GUILTY Australia - Kiesha Weippeart, 6, Mount Druitt, NSW, 18 July 2010 - #2

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Yeah, major BS on the book reading story.....(innocence, innocence) maybe they gave her a cup of warm milk with a cookie and tucked her into bed, read her a book from one of the many in her bookcase, said their prayers, and kissed her goodnight, but somehow I don't think so!

And I love that they said 'we have a variety of books she likes' why? because the reporter likely asked 'oh, what book did you read her' and they don't have a single book in mind because they never read books to those kids.

Good points. I wish we had a proper run down of the interview, such as, question then answer. If the Daily Telegraph paid for this interview, and I suspect they did, they could have done a much better job of putting it together.

I see all those little added details by Kristi, that don't make sense, as her padding out the story to make it seem that all was rosy in the Abrahams/Smith household - "Kiesha was happy, it was a normal night, I read to her and tucked her in", as if trying to convince the reader of what a good, normal, happy, healthy household they were.

To me Kristi is going through the motions and parroting back to the reader what a "normal" family would do and I don't believe for one moment this is what occurred on the night Kiesha allegedly went missing.
Throughout their six-week ordeal, the couple said they have had a "lump in their throat" waiting for news, but they try not to get worked up.

When a body was found in nearby Nurragingy Reserve, and there were rumours it may have been Kiesha, they didn't fear the worst. Nor did they when there was an apparent hoax report earlier this week of "small body parts" dumped in a duffel bag in southwest Sydney.

"The thought does cross your mind, like 'are you going to get a bad phone call?', but I try to block it out until I get all the facts, otherwise you'll go crazy," Mr Smith said.

Yeah great guys, your child goes missing and it gives you a 'lump in the throat', must be awful, my sympathies - really. And not really surprised they weren't concerned about the found remains since they know exactly where she is.

One could look at "they didn't fear the worst" two ways

1. they are grieving and want to hold on too all hope Kiesha is still alive
2. they know where she is so when bodies show up in a general area they know it's not her

the lump in their throats could be from fear of being caught and saying the wrong thing in the interview

IMO and putting it nicely:banghead:
Our Kiesha is alive and well, say mum and stepfather

HER daughter has been missing for six weeks, but Kristi Abrahams says she will get her Kiesha back alive.

In the first extensive media interview since the disappearance of the six-year-old Mt Druitt child, Ms Abrahams revealed her final moments with her daughter when she tucked her into bed one Saturday night.

Couple of interesting sections.....

'The next morning when she went to check on her eldest child, who slept alone in the modest two-bedroom unit, the sheets on her single bed were stripped, and the girl was gone. Pressed on details, Ms Abrahams becomes uncomfortable.

"I don't want to keep talking about this," she said.

Mr Smith picks up on his partner's unease at reflecting on her last precious moments with Kiesha, and takes over.

"Kristi rang the police ... everyone was out looking, all of us," he said.

Later that day, the couple packed up their other two children and left the Woodstock Ave unit block. They haven't returned.

"We had to go, it wasn't right being there, it was too hard," Mr Smith said.'


'When she talks about Kiesha, and the nightmare she's lived these past weeks, Ms Abrahams is tense. She is uncomfortable at times, she looks fed up.'

These two certainly know how to attract suspicion don't they. Every time they speak they just seal the deal. The extra detail about the bed being stripped is interesting. Wonder if this detail wasn't added in until the police questioned them about the strangeness of that. And yes, so Kiesha slept alone in the 2 bedroom unit, but everyone else slept together? Why? I'm thinking because Kiesha was being singled out by the family. Sad.

Last part of paragraph BBM-

See, my mind went to far worse places than Kiesha just being singled out within the family....especially with the bedding arrangements....and the mysterious money deposited to their acct.

Why does Kristi believe that Kiesha is alive? Does she have a hint as to who may have been in that bedroom with Kiesha? Or is she just in CYA mode?

BTW, thanks for the link. I was beginning to think there would be no more media attention on Kiesha.

This part of the article is curious:

The pair agreed to sit down with The Daily Telegraph after weeks of negotiations, saying they needed to tell their story, and to thank the public for keeping their hopes alive.

Wonder what kind of negotiation$?

ETA: I see darnudes was thinking along the same lines.
"Don't judge us unless you know what it's like," Ms Abrahams said.

"It's very hard. Unless you're going through it, you have no idea."

I guess it is hard for all of us to imagine. And yes, most of us haven't been through the same ordeal of having our child hospitialised for 3 days after a human bite inflicted to our 18 month old child, having our child removed from our care by DoCS, not sending our children to go to school, and isolating them so that nobody can help them.

True, I don't have any idea what that feels like.

After reading this article, maybe we were all too quick to rush to judgement.
With that big book collection and all, maybe you were a fabulous mum and just chose to home-school Kiesha. I bet she was reading at high-school level with your guidance.

And hey, why would we be concerned about kiesha sleeping in a room all by herself while the rest of you shared a room? I'm sure it was just because during the day that was her classroom, and by night, kiesha needed a quiet environment to study and sleep where she wouldn't be bothered by her siblings. How selfless of you!

Even though you say she loved school, you probably just thought that you would be able to provide a better education for her. Afterall, you're a waaaay better role model to your kids than those teachers could ever be!

And since little B was immaculately dressed for this interview- that you had weeks to prepare for- there's no way you could be considered a dead-beat mum. How could we have been so wrong about you? Glad you did this interview to set us straight.
{end sarcasm}
Everyone has their own theory on what has happened to Kiesha, but Ms Abrahams and Mr Smith won't buy into it. That's fruitless, they say.

"You can try to think over and over, could it be this, could it be that, what if. But I try not to think on it, there's no point," Mr Smith said.

WTH? There's no point? No point in trying to go over every possible scenario to try to figure out what happened to the child you saw as your own?

No point in thinking about or looking at the people in your life to see if they may have been involved?

There is a point in it FGS! Her name is KIESHA!

And you should be spending every second of every day going through the what if's to try to help the police find kiesha and get justice , and to seek punishment for whoever is responsible for her disappearance....unless of course you already know the answers!!

IMO- this is the most damning (and infuriating) statement in the entire article.

Kiesha = 'no point' to Rob and Kristi. That's probably how it always was for her.
She .Just .Didn't. Matter.

:banghead: :furious: :banghead: :furious: :banghead: :furious:

Yep Butwhatif, poor little Kiesha had a whole FIVE days to love school in 3/4 of a school year.
I bet that little girl loved school as it got her out of the house and away from that lousy family. There has got to be a reason they kept her from school, got to be. So the teachers wouldn't see signs of abuse, so Kiesha couldn't tell anyone what was going on?

I have never in my life heard of parents in a two bedroom home putting one child in one bedroom and then the two parents, a younger sibling and a newborn in the other room. This does not make sense on any level.

This article today has stirred up some powerful emotions. Please, please, please the police need to put an end to this travesty and arrest whomever they believe is responsible.
Picture from the daily telegraph homepage....


Look! Photo proof that they were a happy family until Kiesha went missing. :rolleyes: Wonder why they chose one from when Kiesha looks so much younger?

Kristi looks so much 'softer' and prettier in the old pic.

I wonder if she really did clean up her act for a while after the bite incident, then things went downhill again?

Hard to believe it's the same person. But I've done and article and pic with a paper, and I know how it goes. "Now look out in that direction with a sad and frustrated look"....

Rob and Kristi interview: Best work of fiction i've read in ages. When I squint really hard, sure I can see Kristi's resemblance to Mary Poppins. Can't wait for the next installment of practically perfect parenting fairytales. My, aren't some people becoming overly confident that the police have got nothing. :banghead:
The journo who did the interview either stuffed up, or let their feelings show in a very discreet way:

The next morning when she went to check on her eldest child, who slept alone in the modest two-bedroom unit, the sheets on her single bed were stripped, and the girl was gone. Pressed on details, Ms Abrahams becomes uncomfortable.

"I don't want to keep talking about this," she said.

Mr Smith picks up on his partner's unease at reflecting on her last precious moments with Kiesha, and takes over.

Uhm, wasn't kiesha supposed to be missing by this stage? Shouldn't it read: 'Mr Smith picks up on his partners unease at reflecting on the moment she realised her daughter was missing?'

Unless of course the journo was pressing for details about the night before...but still.....:waitasec:
For a very carefully written article that's an epic fail, IMO.
I'm not going to psychologically break down and analyze this interview... because really I just don't have the energy.

I will just point out a couple of other cases.

Casey Anthony wasn't concerned when there was possible bodies found.

However, when they actually found Caylee's body... she reacted immediately.

Scott Peterson
often looked out on the bay where he had put his wife and son.

When they found the bodies he took off, long before an ID was made.

Drew Peterson was never concerned when a body was found...

He always knew it wasn't Stacy.

Josh Powell has never been concerned when a body has been found

He knew it wasn't Susan.

Many families of missing people maintain hope until the very end...yet still are on that roller coaster with bodies being found. People who are in such strong denial that they are not affected by a body being found...are pretty uncommon.

Denial is generally there because of emotion. In denial and being very emotional is not uncommon, the lack of emotion in denial is abnormal.

Look at Desiree Young and Kaine Horman. Many think they are in denial.

Many thought the same about Elizabeth Smart's family and Jaycee Dugard's family, both emotional as well as adamant their girl's were alive. They were right.

Either way...if Desiree and Kaine are in denial, they are in denial because they love their son. That is obvious. They just show their emotions in slightly different ways.

Kristi and Rob are just blank...they don't show it at all. That is what is abnormal here. The total lack of emotion...reminds one of Susan Smith.

IF they are in denial it is because of the possible consequences to THEM for whatever happened to Kiesha. :twocents:
The journo who did the interview either stuffed up, or let their feelings show in a very discreet way:

Uhm, wasn't kiesha supposed to be missing by this stage? Shouldn't it read: 'Mr Smith picks up on his partners unease at reflecting on the moment she realised her daughter was missing?'

Unless of course the journo was pressing for details about the night before...but still.....:waitasec:
For a very carefully written article that's an epic fail, IMO.

I can understand why you might think that BWI, it is probably the former, how we are taught to write isn't foolproof when it makes it to print off the back end of this type of interview. In this case the story is Rob and Kristi say they will get Kiesha back alive and well, all quotes stay close to the subject and the language outside of the quotes is changed to fit that angle, then its got to also remain in active voice and no greater than 35 words per sentence typically... taking those things into account is merely the beginning, suffice to say the end result can sometimes confuse the reader or infer something it wasn't mean't to.
Just found this page from the ABC called beating the odds. Don't have time to look at / watch it all now, but looks really interesting.


I just wanted to drop in again to say a sincere thank you for pointing this program out. I went and watched it this morning - the short film 'Polly and Me' was absolutely heartwrenching. I sat and sobbed for a good while, before realising I had to do something (no matter how small) to contribute to the fight against child abuse.

I have had my eye on a particular foundation for a few months now, after hearing a talk given by the organisations founder. True to form however, I haven't actually done anything about joining. However after watching 'Polly and Me' I have taken the concrete steps of joining as a member and registering to be a volunteer for the organisation. I am waiting for my membership pack to arrive in the mail now :)

So thanks again for pointing it out. As a result of your simple action (a post on a forum), an important foundation now has one more person to fight for such a worthy cause... the kids.

PS - please, noone take this the wrong way. This is NOT a post trying to show everyone 'how good I am'. Soooo not my intentions!
I agree that Kristi looks so much softer in the little picture of the three of them....she looks really hard in the main picture.....really does look like two different people doesnt it......and I think the redback spider tattoo on her neck has been obtained since the first photo.....

One thing, has it been confirmed that there was a party at the unit on the night before she went missing??? I know it has been mentioned here before but if it is true re the party, makes her statement look a bit silly....

also yes, like most of you, I think it totally odd that she slept in a room by means even when mum was pregnant the other little girl slept in the room with them......
Peter Hyatt (many thanks to him) has done a statement analysis of the latest interview done by Abrahams and Smith.

You can read it here:

sorry not able to link but google "Statement Analysis blogspot" and it will be the first result.

As we surmised, Peter states that it was a poorly conducted interview with few quotes. Peter has asked for more links to interviews with direct quotes from the family and he will do a further analysis.
I haven't been actively involved in this thread, but I have to say....what kind of parent moves out of their house the day their child goes missing???? WTH?? What if your child found their way home, to the place they know, and where they will be welcomed into your loving arms? [cough, cough]

This case just breaks my heart. :cry:

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