Australia AUSTRALIA - Perth missing/murdered SK victims

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I don't suppose you have any way of finding out if the yellow panel van was sold by Peter Natoli to someone who lived in Bunbury? Or if that could be determined from the registration details, if you still have them?

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No, I can't remember the rego. Whoever bought it off Peter Natoli's widow was using it at the Canning Show. He had a stall selling stuff if I remember rightly. It would be interesting to know if there was a fair, show, or carnival in Collie at the time of Lisa Mott's abduction and same with the Mandurah one. I knew a lady that used to go from show to show selling stuff and she reckoned there was a lot of regulars that did same.

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Yes that were the two, and yes you can repost it here. Go to the post in question, click edit when the quoted Post comes up. Copy it from quot to /quote. Exit out then create a reply here and paste it.

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Thank you very much for those instructions. I think I'll just put it in a separate post because the bit I want to copy is extremely long.

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This is the comment that intrigued me on Missing & Murdered.

"I was picked up by a yellow panel van hitchhiking just outside of Mandurah on 5 October 1980. I was 19 at the time. The guy called himself 'Dave'. It was an horrific trip and I never hitchhiked again. He drove me around and made extremely disturbing threats. I eventually got away by tricking him and hailed down a car on Rockingham Rd, just south of Naval Base. The concerned Scottish male driving a dark coloured Citroen, drove me to my mother's house in Claremont, where she talked me out of reporting it (if that driver ever reads this, please come forward and give evidence to police).
Less than a month on 30 October 1980 Lisa Mott went missing. I contacted Police immediately, but they said 'Mandurah's a long way from Collie!' and weren't interested. I did not have a registration number and no crime had been committed (only threats).
Years later I recognised the 'Dave' who picked me up as David Birnie after his arrest and photos in the news. I have also informed the police of this.
I'm only bothering to write all this because of the comment above regarding Wittnoom St, Bunbury. I always thought that the key to this is locating the owner of that yellow panel van. Maybe there is a link there because 'Dave' told me back in 1980 that the yellow panelvan he was driving BELONGED TO A MATE IN BUNBURY, who let him use it.
I recall the van distinctly. The yellow paint was a bit faded and discoloured. It had two doors on the back that opened out and an L-shaped handle. No windows in the sides. The interior was filthy dirty with bench seat in front (torn black upholstery), curtain separating front and rear, even a bong and a hunting knife in ornate leather sleeve in glovebox. In back was a mattress, tool boxes, a shovel and heavy metal chains. I think I read somewhere David Birnie worked as a crane driver in Collie, so this would fit, but it looks like it might have been his mate's yellow panelvan that he drove to work and used to run up and down to Perth.
At the time he picked me up, he was actually heading back down to Bunbury from Perth. I later realised, he'd made a U-turn after he passed me and came back to pick me up (I was headed to Perth). He said he'd come up to watch 'Bathhurst' (Bathurst 1000 car race) at another mate's place in, wait for it, Willagee. Of course, Birnie is dead now, but based on what I know, I would certainly be looking at him as a suspect in Lisa Mott's disappearance. My heart goes out to her mother whom I'm sure would give anything to know what happened to her daughter. How can anyone ever be 100% certain, but I strongly suspect Birnie did take her.
People might be interested to also know that another teenager went missing shortly before all of this - Annette Deveral aged 16 (although elsewhere its reported Annette Deverell aged 19) who disappeared from the Mandurah Post Office on 13 September 1980, and whose body was found in bushland east of Pinjarra less than 2 years later. I read about the case in 2012 when it was reopened by police after they learned she had been seen in a panel van on the night she vanished. Its a shame they didn't put more stock in my 1980 report of a close shave with a guy in a panel van just outside of Mandurah. I can only think they had a hunch Annette was a runaway. I do wish the police would not run on hunches but remain strictly evidence based and do the groundwork. Of course that demands funding and education, and that's another discussion in itself.
Any else got any more info on Wittnoom St, Witnoom St or could it be Wittenoom St, Bunbury? I doubt the police will set aside resources to look into this further, as their suspect is deceased (though Catherine is still alive, this was many years before he got together with her and they together committed the horrific crimes leading to their arrest and imprisonment.) But if David Birnie WAS renovating a house for a mate in Bunbury back in 1980, did this guy own a yellow panelvan, and if he did, did he let David Birnie drive it? Anyone?"

There is also another comment further up that mentions David Birnie and a house in Witenoom St.

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This is the comment that intrigued me on Missing & Murdered.

"I was picked up by a yellow panel van hitchhiking just outside of Mandurah on 5 October 1980. I was 19 at the time. The guy called himself 'Dave'. It was an horrific trip and I never hitchhiked again. He drove me around and made extremely disturbing threats. I eventually got away by tricking him and hailed down a car on Rockingham Rd, just south of Naval Base. The concerned Scottish male driving a dark coloured Citroen, drove me to my mother's house in Claremont, where she talked me out of reporting it (if that driver ever reads this, please come forward and give evidence to police).
Less than a month on 30 October 1980 Lisa Mott went missing. I contacted Police immediately, but they said 'Mandurah's a long way from Collie!' and weren't interested. I did not have a registration number and no crime had been committed (only threats).
Years later I recognised the 'Dave' who picked me up as David Birnie after his arrest and photos in the news. I have also informed the police of this.
I'm only bothering to write all this because of the comment above regarding Wittnoom St, Bunbury. I always thought that the key to this is locating the owner of that yellow panel van. Maybe there is a link there because 'Dave' told me back in 1980 that the yellow panelvan he was driving BELONGED TO A MATE IN BUNBURY, who let him use it.
I recall the van distinctly. The yellow paint was a bit faded and discoloured. It had two doors on the back that opened out and an L-shaped handle. No windows in the sides. The interior was filthy dirty with bench seat in front (torn black upholstery), curtain separating front and rear, even a bong and a hunting knife in ornate leather sleeve in glovebox. In back was a mattress, tool boxes, a shovel and heavy metal chains. I think I read somewhere David Birnie worked as a crane driver in Collie, so this would fit, but it looks like it might have been his mate's yellow panelvan that he drove to work and used to run up and down to Perth.
At the time he picked me up, he was actually heading back down to Bunbury from Perth. I later realised, he'd made a U-turn after he passed me and came back to pick me up (I was headed to Perth). He said he'd come up to watch 'Bathhurst' (Bathurst 1000 car race) at another mate's place in, wait for it, Willagee. Of course, Birnie is dead now, but based on what I know, I would certainly be looking at him as a suspect in Lisa Mott's disappearance. My heart goes out to her mother whom I'm sure would give anything to know what happened to her daughter. How can anyone ever be 100% certain, but I strongly suspect Birnie did take her.
People might be interested to also know that another teenager went missing shortly before all of this - Annette Deveral aged 16 (although elsewhere its reported Annette Deverell aged 19) who disappeared from the Mandurah Post Office on 13 September 1980, and whose body was found in bushland east of Pinjarra less than 2 years later. I read about the case in 2012 when it was reopened by police after they learned she had been seen in a panel van on the night she vanished. Its a shame they didn't put more stock in my 1980 report of a close shave with a guy in a panel van just outside of Mandurah. I can only think they had a hunch Annette was a runaway. I do wish the police would not run on hunches but remain strictly evidence based and do the groundwork. Of course that demands funding and education, and that's another discussion in itself.
Any else got any more info on Wittnoom St, Witnoom St or could it be Wittenoom St, Bunbury? I doubt the police will set aside resources to look into this further, as their suspect is deceased (though Catherine is still alive, this was many years before he got together with her and they together committed the horrific crimes leading to their arrest and imprisonment.) But if David Birnie WAS renovating a house for a mate in Bunbury back in 1980, did this guy own a yellow panelvan, and if he did, did he let David Birnie drive it? Anyone?"

There is also another comment further up that mentions David Birnie and a house in Witenoom St.

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Thanks. That rules out the car being a Holden or a Ford before the XA model as Holden's and early Fords, like my dad's had horizontal doors, not vertical one's as described. Only the Ford's XA, XB, XC, XD and XW model panel vans had two vertical doors. XB models had a subdued cream yellow colour option. My 1St girlfriend's ex had a XB station wagon in that colour. It wasn't a bright yellow, and could be mistaken for a faded yellow I suppose.

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Thanks. That rules out the car being a Holden or a Ford before the XA model as Holden's and early Fords, like my dad's had horizontal doors, not vertical one's as described. Only the Ford's XA, XB, XC, XD and XW model panel vans had two vertical doors. XB models had a subdued cream yellow colour option. My 1St girlfriend's ex had a XB station wagon in that colour. It wasn't a bright yellow, and could be mistaken for a faded yellow I suppose.

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Wow! That's some detail you have on the panel vans there. Impressive. But at least we know your family's car probably didn't end up in David Birnie's hands.

That comment on M & M strongly indicates to me that David Birnie was the one who took Lisa Mott (Annette Deverell I think is a bit harder to say, but still likely). I think it is truthful, from the way it is written and the information it includes (such as ringing the police and encouraging the person who picked them up afterward to come forward). There's another comment by the same person later on (it's clearly the same person as they are responding to a comment about the race that was on that day).

I know in Murder Uncovered his wife said it couldn't have been him because he was home all day, but I'm inclined to see her as unreliable. No disrespect to her, but she could be confusing days given how long ago it was and he clearly hid (or she was oblivious to) a lot of his character and behaviour so he could well have managed to hide this.

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Wow! That's some detail you have on the panel vans there. Impressive. But at least we know your family's car probably didn't end up in David Birnie's hands.

That comment on M & M strongly indicates to me that David Birnie was the one who took Lisa Mott (Annette Deverell I think is a bit harder to say, but still likely). I think it is truthful, from the way it is written and the information it includes (such as ringing the police and encouraging the person who picked them up afterward to come forward). There's another comment by the same person later on (it's clearly the same person as they are responding to a comment about the race that was on that day).

I know in Murder Uncovered his wife said it couldn't have been him because he was home all day, but I'm inclined to see her as unreliable. No disrespect to her, but she could be confusing days given how long ago it was and he clearly hid (or she was oblivious to) a lot of his character and behaviour so he could well have managed to hide this.

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Note that this was an anonymous comment on a site so may or may not be true.
Note that this was an anonymous comment on a site so may or may not be true.

Agree. My personal opinion is that it's truthful, but obviously that is only my opinion.

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Some interesting thoughts quoted about a Psychiatrist's opinion on Vernon Silich, who murdered his parents>

Page 18 in Sydney Morning Herald, Friday, December 30, 2016:

Bob Silich, his father, was a retired WA Police Officer, who had worked on some famous cases, such as the 1970's Leopold Minerals Nickel salting case that directly lead via the Senator Rae Committee hearings to the establishment of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
List of Rae Committee articles, contained within are TAGs of some of the personalities involved and thus lead you to further articles which would be tagged with other personalities which can lead you further into various other cases of interest to this WS thread>

Attached below PDF's within which Bob Silich's career with WA Police is described
They're big documents, therefore you can search "Silich" or "Company Fraud Squad" to get the relevant pages up.

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I note that whilst Inspector Silich says that he took an early retirement package in evidence to the Royal Commission in the PDF above, the article below says that he was fired for corruption.

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Julie Cutler was living in Victoria Park prior to her disappearance. Another female went missing from Shepperton Road East Victoria Park around the same time.

Julie Cutler was raised in the Western Suburbs and had attended Iona (where other victims of CSK had attended - with the exception of Jane Rimmer).

Julie Cutler was linked to the CSK case because she went to uni with Lance Williams.

The Police never properly investigated her disappearance and erroneously believed for years that Lance Williams was the CSK.
Thank you.

I have kept up with most of the threads over the years but sometimes it is hard to keep track of all the information.

I did read about Vernon Silich, but IIRC in the context of him being a CSK suspect (or maybe I have that confused). My personal opinion is that Julie Cutler's death was distinct from the CSK so I am very interested in alternatives.

One of the things I find difficult about sleuthing these situations is that there are likely other crimes that potentially link, but that haven't been reported in the press. Like the Huntingdale one in the CSK matter that may be. Unless they are particularly violent there's usually little said (and even if something was said it is hard to find them after all this time). I think "Dorothy" is a likely possibly connection.

I like where you're going with the Leopold fraud case. There's logic and a neatness about it.

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What is the logic and neatness in respect to Julie Cutler & the Leopold Fraud case?

Also, in respect to “death” her body was never found. avoid conviction and torment another victim
By Liz Little
60 Minutes Digital Producer
8:58pm Apr 8, 2018

‘The Australian hitchhiker killer responsible for the murder of Hayley Dodd and atrocious crimes against another woman should – and could – have been convicted years ago had it not been for police inaction and a shocking oversight.

On 60 Minutes, reporter Ross Coulthart spoke exclusively to Andrea – a victim of evil predator Frank Wark, who believes she would have avoided her horrific ordeal had WA police properly investigated Wark’s crimes.’

Click on headline (above) for more.
Julie Cutler was living in Victoria Park prior to her disappearance. Another female went missing from Shepperton Road East Victoria Park around the same time.

Julie Cutler was raised in the Western Suburbs and had attended Iona (where other victims of CSK had attended - with the exception of Jane Rimmer).

Julie Cutler was linked to the CSK case because she went to uni with Lance Williams.

The Police never properly investigated her disappearance and erroneously believed for years that Lance Williams was the CSK.

Hi Popsyflower welcome .
Everyone else seems to say she lived in fremantle so could you please confirm how you know this ?
This would be news that has not been mentioned before (afaik).

"Julie Cutler was living in Victoria Park prior to her disappearance.
Another female went missing from Shepperton Road East Victoria Park around the same time."

Do you mean Kerry Turner, ~ 3 yrs after Julie ?
Julie Cutler was living in Victoria Park prior to her disappearance. Another female went missing from Shepperton Road East Victoria Park around the same time.

Julie Cutler was raised in the Western Suburbs and had attended Iona (where other victims of CSK had attended - with the exception of Jane Rimmer).

Julie Cutler was linked to the CSK case because she went to uni with Lance Williams.

The Police never properly investigated her disappearance and erroneously believed for years that Lance Williams was the CSK.

Hi Popsyflower and welcome.

I would agree that perhaps Julie's disappearance wasn't investigated as a missing person to the extent that it should have been. Her disappearance was only reported locally and was not taken up in any of the national newspapers until years later.

I would disagree that Lance Williams being a suspect was the reason. Lance wasn't considered a suspect of the CSK until 10 years after Julie's disappearance. I am guessing the missing person cases were only connected because Julie Cutler spent 6 months doing the same course at the same time as Julie.

I am guessing police might have considered it suicide or choosing to be missing particularly with the mysterious phone call received indicating it was from Julie after she went missing.
Can anyone find out what was Leopold Minerals address was in Perth in the 1970's? I want to know if Leopold's office was anywhere near the Paragon Arcade, which became Centreways Arcade in the 1980's and is now called 160 Central?

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It became Kitchener Mining in 1976. That may help you in your address search.
Found the address. The office was in Kings Park Rd, West Perth.$file/gg047.pdf

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Julie Cutler was living in Victoria Park prior to her disappearance. Another female went missing from Shepperton Road East Victoria Park around the same time.

Julie Cutler was raised in the Western Suburbs and had attended Iona (where other victims of CSK had attended - with the exception of Jane Rimmer).

Julie Cutler was linked to the CSK case because she went to uni with Lance Williams.

The Police never properly investigated her disappearance and erroneously believed for years that Lance Williams was the CSK.

University graduate Julie Leanne Cutler had been living overseas before she returned to Western Australia and moved in with a friend who lived in Fremantle, south of Perth.

The 22-year-old former theatre student at the West Australian Institute of Technology, now Curtin University, had found work at the Parmelia Hilton Hotel in Perth’s CBD.

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