Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #1

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Where have you seen his age? I've only seen Karen described as 47.

The police questioned a 52 year old man, (BR) in relation to KR's disappearance. That was stated in one of the articles--sorry I don't have a link, maybe someone else can confirm?
If it started when he was 15, it's abuse.

I agree, it is abuse if he was 15 when it started. but if he was a willing participant she may have excused it by thinking he didn't say no so it's ok...???

I agree, it is abuse if he was 15 when it started. but if he was a willing participant she may have excused it by thinking he didn't say no so it's ok...???


Isn't that almost always the case with the roles reversed (woman perpetrator)?
While he posted a similar stuff prior to June 29th, there's no doubt it changed in tone and frequency on that date ... and you have to assume that he was probably not in the family loop that she was missing that day. It is so brazen however.

I don't find the allegations hard to believe - middle aged female teachers having sex with male students hits the news quite frequently. Like teen girls, the boys often consent, it is often an emotional entanglement, and it is extremely unhealthy for them and wrong. If we think he is not credible because he is an ice addict, what circumstances lead to people becoming ice addicts? People who experience abuse at the hands of one mother and no relationship with their father, to think they've found refuge and then are exploited for years on end? By the same token, people with personality disorders make stuff up and who knows what the Ristevski's have dealt with the last few decades?

I am all over the joint ... I think that the only person coming personally forward for her is Samuel Johnson, a relationship that came from dress donations to his sister for charity events. A superficial mutually beneficial relationship? Charming people often hide behind a facade. Living above their means for sure, the daughter's education alone would have put a massive dent in the debt, there are good local state schools. I like to think this can point to a person who is callous enough to up and leave because I would really like nothing bad to have happened to her.

Surely someone who loves her will respond to these allegations.
Hopefully there will be some news on Karens whereabouts very very soon
I agree, it is abuse if he was 15 when it started. but if he was a willing participant she may have excused it by thinking he didn't say no so it's ok...???

Either way, absolutely appalling behaviour on both their parts. Most, if not all, 15 year old males and females know, that sleeping with your step-parent is wrong, period. KR would have been 30 at the time, old enough to know, it is against the law to sleep with a minor, no matter how willing he is. If she is alive and I really pray she is, she needs to make an appearance and settle this once and for all. Where are you Karen? MOO
The dialogue on this forum is pretty good at the moment.

ETA. Probably because I agree with everything being said..... :peace:
Either way, absolutely appalling behaviour on both their parts. Most, if not all, 15 year old males and females know, that sleeping with your step-parent is wrong, period. KR would have been 30 at the time, old enough to know, it is against the law to sleep with a minor, no matter how willing he is. If she is alive and I really pray she is, she needs to make an appearance and settle this once and for all. Where are you Karen? MOO

Sorry late to this case but have read here about it. Does anyone have a link that determines KR as being a molester of a teenage boy? And sorry but i don't trust what someone who is an Ice addict is saying, because there are other much better alternatives than someone who has family stuff going on than resorting to illicit drug taking to help with their problems. If he confided in a family member supposedly a decade or whatever ago, then what did that person do to help him, an adult that was confided in by him i assume?
I would hate to think KR has been murdered and her body is out there somewhere waiting to be found while all this awful other stuff is being said about her.
Earlier, I had been wondering why it took so long to get any official (i.e. media) corroboration on the existence of a step-son. And then when the Herald article with his interview came out, someone further up the thread said:

this interview with him was done on 17 July (day of the ironing shirt image). interesting it took 6 days to be released.

Would the police have had a say in the release of this information in the media? Or does that only happen in movies? Because I'm thinking that while FB comments can be ignored as mere rumor, this story appearing in the MSM really ramps up the pressure on the family. Could the police be trying to get information from family members by allowing the story to go public and seeing how they react?
It was on the front page of the herald sun today. The stepsons allegations I meant
Not sure if that's significant? I'm pretty sure it is though
for his movements on the day Karen disappeared (June 29th) yet on that same day he there are many posts on his Facebook. He was awake on the 29th until 4:00am & then back at 1:30pm posting. The time of his postings can account for his whereabouts, if at home computer history would & establish location if done by mobile the phone company must be able to supply location & times. He claims he phoned Karen about 10 days time before she vanished to confront her about the family conflict which he says has been swept under the carpet. Police need to get his home and mobile phone records to establish that he did indeed phone her around the period he said he did. This will validate one of his claims that he phoned her.

The story claims Mr Rickard came to the attention of missing person detectives last week over an unrelated matter, last week started 18th July yet on Rickard's site on 17th July
a photo of his supposed recording of his police interview he claimed to have had on the 15th July was posted. I don't think that CD recording had anything to do with the interview last week but he claimed it did but last week was the first time he came to the attention of detectives.
The article says he was interviewed on Friday and he made a formal statement but he has posted the CD dated 15th July saying that was when he was interviewed over Karen missing. Photo of CD of supposed first interview

So what was the unrelated matter that he was being interviewed for? Is he fabricating this story to justify his self acknowledged drug addiction & to lessen any possible sentence that may be forthcoming from this unrelated matter. A lot of his posts on his Facebook vent anger not only at Karen but also his father. I think he had zero relationship with his Father and Karen created by his ice addiction and his posts are indicting that his current situation was created by Karen. What came first the family conflict or the ice? He told relatives previously of the family conflict claims but was that also a story to create pity for a possible ice addiction then?

I bet over the years his story's to relatives varied greatly over what the family conflict related to.

The article says he is troubled by what he describes as a nightmare childhood he says he has recently upped his intake of ice. I doubt that he is working as you wouldn't publically state you had an ice addiction as that's end of your job if not self employed. So if he isn't working how is he funding his ice addiction?
I worked at a treatment facility for a number of years, I do believe he is telling the truth. I still pray for Karen and hope she ran rather then got killed. My heart goes out mostly to her daughter as this has to be so so incredibly hard on her, from the fear, loss and then the rumors/allegations flying. My heart also goes out to the Stepson, I hope he gets help and his support system continues to show him love, he needs it right now. IMHO
One notable point is that in the Herald Sun interview there is no mention of Karen's reaction to the call by Anthony Rickard regarding the molestation allegations. That is significant. Obviously the reporter would have asked him what was Karen's reaction and he would have answered- but it just doesn't make good front-page news to say, this drug addict is alleging his stepmum sexually moleted him, BUT THE STEP MUM DENIED IT. The story falls apart right there. Sure, denial doesn't mean the end of the story, but I'm saying it's interesting that the Herald Sun left out what Karen's reaction was, and, obviously, it was outright denial, the same with Borce's reaction.

It's actually pretty poor of the Herald Sun to be engaging in this kind of muckraking. They have a front page story told by a guy who is flat out lying. I don't believe a single word this guy is saying.

That the Herald Sun sat on this for a week is also significant. They would have discussed the likely scenarios. i.e. did he kill Karen? Is he lying about the claims against her? They didn't publish the specific nature of the allegations because they would be sued as their is simply ZERO corroborating evidence- this bloke's so-called auntie who was spoon-fed the lies notwithstanding.

So, why did the Herald Sun publish this garbage? Certainly not as an exercise to help find Karen, but to sell papers. Specifically, if- as is most likely- this guy is implicated in the murder of Karen, the Herald Sun can carry on the saga and say, see, we posted 3 front pages on this story, one of which was with the stepson, so we broke the story first....

Just ridiculous.

Meanwhile, Karen is still missing, yet the Herald Sun are giving oxygen to this bozo.

And on a related point: why did they kick him out of home around 18? Looks like he was untrustworthy and using drugs. Then, it seems, he decides to fabricate the sexual molestation story to extort money from his dad. This is an open book, if you ask me. And the Herald Sun knows it. Shame on the Herald Sun.
I worked at a treatment facility for a number of years, I do believe he is telling the truth. I still pray for Karen and hope she ran rather then got killed. My heart goes out mostly to her daughter as this has to be so so incredibly hard on her, from the fear, loss and then the rumors/allegations flying. My heart also goes out to the Stepson, I hope he gets help and his support system continues to show him love, he needs it right now. IMHO
Beautiful words, I agree 100%
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