Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #16 *Arrest*

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But Mr Hallowes conceded there was sufficient evidence for a jury to find Mr Ristevski guilty of manslaughter over the death of his wife, who disappeared from their Avondale Heights home on June 29, 2016.

'Insufficient weight': Magistrate asked to drop Ristevski murder charge

A comment like that from Borce's lawyer makes me wonder if they are privately trying to convince Borce to plead guilty to a manslaughter charge.
I think the evidence against him must be pretty substantial.

I wonder if the defence have approached the prosecution, privately, and asked for a reduction in the charges. But the prosecution has said 'No. No plea deal for your client, we have got him for cold blooded murder'.
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So Borce was out buying shisha. Why not pop down to Off Ya Tree in Watergardens - where the Bella Bleu shop was all those years? He'd have to know it was there - and that it is legal to buy shisha.

I'm not buying the conversation between Sarah and Borce as anything other than creating an alibi and an excuse as to why he didn't say anything.

oh I 'm not buying it either..too, too contrived ..

I don't discard the idea that Borce, like so many committed liars, told a half truth.. I reckon he DID go out to buy stuff that WAS illegal, and then is trying to portray himself as just a clunky Macedonian farm boy, who doesn't know his A from his E...
Not only the Coach bag was missing but also a Coach purse.

Good detail noted.
Who would remember this!o_O
But maybe to emphasize $850, as this had been noted: it would sit in your purse, wouldn't it.:rolleyes:

Perhaps to buy your illegal Shisha supply, as mates meet at TAB.
The $850 must go.
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Probably said that to justify her not using her cards over the next week. Or to give the impression she had the means to disappear/get on a flight etc
I agree with this speculation.

But if BR had the presence of mind to devise such red herrings, and manage to pack away her bag and purse too in a hurry that day... It is hard to argue it was spur of the moment actions. There must be some planning involved... Ie. Murder not manslaughter.
I am curious to know what Borce actually lived on all these years......thin air? Since his flirtation with the big business world, the BlueJeans outfit, he hasn't popped up as being employed in any capacity . Doing nothing, except hanging about with Vlasko and his dodgy schemes and throwing his weight around at home.

Was he on the dole?? a Disability Pension? I doubt the DP, because when he finally saw the connection between income and outgo, Karen was dead, the house was rented out, the police were after him, and some body with an enormous sense of humour got him a job on the RoadWorks crew, flagging drivers to slow down.. which he held up until his inconvenient arrest.

So what was has he been doing since 2012?
You would have to 'use' $850, wouldn't you, if you love gambling, or is it in that missing purse?
Maybe to buy your illegal Sheesha supply, at a TAB, where perhaps mates meet.

where did Borce get $850 that morning to give to Karen to throw away on useless credit card debt?..

It's not the sort of money you find in your trouser pocket, usually.. specially a man with a shisha habit, AND a gambling habit, AND with 1.2 million dollars debt to wake up to, AND with an unco-operative wife AND with one of the family cars with a faulty fuel gauge.
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where did Borce get $850 that morning to give to Karen to throw away on useless credit card debt?..

It's not the sort of money you find in your trouser pocket, usually.. specially a man with a shisha habit, AND a gambling habit, AND with 1.2 million dollars to wake up to, AND with an unco-operative wife AND with one of the family cars with a faulty fuel gauge.

Troops, you like BR, forget the details of debt: insignificant.:)
Isn't it $1.4 million!
I guess another $0.2 is irrelevant for those with spare change, with $850 spare.
oh I 'm not buying it either..too, too contrived ..

I don't discard the idea that Borce, like so many committed liars, told a half truth.. I reckon he DID go out to buy stuff that WAS illegal, and then is trying to portray himself as just a clunky Macedonian farm boy, who doesn't know his A from his E...

You would think, after 'killing your wife, disposing of her body', you would want to 'forget': knock yourself out, for awhile.
If you're into illegal things, then easy.:D
But, you may need to be alert, to think of ways to conceal evidence, think up future stories: you have stacks of problems.
Far more, than we have now, trying to figure this out.
But we are very lucky.
We have Police evidence, Matt Fisher, and a group here, intent, on 'getting to the truth'.
We'll get there, before you, BR.:):):)
Why was the poster prefabricated on a printer - to the top and at the bottom (Ristevski in big letters) -, but with hand writing in between?

Why did BR need to interview his neighbour re surveillance?

To show he is concerned, and to find if further evidence is possible, of 'car leaving'.
He would then fabricate a story, on what neighbour had said: to cover himself.
Probably as neighbour didn't have CCTV to see car leave, he leaves this point out: until loads later, as thought it insignificant. By this time Police, know phone pings, so must have story of 'fixing fuel problem'.
I think Aunt Patricia is responsible for the posters. Wonder if any would have been organised if she hadn't arrived.

Ms Gray took on the role of search leader and sent people to any place that Karen had a connection with, and put up missing-person posters. But by the end of the day, there was still no sign of her.
Inside the Ristevski home in the hours after Karen disappeared
where did Borce get $850 that morning to give to Karen to throw away on useless credit card debt?..

It's not the sort of money you find in your trouser pocket, usually.. specially a man with a shisha habit, AND a gambling habit, AND with 1.2 million dollars debt to wake up to, AND with an unco-operative wife AND with one of the family cars with a faulty fuel gauge.

AND with police who make stuff up about him as they go along AND with pesky media who can't get their facts right about his impeccable business acumen.
Poor bloke. It's enough to drive anyone to the garage shisha lounge.
Watching TV last night and a channel 7 news snippet about BR accusing detectives of fabricating evidence with the taped conversations. Although i haven't looked online today for any verification of that news yet. Anyone else seen or heard anything on it today?
Day by day: The evidence in the Borce Ristevski committal hearing

The disappearance and murder of Karen Ristevski has gripped the nation, and soon Australia will find out whether her husband Borce will face trial over her death.

Karen, a suburban fashion store owner, disappeared from the family's luxury home in Melbourne's north-west in June 2016, following a fight with Borce.

He claimed she went for a walk after their argument and never returned.

However, police allege he killed her himself and dumped her body in the bush.

Evidence in the case has been presented in court during a committal hearing to determine the fate of the investigation.

Day One

The prosecution opened with one aim - to present the case that there was sufficient evidence for Borce to stand trial for murder.

The opening day of the hearing was told Borce had repeatedly changed the version of events he gave police.

Day by day: The evidence in the Borce Ristevski committal hearing
where did Borce get $850 that morning to give to Karen to throw away on useless credit card debt?..

It's not the sort of money you find in your trouser pocket, usually.. specially a man with a shisha habit, AND a gambling habit, AND with 1.2 million dollars debt to wake up to, AND with an unco-operative wife AND with one of the family cars with a faulty fuel gauge.
Yes I have no doubt you are right Tootsie, not only will it surprise us but probably make us more angry. Still trying to get over that comment when he was told a body had been found. :mad::mad:

Someone said a few days back why would prosecution hold back on any evidence to convince the court of a murder charge. I agree with you both here. I still think there’s more to come and I don’t think it will be a charge of manslaughter. Like I previously stated, the Police don’t just go around handing out murder charges unless they’re pretty damn sure. They did a lot of planning to get where we are now. There was months and months of building a case and compiling evidence.
IMO the smoking gun is yet to come.
Someone said a few days back why would prosecution hold back on any evidence to convince the court of a murder charge. I agree with you both here. I still think there’s more to come and I don’t think it will be a charge of manslaughter. Like I previously stated, the Police don’t just go around handing out murder charges unless they’re pretty damn sure. They did a lot of planning to get where we are now. There was months and months of building a case and compiling evidence.
IMO the smoking gun is yet to come.

Oh heck yes. Remember when the botanist gave his evidence at the Gerard Baden-Clay trial about the leaf litter in Allison's hair that matched the plant foliage from their backyard, but was no match to the foliage found along Kholo Creek or even upstream - that was just sensational. I really, really hope they have something of that order to put Borce away. With 22,000 pages of evidence, there has to be.
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