GUILTY Australia - Morgan Huxley, 31, stabbed to death, Neutral Bay, NSW, 8 Sept 2013 #3

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves

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SMH 13 10 2013
Morgan Huxley's brother in court with alleged killer
Oliver Huxley sat quietly at the back of a court room as his brother’s alleged killer complied with a police request to take a sample of his DNA.
The 20-year-old has not entered a plea to one count each of murder and larceny.
The court heard Mr Kelsall had ‘‘no opposition’’ to a ‘‘forensic procedure’’ in which police would take swabs of his DNA, and also take some photographs of him.

I think that the police want everyone to know that they have never suggested that (very careful and accurate wording on their part) as they have no current proof of who was part of the sexual activity shortly before Morgan was stabbed 28 times.

I guess only time, and DNA, will tell.

Would it be correct to presume that there would be a barrage of DNA evidence placing DK at the scene if any sexual activity whatsoever took place, consensual or not, prior to the murder, which they have arrested him for, (according to MSM) due to MH's blood on DK's glasses/satchel? Is it ok to say this?
Or.. maybe there was no sex involved on Morgan's behalf..

LB, sorry, I misread your post, I think, I didn't the see the part where they needed a court order.

Took their time, though, didn't they? It's been weeks since they ID'd him as a suspect.

Yes Aus girl, now that I think about it, if they had found DNA evidence at the scene that placed a 2nd male at the crime scene, I wonder whether they would have been so forthcoming with the evidence of it being a sexual crime?

Or maybe this was all part of the plan to flush out the true killer, and if it was, it obviously worked effectively, as DK voluntarily told LE he was in MHs room for sex.

But this seemed like a total bolt out of the blue not just for us/MSM but LE also? And only after his confession about being there did they start to see him as the prime suspect, which was (correct me if this is wrong!) only two weeks prior to his arrest??
And...doesn't DKs confession to LE indicate that he was <modsnip> himself about (sexual) DNA evidence of his own at the crime scene, and a certain guile re: "I left, and then saw a woman enter." Not the words of a dim wit IMHO.
Good points, Trixie.

I'm certainly holding no judgements about whatever Morgan liked to do for fun.. I really couldn't care less. Just - I can't dive into the assumption he was after mm sex, without more info. Which I think is important (though I see why others don't) as Morgan may not have participated willingly - or even consciously - if DJK did indeed leave sperm at the scene somewhere. Which might speak to the level of premeditation of intent for following Morgan home that night.. iyswim.

I do think DJK was crapping bricks.. but why? I dunno. Could be a few reasons - including his sperm at the scene. There was sure a lot of pressure on him, with msm reporting regularly that the cops were narrowing on suspects.. I think the CCTV was probably a factor. I'm betting he was first interviewed because of that...

Things I wanna know! :

- What the tox report said.
- What the autopsy report said.
- Whether DJK was in the alley before or after passing Vinnies..
- The truth? LOL

Damn slow Australian court system...
And...doesn't DKs confession to LE indicate that he was <modsnip> himself about (sexual) DNA evidence of his own at the crime scene, and a certain guile re: "I left, and then saw a woman enter." Not the words of a dim wit IMHO.

I'd go to the other end of the cricket pitch and say that all the media hype about another woman being the killer of MH did perhaps flush DJK out.

He was proud and gay, I think is the expression.
I'd go to the other end of the cricket pitch and say that all the media hype about another woman being the killer of MH did perhaps flush DJK out.

He was proud and gay, I think is the expression.

He wanted recognition. If they keep treating him like someone who could never have known Morgan he may just tell all just to give himself some status IMO.
DK went to police and told them he engaged in consentual activity with MH that night. What if that contradicted the evidence police had so far gathered? Maybe this is why they are reiterating that they do not accept his version of events.

As I mentioned previously I think DK went to police because he was upset by the media reports and police direction with the investigation.
DK went to police and told them he engaged in consentual activity with MH that night. What if that contradicted the evidence police had so far gathered? Maybe this is why they are reiterating that they do not accept his version of events.

As I mentioned previously I think DK went to police because he was upset by the media reports and police direction with the investigation.

Good point! Because how often do the police say that they're not accepting the version of events offered? I mean I'm sure they think it and say it amongst themselves, but to the media???
Fairfax Media reported on Tuesday that just hours after Mr Huxley was stabbed to death, Mr Kelsall returned to work and told colleagues he was shocked and "scared to walk home".

Read more:

^ There's one outright lie. So DJK isn't totally incapable of BS....

Or maybe he does speak the truth - just how and when it helps him out, eh.
And...doesn't DKs confession to LE indicate that he was <modsnip> himself about (sexual) DNA evidence of his own at the crime scene, and a certain guile re: "I left, and then saw a woman enter." Not the words of a dim wit IMHO.

I agree - as cunning as a fox imo.
Hi All,

I have been reading these threads a lot recently as I live very close to where this all took place. I just wanted to extend a thank-you because somehow reading all of what you have written has somehow assisted me feeling safer in my home. You never think that something so horrific would ever occur in your neighbourhood and the emotional implications which result despite not knowing the victim.
We have the murder of Kylie Blackwood in her own home, down here in Vic presently... talk about not feeling safe... I really hear ya, there, Crazy World. Oh, and :welcome: to WS!

dcohenist - I dunno, maybe we move in way different circles or something, but up until my early 30's (then I became a mum and everything changed!! LOL!) I was still out partying a couple nights a week, and my partner and I would for sure invite people over from the pub after closing, etc, mainly if we knew them to look at -- it gives a false sense of security, that. So I can't discount it, you know? Some folks are just that friendly, especially after a few pints. And especially if they feel at home and safe in their neighbourhood. Morgan was a big lad, his safety VS skinny DJK might not have been a real concern to him..

Hi All,

I have been reading these threads a lot recently as I live very close to where this all took place. I just wanted to extend a thank-you because somehow reading all of what you have written has somehow assisted me feeling safer in my home. You never think that something so horrific would ever occur in your neighbourhood and the emotional implications which result despite not knowing the victim.


Great username - so true!

I know what you mean. For me, it was Jill Meagher, that was very close to where I live. And I'm the same age as she was and would have walked home under exactly the same circumstances as she did. I couldn't get my head around that. Reading the posts here helped me when people in my real life just thought I was over thinking it. Hope you stick around.
Hi All,

I have been reading these threads a lot recently as I live very close to where this all took place. I just wanted to extend a thank-you because somehow reading all of what you have written has somehow assisted me feeling safer in my home. You never think that something so horrific would ever occur in your neighbourhood and the emotional implications which result despite not knowing the victim.

:fireworks: Welcome Crazy World!!!

Wonderful to have another local on board - and hopefully this forum continues to help you.:seeya:
I'm going from memory of what I've learnt doing psychology so this is as good as my memory (i.e. pretty dodgy). Someone with Schizoaffective disorder has met psychotic symptom criteria for schizophrenia and either unipolar depression or bipolar disorder. But the symptoms of schizophrenia have to occur for a period of time without co-occurring mood symptoms, and the mood symptoms have to occur with symptoms of schizophrenia.

So a person with Schizoaffective, bipolar type, would sometimes have symptoms of schizophrenia only, sometimes have a manic episode on top of schizophrenia symptoms, and sometimes have a depressive episode on top of schizophrenia symptoms. Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type, has no manic episodes.

Um, not sure what my point is other than it's a complicated diagnosis as you can imagine. It requires multiple episodes to work out whether it is a mood disorder with psychotic features, schizoaffective, or schizophrenia. I doubt even his psychiatrist knows what he has at age 20, let alone us here on WS. But it's interesting to wonder, that's for sure.

You have a great memory, Brightbird!! I just got out my DSM-IV to double check (as my memory is nowhere near as lucid since having children - what is with that?!!) and what you've said was a very clear description of Schizoaffective Disorder.

It does also say that whilst onset is typically in early adulthood, it can occur from adolescence. So he could have been diagnosed. But yes, it's such a complex diagnostic category!! I'd love to know about his psychiatric history - from his psychiatrist, rather than from DJK's mouth (and confused mind).
Wow - I don't check WS for 4 days and it takes me the next 2 days to read all of the 43 pages of discussion that I have missed! You guys are busy sleuthers!!!

As few points in random order that I thought as I read through the 43 page novel....

- DJK being a liar was based on lying about work, which turned out to be the truth. I don't believe the owners story about the police otherwise he wouldn't have said anything, denying he worked there is still talking about him. I think it's my original explanation in that he was a cash in hand employee and the boss was worried about the authorities


- I think the theories about DJK wanting payment for "services" could be spot on

- I disagree that DJK couldn't over power MH. To me MH looked a bit out of shape in some photo's and DJK at 77kg is well within a healthy BMI for his height.

- 20 pages back a lot was made of the beautiful girls and many cars that MH has. I don't remember seeing any evidence he even owned 1 car, just that he is into cars and had a lambo at the funeral (hired I would imagine). The girls we have seen are pretty normal looking girls in my opinion, especially if you take out the one photo shopped model shot. Not that being surrounded by, or being friends with, beautiful girls means you're either straight or gay.

- I agree with the comments that JR was probably home and/or got home at a similar time to DJK leaving and LE told MSM to say she was awoken so that he didn't feel threatened that she might have seen him

- I don't think LE had a clue about who had done it until DJK called them, saying they interviewed and flagged for follow up, is just their way of covering their backs

- As in all murder cases I see absolutely no relevance of DJK mental state. I believe everyone who kills has something not quite right so to me it's irrelevant and they should get the same prison sentence as they deserve (not special hospital treatment)

All MOO and thanks again for the great work over the past few days
Wow - I don't check WS for 4 days and it takes me the next 2 days to read all of the 43 pages of discussion that I have missed! You guys are busy sleuthers!!!

As few points in random order that I thought as I read through the 43 page novel....

- DJK being a liar was based on lying about work, which turned out to be the truth. I don't believe the owners story about the police otherwise he wouldn't have said anything, denying he worked there is still talking about him. I think it's my original explanation in that he was a cash in hand employee and the boss was worried about the authorities


- I disagree that DJK couldn't over power MH. To me MH looked a bit out of shape in some photo's and DJK at 77kg is well within a healthy BMI for his height.

- 20 pages back a lot was made of the beautiful girls and many cars that MH has. I don't remember seeing any evidence he even owned 1 car, just that he is into cars and had a lambo at the funeral (hired I would imagine). The girls we have seen are pretty normal looking girls in my opinion, especially if you take out the one photo shopped model shot. Not that being surrounded by, or being friends with, beautiful girls means you're either straight or gay.

- I agree with the comments that JR was probably home and/or got home at a similar time to DJK leaving and LE told MSM to say she was awoken so that he didn't feel threatened that she might have seen him

- I don't think LE had a clue about who had done it until DJK called them, saying they interviewed and flagged for follow up, is just their way of covering their backs

- As in all murder cases I see absolutely no relevance of DJK mental state. I believe everyone who kills has something not quite right so to me it's irrelevant and they should get the same prison sentence as they deserve (not special hospital treatment)

All MOO and thanks again for the great work over the past few days

Well, you and I think very similarly on this matter SheepMan ... and the police do sound to me like they are saying "oh yeah, we were onto DJK, just hadn't got back to talking to him again yet" :waitasec: And I guess that is their admission that perhaps they had their sights initially set on others (as we did). Probably everyone who they showed DJK's picture to said 'oh he's harmless, we see him reading in our cafes all the time, yeah he walks home down Watson St'.

If they were onto him in any serious manner, I think they would have quickly gained a search warrant for DJK's room/belongings - and would have discovered Morgan's blood on DJK's belongings. And could they not have gained a warrant for DJK's DNA also, if it wasn't voluntarily provided earlier? Did they ask for it earlier? DJK was the last person seen with Morgan - that alone should be just cause, shouldn't it? (Not sure of the laws in this regard.)

Maybe now the police don't believe a word DJK told them when they first questioned him ... because other than DJK's phone call to them, and as far as we've heard, DJK hasn't been talking to them since. And they certainly believed something of DJK's story on the phone, because they followed up after his phone call with the correct actions.

I am NOT slamming the police here, they have got the alleged killer now and they have a tough job to do every day of the week .. I just think they were on another track because Morgan was apparently such a ladies man, and they accepted that at face value, as we did/do (depending on individual opinions).
Yep agree, Sheepie (maaaaaaaaaaate :)) .. except not sure if it was 'payment' he was after more likely appreciation, to be closer to MH, recognised etc .. I really think this crime was about rejection myself ..

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