GUILTY Australia - Morgan Huxley, 31, stabbed to death, Neutral Bay, NSW, 8 Sept 2013 #2

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the book is symbolic to where his brain is at well at least he likes reading he wont get bored in jail
Police believe Kelsall followed Mr Huxley home, after meeting at a local pub in Neutral Bay, in the hope of having 01sex.

Mr Huxley, a renowned "ladies man", was seen on CCTV footage walking barefoot from The Oaks Hotel down a busy street towards his home about 1.30am, with Kelsall seen following in the same direction seconds later.

The accused man's distraught mother, Lynne Kelsall, learned from police that her son and Mr Huxley, a marine construction company owner, had been involved in sexual activity in the lead up to the alleged murder.
sorry... Maybe I should know this... But...

Is "01sex" a typo?...

Or is it a known term? (That I don't know)

Clue- I think it's a typo... Unless we are both missing something..

Does anyone else think the fact they slipped in that Morgan frequented that shop with a girl as a little clue to something? I have a feeling there's a third party.. A girl who has sent DJK to 'sus' MH out, waited for something to happen/kept a look out.. Would explain how his housemate only 'just' missed him.. I really don't think the housemate was involved in the least. Was MH involved with any of the Kelsall family?

Otherwise why would they mention the girl? It's like they're saying "we know you have been around him, we're onto you'.

I don't know, I'm trying to think irrationally to get into the killers head, and it's just sounding crazy, but we are not dealing with a sane person here.

Also if he was acting out a fantasy, perhaps he is so delusional he doesn't comprehend the trouble he's in, hence the book.. The book has to have something to do with it..

My boyfriend really wants me to stop being so involved in these things because I get so upset (Jill Meagher still haunts me :(), but I can't help it! Anyone else have a partner who doesn't get the obsession?!
sorry... Maybe I should know this... But...

Is "01sex" a typo?...

Or is it a known term? (That I don't know)


Yes it's a typo from the article .. I didn't correct it because it's a direct quote :)
finger typing on iphone makes things a little awkward im not really fussed about my grammer or punctuation at this time of the evening

I use an iPhone too. A quick tip is that you double tap the space bar to insert a full stop.
Clue- I think it's a typo... Unless we are both missing something..

Does anyone else think the fact they slipped in that Morgan frequented that shop with a girl as a little clue to something? I have a feeling there's a third party.. A girl who has sent DJK to 'sus' MH out, waited for something to happen/kept a look out.. Would explain how his housemate only 'just' missed him.. I really don't think the housemate was involved in the least. Was MH involved with any of the Kelsall family?

Otherwise why would they mention the girl? It's like they're saying "we know you have been around him, we're onto you'.

I don't know, I'm trying to think irrationally to get into the killers head, and it's just sounding crazy, but we are not dealing with a sane person here.

Also if he was acting out a fantasy, perhaps he is so delusional he doesn't comprehend the trouble he's in, hence the book.. The book has to have something to do with it..

My boyfriend really wants me to stop being so involved in these things because I get so upset (Jill Meagher still haunts me :(), but I can't help it! Anyone else have a partner who doesn't get the obsession?!

Hi everyone! :seeya: I've been a lurker from the beginning - you've all had such fantastic insights that I felt I didn't have anything to add. But now I'm jumping in!

Firstly, Jmbr I too have a partner who doesn't get the obsession. That's why this forum is so fantastic for us!! He's a little creeped out by my interest in all things forensic.

And I agree that the police seem to be dropping subtle clues re the possible involvement of a woman. Early on after the arrest, one of the newspaper reports quoted the police as saying they are looking into the possible involvement of a female (but I think that's now been amended and removed - hard to keep track as they just update the same web article). Does anyone remember that? I suspect they know something more than what they're saying (as has obviously been the case all along!).
Someone upthread asked an interesting question - to the effect of 'If he was such a nice kid, what happened? Weren't there any signs?"

If you look at how people describe him - it all comes across very passive, the way he's described - quiet, loner, vegetarian, bookish, nice, polite...

He reminds me of a kid I hung with in my late teens. Same deal, kind of finicky and quiet and nice... not really 'one of the boys' but part of the group, though he never shared much about himself (and this is, I find, typical of the 'quiet sociopath'). One weekend all our friends got together in a college dorm, there was drinking and heavy metal, lots of laughs. All the other guys went off to do some guy things involving minor explosives and not a lot of good sense... Well, this nerdy feller and I weren't in that mood, so we hung back in the dorm rooms.

We were just talking, chilling - and suddenly he got very quiet and kind of peered at me weirdly. Then he opens his mouth and out comes, in this very quiet and matter of fact voice, the most appalling stream of vicious, accusatory, hateful words. No warning at all, no build-up, nothing. I sat there with my mouth open, unable to believe that THIS guy was saying THESE things to ME (I was a cool kid, popular with the metal geek crowd, bit of a tomboy, I had no enemies there at all).

Not only did this upset me terribly, it scared the hell out of me. The other guys returned (thank god) and I was in tears, and here's this nerdy guy suddenly laughing, "Awh c'mon, I was just messing with you". Like nothing happened.

He acted all offended when the other guys didn't buy it, and got mad at him for saying what he did. And while he was outwardly nice to me after that and I never saw that side of him again in an obvious way, I somehow always had the feeling he was mentally dismembering me with an axe.

He's so up there on my list of people who would not surprise me one bit if they turned out to be serial killers.

Having studied psych, I've spent a little time over the years analysing that situation and I won't bore you with my various findings... except to say that I clearly, in my goofy and gormless way back then, had crossed some of sort of line within him, to the point where he couldn't hold back his contempt any longer.

And that, I have concluded, was the base note emotion of what was going on - resentment, and contempt.

Anyway (I say, finally getting to my long-winded point) - I'm curious as to whether anyone else has come across this sort of person - the 'quiet sociopath'. As I honestly think DJK probably is one... we might get some insights. And I'm nosy like that. :seeya:
This kid reminds me of Martin Bryant.

That "quiet boy" went on to massacre 31 people in just minutes.

Their fantasy life is so rich that ordinary folks just can't foresee their crimes.
Hi everyone! :seeya: I've been a lurker from the beginning - you've all had such fantastic insights that I felt I didn't have anything to add. But now I'm jumping in!

Firstly, Jmbr I too have a partner who doesn't get the obsession. That's why this forum is so fantastic for us!! He's a little creeped out by my interest in all things forensic.

And I agree that the police seem to be dropping subtle clues re the possible involvement of a woman. Early on after the arrest, one of the newspaper reports quoted the police as saying they are looking into the possible involvement of a female (but I think that's now been amended and removed - hard to keep track as they just update the same web article). Does anyone remember that? I suspect they know something more than what they're saying (as has obviously been the case all along!).


I am very much looking forward to court next week, we'll likely find out a little more then .. it will be interesting to see what happened between them leading up to the murder. Such a strange case.
Hi everyone! :seeya: I've been a lurker from the beginning - you've all had such fantastic insights that I felt I didn't have anything to add. But now I'm jumping in!

Firstly, Jmbr I too have a partner who doesn't get the obsession. That's why this forum is so fantastic for us!! He's a little creeped out by my interest in all things forensic.

And I agree that the police seem to be dropping subtle clues re the possible involvement of a woman. Early on after the arrest, one of the newspaper reports quoted the police as saying they are looking into the possible involvement of a female (but I think that's now been amended and removed - hard to keep track as they just update the same web article). Does anyone remember that? I suspect they know something more than what they're saying (as has obviously been the case all along!).

Welcome Isisrising!! :wagon:
Firstly, this is not judgement on anyone's comments at all - as the same thoughts sprang into my mind as soon as I saw who was arrested.

So, I'm a Clinical Psychologist who specialised in working with adolescents (until I had children and went into private practice) - and I've just got to say that all of the judgements about DJK being 'nerdy', 'weedy', 'geeky' are very telling. It's what would have happened for him his whole life, I suspect. And it definitely would have worn him down. (combined with other stuff, I'm sure - this doesn't erupt out of nowhere!)

Even the way he has been compared unfavourably to MH, would have been familiar to him. He is just so far from the 'popular' guy that MH seems to represent. It's these kids, as we saw in Columbine, who just build and build rage inside and then explode.

Just my thoughts :twocents:
Firstly, this is not judgement on anyone's comments at all - as the same thoughts sprang into my mind as soon as I saw who was arrested.

So, I'm a Clinical Psychologist who specialised in working with adolescents (until I had children and went into private practice) - and I've just got to say that all of the judgements about DJK being 'nerdy', 'weedy', 'geeky' are very telling. It's what would have happened for him his whole life, I suspect. And it definitely would have worn him down. (combined with other stuff, I'm sure - this doesn't erupt out of nowhere!)

Even the way he has been compared unfavourably to MH, would have been familiar to him. He is just so far from the 'popular' guy that MH seems to represent. It's these kids, as we saw in Columbine, who just build and build rage inside and then explode.

Just my thoughts :twocents:


Add in sexual attraction/frustration, and you've got a powder keg just waiting to explode.

This guy's fantasy world probably had Morgan embracing him with open arms, the two of them curled up together with turtle doves and butterflies and true love.

Imagine how he reacted when Morgan told him to eff off.
This kid reminds me of Martin Bryant.

That "quiet boy" went on to massacre 31 people in just minutes.

Their fantasy life is so rich that ordinary folks just can't foresee their crimes.

Thing about Martin Bryant, though, is that right away there were people saying, "Oh, I'm not really that surprised, he was kind of weird..". We haven't heard anything like that -- yet -- about DJK. Just small impressions from people who didn't know him well, but all the same, not the same sort of comments all round.

I think Bryant was a bit more obviously messed up, iykwim.
I had a weird experience at art school now that you say that Ausgirl, same kind of guy .. quiet, nerdy etc .. then one day we were in a studio and arm wrestling, and suddenly he's grabbed me and dragged me over into the service lift, I managed to get away, but was wary of him after that and avoided being alone with him. A few weeks later he and two of my friends and I went camping, I left early because we were all so broke we couldn't even eat (Dad, come and get me!!), but my friend stayed on, she ended up alone with him for a few seconds one night when her boyfriend was off getting supplies, and he attacked her, he said ants were crawling up her leg and started tracing up her thighs and before she knew it he was right on top of her .. she managed to wriggle free too. The boyfriend accused both of us of ganging up on him, and refused to believe either incidents had happened, because he seemed so incredibly harmless.
Could still be a possibility that MH & DK did not have sex together, that night.

MH could have befriended DK for various reasons ( besides sex) MH, lived a pretty full on social life, as described he was friends with everyone, nice bloke, etc. This kind of life also comes with alot of pressure.

MH could have befriended DK, in some weird way, he could have felt comfortable to talk to him, be himself, he could have used him for some kind of vent. DK being a loner, might have felt special, he could have read alot more into the relationship,

DK could have killed because he was jealous, he could have felt betrayed, he might have thought that they would be an item, DK is young & perhaps impressionable.

For all we know, MH could have been helping DK financially - a young person when given attention by someone older can take this the wrong way by seeing more into it than what was really there.

The multiple stabbing doesn't seem as if he just wanted him dead, he wanted to inflict pain.
Morning everyone! I've missed so much - have been flat out this week.

Am still shell-shocked over the arrest.

Interesting comments about his psyche. I am really curious to know more.

Just jumping off some of the posts that mentioned how others see him and how he saw himself. A lot of 'nerdy, quiet' types are very ok with that label, because they have surrounded themselves (in the real world and/or online world) with similar people who empathise with them - they feel they are accepted for who they are. People who can't accept certain traits in themselves may often try to mix with others who don't get these traits - like the nerdy guy trying to run with the cool crowd (sorry, this sounds really stereotypical, but helps to explain my point). They don't get positive reinforcement for who they are, every day may be a struggle to fit in, they fight against the traits they don't like in themselves and that they perceive others don't like in them. This can create a lot of angst.

I wonder if this has happened to him? Taking the MSM reports at face value, he was trying to create a persona that wasn't real. Was this just delusional, was it part of a stalking attempt, or was it just to try and fit in and change who he was, even if only in fantasy?

I guess there's not enough available yet to really know if he suffers from some sort of mental illness, personality disorder, or worse. The family haven't mentioned yet if there is a history of psychiatric care, difficulties at school, etc but I wonder if this will come out.
For all we know MH just invited DJK in because he felt sorry for him and thought 'why not just have a few beers with this guy' and things went haywire from there.
Hi everyone! :seeya: I've been a lurker from the beginning - you've all had such fantastic insights that I felt I didn't have anything to add. But now I'm jumping in!

Firstly, Jmbr I too have a partner who doesn't get the obsession. That's why this forum is so fantastic for us!! He's a little creeped out by my interest in all things forensic.

And I agree that the police seem to be dropping subtle clues re the possible involvement of a woman. Early on after the arrest, one of the newspaper reports quoted the police as saying they are looking into the possible involvement of a female (but I think that's now been amended and removed - hard to keep track as they just update the same web article). Does anyone remember that? I suspect they know something more than what they're saying (as has obviously been the case all along!).

Hi and welcome! Happy to know I'm not the only one with a confused partner!

Yes they were definitely onto a girl at the start, but maybe they were leading us, and him, astray.. The more I think about cases the more I see that police drop hints along the way.. We will all look back in a few months and go "ohhhh yeah!".
For all we know MH just invited DJK in because he felt sorry for him and thought 'why not just have a few beers with this guy' and things went haywire from there.

That's what I wonder.. And it's so heart breaking :(
Firstly, this is not judgement on anyone's comments at all - as the same thoughts sprang into my mind as soon as I saw who was arrested.

So, I'm a Clinical Psychologist who specialised in working with adolescents (until I had children and went into private practice) - and I've just got to say that all of the judgements about DJK being 'nerdy', 'weedy', 'geeky' are very telling. It's what would have happened for him his whole life, I suspect. And it definitely would have worn him down. (combined with other stuff, I'm sure - this doesn't erupt out of nowhere!)

Even the way he has been compared unfavourably to MH, would have been familiar to him. He is just so far from the 'popular' guy that MH seems to represent. It's these kids, as we saw in Columbine, who just build and build rage inside and then explode.

Just my thoughts :twocents:

While I agree with pretty much all your observation there, Isis, I think those words 'geeky', 'nerdy' etc., hold quite different connotations these days - in that being geeky is the new cool, and really something to proudly identify with as a subculture rather than terms of insult.

Well, in my crowd these days it is, ahaha, so no disrespect is meant by them here. If I use those terms by way of comparison, I'm speaking to possible self-perceptions rather than personal judgement, or as a subculture identifier.

But I see what you're saying, and tend to agree. Some kids are just not able to be a duck's back of water when it comes to others' perceptions, accurate or surmised.

- Aus (proud geek) :B
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