Found Deceased Australia - Elisa Curry, 43, Aireys Inlet, Melbourne, 30 Sept 2017 #1

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Lots of the info that has been released was not correct and so many "little" things are now being changed. Not sure if it is bad reporting or nervous people forgetting what they said to Police the first time?

or / and, someone very sly and following a plan drip feeding disinformation.. it happens.... not discounting bad reporting or, bad nerves, just adding a third element..
I can't keep up, now its Elisa's husband thats apparently texted her, not Elisa texting her husband :confused:

Ms Curry was last seen getting into bed on Saturday night at her holiday house by a neighbour.

She had watched the AFL grand final that day with a female friend.

Inspector Seel said later in the day Ms Curry's neighbours, a married couple, visited her and left together.
But her female neighbour returned again to have a conversation with Ms Curry over a "personal matter".

"We've spoken to neighbours and we've been given their idea of how she was feeling, but it doesn't help us in any way," he said.

Inspector Seel said Ms Curry's mobile phone was last active about 10:30pm on Saturday, when she received a text message from her husband about the football.

He said there was no evidence in the communication between them to suggest Ms Curry was distressed.


BBM IN RED That sounds interesting...
Lots of the info that has been released was not correct and so many "little" things are now being changed. Not sure if it is bad reporting or nervous people forgetting what they said to Police the first time?

Or withholding information for fear of incriminating themselves:thinking:
I think she's done a runner folks

Might as well throw that theory in too, we've pretty much covered every option, some favoured, some not, but this is sleuthing after all.
One more is the mysterious stranger, a random person who attacked Elisa while she was on her morning run. This one I'd put at the bottom of the pile because I'm sure her body would have been discovered by now.
He said police tracking dogs were not being used because it had been too many days and too many people had been walking in the area whoever told police she was out running or could have harmed herself must be rubbing their hands together.
I'm confused as to why this is just being done now, surely a search of houses, gardens and sheds on her street were done first???

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Hopefully this will be answered soon. The attention was drawn away from the home and nearby houses by a person/s statement/s (husband, neighbours, walking/driving witness) but also Elisa usual habit or routine, her phone missing from home and her beloved dog gone.
She is a very fit and active lady who jogs unlike some other women who've been reported missing and had no such regular exercise routine. JMO
I don't think Elisa went for a run.

So here are the questions: maybe she got up in the middle of the night and left, maybe the keen marathon runner went for a run on Sunday morning. She normally wore a Fitbit when she went on a run, but she had left it behind.

Even more difficult to answer, and deeply personal, is the answer to the question of why.

Asked about her mental health in a press conference on Thursday, Inspector Steel said: "I don't think that takes that any further as far as the search goes".

Regarding what she was wearing - my husband could probably successfully identify about 5% of my wardrobe without help.
If I told him to guess what I'm wearing today (he hasn't seen me) he wouldn't know where to start.
If I prompted him by saying I'm wearing a dress he would say 'oh yeah, you own some dresses ... ummmm .....'
If I told him I'm wearing a fitted dress with black and white stripes there's a 50% chance he would say 'oh yeah, that one' and there's a 50% chance he would say 'you own a dress like that?'

Inspector Seel said police were unsure what Ms Curry might have been wearing when she went missing.

"She had a lot of runners and clothing, we just don't know which clothing and which runners," he said.
The neighbour that made the statement to the media does not come across as sincere and the closed eyes are intriguing ..... see no evil?
Did she leave the door unlocked and let the Labrador out deliberately?
The most suspicious bit about the going for a run story is the phone being switched off. IMO

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If she was drunk and distressed I can see that scenario playing out I guess. Most of us has put someone to bed who has had too much and got teary. I can understand they might not want to put it out there, it isn't flattering.
To me this is the most convincing scenario
allison bc was also supposedly fond of watching sport on tv and late night running with a helpful hint of possible depression and marital troubles, seems to be the mo for missing wives!
The fact that's she left her Fitbit behind is the most worrying aspect of all so far, imho.

Avid runners are reluctant to run without their Fitbit if they own one (I will go home to get mine if I start without it because the app tracks my workouts so well).

The fact that the phone AND Fitbit were not with her might be a sign that someone didn't want either GPS tracking her movements.
Maybe the wife went back to check on her. Maybe the personal matter was her being intoxicated.

Maybe she wasn't intoxicated but drugged and the wife going back to check on her was to check if she was out to it?
Local update: There are a lot of police in town now. Just saw around 15 in uniform checking in at the motel...police four wheel drives and mini bus and the big diver/search van are here too.
Hypothetical "if" it was a neighbour who had lived in the area for a long time. Guessing that they would know some pretty good "hiding" places ?
Trooper...Are you still thinking it's the husband? :thinking:
So for the sake of proving my point I just called my husband and asked him what he thought I was wearing. I explained why (I'm lucky, he tolerates a lot of strange conversations).
His first words were 'have you been out today or have you been at home?' (Yes this definitely has a huge impact on my choices). I'm working from home so he guessed my comfy black trackies and my pink Canterbury jumper. I thought he was going to guess that I'm still in my pjs haha. He then asked for a clue.
Me: I'm wearing a dress.
Him: Which one?
Me: ....
Him: A black and white one?
Me: Yes, but which one?
Him: The one with dots.
Me: No
Him: The other one.
Me: Which other one? (he has a choice of about 5 others)
Him: uuuhhhhhh ......... I can visualise it in my head.
Me: Does it have sleeves?
Him: No. it's not short but it's not long. It's tight and a summer one.
Him: This would be easier if you were wearing work clothes. I give up.
Me: It's the black one with white stripes.
Him: Please don't go missing if I haven't seen your clothes.

So he kinda got it, but needed help.
Pretty obvious that husband is innocent & quirky neighbour involved somehow
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