GUILTY Australia - Morgan Huxley, 31, stabbed to death, Neutral Bay, NSW, 8 Sept 2013 #3

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Yes, I agree ... rejection. Didn't want to be his friend, didn't want to be seen with him. However IMO money could be tied up in that rejection too - 'if you're not going to be my friend, then I'll take money for my companionship tonight'.
Excellent post SheepMan, thank you. My thoughts on the points you've raised are below in blue text.

Wow - I don't check WS for 4 days and it takes me the next 2 days to read all of the 43 pages of discussion that I have missed! You guys are busy sleuthers!!!

As few points in random order that I thought as I read through the 43 page novel....

- DJK being a liar was based on lying about work, which turned out to be the truth. I don't believe the owners story about the police otherwise he wouldn't have said anything, denying he worked there is still talking about him. I think it's my original explanation in that he was a cash in hand employee and the boss was worried about the authorities

Yes, it was more the point that the owner's story was in fact a lie and I do believe that DJK was a cash in hand employee, not a contractor as the owner has stated. Some arse covering going on there!




- I disagree that DJK couldn't over power MH. To me MH looked a bit out of shape in some photo's and DJK at 77kg is well within a healthy BMI for his height.

I agree. It would have been the element of surprise that DJK had on his side. MH didn't see it coming and was incapacited from the first knife blow to the neck. DJK continued to stab until the rage subsided somewhat, grabbed MH's wallet (or the cash at least) and bolted. I don't believe that this was a pre-meditated murder.

- 20 pages back a lot was made of the beautiful girls and many cars that MH has. I don't remember seeing any evidence he even owned 1 car, just that he is into cars and had a lambo at the funeral (hired I would imagine). The girls we have seen are pretty normal looking girls in my opinion, especially if you take out the one photo shopped model shot. Not that being surrounded by, or being friends with, beautiful girls means you're either straight or gay.

I was only thinking about this today. The pics of the girls we've seen who were associated with MH were not glamorous IMO. They looked like ordinary, healthy attractive women but certainly not glamorous. I also agree about the cars, or lack of. I doubt that MH even owned a flash boat. He worked around the harbour constructing pontoons etc. He may have just had a tinnie for that.

- I agree with the comments that JR was probably home and/or got home at a similar time to DJK leaving and LE told MSM to say she was awoken so that he didn't feel threatened that she might have seen him

Good point. I also wonder if DJK told police that he saw a girl entering MH's unit, to cast suspicion on her. Basically saying that yes, he was with MH in his unit but didn't kill him, so the killer must have been the girl who he saw. I don't think he saw JR at all. He was padding out his story with details he'd read in MSM.

- I don't think LE had a clue about who had done it until DJK called them, saying they interviewed and flagged for follow up, is just their way of covering their backs

Yep, absolutely.

- As in all murder cases I see absolutely no relevance of DJK mental state. I believe everyone who kills has something not quite right so to me it's irrelevant and they should get the same prison sentence as they deserve (not special hospital treatment)

Agreed but prison these days is apparently geared more towards rehabilition than for punishment. Locking DJK away with hardened criminals is not going to help him in any way, shape of form if he is in fact suffering from a mental illness. As yet, that has not been established.

Just wanted to add that I do not think that MH was homosexual even though he may have had a sexual encounter with DJK.

All MOO and thanks again for the great work over the past few days
Please make sure you all read & take note of the following. If you continue to discuss this your posts will be removed.

There'll be no discussion/speculation about whether Morgan consented to sex with the accused/invited the accused back for sex/whether he had homosexual tendencies/whether drugs were involved.

There is nothing in media to indicate the above. Please stick to the facts of the case as we know them via media.
Fairfax Media reported on Tuesday that just hours after Mr Huxley was stabbed to death, Mr Kelsall returned to work and told colleagues he was shocked and "scared to walk home".

Read more:

^ There's one outright lie. So DJK isn't totally incapable of BS....

Or maybe he does speak the truth - just how and when it helps him out, eh.

If it were me, I may be a little scared that someone was going to beat the living daylights out of me while I was walking home - if I thought/imagined that anyone knew that I was the last one to be seen with a murdered man and suspected I had something to do with it. I wonder if DJK thought JR, or an upstairs neighbour who reportedly heard noises, could have seen him and told others?

However, I think DJK would for sure have lied to police in their initial questioning of him, weeks before his phone call to them, or at least omitted details of the full story.
Please make sure you all read & take note of the following. If you continue to discuss this your posts will be removed.

There'll be no discussion/speculation about whether Morgan consented to sex with the accused/invited the accused back for sex/whether he had homosexual tendencies/whether drugs were involved.

There is nothing in media to indicate the above. Please stick to the facts of the case as we know them via media.

Thanks Marly. Police stated via MSM that they believed it may have been a booty call gone wrong. Now I must admit that I'd never heard of this term before, so does booty call mean that it is a hook-up with a female only? :waitasec:
Thanks Marly. Police stated via MSM that they believed it may have been a booty call gone wrong. Now I must admit that I'd never heard of this term before, so does booty call mean that it is a hook-up with a female only? :waitasec:

Back when the report about the booty call was released on Sept 21, the focus of the investigation appeared to be centred around females or the 14 girlfriends.

As we now know, MH had called females on the night he was murdered so we'll presume they were meaning a booty call to a female...until or unless we hear different from police.


September 21, 2013

Homicide detectives are now looking at whether the murder was a "booty call" - a pre-arranged, late-night sex date with an acquaintance - that went wrong

"It could be he took the wrong girl home, we don't know," a police source said. "We are just waiting to get all the forensic material back, then we will know exactly what has occurred
We have the murder of Kylie Blackwood in her own home, down here in Vic presently... talk about not feeling safe... I really hear ya, there, Crazy World. Oh, and :welcome: to WS!

dcohenist - I dunno, maybe we move in way different circles or something, but up until my early 30's (then I became a mum and everything changed!! LOL!) I was still out partying a couple nights a week, and my partner and I would for sure invite people over from the pub after closing, etc, mainly if we knew them to look at -- it gives a false sense of security, that. So I can't discount it, you know? Some folks are just that friendly, especially after a few pints. And especially if they feel at home and safe in their neighbourhood. Morgan was a big lad, his safety VS skinny DJK might not have been a real concern to him..


My point exactly, Ausgirl. I do not think we moved in different circles. I have done that as well...You might invite people home after meeting them at pub, watching cricket together or drinking together but not when they just run after you in the middle of the night in a quite street. In fact intoxicated males are not known for their friendliness, they tend to be involved in brawls etc...
I am not sure what motivated MH to let him in but all I am saying is for a 31 yo male to let any other male into their home, there needs to be a level of familiarity like you said to have had drinks together at the pub, to have had chats somewhere etc...
I know that on a Sat night you end up in people's places but that's when a friend of friend knows that person and they were invited and you tag alone etc... Never off the street... As far as it is reported, DJK did not gate crash a party, he was let in by MH...

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Article 1 by: Chief Court Reporter: AMY DALE
Article 2 by: Janet Fife-Yeomans

Daily Telegraph 16 10 2013.

Article 1:
Oliver Huxley to face the ugly truth of the killing of his brother Morgan

MORGAN Huxley's accused murderer will freely provide DNA to detectives - and his case won't return to court until next year.

The lawyer for Daniel Jack Kelsall, 20, yesterday told Central Local Court the alleged killer had "no opposition" to a forensic procedure order.
George Breton said he had "fully explained" the order and "the ramifications involved."
A buccal [cheek] swab and photographs can now be taken from Kelsall...,

Police allege Kelsall, who lived nearby to Mr Huxley, followed him home from The Oaks pub with the intention of having sex with him.

Court documents allege Kelsall murdered Mr Huxley and stole an undisclosed amount of cash from him between 2.55 and 3.10am.


Just some questions about this:
How does the time line fit with MH's flatemate coming home at 2.50 (or waking up) and the Phone call to Emergency services at .3.01am..
Was JR home when the murder occurred?

Article 2:

HE sat quietly in the back row of the public gallery, flinching only when the name Kelsall was called out.

Wow ... thanks FigTree ... the mind boggles!

DJK murdered and stole cash between 2:55am and 3:10am ... 000 phone call from JR at 3:01am.

Did JR need to hide in fear for her life, but knew all along it was a guy who did this because she heard/saw him? Can't even get my head around what kind of scenario happened with this new info from the court documents!

Did police arrive with the paramedics? Was DJK still in the flat when JR quietly called them?

Or are those the official documented times because the first responders did not arrive till 3:10am? (For some reason I have a vague recollection of it taking 9 mins for the first responders to arrive ... 4 ambulances, I believe ... and what was the reason for that? More than one phone call to 000? Wondering if perhaps JR's boyfriend called too - didn't she phone him somewhere in there?)
Article 1 by: Chief Court Reporter: AMY DALE
Article 2 by: Janet Fife-Yeomans

Daily Telegraph 16 10 2013.

Article 1:
Oliver Huxley to face the ugly truth of the killing of his brother Morgan

MORGAN Huxley's accused murderer will freely provide DNA to detectives - and his case won't return to court until next year.

Did anyone else just watch the video on that link, and then the video after it??? WTF was that??? Someone being funny at the Daily Telegraph?
That was seriously repulsive.
The thing I noticed about the video, after watching it with fresh eyes, is that the street was quiet, detectives can be seen in the background here and there, but one cameraman was allowed to follow the whole trip to the car .. from inside the grounds of the apartment building, out through the gate, right up close to the car, then entering the police parking garage and right into it, right up till the elevator doors closed.

A little mutual cooperation? You print what we want and we'll give you exclusive and up-close access to the arrest?

(ETA: Not sure what video you got after this one Trixie .. I got the update on the Madeleine McCann investigation)
Wow ... thanks FigTree ... the mind boggles!

DJK murdered and stole cash between 2:55am and 3:10am ... 000 phone call from JR at 3:01am.

Did JR need to hide in fear for her life, but knew all along it was a guy who did this because she heard/saw him? Can't even get my head around what kind of scenario happened with this new info from the court documents!

Did police arrive with the paramedics? Was DJK still in the flat when JR quietly called them?

Or are those the official documented times because the first responders did not arrive till 3:10am? (For some reason I have a vague recollection of it taking 9 mins for the first responders to arrive ... 4 ambulances, I believe ... and what was the reason for that? More than one phone call to 000? Wondering if perhaps JR's boyfriend called too - didn't she phone him somewhere in there?)

Interesting alright.
Where was DJK - he said he left at 2.50am / was he still in the flat somewhere? / Was he downstairs in the flat?

And about the Ambulances ... the times then are all over the place again.
If Police court documents say he was killed between 2.55am and 3.10am - then there are other reports isay the 000 was at 3.01am and the ambulances arrived at 3.05am

SMH 11 10 2013
A distressed Redmond called triple-0 at 3.01am. Paramedics arrived four minutes later.
Huxley's injuries caused him to go into a traumatic cardiac arrest and paramedics spent the next 23 minutes trying to revive him.

Just thinking out aloud here...
The thing is when the ambulance arrived MH was alive - he hadn't been murdered at that time.
He went into Cardiac Arrest (would that be classified 'due to his injuries'?)
He actually died between 23-30 minutes after 3.05am - closer to 3.30am.
Its just a technicality, but wouldn't the court documents be deemed as incorrect if they said that the murder took place between 2.55am and 3.10am? That was possibly the 'time of the attack'.

The thing I noticed about the video, after watching it with fresh eyes, is that the street was quiet, detectives can be seen in the background here and there, but one cameraman was allowed to follow the whole trip to the car .. from inside the grounds of the apartment building, out through the gate, right up close to the car, then entering the police parking garage and right into it, right up till the elevator doors closed.

A little mutual cooperation? You print what we want and we'll give you exclusive and up-close access to the arrest?

Yes, it was quite a revealing video. Its not often cameras get anywhere near close to the inside of the arrested persons place - let alone inside the underground car park. Was a bit weird. The whole msm thing has been totally weird. (I will try and keep my thoughts to myself about the way this has been devised *cough* reported ;))

And as for the video that followed it I couldn't go there...:facepalm: :sick:
The thing I noticed about the video, after watching it with fresh eyes, is that the street was quiet, detectives can be seen in the background here and there, but one cameraman was allowed to follow the whole trip to the car .. from inside the grounds of the apartment building, out through the gate, right up close to the car, then entering the police parking garage and right into it, right up till the elevator doors closed.

A little mutual cooperation? You print what we want and we'll give you exclusive and up-close access to the arrest?

I've watched that video a few times now - DJK was escorted out to the street from his residence via this entrance to the units - (first link below - green gate) - The main entrance to the units is a little further down Spruson Street

Side Entrance

Main Entrance

Link to Video
If JR was in the house, while DJK was in there, could the first phone call/message to her boyfriend have occurred to try to discretely alert him to get help straight away for MH, she would have been able to whisper and get him to call 000 for an ambulance and police, rather than call 000 herself and have the operator ask her so many questions plus ask her to speak up and being heard by DJK.
Did the police show up and start searching the area straight away.
Regarding DJK wearing chefs uniform, could he have possibly led his parents to believe he was a chefs apprentice or something a bit more, rather than a dish cleaner. (didn&#8217;t want to disappoint his parents).
I've watched that video a few times now - DJK was escorted out to the street from his residence via this entrance to the units - (link below - green gate) - The main entrance to the units is a little further down Spruson Street

Side Entrance

Main Entrance

Cameraman couldn't have been allowed any closer could he? If he was squished into that pathway inside the green gate as DJK and the detectives walked past.

Some definite cooperation going on there IMO.
If JR was in the house, while DJK was in there, could the first phone call/message to her boyfriend have occurred to try to discretely alert him to get help straight away for MH, she would have been able to whisper and get him to call 000 for an ambulance and police, rather than call 000 herself and have the operator ask her so many questions plus ask her to speak up and being heard by DJK.
Did the police show up and start searching the area straight away.
Regarding DJK wearing chefs uniform, could he have possibly led his parents to believe he was a chefs apprentice or something a bit more, rather than a dish cleaner. (didn&#8217;t want to disappoint his parents).

Could be, moreinfo. Poor JR ... very scary stuff!

Speaking of DJK not disappointing his parents .... I was wondering earlier today if DJK&#8217;s parents spoke to him about the murder &#8211; perhaps after he was initially questioned by police, or perhaps after they saw stains on his satchel, perhaps cuts on his hands, they knew he had been out late that night, didn't come right home after work, perhaps he was acting very nervous &#8211; jumping every time there was a knock at the door.

Perhaps they said &#8216;if you have anything to do with this, or know who did, you should call the police&#8217;. It could have prompted DJK's call, and his info about seeing a girl enter Morgan's flat.

I keep thinking about his father&#8217;s comment about having nothing further to say at this time, but maybe later (or something to that effect).
Hi All,

I have been reading these threads a lot recently as I live very close to where this all took place. I just wanted to extend a thank-you because somehow reading all of what you have written has somehow assisted me feeling safer in my home. You never think that something so horrific would ever occur in your neighbourhood and the emotional implications which result despite not knowing the victim.

:wagon: Crazy World! :welcome:

I agree.. Reading cases on WS... Especially those close in location to us... Creates a heightened awareness of our safety... Doesn't it?

Just trying to figure this out - when did they actually seize DJK's satchel and glasses?. Was it after he contacted them to say he'd been with MH?

BBM - October 15, 2013

"Homicide detectives interviewed Mr Kelsall at North Sydney police station about two weeks after Mr Huxley's death, later seizing his satchel and glasses for forensic testing.

Mr Deverall said that Mr Kelsall had to wear prescription sunglasses inside for the next two weeks because his glasses had been seized."

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