Australia Australia - Jenny Cook, 29, Townsville, Qld, 19 Jan 2009

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Ausgirl, don't forget that PC unpacked the dishwasher somewhere along the line too. :thinking:

cats, I have been trying to figure out the logic of that for some time. Yes, a very strange thing to do -- but if it's a lie, why would anyone mention it at all?
Thanks for that Ausgirl. Completely agree with everything you've said there. Pin the Tail on the Donkey indeed!!:facepalm:

There's no disrespect meant to Jenny here at all - but like my housemate said, "more like 'pin the donkey on the tail'" -- highly unfeasible, in his opinion.
It's just so sad - the night before her death Jenny was crying in pain and PC was annoyed with her, and chose to ignore her that night and the next morning. The next day she is dead somehow - her last hours must have been so awful, especially when her partner seemed to have no sympathy for her chronic pain. After her death it seems like PC continued to speak callously about her pain and the mood changes when giving statements to the police. I really think that first constable who arrived on the scene and possibly warned the paramedics that it could be a suspicious death was onto something quite early on - it's such a shame that those alarm bells were ignored by others.

I'm thinking that we can discuss the info we have from the inquest findings and the recent news story until the cows come home, but honestly nothing else will happen until the case is reopened and re-investigated. Surely the inquest findings have to be followed up somehow? There were many pretty pointed comments made about how it was handled, and the failings of the police and others. That can't be it though?

Does anyone know if there are any facebook or other web pages set up to garner support for pressuring all concerned into re-opening the case? If nobody makes a noise I think those at fault will be hoping it just all goes away.
cats - we only have PC's word for it that Jenny was crying, etc, though. For all we know, she could have been quite ok. Or they could have been fighting, and not sitting around in silence as he claims...

I agree, there's a desperate need to re-open this case *and for it to be investigated as a possible homicide, IMO* - no FB pages or other websites, that I could find, which I thought surprising considering her parents' obvious interest in keeping the case current and in the public eye.

I wonder if it's just because they are older people, some find it hard to navigate the net.
cats, I have been trying to figure out the logic of that for some time. Yes, a very strange thing to do -- but if it's a lie, why would anyone mention it at all?

GBC thought it was a master-plan to play at Keeping Calm and Carrying On -- switching on hot rollers, making lunches, getting NBC over, attaching cuff-links, sending loving texts

Townsville guy did the same -- walking dog, wandering around drinking coke, unpacking dishwasher, noting a missing knife, sending text

If a guy were guilty, would he engage in such mundane things? Course not. The killer in the movie beats the victim's head in with a rock on the darkened lawn before sprinting back to the house, entering through the back door unnoticed, after which he saunters back in with the others, drink in hand, as if he'd been there all along. Just act normal. Some guys believe that if it works in movies, it will work in real life. And in Townsville, it does, apparently
cats, I have been trying to figure out the logic of that for some time. Yes, a very strange thing to do -- but if it's a lie, why would anyone mention it at all?

So Jenny's not home so he thinks she's left him or suicided. Does all those things, walks the dog, comes back, showers, grabs a Pepsi, notices the knife missing, unpacks the dishwasher then decides to go and look for her? Her handbag is on one of the kitchen counters. From real estate pics: the dishwasher is a double dish drawer type which faces the large island bench and is on the right hand side of the sink. The fridge is at the other end of the kitchen. Surely when unpacking the dishwasher and putting things away, the handbag would have been clear to see. It's an open kitchen with white benchtops. He notices a knife missing from the block but not Jenny's bag sitting there?
Is WorkCover paid for work related death?

Can I claim for a work caused death?
If a person dies as a result of a work injury or a medical condition caused or worsened by work, it is possible to make a claim.

This is something I really want to look into as a possible *motive* for hypothetically! speaking staging a suicide. Ie, a big payout for a suicide that could be claimed came about because of an injury *worsened by work*... which probably was how PC claimed, seeing as he did get a substantial payout. If Jenny went missing or was murdered, no payout. :waitasec:

As I said before, I am not wise in the ways of work cover, let alone how a case like this might be handled, and why it was observed in the inquest findings that PC was lying about things in order to make sure the work cover claim came through. Ie, how did he change his story to make sure he got the money? -- (seeing as wasn't going to be arrested or anything...) and what statements/actions might have jeopardised that claim, to warrant the lying?

Jenny was in contact and communicating with Work Cover - she was preparing to go back to work, with WorkCovers help and with her Employee.
From what I gather that is something that she wanted to do - continue with her career.

There was much focus on Jenny's physical and mental condition foremost - and it was used as a reason for her committing suicide.
Similar to the BC case, where the mental health issue almost over-rode sense, logic and evidence.
I think the same has happened to this case.

I'm not sure with WorkCover, what there Policy and Procedure are - though with Jenny soon to return to work, it seemed to me Jenny was overcoming many of her past physical obstacles, and had a reason to look forward to reigniting her career.
I didn't see a payout mentioned on the documents (though that doesn't mean there was none - I may have missed it) - but if that is the case, it would be interesting to know if Work Cover were contacted, and if any moneys owed to Jenny were paid out after her death. There may have been some medical expenses - and there may have been moneys owed to her from the past.
Figgy, it's late now.. but as I plan on doing on a timeline this weekend (and thus scouring all available docs and msm articles) I will try to collate all the info on the payout - PC for sure got one, Jenny's mum mentions it, as does a msm reporter somewhere. IIRC, PC kicked up a fuss about refund of funeral expenses, something to do with the payout.

But yeah, I will for sure collate that info -- would anyone like to do some sleuthing re WorkCover practises, where there's a pending payout and the person dies? I am *really* curious as to how that works, exactly, or could have in jenny's particular case.
So Jenny's not home so he thinks she's left him or suicided. Does all those things, walks the dog, comes back, showers, grabs a Pepsi, notices the knife missing, unpacks the dishwasher then decides to go and look for her? Her handbag is on one of the kitchen counters. From real estate pics: the dishwasher is a double dish drawer type which faces the large island bench and is on the right hand side of the sink. The fridge is at the other end of the kitchen. Surely when unpacking the dishwasher and putting things away, the handbag would have been clear to see. It's an open kitchen with white benchtops. He notices a knife missing from the block but not Jenny's bag sitting there?

Oh hey, here's a thing.. (and yes, I think that's very odd btw) - PC says that he tried to phone Jenny after he walked the dog etc. and heard her phone ringing in the house. I just ten mins ago read this, in the inquest report -- he says her phone was in the "office". But then he says her bag was in the kitchen, where the cops saw it by the papers, etc.

Just interesting. Phone in the office, bag in the kitchen. I was assuming her phone was in her bag until I read that. Most women I know, always put the phone back in the bag, even around home.

Also, I noticed a bit of fuss re PC's phone being outside - apparently he dropped it there after calling 000, the cops question him about it. Idk what it is, but that seemed off to me too. But I can't quite put my finger on why.
There are many reasons I think this was a cleverly staged murder, but here's a big one -- for someone to so meticulously wrap a knife handle (and people who are suicidal can make meticulous plans) and then basically choose to play 'pin the tail on the donkey' with a massive knife, blindfolded, just seems extremely odd. Most self-inflicted stab woulds show signs that the person has bared their skin over the intended stab site - they want to get it right. So they need to *see* what they are doing.

When I first read the report I thought the sheet covered her whole head, but it reads to me as being more of a hood.
Oh hey, here's a thing.. (and yes, I think that's very odd btw) - PC says that he tried to phone Jenny after he walked the dog etc. and heard her phone ringing in the house. I just ten mins ago read this, in the inquest report -- he says her phone was in the "office". But then he says her bag was in the kitchen, where the cops saw it by the papers, etc.

Just interesting. Phone in the office, bag in the kitchen. I was assuming her phone was in her bag until I read that. Most women I know, always put the phone back in the bag, even around home.

Also, I noticed a bit of fuss re PC's phone being outside - apparently he dropped it there after calling 000, the cops question him about it. Idk what it is, but that seemed off to me too. But I can't quite put my finger on why.

I agree Ausgirl - the mention of the phone being dropped and searched for is very strange. He obviously found his phone, so why bother mentioning it? Unless he himself made a fuss of this fact when the police arrived and they were obliged to include it in their report?
I wonder if the phone was found quickly in a hard to explain place (somewhere under Jenny's body/the sheet/the board - was it even the phone he used to call police, or was landline was used?)
Or perhaps there could be blood traces on the phone? Maybe the missing phone meant he just had to go back near the body even though the police were keeping the area clear?
Sorry - lots of questions from my overactive imagination there :blushing: But the mention of the phone in the report and the fact that it kind of just evaporated is strange. If it was nothing they should have at least mentioned that fact - something like PC later found his phone in the dark on the stones by the door/in his pocket/on the kitchen bench ... some sort of resolution.
When I first read the report I thought the sheet covered her whole head, but it reads to me as being more of a hood.

The report did say something like partially covering I think. I'm guessing PC could have moved it when he touched her lips.
Is moving the lips used as a quick test to see if someone is dead or alive, without having to spend time feeling for a pulse/listen for breathing? Maybe something taught in the army? I assume that if the lips don't spring back to normal position it means that person is quite dead.
Just had an awful thought - if someone was stabbed early in the day and left to die, their attacker would want to check later that they were well and truly dead before calling authorities.
If PC really did come home and eventually find Jenny as he said, it does make sense to me that he would have known she was dead just by sight and by touch, and that check of the lips could be just a final confirmation.
The person who attended the inquest said that PC was angry that the dog had been locked up all day without water. It was late January - in Townsville. Hot weather.

Jenny loved her dog so much that her parents chose a picture of her with the dog to place on her gravestone. That she loved the dog is mentioned several times in msm. What person who loved their dog that much would leave it locked in a hot upper balcony in hot northern summer weather, with no access to water, knowing it would be there all day? And then also have the presence of mind to meticulously wrap a knife handle in string and tape?

Come to think of it - why the balcony, at all? Why not simply leave the poor dog in the house, with his food and water bowl, if you are killing yourself outside anyway?

The balcony is more something I would expect to see from somebody who didn't care about the dog, and wanted access to roam the house unimpeded.
When I first read the report I thought the sheet covered her whole head, but it reads to me as being more of a hood.

Yeah same, it took me a while to figure out that it was more like a hood, with the bath robe tie around her neck to keep it from slipping. Which is just a bizarre image...T%he reports says the police observed the sheet to be 'partially covering' her face. And PC 'touched her lips' so I'm assuming either the lower portion of her face was visible, or PC moved the 'hood' back a bit to get at her lips.

I wonder though how Jenny got blood spatter on her face (eta: forehead!), if she was supposed to have worn this hooded contraption while killing herself?
There's no disrespect meant to Jenny here at all - but like my housemate said, "more like 'pin the donkey on the tail'" -- highly unfeasible, in his opinion.

Oh no - I didn't take it as disrespectful in any way, Ausgirl!! When I repeated what you said, I meant, as if she would choose to kill herself in such a "pin the tail on the donkey" manner!! I totally agree with you. I was actually enjoying your turn of phrase!!:seeya:
Ms Pullen was told that when Mr Cook sold the house in about April 2009 there was a woman living there with him.
(inquest report, p14)
A reminder folks...we don't allow sleuthing of people who haven't been named as a suspect or POI.
It's just so *blinking* frustrating that the sum total result of this inquest is that, while admissions were made that *some* police royally effed the case up, and Paul Cook lied out his back teeth about a bunch of stuff and his story doesn't quite add up in places, and his behaviour is here and there very suspicious, despite all of that, Jenny's death is likely never going to be investigated as a murder *because* while the finding was "undetermined" it was deemed so NOT because the coroner particularly thought it was a homicide, but mainly due to police bungling. For which not ONE person saw consequences. If you don't count promotion.

I am 100% behind the Pullen family's quest for the truth here. I do not think Jenny died by her own hand.

And I think a whole bunch of people wish this case would quietly drop off the map.

It's my intention to do my level best to severely disappoint one of the above. Guess which one.

PS: when it comes to it, unless a lot of people uncover their well-covered asses, the ONLY person who'll get named as an "official" suspect in this case is Jenny herself. Because the State Coroner -can't- accuse anyone, and the police obviously -won't- be doing so. And hence, we can't talk about things that need talking about, and this sucks. However, I think we can say quite a lot without actually breaching TOS. Watch me try. Or you know, get yelled at a lot.

I don't often get truly angry about a case, but this one? Yeah, I am hopping mad.

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