Australia - Martin Place siege: 2 Hostages killed in Lindt Chocolate shop, Dec 2014 - #2

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Katrina and Tori have been returned to their families. Funerals expected before Xmas. :(

Also, CCTV has been released of the gunman pacing around in Martin Place at 8:30am that morning ... a good hour or so before the siege began.

Ch 7 News
Hard to even fathom the senseless, needless loss.

Surely some goodness can come of this, some changes and some accountability.
Hard to even fathom the senseless, needless loss.

Surely some goodness can come of this, some changes and some accountability.

Well, we can only hope. Our legal system has clocked up a massive string of monument errors, and there's been calls for reform of the bail and parole systems for years on end now, due to the alarming number of murders and other crimes committed by people who simply should never have been allowed to roam free. I won't speak to policies regarding terrorism, as I'm not familiar enough with their particular set of failings. But if we're going by this one case -- it has some serious issues, too.

I thinks it's a miserable state of affairs that our Prime Minister's in the media, whining about how this could have happened -- he could not possibly be unaware of the problems the legal system is mired in, nor the neverending frustration of police who knock their asses out catching criminals, only to be forced to catch them again for a different crime, rinse, repeat.

Perhaps this terrible event has opened enough cans of internationally embarassing worms, that the well rusted wheels of change might start turning.

But you know -- I have little faith they will, in any immediately effective way. :(
Keeping these morons in jail when they commit dozens of sexual assaults would be a good start. Our bail and sentencing laws are pathetic! Truly .. repeat dangerous child sex offenders get a max of 6 years!!!

Guns laws may be tightened. Lots of debate about that going on. As this commenter said .. ‘But in its attitude to guns, the US is hardly a paragon worth emulating here’ .. which is the general feeling of the majority of Aussies. It may work for the US, but we like our (mostly) gun-less society and have no desire to change that. Our cultures are very different in that regard.

And keeping a close watch on these radical, political, unstable people is very necessary … especially when they have been involved in the murder and burning of their ex-wife. That is no time for them to drop off the watch list. Something has to be done about the communication between the various agencies.
Thomas had been with Tori for 14 years.

“Tori loves flowers and this is probably the most beautiful,” he said.
“I’m sure he can see it.”

“I think it’s amazing that he has been able to make our city smell like flowers. I think there is no more beautiful thing that he could have imagined,” he said.

“We cannot undo the events of December 16, but it has made our diverse community even stronger and even more unified,” he said.


Photo of sweet note from one of Katrina's children at link, too. Heartbreaking. :cry:

SYDNEY’S chief Islamic *funeral director yesterday declared no Muslim funeral home would accept the body of terrorist Man Haron Monis and authorities should just dump his corpse at sea or “chuck him in the bloody shithouse”.

YES! I love this and I'm sitting in a cafe chuckling to myself over what a total loser he was!

One thing I would like to add is that I've been thinking about his two young children since this happened and I just hope their mothers family have a huge support system in place, now and into the future. What an absolute nightmare for them ��
YES! I love this and I'm sitting in a cafe chuckling to myself over what a total loser he was!

One thing I would like to add is that I've been thinking about his two young children since this happened and I just hope their mothers family have a huge support system in place, now and into the future. What an absolute nightmare for them ��

Are his two sons in Canada with family?
Tony Abbott asks in this video:
1. Why did Monis get permanent residency in Australia?
2. Why did he get benefits all these years?
3. Why wasn't his gun licence checked?
3. Despite his record of violence, why was he out on bail?
4. Why wasn't he on a watch list?
5. Did Police make the right call in refraining from using a sniper to kill him?
6. Did police, security and immigration agencies adequately monitor Monis and properly co-ordinate their response as the picture of a troubled and dangerous man emerged?

Abbott said that lessons have to be learned and new strategies put in place to prevent this sort of thing ever happening again. This is incredulous!

Scipione was adamant police did all they could to stop Monis being released on bail as they were concerned that Monis got bail from the very beginning when police charged Monis with more than 30 sexual and indecent assault charges in October. But prosecutors did not seek a review of his bail despite his being charged with a dozen similar offences and was accused of being an accessory to the murder of his ex wife.

Mr Abbott said there had been "incredulity" within his government on learning the extent of Monis' criminal background. We need to know how someone with such a long record of violence, such a long record of mental instability, was out on bail after his involvement in a particularly horrific crime.

However, a NSW Police Force statement said the Department of Public Prosecutions was of the belief in October that Monis would be released regardless of an attempt to revoke his bail. On two previous occasions, NSW Police had refused bail to Monis but bail was subsequently granted by the court. While police continued to hold the view the offender should not be released on bail, as indicated in the Fact Sheet, the DPP held the contrary view that in light of the court's previous position, bail would not be opposed.

Scipione said Monis might not have been granted bail had he been on a terror watch list – a federal responsibility. We work on a priority-based system. If somebody is on a national security watch list, then we pay particular attention to them, but on this occasion Monis was not on that list despite court documents showing that Monis claimed in 2011 that he had previously held a gun licence but that it had "expired many years ago".

Mr Abbott confirmed that Monis had been on an ASIO "watch list" in 2008/2009 but the security agency had ended their surveillance of him. He also left open the possibility of giving ASIO and law enforcement agencies more money and powers to monitor people deemed a risk, though he stressed the government had already allocated an extra $630 million to these agencies in August.

Another question to add to the list is how Monis was given free legal aid to defend himself last Friday in the High Court?
Another question to add to the list is how Monis was given free legal aid to defend himself last Friday in the High Court?

Probably as simple as passing the means test - :shame:

Although words cannot describe the events of the last few days and the feelings that I have towards the survivors and victims of the Martin Place siege, there are a few things I would like to say.

Katrina Dawson was the most wonderful person I have ever met. She was my closest friend, a role model and confidant. Her bravery and strength was, and continues to be, a comfort and inspiration for me. She invested every moment of her life in her friends and family, and will be greatly missed by everyone who has known her. My thoughts and sympathy are with her family, whom I have come to know and love.

I would like to pay tribute to Tori Johnson. Although our acquaintance was forged under the worst imaginable circumstnaces, I feel privileged to have known you and I will always remember you as a kind, considerate, level-headed and courageous person. It was clear to me how much you loved your family, and how much compassion you had for everyone you met. I am grateful that you were with my throughout our ordeal.

To the other hostages, thank you for the support and consideration that you gave me throughout our time together. I will always be grateful to you.

Thank you to the police, ambulance staff and health professionals at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, who helped us throughout 15 and 16 December and afterwards.

It is difficult to be positive at a time like this, but there are two things which provide comfort to me. The first is the overwhelming display of public support for everyone involved in this crisis, including me. My own visit to the Memorial at Martin Place gave me a strength for the coming weeks which I thought that I might not have, as have the messages and kindnesses that have been sent to me by everyone I know and many I don't. It is good to know that none of us is alone.

Finally, my husband and I have been told that our unborn baby is healthy and unharmed by this crisis. If all goes well, and there is no reason to think that it won't, we will give birth to a precious baby in a few months. Although it is an emotional time, we are trying to keep ourselves healthy so that can occur.

I thank members of the media for their respect of our privacy in this difficult time, and ask that you continue to do so.

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I really feel for Julie, she lost her bestfriend , who was reported to be protecting her when killed.........

SYDNEY’S chief Islamic *funeral director yesterday declared no Muslim funeral home would accept the body of terrorist Man Haron Monis and authorities should just dump his corpse at sea or “chuck him in the bloody shithouse”.

So according to that link, his next-of-kin is the wife Amirah Droudis. If she doesn't claim him, he'll get a destitute funeral. Wonder what she'll do? If she claims him, I reckon she could manage to find someone to quietly give him a holy burial. I have no problem with that btw. In any case, I think he'll get an unmarked grave and that seems fitting.

One thing that makes me so sad about all this is the absolute futility and pointlessness of it all. He was a pathetic and violent man, and died a pathetic and violent death. He failed at everything. He'll be remembered as the idiot who couldn't even bring the right flag to stage his 'scary terrorist' show. He failed to inflict fear across the country. He got attention, but even before he was dead I think most people could see was a lone nutcase with a gun. When that was apparent, no one cared what his political or religious agenda was. And two people died, families are devastated, and 16 are traumatised for all that? So he could fail in such a spectacular way? Not that these things ever make sense, but something about this one is extra absurd. I dunno, I'm not even angry today. Just shaking my head at what a senseless destruction of people's lives it is for one pathetic man to die a pathetic death.

woman crying. Bet it's not for the victims of her hubby. Chuck her in the sea as well, IMO. Be rid of both of 'em.

On a positive note, I feel this tragedy has actually helped bring the Muslims and non-Muslims of this country closer together, speaking generally. Ofc, there will always be those fools who'll hate anyone not their own kind, on both sides... but SO many people reaching out to each other, to offer support... I truly hope that greater understanding of each other comes of it. I found this all very heartening.
I agree that this has helped bring muslims and non-muslims together. It seems to have helped with putting differences aside and realising what we have in common. I hope that continues.

Hmmm...the wife. She'll probably say she was brainwashed by the "evil terrorist", convert to another religion in prison, do five years and be out with a new identity. Whatever. She must be a pretty miserable human being. The sooner she's forgotten about, the better.
I totally agree that it's bought us closer together and was talking to hubby about this today :happydance::happydance::happydance:

The would've hated that :laughing:

woman crying. Bet it's not for the victims of her hubby. Chuck her in the sea as well, IMO. Be rid of both of 'em.

On a positive note, I feel this tragedy has actually helped bring the Muslims and non-Muslims of this country closer together, speaking generally. .

Christians and non-Christians.
I need a little more time to heal. I will, eventually. I think I'm in shock. I've been to Martin Place and smelled the beautiful perfume through the city and had mixed emotions.
Don't crucify me for my honesty.
Christians and non-Christians.
I need a little more time to heal. I will, eventually. I think I'm in shock. I've been to Martin Place and smelled the beautiful perfume through the city and had mixed emotions.
Don't crucify me for my honesty.

Yes, everyone goes at their own pace and arrives at their own conclusions. :hug: TGY. I'll express my thoughts, and you will express yours, and we will have some different opinions and that's ok. But crucify you? Nah! I do know you and me are both just as horrified at what happened. I may not agree with everything you say (and vice versa) but I'm happy to listen to you:)
Christians and non-Christians.
I need a little more time to heal. I will, eventually. I think I'm in shock. I've been to Martin Place and smelled the beautiful perfume through the city and had mixed emotions.
Don't crucify me for my honesty.

No, I said "Muslims and non-Muslims", for a reason.. which is too much blah to explain at this hour of morning but the essence is...

What decent human beings all have in common -- whether Christian, Muslim or whatever -- is that they are all decent. And no decent person would ever support an act of atrocity. Perhaps that sea of flowers can remind us not only of the victims lost to that madman, but also that we Aussies, from all walks of life, are mostly decent people.

And what BB said. :heart:

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