, and was able to insert any SK trophies into the (wooden) bases of the Little Athletics trophies? Maybe some super glue helped too!

Just the wild rambling thoughts shaking around in the spooky mind of a little lost ghost [emoji317]
Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links.

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Alternatively, they could be hidden within a telephone exchange. There would be lots of places to store small bits and pieces. When arrested he was probably on annual leave being the Christmas break, and didn't have time to clear up any loose ends. Over the holiday period he was probably looking forward to a nice relaxing break, but it didn't quite work out as planned!

Only IMO of course.
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