GUILTY Australia - Jill Meagher, 29, Melbourne, 22 Sep 2012 #6

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Ugh. He's lied to the parole board before. What's to say he won't bide his time, perfect his "remorse" and suck them in again in ten-twenty years? deserves to die in there. Jill has no chance of a life, why in h.e. double l should he!
I'm disappointed. I wish he had no possibility of parole. He doesn't deserve it. But I suppose if Jill's family are satisfied with it that all that matters. Bless them
There show on channel nine tonight @ 9.30 Evil In The Night-The Jill Meagher Tragedy.
I'm not so sure about this.... He has shown to be able to make fools of the parole board.

I certainly don't want my daughter coming across him .... even when he is an old man.

He'll be murdered in prison.
I'm so heartbroken. I know the chances of him surviving to release are slim, but it's not the point!

RIP jill. Still think if you, and have a sick feeling in my stomach every day.
i'm so heartbroken. I know the chances of him surviving to release are slim, but it's not the point!

Rip jill. Still think if you, and have a sick feeling in my stomach every day.

ditto (@newscomauHQ)
19/06/13 4:33 PM

RT @leighsales

Tonight, Tom Meagher joins #abc730 after his wife's killer was sentenced to 35 years in prison.
There show on channel nine tonight @ 9.30 Evil In The Night-The Jill Meagher Tragedy.

MOO Melbourne is feeling so sad and imagine how her family feel today. Who in society profits from major crime... The media.

So sad and too soon.

Edit to say: Most women do not know about evil. Jill didn't know and how should the rest of us know? I do know that violent sex offenders on low security can escape as per Townsville Qld.

The AIC has a published paper that sex offenders have a cycle of thoughts that leads to a 4 point cycle of acting out. These offenders are put in a program where their thoughts are acknowledged BUT are not a acted upon.

This program will not educated strong women who have never experienced violent crime. Imagine if my Mum there are bad people out their child... watch this at 9.30 and learn.

My thoughts are with her family and her brother.
He'll be murdered in prison.

I can't be the only one thinking good, can I? :blushing:
Urgh, perhaps not "good" but, you know what I mean, there would be a moment of a certain feeling.
He's a waste of space.
I can't be the only one thinking good, can I? :blushing:
Urgh, perhaps not "good" but, you know what I mean, there would be a moment of a certain feeling.
He's a waste of space.

I do not want another person in this world to think that being harmed means violent repercussions. He deserves... but to incite people to kill him is sad. Next headline is about him. Wake up Australia, he is the norm of crime as per parole. Funding in an election year does not cover parole officers.

Sorry, To feel better about yourself is not crime. He should be not worth your regard. He knows that.
I can't be the only one thinking good, can I? :blushing:
Urgh, perhaps not "good" but, you know what I mean, there would be a moment of a certain feeling.
He's a waste of space.

I know what you mean. Gee what do you have to do to get no parole? The fact that he was on parole when he murdered Jill (and also when he assaulted that guy?) says being on parole has never stopped him. Why does he ever get that possibility? Just read the victim impact statements, Tom's was especially heartbreaking:tears:
Those who've read my posts around the boards know what a patriot I am toward this country of ours... boo to the haters. We live in the best nation in the world, the end.

But I don't pretend to see it through rose-coloured glasses, either - we have plenty to be ashamed about. And I think the majority of Aussies are aware that one of the biggest areas in need of national reform is the judicial system, particularly on the subject of sentencing for repeat and violent sex offenders, and parole.

It's an issue that sticks hard in my craw, after reading sites like MAKO which -- in lieu of an any official sex offender database, attempts to privately document known offenders, what they've done and their last known whereabouts.

Bless MAKO and the good folks running it. They put the Govt to deep shame when it comes to protecting Australians via vital information on the rapists and pedo and killers among us.

And I wish to heck and back that I had my health and strength again, so I could get back to making a difference where it counts. We NEED organised and peaceful protests on this issue, lots of them and regularly held, so the message is heard loud and clear ---- we do NOT WANT these offenders out on our streets, around us or our kids! Give them the sentences their crimes bloody well deserve and keep our country safer!

Ahem. Off the soapbox now... It's just so frustrating sometimes to have to sit here and fester, when there's so very much that can be and should be done to make things better.

Jill would be alive and with her loved ones right now, if we had all stood up as a nation five years ago, ten years ago... and said "Enough is enough". Breaks my heart, every time.
I agree that enough is enough. I have listened to Conversations with Richard Fidler that Judges feel the emotion but can only rule what the law dictates. This Judge said it was the worst but according to the law I give you a concession. Not his choice.

How do citizens enact laws that empower all in Office to say enough?
It sucks that he didn't get life, but we have to remember that this was a result of him pleading guilty and therefore Jill's family were spared further trauma. He would have got life if he had pleaded not guilty and the poor family would have been dragged through the horror of a trial.
That is such a good question, Flinders - how -do- citizens get things changed at a level above even the heads of our judges?

I guess the one way I know about is increasing awareness. Peaceful, non-angry rallies that are designed to voice to our local, State and Federal Governments that the same public who votes them all into office demands reform, en masse, are a start...

Look at the influence of the Gay Pride parades, around the world. They are joyful events, but their message is very clear and that sort of rallying in a sustained (and highly publicised) way puts a lot of pressure on politicians to review current law.

I'd like to see the kind of protest I used to participate in, back in the 80's and 90's, with mass gatherings in public parks, lots of guest speakers (including politicians and experts in law and social welfare) and an atmosphere of people all being in agreement that indeed, enough is enough... wonderful days, and memorable protests that weren't just exercises in venting livers, but hugely educational as well.

It's a monumental effort to organise and publicise such a thing, but it IS do-able if people work together!

One of my last public speaking gigs was to a hall full of folks, on the subject of self-empowerment. At one point, I went off-topic (in a way) when I was moved to ask the 100 or so persons present to please raise their hand if they'd ever in their lives suffered sexual abuse.

Out of 100 people, maybe 80 put their hands up. I could not make a sound, it shocked me so deeply.. and the emotion that jolted through the room was intense - lots of tears, but lots of smiles and words of mutual support, too. The power of people pulling together for a good cause should never be underestimated.

I am sure there's many other ways to approach the issue with a view to encouraging real change, I'd love to hear of some. I was never great at political red tape. Just soapboxing. ;)
What does a sadistic rapist like Bayley have to do to receive the maximum 25 year sentence for rape?
Are any of these violent sexual offenders ever really rehabilitated? This seems to be all to common that they do their short amount of time only to commit even more heinous crimes on their release! Even the man accused of Daniel Morcombe had previously committed a horrendous crime. Why are these people unleashed back on society? As a new mother this totally terrifies me!

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