Australia - Khandalyce Pearce (Wynarka) and Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #10

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Unless its a way to meet woman and single mums?

You may be right. But I can't imagine a man like DH/M/B participating on a group like that. Men like him usually resist any counseling or psychological care, I think.
I believe misery sometimes loves company of like minded thinking people .i believe its possible a couple of psychopaths got together and it turned out to be away to pick up a victim. No counselling at all.2 male psychopaths kindred spirits .IMO
Unsceduled ,unplanned ,psychopath ditching of bag. He hung it on a bush up off the ground.he intended to return for it.only a madman would cart a body and clothes such a long distance from where he'd been hiding it. Scared by the recent reports in the media that he'd finally heard about. Re little .....and connection to gappa. He wasnt of the belief it would be traced back to him in the middle of S.A......him being suitcase man IMO.
Whàngarei;12295456 said:
I believe misery sometimes loves company of like minded thinking people .i believe its possible a couple of psychopaths got together and it turned out to be away to pick up a victim. No counselling at all.2 male psychopaths kindred spirits .IMO

Very Possible with what police have released in the media.

“We won’t talk about any particular suspect but I can tell you we are looking at more than one person.”
A man serving time in a NSW jail is understood to be one of the suspects.
Whàngarei;12295496 said:
Unsceduled ,unplanned ,psychopath ditching of bag. He hung it on a bush up off the ground.he intended to return for it.only a madman would cart a body and clothes such a long distance from where he'd been hiding it. Scared by the recent reports in the media that he'd finally heard about. Re little .....and connection to gappa. He wasnt of the belief it would be traced back to him in the middle of S.A......him being suitcase man IMO.

Wow, but I'm trying to understand & comprehend this connection.
An animal with fingers in a few groups still roaming free mad as a cut snake.
Ok, so one locked up, the other still out there? Who?
Yeah, Whangarei, IMO also, there is certainly more than one involved... and perhaps DH/M whoever he is and was, is simply a puppet on a string. Maybe one of many in this scheme.
The important question now for me, is, who else is/was a member of this animalistic group, and what specifically were their roles?
Member of" Unfortunate circumstances" also a member of "gapa" IMO suitcase in someway the search for paedophiles connected to gapa re w t. led to Khandalyce being moved and found , and identified....
While it is tempting to try to link the murders to a pedophile ring, IMO it is highly unlikely, mainly because Khandalyce was killed within a day or two of her mother and not very far away, if the police information that she died at Wallaroo is correct.
If the scenario was to kill the mother to get the daughter, Khandalyce would have lived longer, I think.
Also, if there were multiple perpetrators, why wasn't the child's body disposed of with more caution? Always, to me, the most baffling feature of this crime. Why keep bones and clothes together for 7 years and dump them together if the perpetrator had any thought of concealing the crime?
The big frustration now is that we no longer know what is correct in terms of the forensic evidence: how long WAS the case on the roadside and DID the body decompose in the suitcase or outside?
At first we thought we knew the answers to these questions based on the police media releases, but more recent reports have conflicted, so it's impossible now to construct a scenario that makes sense from the evidence, because we simply don't know what the evidence really is.
Karlie knew HP before the accident (her FB photos of Khandles from Aug 08 prove that), so we can assume she knew DH too since HP and DH were travelling together.

But this is confusing because the aunt said Karlie and DH met through the "unfortunate circumstances group", yet Karlie knew HP for several years before she met DH.

So did Karlie introduce HP to DH?
Karlie knew HP before the accident (her FB photos of Khandles from Aug 08 prove that), so we can assume she knew DH too since HP and DH were travelling together.

But this is confusing because the aunt said Karlie and DH met through the "unfortunate circumstances group", yet Karlie knew HP for several years before she met DH.

So did Karlie introduce HP to DH?

For some reason its been in my mind that HP & DH moved to Alice Springs as a couple & met up with Karlie there sometime in 2008. I have always just assumed this but maybe HP was there before DH.

Just shows to go you Symbah, and others, we can only believe half of what we see and .. How does it go ?

I do trust and believe that there is so much more evidence than what we are privy to ... and the Scum responsible should be very FRIGHTENED . .. Like the little mice / vermin, scurrying about the fields, causing destruction, leaving their filthy residue along the way, illuminating a path... And suddenly The EAGLE descends .. claws opened wide, and Prey in its sight .. Justice is Served and The Eagle soars in victory ..
Some posts have been removed. You folks have been around this case long enough to know what is subjudice. Don't go there.

There is a back story to all this you would all curl up and scream,to make you wonder at the sub humans can really walk around on earth.just because someone has a responsible job,neat attire ,reasonable looks doesnt mean they are a decent person.i hope the abn creator ,mastermind ,brain, ends up put out to pasture permanently.
Whàngarei;12298876 said:
There is a back story to all this you would all curl up and scream,to make you wonder at the sub humans can really walk around on earth.just because someone has a responsible job,neat attire ,reasonable looks doesnt mean they are a decent person.i hope the abn creator ,mastermind ,brain, ends up put out to pasture permanently.

Yes, its both an horrific & unfathomable reality that we walk & live amongst such evil ... wolves in sheep's clothing ... but Whangarei, what do you mean by back story? Without understanding the context of what your'e relaying as back story, abn creator, mastermind & brain, I can't understand what you mean & can only guess.
Whàngarei;12300299 said:
Used the urban dictionary meaning of back story. .....

Oh, right, its just the way you're post was worded seemed to give me the impression that you have knowledge of the back story ... but & I don't know ... perhaps its all in you're opinion though?
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