Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #5

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Ok, back to basics, how did BR determine that his home security had stopped working five or six months ago and not 1 yr ago or a month ago? Is it obvious once it stops working?
Did he routinely check footage and one day realised there was no new footage apart from that last footage he viewed.
Did he one day notice the lens not moving anymore(if this is what normally happens).

I wonder if forensics have determined how they stopped working? was there obvious tampering with the system. - wires cut?, power switched off?

"Borce Ristevski told the Herald Sun the security cameras installed at their house had been broken for 'five or six months'.

'The CCTV cameras at the house haven't been working for five or six months, not just the time Karen disappeared', Mr Ristevski told the publication"

Unless I'm mistaken quite a few things are being tracked back to around 5 months ago[emoji848]

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Maybe KR took some pills and overdosed (deliberately) overnight. BR found her deceased in the morning and it was decided to cover it up lest Life Insurance would become invalid with the possibility of it affecting other financial issues that I would have no idea about?

It could explain some of the Family members demeanors.

I don't think AR has any idea of what's happened.
Early in the MSM reports i recall one did state she had a medical condition which was Asthma.

In thread 1 or 2 we discussed it.

But since then there hasn't been anything further on that.

Was it an error or does anyone else know anything further?

Pepper77 mentions it in Thread 2 Post #25>>29
I know all the media focus has been on Borce & it seems all the evidence points to him (phone pings, switching phone off etc) however I just don't see how he could of acted alone. 2hrs is not a very long time to find a burial spot, dig a grave deep enough tetc & then get back to Avondale heights, clean up etc. in my opinion he must of had help, either from AR or VR. I know other posters say that Borce wouldn't go to AR for help cos he's too much of a loose cannon but I think in this case it was a case of desperate times desperate measures.
What if the battery had run down--would the phone appear to have been switched off?

I know from following a case in he US that the message the phone sends to the tower when it's switched off is different to the one when the battery runs out. I don't know if it's the same in all parts of the world but I'd think the technology would be the same so it is possible to identify when the phone is switched off.

Now that has got me thinking about Karen's phone, I haven't seen any mention of what type of phone she has but in the UK most adults would have some kind of smartphone and the battery wouldn't last more than a day so most people charge them overnight. If Karen did the same it seems to me that in fact she would have been at the house on the night before she disappeared otherwise her phone would have run out of battery and wouldn't have been pinging anywhere on the 29th IMO

I'm sure the police have all the phone pings and as they haven't given any indication that she wasn't in the house on the morning of the 29th my belief is that she did spend the night of the 28th at home IMO
Borce said she went out through the garage. It's a habit if I leave the house....I take the keys so I can get back in. Most garage doors are automatic and the auto openers are attached to the car keys right? IF the garage doors were closed she would have needed the auto opener, so she would have taken her car-keys as well as her tote bag, phone debit card...yadda yadda.

That's another reason why I don't believe Ol' Borce because HE had her keys.

I hope this makes sense.
If KR was expected around 9-10am at the shop. BR could have recieved a call around 10:00am from Bella Bleu.

Called KRs phone around 10:00am and turned his phone off straight away?

Drove down the Calder, with his phone off. Pings could have still been detected with the phone off!

BR had her car, it was at home, so he knew KR couldnt have or didnt get to work.
When she didnt return home, maybe he thought she had gone to see AR, hence his drive to Diggers Rest.
Incidentally, the money he said KR had in her bag, could be from the stores previous days takings, which KR normally would have banked the next day before showing up at the store.
BR had her car, it was at home, so he knew KR couldnt have or didnt get to work.
When she didnt return home, maybe he thought she had gone to see AR, hence his drive to Diggers Rest.
Incidentally, the money he said KR had in her bag, could be from the stores previous days takings, which KR normally would have banked the next day before showing up at the store.

Can a local help me with some questions please

Would Karen be likely to drive to work every day - is there somewhere nearby to park, does the shop have parking spaces?

Maybe she usually went to work on public transport - is that at all likely?

If BR knows Karen didn't have the car then imo he knew she couldn't have gone far (assuming he isn't involved) so to me the most likely thing he thought is that she would still be out walking or maybe at a local coffee shop.

And for all we know it might not be unusual for Karen not to show at the shop, maybe it didn't ring any alarms bells at all to get a call from the employee to ask about her whereabouts. Thinking someone has gone missing wouldn't be the first thing that most people would think if they got a call to say a family member hadn't showed up at work IMO.

Surely you wouldn't start to worry until much more time had passed and you'd eliminated more likely causes eg accident, taken ill, help up in traffic, had an emergency to deal with.

Again, if BR is innocent I don't see any red flags in him taking the car out if he'd planned to do that.

I'm not saying I think he's not involved but his actions don't necessarily scream guilty to me.
Just to answer 2qs from suzy jackson.
Public transport not really an option to get from avondale heights to watergsrdens. Watergardens jas a train station and the 476 bus runs there from moonee ponds but youd have to get at leadt two buses to get there and head in oppopsite direction to do that i think. Highly unlikely. I worked at watergardens years ago and still shop there. There is plenty of parking. Its an outer suburbs shopping centre.
I (and possibly others) have mentioned that maybe Karen was having an affair. But i never mentioned (and don't recall others mentioning) Borce having an affair- that would make it truly Gerard Baden Clay-esque.

Given that the company was transferred to him, perhaps Borce was getting the finances in order before killing Karen, and after a while we'll see him with his new lover.

I just don't get the feeling that this is the case, but it struck me as unusual that i don't think anyone has mentioned this option, especially given that these kinds of situations almost always involve the husband cheating with a mistress.

I guess this option hasn't been widely considered (if at all) because Borce doesn't strike one as a narcissist, and i'm willing to bet that his appearance (scruffy beard) has something to do with it. He strikes me as the dorky dad type, not as the mistress-having type; though his brother does have something of the lothario look about him. Also, i seem to recall VR as having some possible gangland connections- but i am hazy on this point. Further, precisely as his brother does have that potentially narcissistic streak about him, people are, i think, suspecting him for having potentially been involved (if not for the affair with Karen, then for the disposal of Karen's body). That is, in fact, why i was mentioning perhaps a love affair between VR and Karen- because VR strike me as being slick- as a potential motive for Borce to murder Karen. Obviously appearances do matter; but we should not, of course, judge a book by its cover.

I think the idea has been that Karen was the glamorous one, while Borce has been the dorky-dad type (i.e. no one ever said that Borce is uber-driving to pick up chicks); and this has, i think, perhaps been reinforced by the idea that it was Karen's business and Borce was helping her with her business. So Borce played second fiddle. This was also alluded to in regard to the point that Borce was soft and Karen was more in control. Therefore, the cheating would most likely be on her side and not on his. I think this implicit assumption has been present on the forum; i know it has been in my mind and i just noticed it all now- and it might be incorrect that Karen (and not Borce) was cheating- so i thought i'd mention it to others. I can't seem to recall all these points being mentioned, or if they were, they were not made all together and were lost, separately, in the thread. There is a lot to these perceptions, sometimes they are more than skin deep. VR definitely strikes me as more shifty than Borce.
'Anthony Rickard, 32, claims to be the woman&#8217;s stepson and told the Herald Sun he heard Mrs Ristevski talk about leaving her husband Borce when her daughter Sarah turned 21.'

Thats the only statement I think he may have said that could have some foundation. I doubt KR told him that herself but maybe he heard it through BR or a relation
on that side of the family. Money comes through early this year so if KR you think it will give you some backing to start again & move on.

BR not happy when told after SR's 21st I am leaving you. Tells KR "well your signing the buisiness over to me", what other reason could he want her to do that?.

Then plan goes into action eg rural trips to view countryside, cctv fault occurs, speak to a close relation informing them of what is planned and may need assistance, transfer business
ownership and write a story 'what happened to me last week'. Plan on paper only very average (should have included taking up acting classes) and will leak information over the investigation

Sources close to the family reportedly believe Ms Ristevski received inheritence money this year (Januaru - March?)
Borce Ristevski told the Herald Sun the security cameras installed at their house had been broken for 'five or six months (January / February)
Borce took over his wife's company four months before disappearance (March)
SR's 21st (May)
KR missing (29 June)

KR been a private person and from her upbringing wouldnt want either family or friends to know that while she is still living under the same roof there are problems in the marriage
but would admit to such when she left & BR would no doubt hated that.

Week 1 I had BR at $1.10 but have closed the market as wouldn't even give you $1.01.

This i doubt is a possibility "So, maybe Karen was alive up at Diggers Rest, then everything went pear shaped, she tried to make phone call for help .....
it gets snatched out of her hand, turned off, and then what happened next is anyone's guess. H'mm?"
Maybe the evil person just magically appeared!

More show of Elvis leaving the building that morning than KR leaving her home like that (in my opinion).

Only plus is KR got to be with her daughter on her 21st
I was under the impression, from AR's comments, that Karen years ago planned the divorce. I disbelieved that completely. But she could have planned the divorce within the last year, in connection to her inheritance. That is believable. The inheritance would also explain why AR asked for rehab costs of the newly rich Karen. So maybe AR's comments have been misrepresented and maybe Karen told him within the last year- since her father's death- that she plans to leave Borce. That would make sense.
Steve...Replying to your post #832.............If KR was alive at Diggers Rest where everything went pear shaped, then SR would have been at work on the morning of 29th June at 10a.m presumably and would not know what really happened at Diggers Rest............With AR being such a blabber mouth, it bothers me that he wouldn't be able to keep quiet to help himself (if he knew what really happened)..............Then, KR was still alive when BR took her into the vast bushland area and murdered her there..........It's possible that BR called VR for help to dispose of KR's body in VR's vehicle (knowing that area well)...........If the argument took place at Diggers Rest house and all hell broke loose, the neighbours would have heard, as the houses are very close there............I don't believe that Karen "went for that walk at 10a.m. on 29th June", thus BR telling SR that KR went ballistic having gone for the walk after the argument re money to clear her head............AR stated that he couldn't remember where he was on the morning of 29th June, then went bizzarre on FB in the afternoon and onwards.............VR being accessory after the fact.....MOO..:thinking:
I know all the media focus has been on Borce & it seems all the evidence points to him (phone pings, switching phone off etc) however I just don't see how he could of acted alone. 2hrs is not a very long time to find a burial spot, dig a grave deep enough tetc & then get back to Avondale heights, clean up etc. in my opinion he must of had help, either from AR or VR. I know other posters say that Borce wouldn't go to AR for help cos he's too much of a loose cannon but I think in this case it was a case of desperate times desperate measures.
I just asked my other half who is a builder about the timing of digging a grave. To dig a proper grave in hard clay could take up to a day, shallow grave with the same soil composition half a day. If the soil was more foregiving a shallow grave would be Around 3 hours double that for a deeper dig.
Can a local help me with some questions please

Would Karen be likely to drive to work every day - is there somewhere nearby to park, does the shop have parking spaces?

Maybe she usually went to work on public transport - is that at all likely?

If BR knows Karen didn't have the car then imo he knew she couldn't have gone far (assuming he isn't involved) so to me the most likely thing he thought is that she would still be out walking or maybe at a local coffee shop.

And for all we know it might not be unusual for Karen not to show at the shop, maybe it didn't ring any alarms bells at all to get a call from the employee to ask about her whereabouts. Thinking someone has gone missing wouldn't be the first thing that most people would think if they got a call to say a family member hadn't showed up at work IMO.

Surely you wouldn't start to worry until much more time had passed and you'd eliminated more likely causes eg accident, taken ill, help up in traffic, had an emergency to deal with.

Again, if BR is innocent I don't see any red flags in him taking the car out if he'd planned to do that.

I'm not saying I think he's not involved but his actions don't necessarily scream guilty to me.

BBM. But what about the fact he conveniently 'forgot' he had done that on the day his wife went missing?
The police no doubt went over the day and what Borce was doing, where he was, where we went yet he doesn't mention this?
Would LOVE to know what he told police he did that day during the hours he was out joy riding on the Calder highway.
I just asked my other half who is a builder about the timing of digging a grave. To dig a proper grave in hard clay could take up to a day, shallow grave with the same soil composition half a day. If the soil was more foregiving a shallow grave would be Around 3 hours double that for a deeper dig.

I think he may not be a digging kind of man then, if it takes that long. He may have just concealed his crime very well. A shovel may be useful in concealment too. It seems that there would be plenty of places in the forest to hide his crime. And plenty of fallen branches for camouflage. Plus we know they searched one dam. There are probably more of those too.

Sometimes this reminds me of little William Tyrrell, and the forest searches that have been done, looking for him. There were a LOT of people involved in the initial searches, and police in subsequent ones. So much area, no exact indicator, so difficult to locate anything.
I think he may not be a digging kind of man then, if it takes that long. He may have just concealed his crime very well. A shovel may be useful in concealment too. It seems that there would be plenty of places in the forest to hide his crime. And plenty of fallen branches for camouflage. Plus we know they searched one dam. There are probably more of those too.

Sometimes this reminds me of little William Tyrrell, and the forest searches that have been done, looking for him. There were a LOT of people involved in the initial searches, and police in subsequent ones. So much area, no exact indicator, so difficult to locate anything.

Hi All

Long time reader first time poster.

I recall the dissapearance of a man up at Merrijig a few months ago. He was found after commiting suicide a week or so later but what was interesting is that he was found a few meters away from the roadside covered in branches in an area that had already been searched.

My point is it would be literally like trying to find a needle in a haystack. In fact probably harder than finding a shallow grave, at least in that case you would observe a difference in the forest floor whereas a body covered by branches and leaves would be difficult to spot in the short term but as time passes could be uncovered by animals, wind, rain etc.

I don't think BR had time to dig a grave so covering up the body near a road/track/path would be my best guess.

judt my 2c worth.
Hi All

Long time reader first time poster.

I recall the dissapearance of a man up at Merrijig a few months ago. He was found after commiting suicide a week or so later but what was interesting is that he was found a few meters away from the roadside covered in branches in an area that had already been searched.

My point is it would be literally like trying to find a needle in a haystack. In fact probably harder than finding a shallow grave, at least in that case you would observe a difference in the forest floor whereas a body covered by branches and leaves would be difficult to spot in the short term but as time passes could be uncovered by animals, wind, rain etc.

I don't think BR had time to dig a grave so covering up the body near a road/track/path would be my best guess.

judt my 2c worth.

Hi Algorithm ... welcome. :)

I agree. Look at Khandalyce Pearce, how long did she lay near the roadside in a suitcase? A long time. So many examples of people who have been located, much later, so close at hand but unfindable.
Beep beep ..... one more theory coming through. With the talk of medical conditions, maybe someone in the family was ill and everyone had to get tested - what if it was discovered SR didn't have BRs DNA? Explosive! Motive? Just a thought. I am behind in reading posts so will catch up now.

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