Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #7

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I really don't think Dumb (BR) & Dumber (VR) would leave their DNA for anyone to find on bloody bottles.

I'll eat my hat if these bottles have anything to do with Karen's murder.

I wonder if the autopsy can someone determine if the deceased body came in contact with the contents of what is in the bottles 7 or so months after it may have been found.
I really don't think Dumb (BR) & Dumber (VR) would leave their DNA for anyone to find on bloody bottles.

I'll eat my hat if these bottles have anything to do with Karen's murder.

what if AR's DNA is on the bottles? Remember, he does like his meth...

Further, connect this with my last post, where the 'pal' of Borce and Vasko is AR. Things become weird.
Yes, she could've caught a cab there & she had $850.00 in the bag.
Took a handful of pills, covered herself up with logs only 2 men could lift. I guess, maybe it's possible.

They'll try anything to get off the hook.

BUT what was Karen's phone doing in the car with BORCE???

Get out of that one mate!!
Not sure it was ever established that the 2 phones were in the same place at the same time. They were both in the region some time that day.
I really don't think Dumb (BR) & Dumber (VR) would leave their DNA for anyone to find on bloody bottles.

I'll eat my hat if these bottles have anything to do with Karen's murder.

I agree , tgy. These items were more likely discarded by persons growing weed in the forest. Note, too, the Corona case two of them have been disposed in. Probably unknown (or known) fingerprints all over that box and those containers that can easily discount these items from the investigation.
I'd beg you all to respect the family being Karen, Sarah, Boris and all. You can't imagine how traumatic this is! I'm not saying that I have a connection to the family but their family is wonderful. They've welcomed me with open arms and I'd consider both karen and Borce to be my third and fourth parents. Their relationship was perfect, they were the couple that I wanted to be later in life. Always joking and fun, hard working and ambitious and most of all caring for each other. Throughout uni and Highschool I've learnt that the media are contingent on people's opinions. One persons opinions reported by a reporter through their opinions, then your opinions from the article. It's like Chinese whispers, unless it's raw facts then it's all exposed to layers on layers of bias. Right now for the family losing one loved one is bad enough not to mention being talked s**t about behind their backs and in public too! Many points made through this thread though you might seem abnormal for me it's normal. Sarah's so called silence is normal, if you were to lose a loved one you wouldn't be on social media posting "'missing" posts or constantly making pleas on Tv. That's politician type of things and the media condition people to think that public appeals are the norm when for a 22 year old girl being on camera might be traumatic. Looking into facial expressions shouldn't been taken as gospel either. Some people have resting angry faces, some have goofy faces and it doesn't define their personality, actions and most definitely not how they should spend the rest of their lives.

your concerns are valid and unavoidable under the circumstances....

Crime is a social matter.. a public issue.. when a person is murdered, the social contract of privacy is invalidated.. the community concerns over ride the individual concerns.

This may appear to be unfair, but in the long term social contract it is entirely fair. A woman, a law abiding taxpaying member of the community, has been murdered , apparently in her own home, and as such, it is beholden to all of the citizenry to be aware, and alert to any aspect of the event. The inherent right to privacy, which ,above all , the victim is stripped of, long before any family or suspect, is the paramount individual who's right to justice is greater than a temporary loss of privacy is to her family, and her friends. ..

It is how a society, a community , operates ..
your concerns are valid and unavoidable under the circumstances....

Crime is a social matter.. a public issue.. when a person is murdered, the social contract of privacy is invalidated.. the community concerns over ride the individual concerns.

This may appear to be unfair, but in the long term social contract it is entirely fair. A woman, a law abiding taxpaying member of the community, has been murdered , apparently in her own home, and as such, it is beholden to all of the citizenry to be aware, and alert to any aspect of the event. The inherent right to privacy, which ,above all , the victim is stripped of, long before any family or suspect, is the paramount individual who's right to justice is greater than a temporary loss of privacy is to her family, and her friends. ..

It is how a society, a community , operates ..

..... and even more will be stripped bare once this case reaches trial.
I really don't think Dumb (BR) & Dumber (VR) would leave their DNA for anyone to find on bloody bottles.

I'll eat my hat if these bottles have anything to do with Karen's murder.

I agree and don't think they have anything to do with KR.
Out of interest what was AR's last FB post before going private?
I'd beg you all to respect the family being Karen, Sarah, Boris and all. You can't imagine how traumatic this is! I'm not saying that I have a connection to the family but their family is wonderful. They've welcomed me with open arms and I'd consider both karen and Borce to be my third and fourth parents. Their relationship was perfect, they were the couple that I wanted to be later in life. Always joking and fun, hard working and ambitious and most of all caring for each other. Throughout uni and Highschool I've learnt that the media are contingent on people's opinions. One persons opinions reported by a reporter through their opinions, then your opinions from the article. It's like Chinese whispers, unless it's raw facts then it's all exposed to layers on layers of bias. Right now for the family losing one loved one is bad enough not to mention being talked s**t about behind their backs and in public too! Many points made through this thread though you might seem abnormal for me it's normal. Sarah's so called silence is normal, if you were to lose a loved one you wouldn't be on social media posting "'missing" posts or constantly making pleas on Tv. That's politician type of things and the media condition people to think that public appeals are the norm when for a 22 year old girl being on camera might be traumatic. Looking into facial expressions shouldn't been taken as gospel either. Some people have resting angry faces, some have goofy faces and it doesn't define their personality, actions and most definitely not how they should spend the rest of their lives.

My heartfelt sympathy to all who are grieving Karen Ristevski's death. I hope you all have some answers soon as to what happened to her. It is nice to hear what a wonderful family the R's have been to you personally.
This is a true crime sleuthing forum, and there is always much speculation in a high profile criminal case, as you can see. But it's what people do on here. Maybe some of us are right and some of us are wrong in what we might think happened to poor Karen who is the victim in it all.
There is much media speculation as well, but not intentionally trying to upset anyone, just wanting to know what happened.
R.I.P. Karen :rose:
Out of interest what was AR's last FB post before going private?

There were a few different posts that seemed to be threatening people some who had posted on his page, with pictures of them from their FB.

He hasn't closed it because of Police intervention - if they had intervened it would not be there at all.

The Australian has now printed the exact same words as have published. Must be a statement that police want published.

It is an AAP press statement.

In a statement on Friday, police said the progress of the investigation has been impacted by reports in recent weeks and further speculation would be unhelpful.
Just to offer a 'too' speculative theory (for fun): imagine those fertiliser bottles were Vasko's, Borce's, or a mate of theirs, and imagine Vasko/Borce/their mate disposed of them somewhere, woop woop.

Then, imagine the cops, knowing this, decided to pick up those bottles and keep them.

Then, imagine, Karen's body is found and the cops decide to put those bottles near Karen's body...

Why would the cops play this little ridiculous ruse of shifting the bottles to near Karen's body? It would put the cat amongst the pigeons, would it not?!?!?! Once the owner of the bottles (Vasko, Borce, or some pal of theirs) saw them, they'd think, oh no, what is going on here!! Then they'd want to phone someone to discuss the matter, would they not? But the cops are wiretapping phones, aren't they? That then poses the MOTHER of all dilemmas, does it not? If someone (Vasko) phones someone else (Borce), he'll have to have one of those now all-too-familiar 'code' telephone calls, right? The ones we read about gangsters having while ordering "pizzas", or talking about "dvds", or discussing "going fishing" or something like that. THAT would then provide the cops with invaluable info.

Vasko: Guess what?
Borce: what?
Vasko: the apples are where the meat pie is.
Borce: WHAT?!?!?!
Vasko: can you believe it?!?!
Borce: How did they end up there??!?!!!!
Vasko: I wouldn't have a clue mate!!!
Borce: Did you move something?
Vasko: no way mate.
Borce: was it you?

That would provide valuable information to the cops as to who knew about "apples" and "meat pies" and locations...

OBVIOUSLY this is a tad far fetched- having the cops move the fertiliser bottles- but it is an interesting grand speculation LOL

thanks for reading haha!


Some of the effects of Ice use:
When the ice wears off, the person is likely to be exhausted, anxious and depressed. The cravings for more ice will be intense and will lead the person to do whatever it takes to get more ice and use it again.

An ice user can become violent and experience severe mood swings. If the person needs to commit crimes to get more drugs, he or she is likely to consider this more important than any other consideration. If the person is high while planning the crime, they are likely to approach it with great confidence and aggressiveness.
The Australian has now printed the exact same words as have published. Must be a statement that police want published.

In a statement on Friday, police said the progress of the investigation has been impacted by reports in recent weeks and further speculation would be unhelpful.

Not surprising at all. To me the last few releases are not coming from Police, but 'leaked' from 'sources close to the investigation/family'

Seems there is someone in BR's camp that is leaking info. I'll just quote a couple.

But the device was either removed, or fell off the vehicle, sources familiar with the investigation into Karen Ristevski's disappearance have told Fairfax Media.

Vasko Ristevski, the older brother of Ms Ristevski’s husband*, Borce, is understood to have made the claim to family members after reports emerged in *December that residents of Toolern Vale had seen him in the area on multiple occasions.

Police have yet to publicly name a suspect or to identify a cause of death.
Not surprising at all. To me the last few releases are not coming from Police, but 'leaked' from 'sources close to the investigation/family'

Seems there is someone in BR's camp that is leaking info. I'll just quote a couple.

But the device was either removed, or fell off the vehicle, sources familiar with the investigation into Karen Ristevski's disappearance have told Fairfax Media.

Vasko Ristevski, the older brother of Ms Ristevski’s husband*, Borce, is understood to have made the claim to family members after reports emerged in *December that residents of Toolern Vale had seen him in the area on multiple occasions.

Police have yet to publicly name a suspect or to identify a cause of death.

Could even be the legal team suggesting (without suggesting, as they do) that their own leaked info gets to MSM .... instead of having their client turn himself in.

Can't imagine that 'someone close to the family' would do a lot right now, without advice or unspoken consent. And if it was ice-boy, he'd want public acknowledgement and attention for his contributions.

Tainting the investigation could lead to accusations of bias and discrimination at a bail hearing or trial. And that would be, yeah, unhelpful. Very unhelpful.

Seems they are sending their forces out, here and everywhere.

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