GUILTY Australia - Kiesha Weippeart, 6, Mount Druitt, NSW, 18 July 2010 - #1

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I think she was last seen three and 1/2 weeks ago, not three and 1/2 months.

It could have even been a week before Kiesha was reported missing if a neighbours sighting is accurate.
I think she was last seen three and 1/2 weeks ago, not three and 1/2 months.

So sorry. You're absolutely right. Dunno why I was thinking months as I was posting. :blushing: Definatley 3 1/2 WEEKS.

Also nulifies my point of Kieasha being all rugged up in the hospital pic. It was pretty cold 3 1/2 weeks before she was reported missing.
My apologies.
What is meant by "rugged up"? I'm not familiar with that saying!

As for the items taken, you're right on the mark, I think. Thoughts re: the computer table (sick as they are) are the first thing that occurred to me too. :(

What's bothering me most still about all of this is the thought that Kiesha had to endure some kind of ongoing abuse. It just adds to the sadness of the whole situation and amplifies it.
Bit of aussie slang translation: 'rugged up' means dressed for in gloves, scarf, coat usually. So the bulky jacket and beanie in the pic.
Pychic who found body to face court for making false representations to police in an unrelated case.

And the cutest ever pic of Kiesha.....Adorable!
Where are you baby girl?
What is Keisha's DOB? I checked the Forensic Astrology thread and I didn't see a thread open for Keisha. Once we have her DOB, we can ask the Astrologers on WS to do a reading on this case. TIA.
Bluesky, thank you for thinking of that! Hopefully someone with Kiesha's date of birth (and time of birth, if available) will reply here soon.

Other posters, thank you for sharing the cute picture of Kiesha above, and for explaining "rugged up" to me! :) It's very close to our saying for the same thing - bundled up! I should've guessed it.

Hoping the best for Kiesha and her siblings, and for answers to come for those who love(d) her.
Search for Kiesha resumes

The search for missing six-year-old Sydney girl Kiesha Abrahams is to resume in the same bushland area where a headless torso was found last week.

Police say the search for the little girl, who has been missing from her Mount Druitt home in western Sydney for more than two weeks, is ongoing in the Nurragingy Reserve at Doonside.
What is Keisha's DOB? I checked the Forensic Astrology thread and I didn't see a thread open for Keisha. Once we have her DOB, we can ask the Astrologers on WS to do a reading on this case. TIA.

Did anyone end up finding Kiesha's D.O.B?
I know that in the original missing persons flier her date of birth was listed as 'unknown'.:waitasec:
Hmmmmm, putting all this together, it seems a lil off.

Massive official search efforts in the beginning. Then they suddenly stop.
Psychic emerges, who has had daily contact with Kieshas parents since Kiesha went missing.
Same Psychic continues searching with a police liason officer who is an long-term acquaintance of the family.

They stumble across a different dead body in the location the psychic dreamed about.

Few days later police say they are re-searching the same area that the psychic found the womans torso...for Kiesha.

Do the police have reason to believe that cheryl and paul knew where Kieshas body was through contact with the family, and they were fortunate/unfortunate enough to stumble across another dead body while recovering or attempting to further hide Kieshas body?

They (police) didn't seem all-believing in her psychic powers, or 'third sense' as she calls it.
Did anyone end up finding Kiesha's D.O.B?
I know that in the original missing persons flier her date of birth was listed as 'unknown'.:waitasec:

I found one document which listed Kiesha's DOB as "unavailable".

Where was the mother's partner when Kiesha was discovered missing by her mother?
Where was the mother's partner when Kiesha was discovered missing by her mother?

Respectfully snipped~

That's a really good question, that I hadn't thought of or seen any media reports on.
I'm going to go back over all the media links, but I remember most of them just saying things, like 'Mum put her to bed, Mum discovered her missing. Mum made the 000 call.' With the exception of stepdad saying that they had all watched a movie together before going to bed that night.
First report of the 'psychic'
August 9, 2010 09:17PM

A psychic has also described to police a vision of Kiesha in bushland behind Amelia Way at Bidwell.

(BBM) This 'vision' that she originally described to police of the location is aprox 2 kms from their home in Hebersham/Mt Druitt.;jsessionid=4F962ADDBA371B052E314A0CAC45F266

Yet several days later, her powers are telling her to look in the Doonside bushland area, which is in the opposite direction and is 7-8 kms from Kieshas home.
(I know it's not an exact science but I'm questioning if the original vision may have been a red herring).
I wonder if she informed police that her 'third sense' was now indicating a completely different location, before she took off on her serach and stumbled across the womans torso?

Sorry to harp on about this woman, but she's lost a lot of credibility for me because:
1) Her 'vision' changed so dramatically.
2) She spent so much time with Kieshas parents since her disappearance.
3) She has been charged with misrepresenting herself to police in an unrelated case.
4) She said 'third sense'. If she genuinely had these powers, then surely she would be familiar with the fact that the correct term would be "6th sense" or third eye.
5) She has multiple aliases. (that aren't traditional Indigenous names)

Individually none of these are significant, but in totality, it's enough to make me question her motivation and actions.

I checked '3rd sense aboriginal' and this is all I found:

A third sense relates to biomedicine's Enlightenment rationalist heritage which tends to emphasise a mechanistic view of the body, reducing 'health' to an absence of biochemical and physiological symptoms

So nothing to do with visions, or aboriginal dreaming.

Part of me hopes that they can find Kieshas body in the new search, but my heart wants to believe that she's still out there , safe with someone who really cares about her.
Dear sweet Kiesha, I think of you everyday, you are so sweet. I hope with all my might that you are alive, safe, unharmed and happy with people who will love you.
Respectfully snipped~

That's a really good question, that I hadn't thought of or seen any media reports on.
I'm going to go back over all the media links, but I remember most of them just saying things, like 'Mum put her to bed, Mum discovered her missing. Mum made the 000 call.' With the exception of stepdad saying that they had all watched a movie together before going to bed that night.

I read through most of the media reports and couldn't find any information on where exactly the step dad was when Kristi discovered her child missing on Sunday morning. Robert Smith said he last saw Kiesha when they watched a movie, The Golden Compass, on Saturday night. I find it interesting that the family watched a movie titled "The Golden Compass" and the next morning, Keisha is reported missing. Was Robert not present when Kristi discovered Keisha missing and notified the authorities? Why won't Robert reveal where he was and what he was doing when Kristi discovered Kiesha "missing from her bed".

Can we obtain a copy of the police report which was recorded when Kristi called police to report her child missing? Most young children are up at the crack of dawn, and the fact Kristi said it was after 9 am that she noticed Keisha missing from her bed and doesn't mention Robert's whereabouts is very suspicious especially since there are 2 other young children in the home who require attention early in the morning, (fed, bathed, and dressed). IMO, Kristi should have known her daughter was missing way before 9 - 9:30 am. Unfortunately the other siblings are too young to tell police what happened.

There is nothing in the media reports to indicate whether Kristi and Robert were given Lie Detector Tests.

I wonder if the eye witness who believes she saw a girl fitting Kiesha's description being led away by a man on either Saturday or Sunday morning was able to provide an accurate description of the male. If she did, that would help alot.

Prayers for Kiesha.
'We're not just looking for a body but evidence'

Police remain open to the possibility that the girl's body might also be hidden at the reserve and yesterday said they were using the resources from both investigations to conduct a thorough search.

''We're not just looking for a body, we're also looking for evidence,'' one officer said. ''But it's pretty thick in there.''

They made a potential find early yesterday when what appeared to be a fairly new and recently used shovel was discovered well hidden under the end of a public boardwalk.

After it was discovered, a cadaver dog was brought in and officers were ordered to retrace their search.
He said that the area where the shovel was found would again be a focus for officers and a cadaver dog when the search resumed today.
I read through most of the media reports and couldn't find any information on where exactly the step dad was when Kristi discovered her child missing on Sunday morning. Robert Smith said he last saw Kiesha when they watched a movie, The Golden Compass, on Saturday night. I find it interesting that the family watched a movie titled "The Golden Compass" and the next morning, Keisha is reported missing. Was Robert not present when Kristi discovered Keisha missing and notified the authorities? Why won't Robert reveal where he was and what he was doing when Kristi discovered Kiesha "missing from her bed".

Can we obtain a copy of the police report which was recorded when Kristi called police to report her child missing? Most young children are up at the crack of dawn, and the fact Kristi said it was after 9 am that she noticed Keisha missing from her bed and doesn't mention Robert's whereabouts is very suspicious especially since there are 2 other young children in the home who require attention early in the morning, (fed, bathed, and dressed). IMO, Kristi should have known her daughter was missing way before 9 - 9:30 am. Unfortunately the other siblings are too young to tell police what happened.

There is nothing in the media reports to indicate whether Kristi and Robert were given Lie Detector Tests.

I wonder if the eye witness who believes she saw a girl fitting Kiesha's description being led away by a man on either Saturday or Sunday morning was able to provide an accurate description of the male. If she did, that would help alot.

Prayers for Kiesha.

I like the way you're thinking! But really , we don't get the same intense media focus here and we don't get to hear a lot of the investigative details . I'm not sure if we can get a copy of the missing persons report. I"ll contact the Mt Druitt police today to ask, and if it's available to the public, I'll get it.

I've been wondering about LDT's and if a judge may have believed there was probable cause to get a warrant to bug the new premises the parents were secreted away to...hoping so anyway.

I think the reason we haven't heard more about the original eyewitness you mentioned in your post, is because police do not believe the timeframe the parents are giving about seeing kiesha for the last time on the Sat night(jmo) ...but I'm sure they've looked into it anyway.

As for 'where the heck was Robert', I've checked all the opening hours of the local woolworths stores (where he worked) and most open between 7-9 am on the weekends. So he could have been at work, but then why wouldn't we have heard about it? He was pretty vocal about being considered a suspect by police.
But they've ALL been awfully quiet lately.

The problem with the similarities in these type of people, is they are not open to talking to police with any honesty at all. It's always a case of deny, deny, deny.They hate cops, and have been taught to disrespect, rather than respect them.

Meanwhile police are renewing their appeal for anyone who may have seen Kiesha Abrahams in the week before she disappeared to come forward.

Detective Inspector Oxford says a mannequin will be placed outside Mount Druitt Police Station to jog people's memory.

"It's now been a couple of weeks since she disappeared and I think it's important that we get a mannequin out there and with pyjamas and and the jacket she was wearing," he said.

Looks like they may have narrowed it down to 1 week.
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