Australia Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007

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Rayney insisted phone tapes were legal
MAY 01, 2015 7:01PM

RAYNEY is on trial accused of enlisting IT specialist Tim Pearson to illegally intercept his wife's phone calls in July and August 2007 before her murder.
"Mr Pearson said Rayney never used the term "phone tapping", did not choose the location, never tested the equipment and did not help install it"... Mr Pearson transferred the "substantial" number of recorded audio files onto CDs for Rayney and showed him how to play them on a computer...Mr Pearson said Rayney never explained why he wanted to record calls.

IMO sound like the IT Specialist has been 'specialist' coached about how to word his responses before the court. Clever statements. However facts are that the CRU device was secreted above Corryn's wardrobe space to record her phone conversations. This was at Rayney's request. Corryn did not know she was being recorded. Her private conversations were downloaded to CD for Rayney to secretly (stalk?) listen to. Lloyd Rayney did not have Corryn's consent to listen into her private conversations. He had removed her right to freedom in this respect.

IMHO the court needs to look at the implications for Corryn, not just rely on clever 'coached' legal 'word' play, then look at Rayney's actions in this regard.

My speculation and opinion only.
Corryn had been dancing. Estelle Blackburns ex was a dancer.
Debprah Anderson was 'left' in a burnt out car in Dance st, Middle Swan after being murdered.

Lloyd Rayney and wife exchanged ‘uncivil’ emails: Perth jury trial
AAP MAY 04, 2015

The former barrister is on trial in the West Australian District Court accused of enlisting surveillance expert Tim Pearson to illegally intercept Ms Rayney’s phone calls in July and August 2007.

Before closing the Crown’s case, prosecutor read a statement to the jury informing that 7 phone calls had been recorded between Ms Rayney’s sister Sharon Coutinho's home and the Rayney house in July and August 2007.Two friends of Corryn's had similar statements read to the court...
IMHO the court needs to look at the implications for Corryn, not just rely on clever 'coached' legal 'word' play, then look at Rayney's actions in this regard.

My speculation and opinion only.


My gut feeling is still that he killed her.

What kind of man puts surveillance on his wife like that. I think we've seen what kind.. the kind who throws his woman off a balcony. It reeks of dangerous levels of paranoia/control freak stuff. And that type of man is dangerous to women, says the countless dead wives and girlfriends of control freaks.

I also now think the upside down burial is all about the shape of the hole dug in a hurry, and her being thrown into it haphazardly, head first and hastily covered over. Like burying unwanted trash. :(

Counting Dead Women: The issue we need to talk about
MAY 05, 2015

Jenna Price, along with others, has undertaken the grim task of compiling a list of all the Australian women who die violent deaths. Most are victims of domestic violence.
"The project, Counting Dead Women, has already recorded 34 deaths this year ... it’s devastating that large sections of the community appear to “accept” violence against women as a fact of life - particularly in the wake of Sunday’s much-publicised fight involving boxer Floyd Mayweather, who has a long record of domestic violence...


Lloyd Rayney’s home egged and dead crow thrown on driveway after phone-tapping acquittal

"... a judge ruled he had no case to answer and discharged the jury"... "Despite being aquitted of illegally recording his estranged wife’s phone calls amid an acrimonious marriage break-up in the days before her death, the stigma remains for Mr Rayney"...
I get a page not found.


Lloyd Rayney’s home egged and dead crow thrown on driveway after phone-tapping acquittal

"... a judge ruled he had no case to answer and discharged the jury"... "Despite being aquitted of illegally recording his estranged wife’s phone calls amid an acrimonious marriage break-up in the days before her death, the stigma remains for Mr Rayney"...
The murder of West Australian woman Corryn Rayney eight years ago will be reinvestigated.

WA Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan has confirmed he's ordered a review of the death of the mother-of-two and Supreme Court registrar.

The new investigation team will be independent from the previous one and will report directly to Mr O'Callaghan.
Tom Percy: Lloyd Rayney pays price for innocence

"Whatever your view on the Rayney case, the fact remains that he was never convicted of anything. Nothing.

He and his family suffered seven years of unparalleled vilification in the public domain. Years of undeserved stress and ignominy. He was prevented from practising his profession and, despite the acquittals, may never again"
I know this man has never been convicted and obviously won't now. The thing in this case is the history of controlling behaviour by Mr Rayney and the fact that it was an acrimonious break up. I guess coincidences are possible but how likely is this to be a random killing? What are the odds? I wonder what the cold case review will turn up? I suspect this case will be officially listed as unsolved. Echoes of OJ Simpson.
I know this man has never been convicted and obviously won't now. The thing in this case is the history of controlling behaviour by Mr Rayney and the fact that it was an acrimonious break up. I guess coincidences are possible but how likely is this to be a random killing? What are the odds? I wonder what the cold case review will turn up? I suspect this case will be officially listed as unsolved. Echoes of OJ Simpson.

Tend to agree Alice Bernadette. Don't understand how the Judge overlooked the fact that Lloyd Rayney secretly recorded his wife's phone conversations. How was this not a violation of her normal, citizen rights? Has the Judge implied that it not illegal to secretly record the phone conversations of another family member?

IMO this is very controlling behaviour which violated Corryn's rights to free conversation in private.

Did Corryn have the citizen right to converse on the phone with whomever she chose? Yes.
Did Corryn have the citizen right converse in private if she wished? Yes.
Did Corryn know her telephone calls were being secretly recorded/listened to by Lloyd Rayney? No.
Did this violate her legal rights? Yes IMO.

Can any husband/wife secretly record their partner's phone calls legally?
Any lawyers on this thread? Your opinion on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Hi everyone, I have been asked to pop in and give my 2 cents worth. I haven't been following these charges, though I did follow the murder trial.
It seems to me from the article below that goes into the Judge's reasons for finding there was no case for LR to answer, that there was lack of evidence to prove the charges.

Certainly tapping someone's phone without their knowledge is generally illegal though a party to a phone call can record it legally.

Hope this helps you understand.

‘Discreditable conduct’: murder trial judge
In 2012 when handing down his murder acquittal, Justice Brian Martin said Mr Rayney had engaged in “discreditable conduct, including knowingly arranging for illegal telephone interception, making a false declaration and deliberately giving false evidence to a court while on oath.”...given the accused’s experience in criminal law he would have been well aware that he was engaging in the illegal activity commonly known as ‘telephone tapping’,” Justice Martin said...
But Justice Martin said “discreditable conduct” did not prove guilt of murder and “suspicion, even strong suspicion, falls well short of proof beyond reasonable doubt”...

The comments Justice Martin made regarding telephone tapping were blacked out and his judgment was taken off the Supreme Court website well before the District Court trial started to help ensure Mr Rayney received a fair trial".

I tend to agree with the judge in the 2012 trial. Was LR a 'party' to Corryn's phone calls with other people? No he was not. However, it seems this was one case which could not be proved beyond reasonable doubt in Court.
My opinion only.
Mallard v The Queen [2005]
On 7 August 2007 Ryan Pedler of The West Australian reported “Senior policeman denies wrongdoing over Mallard investigation”
Mr Mallard, now 44, served 12 years for the murder of Mrs Lawrence.
Australia - Corryn Rayney, 44, Como, WA, 7 August 2007 Her death occurred on or about 7 August 2007, her body being discovered a week later in a clandestine grave in Kings Park, Perth
Corryn Rayney was employed as a registrar at the Supreme Court of Western Australia.
At the time, Mr Rayney was a high profile criminal barrister after spending years as a senior prosecutor with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
She was last seen alive at 9.30 p.m. on 7 August 2007 at a boot scooting class. (Otherwise known as line dancing)

Where was the body found? Line from car to house street address

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