Australia - Khandalyce Pearce (Wynarka) and Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #10

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According to the Telstra support forum they don't (or didn't) retain text message content, my guess is that would also apply to voice messages, and is probably the same for all telcos, which make me think then, that the police may have located Karlie's phone, or the phone of whoever DH was sending messages to, with sim and/or data card still intact and not written over.
Bundy I'm sure in everything we have heard from Det. Bray that he referred to police knowing the content of messages. Will look for a link.
symbah it relates to the arrest and future sentencing of former drag-racing champion Brett Stevens: "While amassing world records and national *titles on the track, Stevens was secretly running one of Queensland’s biggest drug rings.
The 50-year-old was convicted in the Supreme Court in Brisbane on Wednesday of drug trafficking and production, officially ending his motorsport career in disgrace... He was found to have connections to Finks “Terror Team” bikie Tama Lewis, Coffin Cheaters bikies in WA, and underworld figures in Melbourne.
Five pill presses...were uncovered, including machines capable of turning out 20,000 pills an hour... teaming up with a bikie to run an unlicensed mining venture.The company’s name was *DEFWOM – “Don’t Ever F--- With Our Money”. (sorry for fragments, sticking to no more than 10% quote)

A bit more about the DEFWOM for anyone who is interested in reading. Hmmm. Mining...
Some of this data comes with billing invoices.

What is of greater concern is the possibility Telstra workers are selling text data, or location data to organised crime.

Hence, Karlie may have been on the run all the time because someone was giving away her location data?

According to the Telstra support forum they don't (or didn't) retain text message content, my guess is that would also apply to voice messages, and is probably the same for all telcos, which make me think then, that the police may have located Karlie's phone, or the phone of whoever DH was sending messages to, with sim and/or data card still intact and not written over.

"It will be alleged that Stevens was a puppet master in running his entrepreneurial drug business and was able to coordinate the running of the business without much hands on contact," Mr Boyle said.

"While he successfully distanced himself from the operation, he is inextricably intertwined with others in the trafficking, production and supply of drugs."

The court was told quantities of 40,000 pills at a time were given to dealers to sell.
Kirkby said Stevens later confronted him about not selling the pills fast enough and warned him he could be killed if his sales quotas were not met.

Thanks FG.... I think the part where he warned Kirkby...was in relation to the Serbs would kill him (Kirkby) if he didn't sell the quota of pills he had been given to offload....although. Having said that I have recently (past 24hrs) read that there was another threat made by BS directly from him to Kirkby...with the same outcome...(Evidence provide by Kirkby's then fiancé) But I haven't had any confirmation that BS has ever physically harmed anyone - nor any msm reports indicating he organised anything in that way whatsoever...

But like I said it was just another train of thought I had - I haven't been able to find anything solid to connect Karlie/Daniel/Hazel to BS at all.
I would hate to be misrepresented.... No victim bashing on my part. The police themselves before the announcement of Daniels arrest...before the *Carers* claims of Drug Running...

Police had already claimed (Via MSM) to have considered the possibility:

This is unpaywalled for me ATM...the part I a was referring too...if it's pay walled?? for others is: Police sources said yesterday they were not ruling out the possibility she was working with the underbelly of society, including drug runners. They also said they were exploring the possibility she supported herself “doing odd jobs”.

In all honesty...IMO if there is any truth in this...Financial Fraud is one thing - an opportunistic sideline....the other!!!

The truth may never really be known...too many $$$ behind them (the main players) and their reign of terror to inflict harm on anyone you know or care about... would be enough motivation to keep your mouth shut...and even accept a life sentence.....if that's what's needed....

Again all just speculation...

As I type I never take anything so seriously to forget all possibilities...yet the agenda minded may like to think otherwise....

Kids these days....often offer up some worthy thoughts without even knowing they are doing so....My kids have inundated me recently with these YouTube videos....No disrespect at all...some have been here along time now... all with hearts genuine with concern and respect...But hopefully no offence will be taken...for some light hearted reminders of how some people may connect things...even me....!!! (Apparently there are 100's of these You tube videos)...yeah off topic I know....

"It will be alleged that Stevens was a puppet master in running his entrepreneurial drug business and was able to coordinate the running of the business without much hands on contact," Mr Boyle said.

"While he successfully distanced himself from the operation, he is inextricably intertwined with others in the trafficking, production and supply of drugs."

The court was told quantities of 40,000 pills at a time were given to dealers to sell.
Kirkby said Stevens later confronted him about not selling the pills fast enough and warned him he could be killed if his sales quotas were not met.

Sounds pretty ruthless to me.
Is this talk of "sales quotas" what lead to Karlie's supposed debt?
Gotta agree, Puggle - the truth will probably never be known now, unfortunately.
Gotta agree, Puggle - the truth will probably never be known now, unfortunately.

Jane I was just working on the social circles that we had been given to work with.....this is one scenario - I looked into with some of the other info we have been provided via MSM - given a glimpse into Karlie's life....

If this was one scenario were's pretty scary stuff....

Yep....I would have no faith in any truth coming to light if this scenario was true....too much $$$ behind the main players...they have been under investigation through various police and corruption agencies since 2006...and the Mr Bigs and their protégé have still to this day remained free....flashing their wares of wealth...and snubbing their noses at authority..makes me sick!!!
Is kinda what I have been asking...posting..all the long...

Karlie didn't live her life in a bubble...Daniel and Hazel weren't her only acquaintances/friends/social circle....even if she was estranged from her family....

There has to be a bigger picture here...
I don't know if it is allowed to post more stuff about BS and his connections (bikies too). Somewhere I've read, most racing drivers have to sell drugs to earn the money they need for racing. Maybe min. half the truth and not only rumour. So we can assume, Karlie and DJH/M (and more people in their environment) had something to do with drugs. I don't judge Karlie at all! Seemingly she had the wrong aquaintances (older and more experienced) and she was too young and too dependent to know it better. For me it doesn't matter what she perhaps had done to earn her's and Khandalyce's living (for a very short time). There are far worse methods for a young girl/woman with child to earn money. In any case it is very difficult to work and simultaneously care for a little child without grandparents close by.
BS's connections were so wide ranging, I think, he had "his personnel" for all eventualities and did never get his own hands dirty. He had his creditors (Serbs?) and his debtors probably in three states (NSW, Qld, WA). Much to organize and lead besides the drag racing with min. 10 cars and x (?) motorbikes - and events - and shows - and merchandising - and tuning - and ... I don't know what. Seems to be/have been an imperium of companies. One has the impression, all were dependent on him - clever threaded.
I'm curious to learn the interaction between all the people, which were participating on BS' businesses - maybe Karlie or/and DJH/M/B indeed had connections and the killings are questionable of who had done it or who had been present at date/time of death of K&K. The violence would rather fit with henchmen of a type like BS perhaps, I think. Although maybe DJH/M/B didn't hinder the murder (and also wasn't able at all). - Re DJH/M/B's inclination there would be other scenarios too. A mix of both seems possible also ...
Jane I was just working on the social circles that we had been given to work with.....this is one scenario - I looked into with some of the other info we have been provided via MSM - given a glimpse into Karlie's life....

If this was one scenario were's pretty scary stuff....

Yep....I would have no faith in any truth coming to light if this scenario was true....too much $$$ behind the main players...they have been under investigation through various police and corruption agencies since 2006...and the Mr Bigs and their protégé have still to this day remained free....flashing their wares of wealth...and snubbing their noses at authority..makes me sick!!!

BBM - Same applies to pedophilia rings. Makes me sick too. :gaah: :furious:
I could not agree more with the comment that Karlie did not in a bubble. The social links are vital to uncovering whatever was going on and what lead to her eventual death.
My own curiosity keeps returning to the fact that I have the distinct impression that DH is not the sharpest tool in the shed; "a follower not a leader" as his friend said.
I can see him slavishly doing things others asked him to but not thinking things up for himself.
As I said, it is just my impression, but I see him as not at all bright and really needing someone to help him with most of life's decisions.
I have great difficulty believing the media when they refer to DH and Karlie having a relationship after the motor accident, for two reasons.
Firstly because I think DH was hugely traumatised by the death of two children he loved, and secondly because I don't see "fiercely loyal" Karlie doing something so cruel to her friend HP.
If they were involved in an intimate relationship when they both ended up in Canberra in December 2008 then that's pretty despicable of them both.
So yes, the social circles are very important and the links may tell us what was really going on.
Were HP and Karlie definitely friends or did they just know each other?

I've read sooo much, now I'm mixing the cases sometimes. :( Taree - has it to do also with DJH/M/B or the Stoccos or ... I have forgotten.
In any case very interesting and always there is the opportunity of a connection to other "unions" in the drug business.

But about two hours into the raid, and as officers wondered whether the information they had received about the drugs was wrong, an officer flicked a switch.
As wide-eyed officers watched, the outdoor deck rolled away, revealing the trap door.
Once inside, the detectives clambered down some built-in steel stairs before allegedly discovered the three shipping containers cut into a large room where the 225 plants were in various stages of maturity.
The eight-year-old, who was allegedly allowed out of the shed only to do chores, and three other children, aged between 12 months and nine years, .............

Read more:
Were HP and Karlie definitely friends or did they just know each other?

I don't think anyone here can say for sure, but HP did photograph Khandles at the car show in Aug 2008 and post pics of FB.
The only other evidence I have seen was a photo that was supposedly of KP and HP at a netball presentation night but it has since been taken down and I didn't copy it (stupidly), although I thought I had.
In that 21.5 hours DH went to Deakin

Do you mean in the 21.5hrs he was in Wallaroo?
Well that's weird, or impossible, isn't it?

Assuming you mean Karlie's account was accessed at Deakin during that time period, that would imply someone else had the card.

Or that DH was not in Wallaroo for 21.5 hours... confused now.
Cheers SoSo for the comment on the POL appeal re possible accommodation in that early. Dec 2008 period... would love to know of any outcome. Someone somewhere must have seem them, and the larger majority of us do have a conscience.

Your post in reply to Bundy of the below is also interesting. How ideal has it been for the 'informant' to have the benefit of supposed hindsight! Whether it gives him the perfect 'cover', perhaps it was the perfect scenario to become 'published', or to earn some $$. Or maybe he does know stuff - can't help wonder if that is true, why he took so long to come forward, but his silence now also has some intrigue.

The informant let us know in his exclusive interview that MS Duffy was concerned that payments had not been used for a fortnight in late 2008.
Looking at the transaction timeline it would need to be within that 3 weeks 24 Nov Kippax to 16 Dec Charnwoord

If the informant is telling the truth I wonder what he did between the time of the identification of the bodies and telling the police what he knew?

I try to imagine myself in the same situation.

If what he says is correct then my first thought is that these people he is about to inform on are dangerous - they kill people!

My second thought is that if he is still friendly with step-brother and step-father, and I think he is, then it would be natural to talk to them first about what he knows, before going to the police.

Yet that is tricky because if he knew of the debt and bounty (if true) and if he hadn't told Karlie's only remaining family, perhaps he hesitated for a long time out of respect.
After all, it's not nice stuff to be saying about a person, is it? And when they are shocked and in mourning and coming to terms with the whole situation it seems almost cruel to bring it up.

Yet I can imagine him wanting to talk to the 2 men before going to the police, and maybe it just took some time to do that.

Then there is the fear of placing himself in danger. That too may have held him back for some time.

But if he was afraid, why did he later speak to the media? That doesn't add up, especially considering that searching court records relating to the cannabis conviction could easily identify him.
Unless he is sure that the person responsible for the "bounty" is no threat to him now, being either incarcerated or dead? Maybe he needed to check on that first too.

But (another but) why go to the media at all?
I am assuming the informant is a decent man, and I think to be a live-in carer for an elderly woman he must be, so what motivated him to go to the media with his story?
Why not just let the police deal with it?
Or did the police actually want that story out in the media?

So many tentacles in this story and I do believe it is far more complicated than we have seen so far.
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