Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

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Have you read the earlier threads CV? Almost everything is in them.
His number was posted the day of his arrest #689 thread 7.

No name,

Thanks, I started reading Websleuths posts about Jan 2017. But I did skim through the old posts. Many thanks.
Have you read the earlier threads CV? Almost everything is in them.
His number was posted the day of his arrest #689 thread 7.

If anyone's looking for me I'll be off reading the earlier threads. :findinglink:.
I'll be back before you know it... :silly:
CanningVale thanks for your extensive answers to my question re where BRE may have hung as in his youth. Very informative thanks[emoji2][emoji16]

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
If anyone's looking for me I'll be off reading the earlier threads. :findinglink:.
I'll be back before you know it... :silly:

I'm still in the rabbit holes of these earlier threads suggested to find more about Australian Computer Resellers, 322 Stirling Hwy owned by Edwards Family Trust. Still making my way to the end with over 30 pages of notes (and branching off a few different directions) and haven't been able to make up my mind yet if it is same or not. I understand mods took away posts and then put them back and it may be family members or maybe someone else. Back before you know it - not!


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Peter Kurten - did you ever get hold of Frank Silas to determine the location of the warehouse Innerchild is asking about?

I would appreciate if it could be confirmed where the location of the factory he was reported working at with the suspicious workmate and girl friend. The posts by CV with Carrington St and Government Rd being the main industrial area with small number of places in Shenton Rd seem accurate for Western Suburbs, Fremantle industrial area would be call ed that IMO. Pete Davo, your UWA print shop is probably not a factory but a holding shop for texts.

However the factory could even be Australian Computer Resellers if there was enough work and space at the bottom level of the shop. Otherwise I'm thinking a printing shop, something that employees males and females and has shifts finishing at 10.00 pm some nights.

..."I do feel for Mr Silas, because the issue is obviously taking up a large space in his life." ...I hope this sarcasm is not another example if incompetence that will come back to bit Mr C. Who liked his results from his det, work so much that they kept promoting him?

...The three men said that on the Tuesday after Ms Glennon disappeared their fellow worker, a casual employee, had arrived at work very defensive about the four distinct scratches on his face, which they said appeared to have been made by fingernails. He had kept to himself at the back of the factory and attempted to hide his face behind his hair...
...Mr Silas said the casual employee had tried to conceal scratches on his face when the two came face to face in the factory kitchen on the morning of the Tuesday after Ms Glennon's disappearance. The man had been evasive about how he had received the scratches, finally saying his dogs had jumped up on him. Mr Silas said this week he believed the scratches had been made by a person, because each scratch was about 5mm wide and they were spaced like human fingers. He said he had called another supervisor, now aged 31, who sneaked a look at the scratches. Mr Silas said the casual employee man had frequently claimed to be famous, and some days after Ms Glennon was found the man had said he was "more famous than Christopher Skase". Mr Silas had been puzzled until he realised the newspaper that morning had the Claremont murders on the front page and a report about Christopher Skase on page three. Mr Silas said that after Ms Glennon's body had been found, he had phoned Fremantle Police and Crime Stoppers to tell of his suspicions. He said detectives had not interviewed the man until eight months after Mr Silas' first call. Mr Silas said police had later told him the man had said he could not remember where he had been that night in March. Mr Silas said police had said they'd checked security alarm records and they believed there had been no nightshift at the factory that night. This week, Mr Silas disputed this, saying he had proof. The casual employee's girlfriend had later got a job in the same factory. She once remarked that a factory process felt the same as stabbing someone.

Her boyfriend had been an excellent worker but had been sacked for assaulting a female worker at the factory. He had later been re-employed. Mr Silas had become frustrated at what he saw as lack of police action, and turned detective himself. He'd made excuses to call at the former casual employee's home and to check out his van. He said that once he had seen what appeared to be a pattern of blood spots on the inside roof of the van; they had gone brown after being treated with an organic cleaner. The man had once unbolted the front seat of the van and said he was looking for an earring. His girlfriend did not wear earrings. She began wearing a claddagh ring, but did not know what it was. Ciara Glennon had been wearing a claddagh brooch when she disappeared. It has not been found.
Mr Silas said the casual employee had been a craftsman who had the skills to convert a brooch to a ring...

...Mr Silas said he believed the couple was still together, and worked as a team. The man had phoned the factory three times recently trying to get a reference for jobs, once from Victoria, once from Queensland and most recently from Darwin...

We know the Claremont killer The Post Newspaper 2001/09/01

Have spent some time re-reading back on old posts prior to the arrest. Some comments were very strange & others downright accusing. I wonder if a person, guilty of such a crime would post on this site in an attempt to accuse others. I guess it would be possible for someone with IT expertise to achieve this... stolen phone / computer etc.I imagine that the perpetrator would be intensely scrutinising all eiectronic media... How was someone in Y2K+ able to keep such minimal electronic footprint? Again....just my thoughts and imagination

I don't think you need any IT expertise to register and post on a site such as this. You have a convenient alias for your username and no one needs to know who you are. I think that BRE was posting for a variety or reasons. One, that I too think he may have liked to pretend to be someone else and direct blame towards them, Two, it may have been amusing to drop clues (or inadvertently reveal facts only the killer would have known) along with a heap of b.s. so you couldn't tell the difference. Three, amuse himself over the years seeing no one was any closer to solving CSK while keeping his real online profile low. JMOO.
As you’re aware I’ve been looking at posts from archived threads.
:lookingitup: Mainly posts uploaded after the arrest, just before Christmas 2016. The ones I found interesting are noted below:

Thread #7 #783 - Reminder Note from Bessie (regarding the rules):tos:
1. The daughter is off limits. You can discuss her age only, as it might be relevant to the timeline. But that's it. The same goes for all of the accused's relatives and friends. They fall within the "victim friendly" category.

2. NO speculating about WS members being the perp. Period.

Thread #7, 880 - posted by Screwdriver:
Mandy might be onto something (i had to register for this)

I grew up in Claremont and would frequent the conti a lot from 1998-2005. The payphones were annoyingly down the end of bay view Stirling hwy end

Thread #7, 887 posted by Bartholemeous:

The payphones were directly across the road at the post office.

Thread #7, 881 posted by phantom:

In Sarah Spiers case I think she was attacked from behind and dragged behind a brick wall. Few people here would know that there used to be a BC Body Club on that corner, with a large carpark out the front. It was surrounded by a low brick wall.

Thread #7, 882 posted by Mordekai:
I remember when BC burned down… You could smell the smoke for days afterwards all the way along Stirling highway. The comment about pretending to fix a broken pay phone then offering a pretty young girl a lift to the next working one is an excellent suggestion. He may have said “look jump in and I’ll just drop you Home if you like. Seeing as it’s a telstra’s fault you can’t get a cab it’s the least I can do” If he was charming or fatherly enough it may well have been his MO
I'm about to look for Frank Silas on Linkedin and FB. Please let me know if you've already looked. Thank you.
There's more light industrial businesses in Graylands Road, Claremont.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
And I think also southern end of Mosman Park and Cottesloe, and North Fremantle. Light industrial there too. Especially more years ago if I recall correctly.
And down at the wharf too.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
And I think also southern end of Mosman Park and Cottesloe, and North Fremantle. Light industrial there too. Especially more years ago if I recall correctly.
And down at the wharf too.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
And quite a lot in Subiaco (north side of the railway, before it was redeveloped for housing), Joilmont, Shelton Park. Between Underwood Age and Stubbs Tce. The Uni Print factory where they did very large printing jobs was in this area. Railway Tce West Leederville had a couple of factories making orthopedic shoes and such like. Until the 70's most of Mosman Park was industrial too, including a car assembly plant, but by the time of CSKs that was almost all gone. The biggest factory at the time, might of been Government Print in Subiaco, but I think it was shut down in 1992. A scan of "factory hand" job listings only comes up with Uni Print these days. Unfortunately 1996 isn't covered by the West archive s nor trove, so unless someone goes to SLWA to look at job listings in old papers, it'll be hard to guess, but is this speculation, about a factory hand from the Western Suburbs relevant to the accused or are you thinking there's either another POI or accomplice to the CSKs?

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...Mr Silas said the casual employee had tried to conceal scratches on his face when the two came face to face in the factory kitchen on the morning of the Tuesday after Ms Glennon's disappearance. The man had been evasive about how he had received the scratches, finally saying his dogs had jumped up on him. Mr Silas said this week he believed the scratches had been made by a person, because each scratch was about 5mm wide and they were spaced like human fingers. He said he had called another supervisor, now aged 31, who sneaked a look at the scratches. Mr Silas said the casual employee man had frequently claimed to be famous, and some days after Ms Glennon was found the man had said he was "more famous than Christopher Skase". Mr Silas had been puzzled until he realised the newspaper that morning had the Claremont murders on the front page and a report about Christopher Skase on page three. Mr Silas said that after Ms Glennon's body had been found, he had phoned Fremantle Police and Crime Stoppers to tell of his suspicions. He said detectives had not interviewed the man until eight months after Mr Silas' first call. Mr Silas said police had later told him the man had said he could not remember where he had been that night in March. Mr Silas said police had said they'd checked security alarm records and they believed there had been no nightshift at the factory that night. This week, Mr Silas disputed this, saying he had proof. The casual employee's girlfriend had later got a job in the same factory. She once remarked that a factory process felt the same as stabbing someone.

Her boyfriend had been an excellent worker but had been sacked for assaulting a female worker at the factory. He had later been re-employed. Mr Silas had become frustrated at what he saw as lack of police action, and turned detective himself. He'd made excuses to call at the former casual employee's home and to check out his van. He said that once he had seen what appeared to be a pattern of blood spots on the inside roof of the van; they had gone brown after being treated with an organic cleaner. The man had once unbolted the front seat of the van and said he was looking for an earring. His girlfriend did not wear earrings. She began wearing a claddagh ring, but did not know what it was. Ciara Glennon had been wearing a claddagh brooch when she disappeared. It has not been found.
Mr Silas said the casual employee had been a craftsman who had the skills to convert a brooch to a ring...

...Mr Silas said he believed the couple was still together, and worked as a team. The man had phoned the factory three times recently trying to get a reference for jobs, once from Victoria, once from Queensland and most recently from Darwin...

We know the Claremont killer The Post Newspaper 2001/09/01

The factory sounds as though it is/was a fairly large concern. There was more than one supervisor, It had a kitchen, and employed a night-shift, but not that night.
And quite a lot in Subiaco (north side of the railway, before it was redeveloped for housing), Joilmont, Shelton Park. Between Underwood Age and Stubbs Tce. The Uni Print factory where they did very large printing jobs was in this area. Railway Tce West Leederville had a couple of factories making orthopedic shoes and such like. Until the 70's most of Mosman Park was industrial too, including a car assembly plant, but by the time of CSKs that was almost all gone. The biggest factory at the time, might of been Government Print in Subiaco, but I think it was shut down in 1992. A scan of "factory hand" job listings only comes up with Uni Print these days. Unfortunately 1996 isn't covered by the West archive s nor trove, so unless someone goes to SLWA to look at job listings in old papers, it'll be hard to guess, but is this speculation, about a factory hand from the Western Suburbs relevant to the accused or are you thinking there's either another POI or accomplice to the CSKs?

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The print shop theory ties in with the cable covered with ink. There was a print place in Government Rd.

The factory sounds as though it is/was a fairly large concern. There was more than one supervisor, It had a kitchen, and employed a night-shift, but not that night.
The largest factory I can think of was in McCabe St, North Fremantle. Can't remember what it was though. Buildings are still there. Then there was Taskers, which made sailing bits. Masts, Sails, fittings etc (one of those blokes would know how to machine anything, even jewellery). But as for a kitchen, if he meant that the factory made food stuffs, then the old Mills and Wares factory would be my 1st guess

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Taskers - wasn't that North Freo?
And it's all town houses now

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Taskers - wasn't that North Freo?
And it's all town houses now

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
I believe so. There appears to be two businesses with the name Tasker in them.

Rolly Tasker died in 2012.

There's a business using his name, that manufactures sails in Thailand.

And there's a Taskers at 38 Daly Street
South Fremantle
WA 6162

I believe they're separate entities. I vaguely remember Rolly's business being in financial strife many years ago, so maybe he had to sell off the international part of his business or something.

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk
I believe so. There appears to be two businesses with the name Tasker in them.

Rolly Tasker died in 2012.

There's a business using his name, that manufactures sails in Thailand.

And there's a Taskers at 38 Daly Street
South Fremantle
WA 6162

I believe they're separate entities. I vaguely remember Rolly's business being in financial strife many years ago, so maybe he had to sell off the international part of his business or something.

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The Rolly Taskers factory - didn't they convert that to a rollerdrome for roller-skating? Before it was town houses.
His name certainly suits. [emoji2]

Maybe BRE met his wife/s roller skating? Stranger things have happened!
Would certainly make for a 'sporting' venue that may have attracted people from both Gosnells/Huntingdale area and the Western Suburbs. A clash of cultures played out on the skating rink!
Would provide a place for teens to hang out also.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
I believe so. There appears to be two businesses with the name Tasker in them.

Rolly Tasker died in 2012.

There's a business using his name, that manufactures sails in Thailand.

And there's a Taskers at 38 Daly Street
South Fremantle
WA 6162

I believe they're separate entities. I vaguely remember Rolly's business being in financial strife many years ago, so maybe he had to sell off the international part of his business or something.

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalkähale-von-SPEE...-Stechahle-Sattler-Werkzeug-162376547393.html

Sewing awl for sailmaker

Thanks to Innerchild:
The casual employee's girlfriend had later got a job in the same factory. She once remarked that a factory process felt the same as stabbing someone.

I think a factory like sailmakers sounds very plausible, IMO. Plunging/piercing tools and their handling indeed may have somewhat of "stabbing" and if one "isn't quite right in his mind/moral" the person would perhaps compare the handling with stabbing someone. Verrry red flag, IMO.

I just have read that sails have to be chemical cleaned and fresh coated for maintaining between seasons at the sailmakers. Also I have seen pics of sails which are printed with colourful motives. So I think in a factory like the sailmaker there were many chemical liquids stored as used too ....
Flicking through 1000's of screenshots, I came across a copy of a comment posted on a serial killers website from a guy called "Dave" on 01Jun15, in relation to CSK. I dont have the full web address in the shot, easy enough to find but I dont know if Im allowed to link to it anyway. Anyone interested can search SK's briancomb (thats all I have but sure its enough)
"i was employed at a screen printing shop in Nth Fremantle at the time, the Macro task force interviewed all the employees that had contact with a particular past employee. This chap had been interviewed and had told the police he was working the night Jane Rimmer disappeared, upon scouring records this proved to be false. The interviewing detectives were quite interested in the tools of our trade and took one particular item with them".
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